Scenes from the 2023 NCU’s Xaymaca event. See the video below.
Many faithful Seventh-day Adventists protested the Xaymaca Cultural Festival planned for March 9, 2023. A video was prepared and posted online, and it was used to advertise the 2023 Xaymaca festival at Northern Caribbean University. This video created a lot of controversy and several concerned Seventh-day Adventists voiced their objections with the administration team at Northern Caribbean University (NCU). The video was removed, and different explanations were given as to the reasons.
The university attempted to minimize the promotional video by claiming the clips were from last year and that the individuals who put it together did so without authorization, according to several emails forwarded to me by Seventh-day Adventists from Jamaica. According to the emails, the university did not approve the “promo” because they thought that it was not “aligned with the university’s identity and brand.” The emails also say that “the clip in no way reflects the true essence of the Culture Fest Xamayca event,” which was “being promoted for March 9th.”
However, the emails also said that the 2023 Xaymaca Festival at NCU was “still on” and that a “program” would be utilized “to show that it is nothing like what was advertised.” Well, the 2023 event took place last night, and here are some video clips that come from the NCU’s United Student Moment Instagram page. You can decide for yourself if the new “program” reflects the principles that a Seventh-day Adventist Christian school should seek to uphold.
Brothers and sisters, the new and improved 2023 Xaymaca program is just more evidence that Seventh-day Adventists are going through an identity crisis. The above video clips were taken from last night’s performance on the Seventh-day Adventist campus. You would think that you were inside a worldly nightclub. The music, dancing, lighting, and screaming that you hear in this video are what you see in the dance halls of this world. But all this is happening in Adventist institutions, even after the so-called new and improved “program.”
Cultural and traditional celebrations are threatening to reshape the church as we know it. If Jesus doesn’t come soon, these modern-day administrators will continue down the path of molding the church after the pattern of the world. Welcome to the future. This is what some envision for our young people. This is not preparing our youth to live in fellowship with the angels in heaven. No, this is preparing to join the counterfeit Asbury revival that is sweeping the world.
The music and dance shown in these videos belong in a bar, not in our institutions. When these kinds of displays happen on our campuses, the angels of God leave; and who takes their place? Make no mistake, the devil is present at such events. Why would we invite Satan into our schools, churches, and homes with such music? Satan is welcome at NCU. He is at ease there. The university has embraced his lies, his music, and his amusements.
If school administrators are going to allow dancing that does not reflect the character and spirit that should exist in our institutions, then they need to be retrained or replaced. Let them go organize the counterfeit revivals at Asbury, because we will either continue to uphold our historic teachings or we will continue to embrace the secular, worldly principles that will align us with the world.
NCU’s administration approved of what took place last night. It was one big public party on the school campus. They don’t even have to go to the local clubs anymore. NCU will provide the venue, pay for it, and provide the necessary equipment. In any case, the institution gave its approval to what occurred. Although Ellen White warned us that such displays would enter our churches, she also said that Satan would be the source of such confusion:
“Such gifts are manufactured by men and women, aided by the great deceiver. Fanaticism, false excitement, false talking in tongues, and noisy exercises have been considered gifts which God has placed in the church. Some have been deceived here. The fruits of all this have not been good” (Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 412).
“Let us give no place to strange exercisings, which really take the mind away from the deep movings of the Holy Spirit. God’s work is ever characterized by calmness and dignity” (Last Day Events, p. 159.3).
“The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions” (Last Say Events, p. 159.1).
“A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise to have a carnival, and this is termed the Holy Spirit’s working … Those things which have been in the past will be in the future. Satan will make music a snare by the way in which it is conducted” (Last Day Events, p. 159.2).
We would encourage you to write Dr. Lincoln P. Edwards, President of Northern Caribbean University, at the following email address: president@ncu.edu.jm. Urge him to end the devil’s access to this university and to end this devilish Xaymaca cultural event on his campus that is seducing and corrupting his students. These exhibits do not align with the principles that a Seventh-day Adventist Christian school seeks to uphold, and it is unbecoming for anyone in a position of leadership to provide the forum for such worldliness.
