It’s been nearly 50 years since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion at the federal level. Over 60 million human beings have been systematically killed since Roe v. Wade became law. However, today marked the official end of this federal right to abortion. Praise God! This is truly a good day for America. The US Supreme Court has made amends for a wrong that they have perpetuated upon the American people. There is no constitutional right to abortion. That wrong has been corrected. [1]
But this decision doesn’t put an end to abortion. It merely states that the federal government does not have the authority to make any decisions about abortion. It will be left to the states’ discretion, allowing them to control their own laws. According to the ruling, the federal government cannot instruct states on what to do because it lacks the authority to declare abortion to be a legal right. The choice made today was right from a purely legal and constitutional standpoint.
The ruling comes as a result of a case where the state of Mississippi imposed a ban on abortion at 15 weeks. Pro-abortion advocates sued to extend abortion until birth, but the US Supreme Court ruled that states have the authority to regulate and limit abortion.
Even though it is true that this decision is only the beginning, it is now obvious that the pro-life cause will advance without the roadblock that Roe v. Wade created. The opposing views on this issue are between those who favor protecting and saving infant lives—lives that lack the capacity to speak up for themselves—versus those who fight to take those same innocent lives.
The Seventh-day Adventist church hasn’t yet publicly praised this decision. It’s difficult to understand how they spoke out about gun violence but not about this life-saving victory. [2] The NAD is afflicted with lukewarmness and relativity, which demonstrates how politicized, ambiguous, and cowardly many church leaders have become.
It’s also disheartening to see pro-abortion activists going crazy over their right to murder children. Two weeks ago, they screamed for gun control to protect children; today, they scream for the freedom to murder children. It is depressing to see so many people upset that their ability to murder unborn children is being restricted. I had never imagined women crying hysterically because they believed they were no longer allowed to kill their unborn children.
At the end of the day, the federal law that permitted abortion was ultimately overturned. It is a positive step for life. For the pro-life movement and the unborn, this is a historic victory. Additionally, it seems like up to 26 states have already repealed or significantly restricted the availability of these abortions. On behalf of all the unborn, I say, “God be praised; this is a good day for America.”
For 50 years over 60 million of God’s creations has been sacrificed to Baal. “For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”
So true. And to pour acid on that wound, many Adventists have no problem with abortion and would rather keep Roe v. Wade intact.
My wife and I are pro life. We have proved that to ourselves with two of our children when doctors said that the first one will be born with Down Syndrome (which she wasn’t), and that my wife will certainly die in the case of second child. We said to the doctors that medicine can take us up to certain way, but it is God who decides who gets born with Down or born still.
I must say, before someone accuses me of being pro-choice (pro-murdering of unborn children) it is a dangerous precedent to impose moral values of Religious Right onto the Secular Left. EGW says that many who will help form the Image of the Beast “will not know” what they are doing. As much as the following quote is in regard the direct Sunday legislation, the present situation of RvW is very similar to what is coming:
“The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending…. They are working in blindness. They do not see that if a Protestant government sacrifices the principles that have made them a free, independent nation, and through legislation brings into the Constitution principles that will propagate papal falsehood and papal delusion, they are plunging into the Roman horrors of the Dark Ages.—The Review and Herald Extra, December 11, 1888. {LDE 125.3}
There are many, even of those engaged in this movement for Sunday enforcement, who are blinded to the results which will follow this action. They do not see that they are striking directly against religious liberty. There are many who have never understood the claims of the Bible Sabbath and the false foundation upon which the Sunday institution rests…. {LDE 126.1}”
We must not be a part of political evangelical right, nor liberal or secular left, but WE MUST be a LONELY MIDDLE.
All the pro life stuff aside, you, like many other Adventists, are setting up religious liberty above the clear commandment not to murder. Too many of you are misapplying EG White quotes about the slippery slope of “striking directly against religious liberty.” I don’t understand to save my life how you can make this leap, thinking that overturning Roe is somehow a lurch toward the erosion of religious liberty, which is totally unwarranted. Do you really believe we should keep an obviously demonic pseudo-constitutional right to abortion on the map because… religious liberty? On what planet does that make any sense? That is a non sequitur, and Adventists have held to that idea for a very long time. In other words, it does not follow that the overturning of Roe means that we might be on our way to a national Sunday law.
