Last month the Loma Linda University School of Religion announced that it would be hosting an event called “Adventism and Catholicism in a Changing World,” which sought to emphasize the common ground between the two faiths. As of today, Wednesday, October 2, 2024, the meeting has been cancelled. [1] No explanation was given, but it’s obvious what happened. We want to express our gratitude to everyone who raised their voice in protest and communicated their concerns to the institution’s leadership. We also want to thank Loma Linda University for the appropriate and prompt cancellation of this event.
Faithful Seventh-day Adventists should protest whenever those in positions of trust and leadership deviate from our divine mandate, as described in both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Our doctrinal and missionary emphasis depends on adherence to the Word of God and whenever we deviate from these principles, we risk leading members into error.
We are all responsible to each other and to God, and speaking out in these moments is a demonstration of love for both the truth of God and the well-being of the Seventh-day Adventist community. We have a biblical mandate and duty to defend the truth, contend for the faith, and ensure that the church and its institutions remain places of spiritual integrity.
“We should cry aloud, and spare not, and show the people their transgressions. We are not to cringe, and beg pardon of the world for telling them the truth. We should scorn concealment. Unfurl your true colors to the gaze of men and angels. Let it be understood that Seventh-day Adventists can make no compromise. In our opinions and faith there must not be the least appearance of wavering. The world has a right to expect something of us, and will look upon us as dishonest, as hiding our real sentiments and principles out of policy, if we present even the semblance of being uncommitted” (Review and Herald, January 31, 1893).
It’s about time someone starts paying attention to what the people who are faithful to the faith actually want.
My local church invited to Catholic priest to give the sermon on Sabbath in 2008, and when I protested, no one in the conference cared nor in the GC. But now you guys are about to see everything that I’ve been going through for 30 years. If you’re faithful to the faith of the SDA church, you’re gonna be tried like I’ve been for 30 years.
They’ve been secretly baptizing homosexuals here in Minneapolis for 20 years. No one seemed to care until it showed up in their own congregation. Wait until you see a man dressed as a woman passing the collection plate and then tell me how hard you guys have it.
Right on Brother!
Fantastic news, Adventism needs to distance itself from Popery as much as possible,
Hoping whatever sentiment lead to them being seperate on this occasion spreads far and wide in the organisation,
Retiring Diop and others like him would be a step in the right direction.
The Protest Continues!
Numbers 23:9 – this also applies to us living in the last days!
We must be separated from everything that discredits our Church!!!
This cancelation doesn’t mean a thing unless there is complete confession and repentance, revival and reformation. This is a battle, so retreat does not mean change. When the enemy is defeated on one front be sure he’s looking for other ways to win this battle.
You are so right!
Carry on!
A man convinced against his will, Is of the same opinion still. Glad this event was cancelled but the root issues remain.
“We must put on the armor and be prepared to successfully resist all the attacks of Satan. His malignity and cruel power are not sufficiently estimated. When he finds himself foiled upon one point he takes new ground and fresh tactics, and tries again, working wonders in order to deceive and destroy the children of men.” 4T 212.2
Thank you Advent messenger for being on this and letting us know about what Loma Linda was doing. But I want to point out to you that the conference had a meeting in 1931 and changed the fundamental principle where we worship the trinity. There was no vote on it or anything. And then in Dallas they had a conference meeting and in 1980 they officially changed to the fundamental principles to the 27 fundamental beliefs. And they added the word godhead and gave it the definition of the trinity. Then when they wrote the 28 fundamental beliefs they changed word godhead to Trinity. The founders all except two came out of a trinitarian churches. And before they discovered the Sabbath they had already become non-trinitarians. This is the Omega that Ellen White was talking about. Please Google non-trinitarian Seventh Day Adventist and you will get a whole bunch of matches. And, you can start your journey back to what the Pioneers believed. The Pioneers are non-trinitarians. And she also prophesies that the Seventh Day Adventist Church will clasp hands with the Catholic Church just like all the other daughters.
Were you baptized with the words, I Baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of The Holy Spirit?
Have you read Acts 5:1-4, John 16:13, etc.?
Do you believe in the Dynamic Duo? The Father, and The Son?
Without the Holy Spirit we would have no Scriptures; they were all inspired by Him! Jesus was incarnated by The Holy Spirit!
The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy teaches the triune God, Godhead, Trinity, etc. Can you blaspheme anyone but God? Jesus warned against blaspemed the Holy Spirit! No forgiveness!
Baptism means you’ve accepted Jesus Christ and his timeless gift for your salvation. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are ready to be an Adventist, nor does it mean you’re sinless in your daily living. The topics brought up by J. Tierney are difficult
This must be shared, the meeting did take place on the same day, the video can be found in Youtube:
It shows as hidden, why? good question.. it was not cancelled; they just changed the place.
Unfortunately, it was just moved to a different location not far from Loma Linda. Was still sponsored by the Adventist Church, which is extremely disappointing. You can find the conversation on YouTube.