They got caught lying. The 2023 program was no better than the 2022. These politicians have become professional liars.
I came to the same conclusion. It must be because we don’t have letters in front of our name or any other special designation. Or maybe because we haven’t received “training” from our “institutions of higher learning”? Whatever the reason, I praise God for the ability to think independently.
Behold an institution in spiritual decay. They can’t even say “no” to the students. Who is running these institutions?
Stop being disrespectful, and saying Satan. What a lot of you need to do is focus more on being Christians, than judges. the Bible speaks heavily about judging and that no human has the right to judge, that’s God’s job. These comments that are being made by most of you adults, are the reasons the youth are slowly leaving the church. Calling us disappointment stop to look into yourselves.
We are to call sin by it’s right name. This video does not reflect the character of God. .o we should not judge, but we can have righteous judgment. In God’s eyesight, this is
An abomination.
Joe 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Could please tell us if this event is preparing for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our young men and women?
So we pay high school fees to give your children the So called “Christian education”
So heartbreaking. Just when I thought they did the right thing this year.
I would say that it is time to stop funding these institutions, but obviously, our Church leaders are not going to do anything about it. Maybe the faithful few should just stop sending their financial support to the so-called “Store House.” Ok, I understand that God’s Church is going to be purified so we should not fail in our responsibility to God’s instructions. The unfaithful will fall away from the Church and the faithful will go through. There has never been a time that the faithful should be more vocal than right now. We should make our voices heard as a united group. I suggest an overwhelming email, snail mail, and telephone response to our world headquarters.
More than that I urge the faithful to not lose heart. Spread the Gospel as we are called to do and God will have His purified Church in His time schedule. Let us remain faithful!
I completely agree; in fact when this Covid hoax began and our Conference turned their backs on our religious liberty, I decided to support the faithful watchmen that are disconnected from the Conferences as they are the ones alarming the world of the impending conflict and denouncing the blatant apostasy from within our denomination. In my view, to have knowledge of evil and do nothing about it, is to condone it.
I totally agree
What is happening in the Adventist churches and institutions is shameful. I am beginning to think seriously about the reality of funding the apostasy as well. Better to fund people who are serious about the gospel. Food for thought.
If we keep funding the leaders who are supporting this apostasy then we will be considered approving it and encouraging it. What happened with the Israelites? The remnant are the ones who will carry the 3 angel’s message not the organized church. They are on their way to Sunday keeping as an organization. I support those who are actively doing the historic Adventist present truth message. My conscience won’t allow me to support an organization who is in open apostasy!
This is a very interesting perspective you have here Elder Jim. I am almost certain that your support of the writings of the prophetess does not embrace in any this notion of defunding the Schools of the Prophets. You are so disturbed by what you deem ungodly behavior from our youth that you want to support defunding our schools? Elder Jim, I won’t even quote the Bible just yet, but I would love to hear your rational as one whom I believe is hearing the voice of God. Did God tell you to stop funding His institution or is this no longer an institution of God’s planting Elder Jim?
“I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.”
Martin Luther
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
John Adams
Student’s don’t fo this on their own. Those in charge of the event needs to be removed from their post. Obviously the last is no different from the previous events. If action is not taken nothing will change. If those responsible are not removed then the president of the institution needs to be held responsible and sack. This is not about cancel culture, it’s a matter of what do we believe as SDA’S following the Bible.
The greater shame is that NCU will maintain the appearance that everything is OK. Disobedience is NEVER OK.
This is absolutely appalling with no end in sight in their blasphemous activities! Where is the outrage from our so-called leaders for these unholy episodes? Maybe it’s time more of us should take charge of the Lord’s money ourselves rather than supporting this evil through our Conferences!!!
Unfortunately Donna, Mrs. White does not condone us removing our tithe money from the church.
“Tithe money” is a contradiction in terms. In scripture tithe was never returned in money but in agricultural produce and livestock. The only reference to tithe as money you will find in Deut 14:24-27. This was for a celebratory tithe that could be converted into money for ease of transport but had to be recoverted into food stuff to be consumed as tithe. Tithe had to be eatable!