You only quote Ellen White, and out of context. How about what the Bible says? What about Romans 6, where Paul asks the rhetorical question as to whether we should continue in sin that God’s grace may abound? Should we keep Roe intact (bad) so that religious liberty (good) is somehow more guaranteed? God forbid.
The overturning of Roe actually does just the opposite of what you claim. The High Court did not make abortion illegal. All the SCOTUS did was punt the ball back to the states, where it should have been in the first place. That is one of the beauties of our Constitution. The very fact that abortion is (and will still be) available to a vast majority of the population keeps abortion alive and well, unlike the babies it slaughters. Yet, in many places where abortion will be illegal, many babies will have the liberty of being allowed to live. You want liberty to worship? Then support the liberty to be born. The former is pointless without the latter. If I had it my way, this nation would BAN abortions altogether. This has nothing to do with religious liberty, unless your alter is in the loving arms of Molech.
As long as we continue this abomination (among other abominations), do you believe that God is going to bless this country with religious freedom? In a country where we have come to the point that we deny basic biology, where people can’t say whether they are male or female, and we now have people in all branches of government who testified they cannot tell what a “woman” is, how close do you think we are to having our cup of iniquity filled?
Have you not seen what has happened to the world during the covid lockdowns? Religious liberties are ALREADY being stripped from you, and you don’t even see it. When did the Adventist church become obsessed with the idea that the Supreme Court of the US would deprive us of our rights to freely worship? You are focused on the wrong end point. While the Adventist church, to a great degree, has been neutral or negative towards overturning Roe, this same church willingly and happily followed government mandates not to gather to worship and to take an experimental gene therapy cocktail of drugs. You are all being herded and corralled because you expect some in-your-face monster SCOTUS rule stomping on your 1st Amendment rights, while you’ve been voluntarily giving them up one at a time. Do not make the mistake of looking for your rights to be stripped from you, at least not wholesale. Your rights are being surrendered, by you, a little here, a little there. THAT is the slippery slope you should be looking at.
It is a shame that Adventists have allowed the fear of loss of religious liberty to keep them from supporting the reversals of even the most demonic of constitutional rulings. Instead of hanging out in the “lonely middle” as you put it, the Adventist church’s reaction to the covid mess was fully secular, indistinguishable from any other mainline church.
And one more thing: You need to rethink this whole “it is a dangerous precedent to impose moral values” thing. ALL laws impose moral values. All laws are moral by nature. ALL laws assume one thing is good or right, and a failure to uphold that law is bad or wrong. I do not care if it’s called “Religious Right” or the “Secular Left.” SOMEBODY’S laws are going to be given, and I am not about to stand before God knowing I allowed the “Secular Left” to dominate society because it was somehow wrong for my “Religious Right” views on abortion to be “forced” by the court.
Given the bad logic with the misplaced slippery slope fallacy, the SCOTUS should also never overturn gay marriage, because, well, slippery slope. Instead of Adventists celebrating what should be a joyous victory, you are rather willing that evil remain because there is the religious liberty-killing boogeyman under every bed.
The Adventist church ONCE AGAIN flushed down the toilet a golden opportunity to take the lead among God’s supposed commandment-keeping people. The SDA church should have been leading the charge over the past 50 years not only to end Roe v Wade, but going beyond this and making abortion illegal in every state. But rather, it not only sanctioned abortion, but was guilty in performing them in some of its healthcare institutions.
Had the SDA church actually kept all the commandments of God as it claims to, it would have brought tremendous glory to God over this SCOTUS ruling. This would have been a day of great rejoicing among Adventist leadership and members all over the world. But no, it took CATHOLICS on the Supreme Court to do the dirty work that Adventists would not touch. I hate almost everything that Catholicism teaches, but the fact that Catholics on the SCOTUS have a far more Godly view of the value of the unborn than many SDA members is a rebuke that the church will never overcome. To the SDA leadership: Don’t you EVER talk about loving and keeping God’s commandments ever again.
As I have said in comments in the past, the abortion issue was the decisive issue that drove me out of the official church. I will not now, nor will I ever again, support in any way any part of this church (or any other church) that has no problem sacrificing unborn children to Molech.
Do not expect the Lord Jesus to say to any of you who support the “right” to abortion, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Many Catholics will go in before you.
