“In His providence the Lord has drawn many to the sanitarium, that they may become acquainted with the truth and be converted, and then carry away with them the evidence of the miraculous power of God on body and soul. This has stirred the ire of Satan. It does not please him that it should be shown that God is working to magnify the truth. It was God’s purpose that the missionaries, teachers, and physicians in the sanitarium should become acquainted with the third angel’s message, which embraces so much. Angels of God were to be your strength in the work that was to be done.” (Letter 206, 1899).
Not anymore. The health work of Seventh-day Adventists has lost its mission. We have abandoned our divine commission to bring the world to Christ, His gospel, and His kingdom (Matthew 28:19-20). The most important responsibility of the church and its organizations is to bring people to salvation by sharing the gospel with them within the framework of the Three Angels’ Messages. That was the purpose for which God began the health work in the first place, to serve as the right arm of this important mandate. No mission is more honorable or sacred. We must proclaim the final work of Christ’s atonement to the world.
Today, AdventHealth, a major Seventh-day Adventist non-profit healthcare system, is partnering with the world to fulfill a new mission. They recently completed a 130,000 square foot, $70 million building project in the sports and entertainment industries. On August 31, 2022, Spectrum News (Channel 13) in Orlando, FL reported the following:
“The Orlando Magic and AdventHealth have opened the $70 million AdventHealth Training Center in downtown Orlando, a state-of-the-art facility that will serve as the team’s new training site and a sports medicine hub for Central Florida.” [1]
This has absolutely nothing to do with the end-time work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This has nothing to do with the Third Angel’s Message, God, salvation, medical missionary work, or the present truth. This brand-new sports medicine center and training facility, worth $70 million, has nothing to do with transforming lives, sharing the gospel, or getting people ready for heaven. This is a lucrative $70 million resort, spa, and playground designed to get “elite” NBA players ready for competition in games that frequently take place during the Sabbath.

A picture of the inside of the $70 million resort/health facility for millionaire “elite” NBA players.
The news report continues:
“The 130,000-square-foot center is one block from the Amway Center on a nearly 4-acre site at South Division Avenue and West Central Boulevard. The Magic portion of the facility features two full-sized basketball courts, an elevated balcony that overlooks them, a large team “family room,” a full kitchen complete with enhanced nutrition offerings, an expansive player locker room and top training and recovery technology such as altitude chamber and hydrotherapy equipment. The inside of the building is equipped with Violet Defense, an ultraviolet disinfection technology. AdventHealth’s medical hub section of the facility measures 33,000 square feet and focuses on whole-person health and sports science for elite athletes and the broader community. Services will include orthopedics, primary care, sports medicine, imaging, rehabilitation and sports performance. Patients will also have access to AdventHealth’s network of sports-trained gastroenterologists, cardiologists, and sleep, psychology and nutrition experts.” [1]
This is a 130,000-square-foot, $70 million sports center. The White House, where the President lives, is only 54,000 square feet. And why is this Seventh-day Adventist partnership with the Orlando Magic even using the name “Advent?” There is nothing about this new facility remotely connected to the Advent of Jesus. They are not warning the people or the players about the Second Advent. They are not proclaiming the Advent Message. That should be the only reason for using the name “Advent,” to tell people that Jesus is coming again.
“From all our institutions of learning, from our publishing houses, from our sanitariums, the message is to be proclaimed. The people of God everywhere are to be aroused to cooperate in the great, grand work represented by the first, second, and third angel’s messages. This last warning to the inhabitants of the earth is to make men see the importance God attaches to his holy law. So plainly is the truth to be presented, that no transgressor, hearing it, shall fail to discern the importance of obedience to the Sabbath commandment” (Review and Herald, March 26, 1908).
All of our institutions, including the medical field, are commanded by God to deliver the final warning to the world. According to what we are told, the “Sabbath” must be clearly present for any transgressor to understand its significance. Sadly, AdventHealth is supporting sporting events on the Sabbath day. As a result, we are failing at the fundamental purpose for which our institutions were created in the first place. The article ends by saying:
“The Magic and AdventHealth awarded $17 million worth of design and construction contracts to 33 local minority and women-owned business enterprises for the project, about 32% of the awarded opportunities.” [1]
We are giving minority and women-owned businesses in the area construction contracts. Okay, so this partnership with the Orlando Magic is perfectly acceptable as long as these construction contracts are being given to some minorities. What about the numerous homeless individuals who reside near the Amway Center? The new 130,000 square foot, $70 million facility will reportedly be situated in the center of the homeless community (around the Amway Center). What steps, if any, will be taken to assist those who are most in need? Not one word about feeding the hungry. There was no word about clothing for the homeless. There’s no news about free medical care for the disadvantaged. But we have plenty of money to rub shoulders with the “elite.”
No. This is not about evangelism or completing God’s work on earth. This is about building a sports health resort for the rich and famous. Why? So that the “elite” can relax, unwind, and feel good while they make their millions, breaking the Sabbath day of the Lord, playing basketball. Who cares if the homeless are starving around the downtown district. Who cares if the lost “elite” are starving for the present truth. We are no longer a “hub” for the Three Angels’ Message; it’s all about trophies, winning, championships, money, the elite, and sports—a billion dollar industry. It is interesting that Ellen White tells us how to relate to the elite. Surprisingly, it’s not by encouraging them in sin, money, or Sabbath-breaking:
“The Sanitarium must do its part in convincing the influential men of America of the importance of the third angel’s message, and our books must be handled in a way that will secure their largest circulation.” (The Sanitarium Must Not be Cramped, May 30, 1907).

The Orlando Magic claims that this new facility is a negotiating tactic to entice players who could be considering playing in Orlando.
The following counsel is applicable whenever our institutions consistently disregard the warning that God has issued to them:
“Some think it strange that I write, ‘Do not send your children to Battle Creek.’ I was instructed in regard to the danger of the worldly influence in Battle Creek. I have written hundreds of pages regarding the danger of having so large a sanitarium, and of calling so many people together in one place. The young people in Battle Creek are in danger. They will come in contact with error. Years ago I did not think that they would meet these errors right in the sanitariums; but when ‘Living Temple’ came out, and some of our ministers told me that there was in it nothing but what I had been teaching all my life, I saw how great the danger was. I saw that blindness had fallen upon some who had long known the truth. I pray that the Lord will open the eyes of these ministers, that they may see the difference between light and darkness, between truth and error.” (Testimonies for the Church Containing Messages of Warning and Instruction to Seventh-day Adventists, p. 35, 1906).
Bonjour,mais quelle folie et quel investissement avec l’argent des contribuables,et des malheureux,qui ne pourrons même pas y avoir droit,c’est HONTEUX,mais Dieu demandera des comptes des finances qu’ils nous a confier,et quelle utilités nous en avons fait.HONTEUX.
They have lost the vision.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18.
So sad.
If church entities have this kind of money to spend on these pro basked ball players, they certainly don’t need my money.
Do they not know that Jesus is coming soon?
Not another penny!