The payment of a monetary tithe appears to be a Roman Catholic invention that was later adopted by protestantism. Prior to that the Christian Church was financed by free will offerings. This was also the case before tithing was introduced in the SDA church by DM Canright who later apostasised from the faith.
The following is from the book -“Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?” by Frank Chase Jr –
“If you want to know the truth about the food tithe to money change, follow the money train of the Catholic Church. Historians usually agree that, not until A.D. 567, five hundred and thirty seven (537) years after Calvary, did the Church’s first substantial attempt to enforce tithing under its own authority appear in history! The Council of Tours in 567 and the Council of Macon in 585 enacted regional church decrees for tithing and excommunication of non-tithers, but they did not receive authority from the king to enforce collection through civil decrees. It is significant that tithing did not emerge historically until the church became powerful in the secular realm. Even at this late date tithes were still only food. Eventually the Roman Church even refused to administer last rites if it was not given wealth or land in wills. Between 774 to 777 the Frankish King, Charlemagne, destroyed the Arian Lombard kingdom, which separated his empire from northern Italy. After his defeat of the Lombard’s, Charlemagne‘s unopposed rule included northern Italy and Rome. By quoting the Mosaic Law as its authority at a Church synod, the pope finally convinced Charlemagne to allow enforced agricultural tithing in support of the fast-growing parish system of churches. In 785 Pope Hadrian attempted to impose tithing on the Anglo-Saxons. In appreciation of his church support, on Christmas Day, A.D. 800, the pope crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor, thus making official the renewed Holy Roman Empire.74”
rank Chase Jr –
“The process of changing the tithe to money happened over a long period. As the church and state become bedfellows in the eighth century under Charlemagne, he formed the unified Holy Roman Empire in the sixth century. During this time, the church added more bishops, monks and enforced tithing through secular law. When Charlemagne died, the empire broke apart and tithing hit rock bottom. However, future leaders revived tithing in the Roman Catholic Church and it reigned supreme as a mandatory practice. As the reformation took place, churches found new ways to support themselves. As new denominations grew, money tithing crept into the process and by the 1800s, agricultural, herd and flock tithes decreased. Money tithing increased, and as more and more churches taught tithing first as a voluntary principle, it transformed into a mandatory requirement to support ministry, although, it was not by God’s command.” – Ibid.
elected Messages 2:31-39.—White Trustees. the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit.
21 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.[a] 3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings [b]for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
was this money
I totally agree that these things that are worldly should not be in our institutions or our churches. And this is very heart breaking. What all is going on in Indiana? I have walked our of church early when they worship like other denominations do. It was very uncomfortably.
Nothing is wrong with the event y’all so called Christian just love tear dung and love judge judge people kmt
What are they doing wrong in the video???
So I’m guessing it’s wrong to fun then
It was a cultural event and they were playing and singing cultural song
Some a uno just love chat
Y’all just expect us to go to school everyday just to learn without having fun and how would y’all know how dancehall and club look like
If whosoever is bashing this event had their mind or eye on Jesus y’all wouldn’t know what dancehall or in a club look like
Y’all can come at me because I’m ready
Wow Andy. This is so bad. This threatens our stand of being in the world but not of the world.
Sad, so sad to see this at an Adventist University. And yet the leadership says “Nthing to see here… move on everyone!”
I am disappointed to see youth being bullied by unsupportive Adventists in these comments. Andy, a part-time Adventist critic, easily spun his own web of negative news and gossip and captured many of you who hide behind the scenes acting as fake supporters of Christian education. I pity you all. I myself would love to see these youths be elevated and corrected when cultural events as these get out of hand. But to vouch for the defunding of the institution is also Satan’s work. It’s ridiculous how you can take time to ostracize others but not to lend a helpful comment in the situation. May God have mercy on you all.
Not part time, full time. But we don’t’ criticize Adventists. We defend Adventism from misguided people who are trying to destroy the faith. What took place at NCU is not Adventism. The video speaks for itself. There is nothing for me to spin. We don’t seek to defund God’s work; His work must be funded. But how much authority does apostasy have to claim to be supported by God’s sacred money? Apostasy doesn’t have any right to say, “Support me!”
