On December 13, 2022, the Vatican hosted nine major shortwave radio broadcasters at the historic Vatican Radio headquarters in the Vatican Gardens. Known as the G9 Broadcasters Summit, it was designed to host face-to-face discussions about spreading the message of mercy and hope to the world. The list of G9 broadcasters was also published by Vatican News and is as follows:
1 – Vatican Radio
2 – Adventist World Radio
3 – Encompass
4 – Deutsche Welle
5 – Media Broadcast
6 – Federal Communications Commission
7 – United States Agency for Global Media (AGM)
8 – Tèlèdiffusion de France and
9 – Mglob S. A. [1]
The Seventh-day Adventists and the other G9 Broadcasters members were welcomed by Roman Catholic Monsignor Lucio Adrian Ruiz, Secretary of the Dicastery for Communication, who oversees communications for the Holy See and the Vatican City State. Vatican News reported that Monsignor Ruiz welcomed everyone to the Vatican with the following words:
“You are at home, because the Holy See is everyone’s home, because it wants to welcome us in a universal embrace of fraternity to work for the good of humanity.” [1]
“That is how Monsignor Lucio Adrian Ruiz, Secretary of the Dicastery for Communication, opened the meeting.” [1]
“In a world that is increasingly marked by expanded services in broadband and new technologies, we are ‘dedicating ourselves to shortwave and the services that are offered through it,’ Monsignor Ruiz noted.” [1]
“He added that this effort is ‘fundamental in order not to forget those people in different parts of the world who have no access to other forms of information and connection than with these technologies. For us, who are essentially missionaries, short wave offers a precious means of outreach since it allows us to reach the ends of the earth with a message of tenderness, mercy, peace and hope’.” [1]
According to Vatican News, Adventist World Radio was reportedly welcomed “home” to the Vatican in order to embrace Rome’s universal fraternity. How do these trips to the Papal throne help us to better understand and share the Three Angels’ Messages with the world? They don’t. We have people in Adventism who have embraced the most far-fetched ideas about ecumenism, and they don’t realize that these encounters are actually bringing us closer to Rome, not to God.
The president and executive director of Adventist World Radio is Duane McKey. Additionally, McKey serves as President Ted Wilson’s assistant and is a member of the General Conference Executive Committee. And this action on the part of Seventh-day Adventists to make this journey back home to Rome will undoubtedly be seen as the realization of Pope Francis’ call for global solidarity and unity. Unfortunately, the above dream has transformed into a dangerous nightmare.
It would have been impossible in previous generations for a Seventh-day Adventist global evangelistic broadcasting agency to travel to the Vatican and collaborate with Rome to spread peace and love throughout the world. How quickly things have changed. How quickly we have changed. How quickly the ecumenical movement’s poisonous influence has altered our perceptions of our mission and message.
We are faced with a significant and historic decision. Will we choose to proclaim and uphold the true apostolic faith as it is revealed in the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14? Or will we continue on the journey towards Rome and let the faith and the people drift into a toxic ecumenical fraternity that is hellbent on replacing the word of God with grave theological errors? Both Christ and His truth have been dethroned by Rome. And will we continue to go to them so that they can instruct us on what our church ought to say and do?
One thing is certain: the more we lower our standards of truth and send our leaders to the Vatican, the faster we will “clasp the hand of Catholicism” (Last Day Events, p. 130) and reject the distinctive truths of the faith. Church leaders are either complicit in this ungodly rebellion or are too cowardly to oppose it. In any case, it seems like there aren’t enough people speaking out to defend the historic Seventh-day Adventist faith from the onslaught of radical ecumenists.
“Yet none need be deceived. In the light of God’s Word it is not difficult to determine the nature of these movements. Wherever men neglect the testimony of the Bible, turning away from those plain, soul-testing truths which require self-denial and renunciation of the world, there we may be sure that God’s blessing is not bestowed” (Great Controversy, p. 464).
I just looked up to AWR to see who they are connected to or with and was shocked to see that it is 3ABN. Does that mean that 3ABN is also cozying up to the papal movement?
You said in the article ” Will we choose to proclaim and uphold the true apostolic faith as it is revealed in the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14? Or will we continue on the journey towards Rome and let the faith and the people drift into a toxic ecumenical fraternity that is hellbent on replacing the word of God with grave theological errors?”
Brother Andy when you come to the conclusion that the “we” that will continue to give the Three Angels Message is not the GC corporate SDA church then you will know the answer to those questions. Hopefully you already know them.
Our church representatives should have walked out as soon as the Vatican official announced, “You are at home.”
So sad. We are forced to soften our prophetic message because of these relationships.
There is not meaningful biblical purpose to go to the Vatican.
What in the world are they thinking and what possible justification will the church offer for this one?
“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” 1 Corinthians 15:33.
These relationships have consequences.
The hour has come when people will worship God in Truth and Spirit.
“Come out of it my people”.
Two can only walk together when in harmony
Deceived again by GC
Now it happened when Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and the rest of our enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall, and that there were no breaks left in it (though at that time I had not hung the doors in the gates), that Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, “Come, let us meet together among the villages in the plain of Ono.” But they thought to do me harm. So I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” But they sent me this message four times, and I answered them in the same manner.
Nehemiah 6:1-4 NKJV
Must we go even at the throne room of the Egyptian Pharoah to deliver the mesage from the King of kings “Let my people go that they may serve Me? Or should we abstain from the territory of God’s enemy because we are in dangerous grounds? How about the children of God under the territory of the Vatican, should they be left aside and not be warned or preached about the Three Angels’ Message?
AWR is a short wave radio and is doing mighty works for this planet earth. I believe that attending to a meeting of the short wave radio broadcasters is not wrong unless that we change our message in favor of Catholicism. I hope I am not wrong that our very concern ONLY is how we can reach those people whose hearts are open to know the message of God and yet are under the clutches/ territory of the Vatican? I would hold my peace to give judgment to AWR representative who may have attended such meeting- unless they are openly talking at AWR STATIONS and openly supporting the cause of Romanism. Let us allow the General Conference leadership to speak about this. Please call their attention. I for one is not in favor should be an act of clasping hands together with Vatican.
I have a friend that contacted Adventist World Radio and this was their response.
Just talked with Chris at AWR. She said that one of their engineers went to that but it was simply a meeting about the new technology related to short wave radio and the ever shifting sun spots. Unfortunately, it was in Vatican City, not at the Vatican and pastor McKee was definitely not involved since it was for engineers nor has he been to Italy in many years. The place of meeting changes every year and it is slated to be in Washington next year. The GC has gotten involved and will deal with the misinformation. She did say that if it was ever held in Rome again, they simply would not attend since it has created doubt in the minds of many Adventists.
Everything makes sense when you realise our leaders are not really ours. We have been infiltrated by Rome with her puppets. When will we start standing up for the three angels messages everywhere we go and everyone we meet? This is the key
Praise God that the work is soon to close. This is just another prophecy that will soon herald Jesus’ lovely return. May we watch and pray and go in faith to finish the work.
I choose to belive what AWR says. We need to be comprehensive and not give the enemy a victory that he has not, just because of a missunderstanding. But I remember the Vatican flag in our GC session. Twice. That needs a better explication than the official one given, which is ridiculous: “The flags were of those countries where we don’t have any presence yet…” Yeah, sure..