I want to make one more comment, this one less angry than my previous one. I want to join Andy Roman and all others who can say, “Praise God almighty for this victory. To Him be all the glory!”
This day makes me think that maybe God will stay His hand a little longer, but with so much of the US hating the fact that we can’t appeal to our Constitution to kill children, I am not sure judgment will delay for long, and it seems that maybe it’s already too late. But we will continue to do all the good we can for as long as we can.
God be praised for what SCOTUS did for the American people and the whole Christian community. They were guided by the Lord in making the right decision. Hallelujah !!!
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
This is great news. Abortion should be hunted and put to an end. It is shameful to kill a human being saying that it is your right.
God bless you all.
Although many are happy with this decision, behind this news there is something that should concern us. In the case of Roe vs. Wade, the Court determined that abortion was a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. The current Court “withdrew” that “right”. With this decision a precedent is created that can be applied to any part of the Constitution. The Court could now withdraw the rights and protections that the 1st amendment gives us, and dictate who, how and when to worship; or those of the 14th and revoke our right to citizenship. Let’s wake up…
Aunque alegra a muchos esta decición, detras de esta noticia hay algo que nos debe preocupar. En el caso de Roe vs Wade la Corte determinó que el aborto era un DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL. La Corte actual “retiró” ese “derecho”. Con esta decicion se crea un precedente que puede ser aplicado a cualquier parte de la Constitucion. La Corte podria ahora retirar los derechos y protecciones que nos brinda la 1ra enmienda, y dictar a quien, como y cuando adorar; o los de la 14va y revocar nuestro derecho a la ciudadanía. Despertemos
So what, do we never reverse evil decisions of the court because the reversal would set a “precedent” for reversing “any part of the Constitution”? You DO understand that there have been MANY Supreme Court “reversals” in the past, right? In fact, our Constitution was even altered to reverse the infamous and horrible Dred Scott decision back in 1857? It was overturned by the 13th and 14th amendments. That’s a bigger deal than merely “reversing” the Constitution.
It is amazing what hoops people jump through to justify leaving abortion alone. Are you concerned that religious liberty will be “reversed”? Do you know that’s already happening, as evidenced world-wide during the covid/vax mandates? If you are looking for the Constitution to be reversed in order for religious liberty to be stripped from people, you will be asleep when your own are gone.
I. Perez,
You can capitalize “CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT” all you want regarding the ’73 Roe v. Wade decision, but that so-called “right” was fabricated out of thin air. Perhaps you can point me to the wording in the Constitution by which any reasonable person could conclude our founding fathers spoke of abortion.
Just because our Constitution was interpreted to include such a right does not mean the right actually exists, certainly not for the real believer in God. No such right ever existed. It’s about time that “right” was overturned. But don’t worry, you do understand that abortion is still legal in most of the country, right?
Roe v. Wade just got canceled like a stamp. Praise the Lord! If that gets your goat, please understand that we are not finished yet. The devil and those who follow him have won too many battles and 60+ million babies have paid with their lives. We will not stop until abortion is illegal in every single state. A baby’s right to live takes precedence over the “rights” of the mother to kill it.
Brother Ron, I appreciate your posts and replies here. Spot-on my friend. God bless you!
We have gone to the extreme as a nation in taking the life of unborn children and the pendulum will swing with equal motion to the other extreme. We are already seeing it when a person can be arrested for animal abuse (just so you know I am not for freedom to abuse any of God’s creation). It is as if a dumb animal has more rights than a child.
No need to worry though because this issue becomes a state by state issue and Kalifornication aka California is already poised to make sure you can come here to get that procedure. Assembly Bill 2223 is going through the process of potentially becoming law here and if it does, the language used in the bill is so ill defined and loosely written that you could argue that a mother can kill her baby up to 28 days AFTER birth!
Evil will not give up its ground readily and there are people in our legislative and judicial branches and in the general population that will die on that hill before they give up their “right” to murder innocent children.
We can deduce this to be right or wrong quite simply from our perspective, from our understanding of the commandments. However it is a very complex and a very emotional issue. We can blame the decay of society and family or lawlessness for where we are at and hence why abortion clinics exist. Are legal clinics better than backyard clinics, which is worse. Where a legal option is not available many will seek an illegal option which has greater physical and emotional risk and thus was a significant driver for legal clinics in the first place.
