As the world’s most popular and influential leader, Pope Francis has become the chief architect and promoter of ecumenism. He is shaking things up and pushing for interfaith unity and dialog with every religious group. Not only is he uniting the Christian churches, but he is also seeking unity among political leaders and non-Christian religions. He has embarked on a path that will only strengthen his political and religious power throughout the world, which is in harmony with the predictions contained in the book of Revelation.
Pope Francis asked his global prayer network to pray for the unification of the body of Christ on January 2, 2024. He stated that this call included bringing the various churches together with Rome through ecumenical dialogue, saying that this was a gift from God. The Pope also emphasized how important it is to celebrate diversity and to embrace it. The Pope said:
• “There is no need to fear the diversity of charisms in the Church. Rather, living this diversity should make us rejoice! Diversity and unity were already very much present in the first Christian communities. The tension had to be resolved on a higher level.” [1]
• “But there’s more. To move forward on the journey of faith, we also need ecumenical dialogue with our brothers and sisters of other confessions and Christian communities. This is not something confusing or disturbing, but is a gift God gives to the Christian community so it might grow as one body, the Body of Christ.” [1]
Even as Pope Francis calls for diversity, we know that his new world order will exclude conservative and biblical voices. If you don’t have the right ideology—pro-Laudato Si’, pro-Fratelli Tutti, pro-globalism, pro-LGBT+—you will be denied a voice or even do business in the new economy. You will be silenced, boycotted, fired from your job, and expelled from society. When Pope Francis speaks of “diversity,” he is referring to affirming the LGBT+ movement, showing support for the radical climate ideology, and embracing the UN’s globalist agenda.
The Pope uses the word “diversity” as a weapon to fire those in the church who criticize his anti-biblical positions by calling for reforms. [2] The louder your voice and the more influence you have, the greater the target you will have on your back. Any voice that dares to question his extreme agenda will be driven away from society. [3] In light of this, the Pope’s message regarding the future of our globe will be genuinely devoid of diversity.
Pope Francis is strengthening his power around the world with his calls for ecumenical unity. We should anticipate a rise in the Vatican’s influence over religious and political matters. According to Bible prophecy, a vast political and religious power with global reach is about to emerge. What we are witnessing is the realization of prophecy, which predicts the rise of a massive, false global church that will rule over the entire planet. This power is uniting all the churches into one body. Prophecy also indicates that this imperial union will eventually dominate global trade, politics, and worship.
“These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” Revelation 17:13.
“And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 18:3.
“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him.” Revelation 13:8.
“And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” Revelation 16:16.
“And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.” Revelation 19:19.
The unity being expressed here is a unity of worship and fellowship, not of Bible truth. There is no Bible study taking place here, no repentance, no confession, and no putting away of sin and transgression. This is a fellowship that is based on sin and error. It doesn’t matter what your belief system is; it doesn’t matter if you believe in damnable heresies or if your doctrines are blasphemous against God. Clearly, this is not a unity that honors our Creator.
Rome’s desire to rule the world can be attributed to its ambition for power, influence, and control. This idea is rooted in the doctrine of papal supremacy and refers to the belief that the Pope possesses not only religious authority but also the authority to govern and rule over secular or temporal affairs. Prophecy also tells us that during the final crisis, Rome will once again regain control over the world and use its position of power to shape the world according to its own image.
“Whoever searches the Bible with an enlightened understanding, cannot long be in harmony with Romanism. He who searches the Bible to understand the truth, will find no authority in the word of God for the assumption of power on the part of popes and cardinals. There is no word of God that sanctions their assumed superiority or supremacy over their people … The church that holds to the word of God is irreconcilably separated from Rome … It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy” (Signs of the Times, February 19, 1894).
Ecumenism is brining the world together and we should have nothing to do with it.