Pope Francis’ ecumenical movement is achieving what the Crusades could only hope for: the complete subjugation of Islam. On February 4, 2021, the Vatican opened a new “Apostolic Nunciature,” or Vatican Embassy, in the United Arab Emirates as a testament to fraternity and unity between Roman Catholics and Muslims. According to Roman Catholic Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, Substitute of the Secretariat of State at the Vatican who inaugurated the new embassy in Abu Dhabi, said: “It is Pope Francis’ sincere desire that this edifice (office) will assist the Papal Representative in carrying out his mission to the United Arab Emirates and to the local Catholic community and the dialogue between religions.” [1]
In the video interview above, at the 46th second mark, Roman Catholic Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra explains the meaning of the new Vatican Embassy in the United Arab Emirates:
“The meaning of the opening of the nuciature in this country is very simple: the Holy Father will have a house here. He will have a house and at the same time it will be the diplomatic representation of the Holy See in Abu Dhabi, and I think that this has a spiritual significance and spiritual meaning that is the closeness of the Holy Father to the country, and at the same time it is to upgrade the relation between the two states, the Holy See and this country.” (YouTube Video).
In Revelation 13, there is a movement described which is going into all the world, commanding the people to bow and render homage to the beast whose deadly wound was healed. Religious and political leaders are leading the world in this effort as everyone is wondering after the beast. To wonder after the beast means having great admiration for the papacy. It involves accepting and adhering to Rome’s policies. It means putting the Pope’s encyclicals on the universal brotherhood and the climate change crisis into action.
Wondering after the beast includes acknowledging his spiritual and temporal power by implementing Rome’s stated goals. This is precisely what we are witnessing today, as the entire world bows to papal supremacy. According to Bible prophecy, this religious power will exert a world-wide influence over all the people, including Islam.
“All the world wondered after the beast. . . . And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:3-8
How quickly and precisely is God’s word being fulfilled before our eyes? This is exactly how the book of Revelation depicts the major events that are currently taking place around us, as well as how to respond to them. In Revelation 14, we also read about the Third Angel’s Message, and the same prophetic word indicates that a warning message must be given against worshiping the beast and his image, as well as accepting his mark on the forehead or in the hand. This warning against the beast and his image must be given at the same time that the deadly wound is healing, and would therefore be a message for this precise hour.
How critical it is that in this final hour of the great controversy with sin, we do everything we can to clearly present the important issues at hand to each individual within our circle of influence. Every soul must soon make a decision. Either we shall give God implicit, unreserved obedience, or we will be forced to bow in absolute submission to God’s adversary—the beast. The entire world will be deceived. Will we be deceived as well? We will, unless we have a thorough understanding of the great issues before us.
We must study God’s final message of mercy because the Lord is coming soon and we need to be prepared for this solemn event. Our mission is to proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world in the context of the Three Angels’ Message of Revelation 14. God sends us to give the final warning against the beast, his image, and his mark, as well as a divine call to complete obedience to all of His commandments. Seventh-day Adventists have been given this responsibility, especially during the final scenes of the battle between good and evil.
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2022/02/04/220204b.html
All the world will wonder after the beast.
So,what’s the solution?Should we panic or cry?
Take courage, we know God is in control. We know the beast wound is being healed and is happing before our eyes. May we look to Jesus for strength. I have struggled looking at the condition our world is in and our sinful state. If we just look at all the problems in this world it will get us down, but we must lift our eyes to Jesus and trust in His promises. In Him we trust.
I think it is a bit of a stretch, and too strong of a word subjugation. The subjugation of Islam is going to happen not by mere human power, but when the King of North pushes against the King of South, which is when Satan personates Christ at which time the whole world will become “Christian”. Deadly wound has not been healed yet; that is yet future.