This is a Sabbath sermon that describes the “hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10). This describes the Sunday law crisis and the “idol Sabbath” that is coming. Check out what the news is saying about Sunday right now, as well as what the Bermuda Conference of Seventh-day Adventists published regarding the Saturday/Sunday Sabbath controversy. We also talk about the spiritual qualities we’ll need to get through the coming days.
On 02/04/19 Pope Francis signed a One World Religion agreement with the Muslims in Abu Dhabi and a new headquarters will open later in 2022. Muslims are the perfect anti-christ, not believing Jesus died & resurrected, that the Bible is inaccurate, and Christians & Jews are infidels. Muslims will never accept any Sunday law as a result. Seventh-day Adventists, including Ellen White, will be greatly embarrassed when earth’s final events will not include a worldwide Sunday law. Therefore Sunday
keeping is not the mark of the beast. SDAs are stuck in farmer theology from the 1800’s. Also, did you know that over 15,000 abortions have been performed in SDA
hospitals in the past 50 years? How are SDAs commandment-keepers in this? They aren’t. The SDA General Conference has known about this murder of unborn babies for profit and have tried to keep it hidden from church members, starting with Neal Wilson, Ted Wilson’s father, that also fired Desmond Ford for proving the
Investigative Judgment wrong, as well as firing SDA Pastor Walter Rea for proving Ellen White to be a plagiarist. Lies & murder are traits from the devil and not God. So
SDAs must know the “amazing facts & discoveries” themselves and take protestant action by leaving the cult of Seventh-day Adventism. I have. C.W. Good