Respectfully, Mr Edwards, Mr Roman is sounding the alarm, as the watchmen on the walls are supposed to do. We can see a carnival-like celebration at NCU, which is also reminiscent of the Israelites when Moses was on the mountain receiving God’s commands. We cannot be Aarons. We must resist the desecration of God’s desire for peculiarity.
“…to see youth being bullied by unsupportive Adventists in these comments.” is language that is used by those who do not wish to be corrected, who want to stand in their error. In this vein, you can call John the Baptist a bully. Elijah must be a bully as well then. It is better to be perceived as bullies in man’s eyes, than to be indifferent to wrongdoing in God’s.
Let us all strive to reach God’s standard of excellence for us all. Pleasant Sabbath.
God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called! Wolves in sheep’s clothing! Having the form of godliness but denying the power…these so called leaders (men) come into the Lords work, with their so called titles and think that qualifies them to lead our schools and churches. They clearly are not priest in their homes, so we, and our children are recipients of the disfunction that follows them from their homes into our schools and churches. They are being used by the Satan and his 1/3 of the angels that was sent down here, to misrepresent God, (wheat and the tars) and we must recognize them by their fruits. So let’s not be fooled by their titles…God is not sleeping and He is fully aware of their evil doings…they obviously didn’t get the memo with all their worldly titles, that we are in the world but not of it…not everyone who says Lord Lord…God’s word have clearly identified them…they are among us…counterfeits! Watch what they do, not what they say…let us pray them out by name!! God is on the job👍🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
The only Church I see openly tearing itself down is this fool fool adventist people, even over things they can handle behind closed doors. Not encouraging to join.
Elder AR
You should write a separate article on where tithe can and cannot be used
Because from some of the comments it is clear people are either confused or don’t understand the proper use of tithe
Even E. G. White used the tithe directly many times
Also another point is people are confused with what the church means
It could mean different things and sda’s should not be confused
A building could be a church
Body of believers could be a church
Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name is also a church because of Christ’s presence
The general conference is not the church, it is an organization
In Christ’s time the Sanhedrin was not the church it was the organization
The church of God did not crucify Christ it was the organization that did
The church cannot crucify it’s head
The church of God at that time were all those who believed John’s message and followed Christ
Even in elishas time someone brought and gave him the first fruits though he was not officially connected to the temple ( church) or organization
I think 2 kings 4 if I’m not mistaken
Thank you elder AR for your time and patience
Please continue the good work and dont let the ahabs calling you a troubler bother you
God bless
Some quotes for your reference
God’s ministers must have the truth in their hearts in order to successfully present it to others. They must be sanctified by the truths they preach or they will be only stumbling blocks to sinners. Those who are called of God to minister in holy things are called to be pure in heart and holy in life. “Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.” If God pronounces a woe upon those who are called to preach the truth and refuse to obey, a heavier woe rests upon those who take upon them this sacred work without clean hands and pure hearts. As there are woes for those who preach the truth while they are unsanctified in heart and life, so there are woes for those who receive and maintain the unsanctified in the position which they cannot fill. – 2T 552.1
It would be poor policy to support from the treasury of God those who really mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of Christianity. – 3T 553.2
I have myself appropriated my tithe to the most needy cases brought to my notice. I have been instructed to do this, and as the money is not withheld from the Lord’s treasury, it is not a matter that should be commented upon, for it will necessitate my making known these matters, which I do not desire to do, because it is not best. – 2MR 99.4
I have myself appropriated my tithe to the most needy cases brought to my notice. I have been instructed to do this; and as the money is not withheld from the Lord’s treasury, it is not a matter that should be commented upon; for it will necessitate my making known these matters, which I do not desire to do, because it is not best. – SpM 215.4
Some cases have been kept before me for years, and I have supplied their needs from the tithe, as God has instructed me to do. And if any person shall say to me, Sister White, will you appropriate my tithe where you know it is most needed, I shall say, Yes, I will; and I have done so. I commend those sisters who have placed their tithe where it is most needed to help to do a work that is being left undone; and if this matter is given publicity, it will create knowledge which would better be left as it is. I do not care to give publicity to this work which the Lord has appointed me to do, and others to do. – SpM 215.5
Thank you Jon, there is a plethora of statements disapproving the misconception of the “Storehouse”. Apostasy should not be supported in any form or size. Our loyalty should be to God and His glory not man.