No matter what, those in these difficult circumstances need our support and prayers.
It’s not as complex as you are making it out to be, regardless of the emotions involved. Either “therapeutic” abortion is evil or it’s not. Either it’s murder or it’s not. Abortion clinics do not exist merely because of “decay of society and family and lawlessness”. Corporate abortion was begun as an effort to eliminate “undesirable weeds” from the population. It was primarily an instrument of eugenics/genocide.
Bit disappointed Andy that my comments got moderated.
No, just haven’t had the time to get to them.
Thanks Andy, thought my comments had disappeared:)
Patience is perhaps not one of my best virtues.
With the Roe decision overturned is an example of how the pendulum will sing back to the far right as Mrs. White has stated. This is definitely a victory for Justice, and way overdue! I agree with Ron. Where’s our SDA leadership in promoting this sanctity of life? I’m afraid the SDA church is becoming to woke. I’ll never leave my church, but I’ll not be silenced in holding our leadership accountable for turning a blind eye in these matters. God bless those precious babies and I pray they’ll all be in God’s kingdom.
Can you let us know where Mrs. White says “the pendulum will swing back to the far right”?
I have broken at least 9 of the 10 commandments in thought or deed. Sometimes willingly, sometimes in ignorance.
I don’t think I have ever broken the 6th commandment, does that make me better than they? Is one commandment greater than another? Sin is sin.
Why should the 6th commandment get more attention than the others?
May we seek to do His will, may He change us and may His mercy be upon us.
“Why should the 6th commandment get more attention than the others?”
Why should it not? Whatever commandment is being stomped into the ground at the moment is the one that should “get more attention”. Is there any other commandment, the violation of which, that has led to the indiscriminate killing of more than 60 MILLION babies in the US alone over the past 49 years? No war in the history of the world, no political ideology, no religious persecution throughout all time, has killed more people than the slaughter of the many hundreds of millions of babies worldwide over the past century. So, yeah, I think the 6th commandment needs a whole lot of attention among God’s people right about now.
The number of abortions in the world this year alone is just under 21 million, and the year is not half done. Depending on the data you see, roughly 60-66 million abortions are performed each year. Doesn’t take mad math skills to see that planet earth has butchered more than ONE BILLION babies over the past couple decades. Maybe numbers this big don’t bother us, but the same God who knows every star by name and the number of hairs on our heads also knows every soul destroyed in the womb and the pew-warming participants who have no problem with letting it happen.
Of the last six commandments dealing with our relationships with others, please tell me which commandment holds a candle to the prohibition against the murder of innocents? In the OT, there were cities of refuge – not for liars, or for those disrespectful to parents, or coveters, or thieves, even for adulterers, but for those who accidentally killed someone else. Most of the capital punishment sentences were for those guilty of murder. So it might be wise for us to pay a little more attention to the commandment that too many of us gloss over when it comes to abortion.
I have heard innumerable sermons over the years in the Adventist churches about the proper way to behave during Sabbath hours – can’t do this, can’t do that, do this, do that, many sermons going far beyond what the Scriptures say. I’m not taking anything away from the Sabbath, but I have NEVER heard one single sermon about the sanctity of life. Not one in 35 years. Mention “We need sermons on abortion. Where does the Adventist Church stand?” and you get all kinds of hems and haws and “Choice!” and “Religious freedom!” and “That’s between a woman and her doctor!” Seems very much to me like the weightier matters of the law get pushed aside so we can make room for one more sermon about why it’s good to hike in the woods and get sweaty during Sabbath hours, but walking on a beach is somehow in violation of it (I was there during that sermon). Or the pastor who bragged in one sermon about how he never, not in all his life, “allowed a piece of pork to pass between my lips!” Priorities. So tell me again why the 6th commandment should not get more air time?
In regards to the last six words of your comment… We would ask God for mercy while we are cool with the never-ending sacrificing of children to Molech? Seems a bit hypocritical for me to ask for His mercy while we have no problem with the law of the land showing no mercy to the unborn. So do not be surprised when the judgments of God pick up steam and the house of the Lord sees judgment first. This very website should give you a powerful clue as to the judgments of God falling on a church that has essentially turned its back on the unborn. Why do you think the Adventist leadership has gone off the rails in recent years?