If you oppose Pope Francis’ climate agenda, his immigration policies, and his plan to bless same-sex couples, you will be excommunicated from the Catholic Church and excluded from their universal fraternity. So much for Pope Francis’ call for solidarity, which is supposed to include everyone. Fratelli Tutti, the Pope’s idea that all people, regardless of differences, share a common dignity, does not appear to be as inclusive as previously thought. Can we see what’s happening here? The Vatican’s new world order will not include those who disagree with the Pope’s agenda.
There have been open apostates in the Roman Catholic Church who are causing division, such as US Jesuit Priest James Martin, German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, and many others who openly support LGBTQ policies, and nothing has happened to them. Then you have prominent Roman Catholic politicians around the world who openly advocate for abortion, such as Joe Biden, Nancy Peloci, and others, and they do not even receive a warning from Catholic officials. Instead, they are rewarded with the opportunity to participate in Communion at the Vatican. Apostates are welcomed and promoted, but Archbishop Vigano, who advocated for reforms in the Roman Catholic Church, has been excommunicated.
OnMSN News reported the following about the Archbishop’s excommunication:
• “The Vatican has excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, one of Pope Francis’s most virulent critics, after judging him guilty of splitting the Church, the dicastery in charge of doctrine said Friday.” [1]
• “The 83-year-old ultra conservative, who has called in the past for Francis to resign as pope, has been on trial since last month after being accused by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith of the crime of schism, or splitting the Catholic Church.” [1]
• “His public statements manifesting his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the Church subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council are well known,’ wrote the dicastery in a statement.” [1]
• “Vigano who served as the Vatican’s papal envoy to the United States from 2011 to 2016 and who is backed by an ultra-conservative US church faction — has been an outspoken critic of Francis, going so far as accusing him of heresy.” [1]
• “Vigano railed against Francis’ welcome for undocumented migrants, his ‘delirious encyclicals’ about climate change and authorization of blessings for same-sex couples, and accused him of promoting his allies.” [1]
• “I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) of heresy and schism, and I ask that he be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the Throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years,’ he wrote last month.” [1]
Essentially, Vigano questioned the Pope’s climate agenda, immigration policies, and plans to bless same-sex couples. Instead of submitting Pope Francis’ claims, the now-excommunicated archbishop accused him of heresy. So, in today’s Vatican, you are excommunicated for opposing Francis, but opposing the clear teaching of Christ is acceptable.
The truth is that Pope Francis is a heretic because this term refers to someone who promotes or adheres to beliefs or doctrines that deviate from the teachings of the Christian faith as taught in the Holy Scriptures. And Archbishop Vigano was excommunicated for speaking the truth—a truth that not even our Seventh-day Adventist leaders have the courage to say. The Vatican is warning the world that there are consequences if you don’t go along with the lies and falsehoods of Pope Francis or fail to follow them. Truth must not be expressed but instead ignored if you want to be part of Rome’s universal brotherhood.
[1] https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/vatican-excommunicates-major-pope-critic-for-schism/ar-BB1ptyG4
I wonder how many Pastors within Adventism are publicly calling out the same apostasy taking place within the General Conference, the NAD, and other divisions and Conferences? There are but a few. This Catholic Archbishop is being more honest to his faith than the large majority of our SDA Pastors being faithful to the 3 Angels Messages. What a sad testimony to what is happening within the church. Jesuits control the church now. And anyone who does not realize this is absolutely blind to what has been happening.
In Poland, the Pastors are specifically warned against preaching the 3 Angels Messages from the pulpit. The few that have done so in recent years are no longer Pastors. It is no wonder since Poland is the most Catholic country in the world. Jesuits control the church, the leadership, and speaking from experience, one would not believe how blind and clueless the members are. And there is so much more to tell but it cannot be said here..
The end is here friends. Please prepare your characters for what it coming next year. Do not be found wanting.
I saw last sabbath that a small video clip was shown prior to the offering collection showing that those who are not giving are affecting the church’s world wide mission and yet, I hesitate because I wonder where it really goes. On the other hand if I don’t give the church doors could close and oh how I would miss my time at church on sabbath as we did during the “pandemic”
After reading your comments can you maybe enlighten me a bit more?
Poland is not the most catholic country in the world. To begin with the Vatican is the most catholic country in the world. After that, it’s East Timor with 97% of the population being Catholic, followed Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, USA, and then Italy.
Dear Andy Roman, is this a time where you can influence, in some way or another, Archbishop Vigano regarding the prophecy of Revelation, especially in regards to chapter 18:4? Yes, he was excommunicated out of the church, but that could be a plus for your plea to him. Some how, he could be another Charles Chiniquy! Don’t you think? “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” What is the proper approach? Is there anybody else out there that sees it the way I do?
Archbishop Vigano, if you came across this website consider reading:
“50 Years in the Church of Rome”
“The Great Controversy”
It matters not if your name is on some church books but rather that your name is written in the Lambs book of Life in being a follower of Truth wheresoever it goes.
Yes, this timing couldn`t be better, Brother Andy
Priests take an oath of UNCONDITIONAL obediance to their Bishop. I view this behavior as evil. I owe no ultimate existence to any human. Catholics criticize Protestants for having thousands of denominations, and they point to the Roman Catholic Church’s proof of unity by its continued existence and touching of hands from their first ‘Pope,’ in a continuous succession of other ‘popes.’ In other words, if a validly ordained priest consecrates bread and wine, it becomes sacred, reguardless of the priest’s faith, practices, or beliefs. This automation is more like a pagan Christianity ‘by the numbers’ than in accord with Christ’s life of miracles, preaching, and love. The Holy Spirit comes and goes as it pleases. Its gifts cannot be institutionalized, however much such rules inure to the Catholic Church’s worldly survival. The ultimate power behind all Christianity is the Holy Spirit. Catholics can’t claim unique control of it. Making claims of longevity as proof of the Church’s validity may prove more the existence of the Prince of this world than of Christianity.
A follower of Christ takes an oath of obedience to the one on the eternal heavenly throne and no man can serve two masters.
Archbishop Vigano is the Charles Chiniquy of our time. His protests were real and landed him in the same place Chiniquy found himself. While a lot of our pastors are apostasizing, many are leaving Babylon and advocating for the truth. God’s church is not limited to structures but a system of truth.
Some in other denominations are preaching the advent message without knowing it, because it is the Bible truth. While a thousand leave, a thousand will join and the ranks of the Lord will not be diminished. That’s what Ellen White say. Let’s be found faithful..We are nearing home.
The protest cannot stop now.