As the United States and NATO prepare to confront China and Russia, and as the world descends into a culture of war, Jesus will soon return with the armies of heaven to wage war against the nations, bringing an end to all wars.
“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 11:15.
Jesus predicted in the book of matthew 24 about the signs of the endtimes he predicted about famine; pestilence; wars, and rumours of wars and a nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom.All these signs are in our midst and we are witnessing them.The hour of probation is fast closing and we should open our eyes in the heavenly sanctuary where Jesus is interceding for us.In these last days , great rapid movements are taking place we are living in a decade which is like no other great powers are threatening each other with nuclear war heads e.g Russia vs America over Ukraine crisis; after the Ukraine crisis China will invade Taiwan and war will start between China and America in 2025 according to General Mike Minihan as he was recently quoted. Ecumenical movement is gaining momentum and leaders of all churches are uniting together under the banner of Rome to enforce the mark of the beast. Climate change movement is also rapidly gaining momentum this is also a precursor to the long awaited Sunday law. There are calls to abandon national currencies and embrace one world currency; one world religion ;one world army; one world government . As students of prophecy we all know it is through one world religion where the world will feel a lot of impact. Let’s draw closer to our creator than ever before and be watchful.
Amen brother
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Thank you for this encouraging message.