On July 30, 2023, the San Diego Tribune published an article titled “Feeling Exhausted by Life? Consider Rebooting your Life with a Sabbath day of Rest.” It promoted the belief that resting on the Sunday Sabbath would aid in physical and mental recovery by lowering the likelihood of overworking. It advocated the idea that, if “implemented,” the Sabbath can positively impact the overall health of people.
This is yet another example of how Sunday rest is being promoted as the solution to safeguard the general public’s health and wellbeing. This article provides the arguments that rest is a critical public health issue and Sunday is the answer. The article said:
• “The past three centuries have brought unprecedented advances in technology that, combined with new economic models (such as capitalism), have amounted to a sort of blazing-fast operating system of efficiency and productivity.” [1]
• “We now work ourselves to the bone with a hope and a prayer to earn enough money just to survive, leaving little to no time or energy left for non-work enjoyment.” [1]
• “So what’s the solution? … I suggest we consider an ancient practice developed by the Hebrew people as they transitioned from being slaves in Egypt to developing their own societal structures. I’m talking about Sabbath.” [1]
• “I grew up thinking ‘Sabbath’ just meant ‘go to church on Sundays, then come home and nap.’ At best, it was a way to talk about Sunday being different than other days. At worst, it was an antiquated afterthought. But for the ancient Israelites, Sabbath was an attempt to imagine a whole new way to be human. One that wasn’t defined by how many bricks you could make in a day. [1]
• “Key to their program for returning themselves back to a healthier, more holistic rhythm of life was implementing sabbath rest.” [1]
• “Sabbath rest shouldn’t just be something we wave away as religious tomfoolery. Nor should it be ignored as something to do if you’re bored. Sabbath rest is like an intentional resetting of our internal hardware, to remind ourselves that we are not meant to work, work, work, do, do, do, produce, produce, produce. Sabbath is a weekly reminder that we are human beings, not human doings.” [1]
Do you see the arguments that they are making? “If you are human, you will keep the Sunday Sabbath. Sunday is not just for church; it’s for a healthier society.” All across the world, similar arguments are being made. They are laying the groundwork for a Sunday law. They are talking about “implementing” the Sabbath, which they believe to be Sunday.
Today, almost the entire world is arguing that Sunday will not just recover our health; it will also save the environment, the economy, social problems, and our souls. This is just one more call, among many, to advance the concept of Sunday rest through legislation. What they fail to mention is that Protestants and Catholics who observe Sunday as a day of rest will directly benefit from Sunday rest measures.
This is a dishonest attempt to elevate the day of worship that was invented by Rome. Church and state will eventually unite to impose the mark of the beast during the national Sunday law crisis. While the entire world is wondering after the beast of Revelation 13, God will have a people who will keep His commandments, not man’s (Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 22:14).
The time has come and is now when all human and papal traditions will be embraced (2 Thessalonians 2:4) by exalting the false day of sun worship (Ezekiel 8:16) above the commandment of God that says, “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy”” and “the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God” (Exodus 20:8, 10). In this conflict, the whole world—religious, secular, media, labor unions, politicians, and governments—will be involved.
“The whole world was converted and in harmony with the Sunday law” (Selected Messages, Vol. 3, p. 428).
GOD himself,the creator,after creating this world ,rested on the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH, giving or leaving an example that man should REST as GOD rested, period.The bible is very clear on this issue. Why should I pretend to be blind while having eyes to see and read what the bible is saying? God says, Remember to keep the sabbath day holy. Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Isaiah 58:13,14. Rev 22:14 .Just to mention but a few.
All the article said about the Sabbath is true EXCEPT they have the wrong day. God Said “keep holy the Sabbath day”, which is the 7th day of the week.
The calendar we use now was also invented by Rome to calculate the day’s of the month. That should raise a question in itself about either day. The ancient calendar that the Jews used was the Lunar calendar. It would pay to research this in the universal Jewish encyclopedia and other historical books including the Bible.
But the flow of Sunday to Saturday was not altered at all. The name of the days were changed, from other language to the one we have.