On the matter of tithing being changed from agricultural produce to money you speak so eloquently and passionately, yet so arrogantly. The tithe was “agricultural produce” because that was the currency of the day. As economics evolved so did the treasury. Monetary tithing is both an Old and New Testament phenomenon. Notwithstanding, the poorer class would still bring their tithe as “agricultural produce” to be liquidated and admitted to the Lord’s treasury by the trusted custodians of the store house.
The claim that “The tithe was agricultural produce because that was the currency of the day” is not supported by scripture from my study of the Bible. In fact money is mentioned before tithe in scripture – cf Genesis 13:2;14:20. Also, Abraham purchased the burial ground in Machpelah with money from the sons of Heth (Gen 23:16). Later we see Joseph being sold into slavery for money. (Gen 37:28). Joseph also gave Benjamin money as 300 pieces of silver (Gen 45:22). These are just a few of the many, many references that you’ll find to the use of money (gold and silver) as “currency” throughout scripture. There is no doubt that money was in plentiful supply and common usage in both Old & New Testament times. Yet you will not find a single reference to tithe ever being given in money because that was not what God ordained. (cf Lev 27:30-34). If you know of one please enlighten me.
One of the reasons for the money changers and merchants being at the temple (Matt 21:12; Mark 11:15-18) was to enable travelers from far to “change” their tithes and offering money back into agricultural produce and livestock so that they could be presented as such to the priests. Their money was not acceptable so they had to use it to purchase the things that God had ordained instead. Sadly, the money changers and merchants were exploiting this and charging them unfairly. This is why Jesus called them a den of thieves, overthrew their tables and cast them out!
You will note that some offerings and the temple tax were accepted as money (eg 17:24-27; Mark 12:41-44) but never the tithe. And by the way there also seems to have been more than one type of tithe given by the Israelites – three in fact. A tithe for the Levites (Num 18:26), a tithe for the poor (Deut 26:12:13) and a celebratory tithe that was consumed by the giver, his family and the Levites and poor (Deut 14:22-29).
On the matter of monetary tithing…
You are so spot on in some instances, but perhaps have closed your eyes in others in an effort to defend your perspective… I am not seeking to debunk any of your discourse. Rather, I am highlighting that you come up short on the matter of tithing. Maybe I should ask, what would the Church do with farm products as tithe in this day and age? Maybe you will say feed the poor and the true gospel workers? Then what? In moments of crisis, when the same poor and sincere gospel workers are called of God to pursue education/training, or health crisis, or natural disaster what does the Church do? Sell what’s left on the refrigerator, beg money, or what? Especially since so many Adventists don’t even believe in life insurance. How do they pay their bills while they’re yet alive? Farm produce that they receive from the Church? When they die do we beg again to bury them, or sell some more of the farm produce?
Furthermore, what percentage of the modern Church does farming? What would we then expect, that they purchase their tithe in the market place and return it?
A little more context to that which you expressed about Jesus and the money changers in the Temple… “money” was not Jesus’ issue with them:
1. They had taken over the part of the temple designated for the “gentiles/outside converts” to worship in, and were using it for business, putting them out.
2. They exploited the poor.
I don’t suppose that you would expect that which was to be sacrificed to come in as money, so please establish the dichotomy between the sacrificial (lambs, turtledove etc…) and the actual “tithe”.
Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. /James 4:4 /
My heart is broken much for what is happening in our church. I agree that, based on the videos shown, what took place at that event does not represent the principles that God called us to uphold.
My suggestion, instead of all this backlash via these forums, that there be an organized protest against what happened these past 2 years. That there be a protest, in writing, with as many signatures as we can get… That the JAMU attention be called to this situation. That there be a public apology from the university for what took place, especially in light of the fact persons protested the event prior to it being held, and the protests were ignored.
We can’t even blame these youth, as some of them don’t even know any better. The event could not have been held without the leadership giving consent. The leaders must be held accountable.
