So do you still think that sexual anarchists within the global elite are still a source of validation for anything? Do you really think that they care about the best interests of your children? This recent decision in Colombia is pederasty plain and simple disguised as child marriage.
On August 23, 2021, the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia declared the marital union of an “adolescent person” and a person of legal age to be appropriate and valid. The High Court indicates in the ruling that young people between 14 and 18 years of age are not prevented from forming a free union of marriage nor do they need the permission of their parents.
#SalaCivil de @CorteSupremaJ declara procedente y válida unión marital y sociedad patrimonial entre adolescente y mujer mayor de edad. Jóvenes entre los 14 y 18 años no están impedidos para conformar unión libre ni necesitan permiso de sus padres, señala.
— Corte Suprema de Justicia (@CorteSupremaJ) August 23, 2021
How does this happen in a civil society? We have 14-year-old boys and girls who are now considered adults in Colombia. This means that at 14 years of age parental authority can be suspended in the nation. What happened to the international standards that established the minimum age at 18 years? Where is UNICEF? Where are the child protection sectors at the United Nations? Well, maybe they are preparing the children for early “child marriage.”
And who are these unjust judges who are pushing these laws on society? Why are they transmitting their psychological disorders to the rest of Colombia and to the children? Anything that attacks the human family in its original state during creation is ultimately an attack against our Creator and against God himself. Where are the churches and why haven’t they spoken out against this? There is a global effort to pass laws designed to banish Christ Himself from all memory and society.
“Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” Malachi 4:5, 6.
The Bible predicts that in the last days the world would be cursed if men, women and children continued to disregard the law of God. Unless God’s law is respected and the child/parent relationship is restored to the order ordained by Him, society will reap the dire consequences of disobedience.
There is an order that should exist in every home, one that is built upon love, respect, order and discipline. This is God’s plan for the family. When this order is destroyed society begins to collapse. Why? Because all of our institutions, churches, governments and societies are made up of families. When the family begins to crumble, the breakdown of civilization is sure to follow.
Children are commanded in God’s law to “honor your father and mother” Exodus 20:12. Parents are commanded to take God’s instructions and “teach them to your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up” Deuteronomy 11:19.
Shocking. I was definitely not ready for marriage st 14 years of age. This decision will be left open to all sorts of abuse. Shame on you Columbian
… shame on you Civil Chambers of the Supreme Court Of Justice of Columbia.
Suck it loser Christian feminists. “Child marriage” is a 21st century feminist-globalist term that was unheard of throughout human history, including in the Bible. It is common throughout human history for young women to get married when they begin puberty, and when this value is broken, society and family collapse, obviously. Marriage at puberty is a true Conservative Christian value, but you hate it anyway because you’re gay feminists at heart and you despise the fact that men value young women, and that women young and old have no real role besides in the home. Well, in Latin America, you lose, because Latin America is based.