We hear a call to embrace Catholic social doctrine in almost every crisis we see today. Rome is not allowing a good crisis to go to waste. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, told four separate newspapers on Monday, February 28, 2022, that Rome is ready to resolve the political and theological conflicts between Russia and Ukraine. The Vatican has devised a strategy to radically transform the world’s political and religious systems. They believe that the best approach to resolve society’s political difficulties is to eliminate all religious differences.
The Vatican News reported:
Cardinal Parolin called for the avoidance of any military escalation, an end to the violence, and the opening of peace talks, insisting “it is never too late” for negotiation. He said the Holy See is “ready to facilitate negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.”
To avert this danger, Cardinal Parolin said, “there is a need to avoid any escalation, stop the clashes and negotiate.” He also expressed concern about the “possible return to ‘a new cold war with two opposing blocs.’” Such a “disturbing scenario,” the Cardinal said, “goes against the culture of fraternity that Pope Francis proposes as the only way to build a just, solidarity-based and peaceful world.”
The Secretary of State also spoke about the disagreements between the Churches: “In the history of the Church, unfortunately, there has never been a lack of particularities and they have led to many painful divisions, as Saint Paul testifies at the very origin of Christianity, and who at the same time exhorts us to overcome them. In this sense, we see encouraging signs in the appeals of the heads of the Orthodox Churches, who show willingness to leave aside the memory of mutual wounds and to work for peace … which can play a fundamental role in preventing the situation from worsening further.” [1]
The Vatican has just stated that it wants to put an end to both Russia and Ukraine’s military conflicts as well as their religious differences. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is the country’s most popular religion. They recognize the Pope as their leader and are in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. The Russian Orthodox Church is the dominant religion in Russia and has special status within the Russian state, despite not being in full communion with Rome. The Russian Orthodox Church recognizes Pope Francis as a religious leader, but they reject the doctrine of papal supremacy, which holds that he is the spiritual leader of all Christians.
The most disturbing thing about this is when they claim that in order to stop wars and conflicts, diverse belief systems must be united and that there can be no church divisions. To put it another way, these political wars exist because we are not one. The Pope’s universal fraternity has not been accepted by us. And the longer the churches are separated, the worse these political conflicts will get.
Perhaps you dismiss any suggestion that the Vatican will rule the world as a simple conspiracy theory. Some argue that papal supremacy is a thing of the past and that we should be unconcerned about it because we now have civil and religious freedoms. As a result, many people believe they are perfectly safe to embrace the Pope’s encyclical of the universal ecumenical fraternity (Fratelli Tutti) and his environmental solutions (Laudato Si’).
Whether people want to believe it or not, Revelation 13 describes a power that is cunning and will play a leading role in the affairs of the nations. We are told that someone will be conspiring for world domination in these last days:
“And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Revelation 13:7.
Don’t imagine that Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’ do not form the basis of this new global reset. Prophetically speaking, Rome is destined to accomplish even more in these end times. She is just getting started. The only question is: Will the nations and the churches bow down at the feet of Rome? They are already doing it. All the current news and world events indicate that we are headed in that direction. In fact, God warns us where our world is headed:
“And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:12.
Tragically, some of our people don’t believe that the healing of the deadly wound is taking place, and therefore, they have no urgency to issue a warning against this beast power. But I want to assure you that the universal recognition of Rome as the chief arbiter of political, economic, environmental, and religious policies is one of the great signs that we are now living in the final period of this earth’s history.
This is the scenario that is unfolding, and in this context, a worldwide message from God will be heard saying: “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation.” Revelation 14:9.
They create the crisis and then offer their solution.
Amen sister.
The woman wants to ride the beast!
This is a huge development! And Vatican will have the so called solution for the world soon!
The Vatican wants to be involved in everything except cleaning up its own house.
But Romanism as a system is no more in harmony with the gospel of Christ now than at any former period in her history. The Protestant churches are in great darkness, or they would discern the signs of the times. The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes of operation. She is employing every device to extend her influence and increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world, to re-establish persecution, and to undo all that Protestantism has done (GC 565.4).
Well said!
So very true a man of God but not telling the truth about god
The Pope’s answer is for everyone to accept him as the universal head, then there will be unity. But this unity will lead to the mark of the beast and the seven last plagues.
The Vatican won’t fix anything, they will only try to increase their influence. They uses chaos to see how they can position themselves in this crisis to come out on top. For the rest of us, this means they will only make things worse.
Russian aggressive methods are not only powerful but they are indicative that there is an invisible push,war is an investment ,saw somewhere Prince Andrew and Charles want this war to happen the oligarchy may have hidden interests .The holy sea is drawing the strings The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes of operation. She is employing every device to extend her influence and increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world, to re-establish persecution, and to undo all that Protestantism has done (GC 565.4).
This senseless war would not have happened which likely to escalate to 3ww which to bring to fulfill the Masonic prophecies hidden in Washington monument or obelisk for their prophecy point to 2022 as the end of the world, with Russia stockpile anything can happen that will the world. The Wuhan Institute virus C19 started as a joke but within a short period it spread to the whole world. Prayers are wanted than ever before the Russian boss is not himself
This is hectic yu just opened my eyes
The war in ukraine is not political instigated as many try to assume it has more to do with religion . Let us remember the first world war ww1 (1914-1918) The duke of Austria – Hungary which was catholic dominated monarchy attacked serbia which was orthodox dominated country this drew the wrath of thier big brother Russia they came to rescue their brothers in balkans this is what papacy wanted because the Tsar of Russia Alexander expelled the Jesuits out of Russia so in this ukraine conflict it is similar to what happened a hundred and eight years ago. Ukrainian Greek orthodox is affiliated to catholic church but the Russian orthodox is affiliated to Kremlin Russian government something which does not auger well with Vladmir Putin because he considers ukraine to be part of Russian culture and history because they come from kiev rus and it was part of Russian empire. So inorder to have a meaning resolution both religions have to be brought together inorder for this conflict to end so that papacy can regain its lost glory during the dark ages.
All these events causes us to be watchful. Both presenting the papacies deceptive work and declare to God’s people the Christ righteousness which is vital for His church in these times. The third angel message requires both then we can have a sure anchor in Christ Jesus that nothing that happens will distract us away from Christ.
This whole thing is very eye opening. When I first came into Adventist over 40yrs ago and started reading EG White’s books i was amazed at the prophesies ut now today I have seen them all manifesting and being fulfilled to the letter. WOW 👌 AMAZING 👏