We cannot afford to be among the enemies of God’s truth, who turn weapons on God’s church. We protest against apostasy, with voice and pen, but never must we be found doing the bidding of the enemy. The enemy wants to destroy this movement and derail the Loud Cry. Let us not be found as his instrument in this endeavor. This is God’s church. Protest, we must! Pray, we must!
The reason young people are leaving the church is because there isn’t much difference between the world and church. Church has just become boring entertainment for them and they leave. We have become so desperate to keep people that want the world rather then a relationship with God that we have lied to ourselves and said to ourselves if we take of the trappings of the world but keep the message the young people will stay. Evil and God will not mix.
Parents are you living Godly at home. Most of the kids wanting this type of entertainment have been shown this type of entertainment by their parents. Their parents do a great show of being a holy Christian at church and live like the world at home. Most young people including myself left because we can see the hypocrites easily. My parents did their best to emulate God and taught me good values. I liked the worldly entertainment and left because the church couldn’t provide the things that tantalized the emotions and senses. Thanks to God I realized that what the world and the devil offers is vapid and meaningless.
I realized that the more noise that is created the less likely that God is there. Where we can’t think rationally and bible based due to being emotionally overwhelmed by music or pageantry then God is not there.
God’s voice is a still small voice not in the roar of the world.
Gone to big churches after being in the world and seeing the huge YouTube channel promotional message that are full fluff and they have a lot of people sitting in the seats but most are fast asleep spiritually and physically. There are fancy lights and emotionally charge signing and preaching but the message is so hollow that you know that God is completely checked out of the church.
The conference and our institutions are on their last legs before complete falling apart. God is not with them I feel. He is with the individuals and churches that are not doing fluff. They are disecting the scriptures to see what is right and how they can come closer to Jesus and are anticipating his arrival. They are making sure they have the oil for when the bridegroom comes they will be ready.
COVID should have been a slap across the face for us. Wake up. Evil and the end is at the door.
It showed people’s minds easily. Look how people made excuses to inject a questionable subject into their bodies without fasting and praying. They wanted it for travel, they can’t provide for their family, couldn’t eat out in restaurants or sporting events or even they want to be able to witness to people so they get the mark. Be vigilant. The Mark of the Beast plan will be so cunning that people will accept it for other vapid excuses. We need to be far from the world and so tight and close to God that at end we will cling to him with bloody white knuckles.
Stop funding evil and start funding people going to heaven. Fund local outreach and do things locally. Fund outreach that shows profit of humans for the kingdom. Stop funding wickedness. Start living for God and cast off the trappings of the world. If you actually trust God you will fear for nothing. Especially when the peer pressure of the world gets way worse and more ugly then what COVID evil showed us.
Sister White says when schools become worldly they should be shut down.
This had to do with school at Battle Creek.
Apparently they never heard of proverb; “If you don`t want the fruits of sin, stay out of Satan`s orchard”. In stead they are saying; “Why should Devil have all the fun?”..
It is rather unfortunate that this article is laced with ridicule and is fully meant to tear down Northern Caribbean University. The writer is misleading the readers and has written from an uninformed position.
Context is always important and many of you truly are unaware of the contextual framework of the event held. Are we so heavenly minded that we have become no earthly good?
“When I was shown by the angel of God that an institution should be established for the education of our youth I saw that it would be one of the greatest means ordained of God for the salvation of souls.”—Testimonies for the Church 4:419“God devised and established this college, designing that it should be molded by high religious interests and that every year unconverted students who are sent to Battle Creek should return to their homes as soldiers of the cross of Christ.”
And there was to be a recognition of God’s sovereignty and control, a perception of a divine plan of education different from the world’s. In Volume 6, page 191 Mrs. White wrote, “Our schools must be conducted under the supervision of God.”—Testimonies for the Church 6:191. Battle Creek College was to be a place where education took shape in the reconstruction of human beings in God’s physical, moral and mental image.
I belive the statements above should be the same expected of all our institutions.
Soon the hand of God will tear down the curtain and close this show.
Preliminary reviews urged that at least one constructing had collapsed.
It’s largely about vocabulary gathering at the moment.