“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing (lying) spirits, and doctrines of devils.” 1 Timothy 4:1.
A new religion is sweeping the globe and is wreaking havoc on the spirituality of our churches. People who abandon the faith, according to God’s word, will still believe. People will put their trust in something. If it isn’t Jesus or His gospel, they will believe in “seducing spirits,” or false devils, as the Bible describes them. According to prophecy, the gospel of Christ will be substituted in the last days with devilish doctrines that are all founded on lies. This accurately describes what is going on “in the latter days.” It also refers to the new blasphemous religion of Covid. It’s a new religion that is being preached in every church.
At a December 31, 2021, Catholic Mass, Catholic Priest Nelson Ferreira de Campos from the São João Paulo II Parish in Hortolândia, Brazil, exemplified the new Covid religion by carrying face masks during a worship service in honor of the Covid gods. People are abandoning true biblical faith and placing their confidence in whatever the new Covid religion mandates. They tell us that they will save the world if we lock people up in their homes, close churches, change the economy, wear masks, and take vaccines that aren’t working. And if we don’t follow the new Covid religion’s instructions, the world is going to end and we will all perish!
The chief minister of the Covid religion is Dr. Fauci. He gives almost daily sermons from their Holy Book of Vaccinations. This is a religion because they demand that you accept by faith everything they are telling you to do, even though all the data show otherwise. All the facts say that the vaccinated are getting Covid just as rapidly as the non-vaccinated. But, that doesn’t matter. If the High Priest of Covid says to do it, then do it or else! The churches have replaced Jesus with a new High Priest who commands them to put on their masks, maintain social distancing, limit how many people they allow into their homes and churches, get the vaccine, get the second vaccine, and get the third booster, because all of this is going to end the pandemic. All the facts say this isn’t stopping Covid. The truth shows that the vaccinated are getting sick.
The Apostles of Covid tell us, “There is a miracle cure that has been given to us by God. It is quick and easy. Get the shot and Covid will die.” These men tell us to forget about our obesity, diabetes, heart disease, diet and exercise, making lifestyle changes, and forget about our health problems. Take the shot and everything is going to be okay.
We are the most unhealthy and overweight generation this world has ever known. This brings a lot of health problems that Covid will exploit. Laziness and gluttony are sins (Matthew 25:26; Deuteronomy 21:20). If we ignore these real health pandemics, we are ignoring sin, and the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). If we ignore diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other underlying medical conditions, this alone will increase the severity and death rate brought about by COVID-19. If these biblical sins are not addressed, Covid will continue to bring about nightmare scenarios for millions of people. But for God’s sake, tell people truth! Quit lying. Truth is biblical, and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).
The truth is being ignored by all churches today, including Seventh-day Adventists. The masses are being fed falsehoods by Covid‘s religion. We have substituted God and His truth, as well as His health message, with non-truthful messages. If we continue to fall spiritually and if we do not begin to base our faith on truth rather than lies, the following prophecy will be fulfilled in us:
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing (lying) spirits, and doctrines of devils.” 1 Timothy 4:1.
It is clear what is going on today when Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister of Covid, says that individuals who refuse to get the vaccination are racists and misogynists. [1] Why can’t we see it? Why can’t our “religious liberty” leaders recognize what’s going on? They’ve got their heads so deep in the sand that they can’t see what’s right in front of them. Hatred, terror, and the demonization of our neighbors and family are being propagated by the new Covid religion. The doctrines of devils have replaced faith in God and love for our neighbors. As society is being invaded by fear, hate, and division, the new Covid religion is deceiving and manipulating the populace.
And tragically, even Seventh-day Adventists and members of other churches are going out and evangelizing for the Covid religion of the New World Order. We host vaccine evangelistic campaigns. We are putting brother against brother, fathers against mothers, and members against members for our own destruction. We are preaching the Covid gospel and repeating the lies that say, “It’s the unvaccinated that are causing all this! Punish them, destroy them, because if they would only get the vaccine, we could rid the world of the cursed Covid pandemic.” That’s a lie. The facts don’t support it. The truth doesn’t prove it.
The truth is that anyone can get Covid. Anyone refers to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. We need to stop spreading lies, stop fanning the flames of hatred and division, stop vilifying individuals and stop attempting to destroy people and their livelihoods. Those who promote the Covid religion, regardless of whose church they attend, are the children of the devil, according to Scripture:
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44.
Much truth in this article!
Modern Medicine is as a religion according to Robert Mendelsohn,
author of the book Confessions of a Medical Heretic.
Good insights
The Lord help all peoples across the lands to great spiritual awakening by His grace and mercies… Amen
A “vaccine” that does not protect your from getting or passing the virus is not a vaccine. Whatever they are injecting does neither.
COVID is not real! The tests are not accurate. People are dying because of other complications or pneumonia. This is cold and flu season. Also the vaccinated are getting sick from the vaccine. Whatever happened to the real name of this fake virus. COVID means certificate of vaccination ID. Its name in the beginning was Corona virus..Once the 5G is turned on which it has been in some places already a lot more people are going to start getting very sick and dying especially the ones that have been vaccinated. We need to be very careful about the places we go into that may have 5G if we start feeling sick when we’re in the stores we need to get out.