Earth Day is a day dedicated to bringing people together to celebrate the environment. It is a day dedicated to honor the earth. Earth Day is a day when people of all social, political, and religious backgrounds work together to keep our planet healthy. It is a time to take action against climate change. It is a day when people are taught to respect the environment and to celebrate nature. It’s a time when people all across the globe set aside time to think about how they might lessen their environmental impact and pledge to educate and encourage others to do the same. This endeavor is being led by Pope Francis.
We all need to make a contribution to halt the destruction of our common home and to restore nature: governments, businesses and citizens – we must act like brothers and sisters who share the Earth, the common home that God has given us. #EarthDay
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) April 22, 2022
On Earth Day 2022, the corporate, political, and religious sectors answered Pope Francis’ appeal for climate action. In response to the Pope’s message, a new partnership is being created and a new joint endeavor is being launched, based on a common vision of caring for our planet. Pope Francis, speaking on behalf of the Catholic Church, urged “governments, businesses, and citizens” to “act like brothers and sisters” and to “halt the destruction of our common home.”
This is a faith-led, faith-centered cooperative effort to address climate change, inspired by Pope Francis’ climate encyclical Laudato Si’. According to Pope Francis, climate change is the greatest threat we will face in our lifetime. And, in response to his urgent call to protect our planet, a massive global response has emerged from various sectors of society.
As you can see in the post above, Earth Day has evolved into a celebration of Laudato Si’, with prayers dedicated even to the Virgin Mary. It’s starting to take shape. Working relationships are being formed. Care for our common home, according to climate activists, is the new number one objective and goal that must be addressed immediately.
Earth Day has become a day dedicated to the Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si’. People are responding by recycling, planting trees, banning plastics, organizing clean-up efforts, and by engaging in other “green” activities. Because time is running out and our world is about to disintegrate and self-destruct, this is the new awareness that everyone should embrace and work on. Their message is that the entire world’s population must be made aware of the global climate crisis and must take action to address it.
You can not separate Earth Day from Pope Francis. The world came together to pay homage and respect to the Earth. A day has been dedicated to celebrating the earth. For some, it is a day to plant trees; for others, it is a day to clean up. It’s all about going green, reducing waste, conserving energy, recycling, eliminating fossil fuels, and raising public awareness about climate change.
Modern-day paganism was on full display on Earth Day as people “connected with the earth elements” and the “inclusive spirit.” People commemorate Earth Day in a variety of ways. While spiritualists meditate, witches and pagans worship, and Christians (including many Adventists) organize clean-up efforts. Everyone is coming together to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Nature-based faiths like Wiccans (witches) and Pagans worship nature. So, in a sense, Earth Day is only a revival of the ancient, pantheistic religions. Giving reverence to the earth is part of heathen worship. Earth Day 2022 was a sacred celebration for many participants.
The sun, moon, stars, and earth were all worshipped in ancient pagan cultures. They idolized the earth and regarded it as a god. On Earth Day 2022, we witnessed the same Mother Earth idolatry that existed in ancient Baal worship.
The resurgence of worshiping Mother Earth is intimately connected to Earth Day celebrations. The idea that the Earth is our mother and that we need to take care of her is also part of Pope Francis’ message contained in Laudato Si’ #1 #87. The final solution proposed by Pope Francis to solve the climate crisis will be to implement Sunday rest, as contained in Laudato Si’ #237.
We are not opposed to clean water and air; however, we are against earth worship and believe that Sunday is not the solution to our planet’s problems. Pope Francis speaks about the “cry” of “Mother Earth” who is speaking to us (Laudato Si’ #49 #53). First of all, the earth is not our mother. The earth is an inanimate object and does not cry or speak. Our planet cannot be anyone’s mother because it is not a person. It is a thing. Secondly, Christians only have two mothers – our biological mother, who gave birth to us from the womb, and the New Jerusalem, which will soon be the home of the redeemed (Galatians 4:26).
As a result, the concept of “Mother Earth” is idolatry and pure paganism, and the fact that Pope Francis is passionately pushing for the personification of the earth is indicative of the churches’ moral degradation and apostasy. Today’s churches are replacing biblical truth with eco-idolatry. Seventh-day Adventists should never support this modern-day idolatry by participating, being present, or remaining silent.
The Lord’s Day, Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath, is a sign of loyalty to God in the Bible. Seventh-day Adventists have always taught that the Sunday versus Saturday issue will come into prominence as we enter the close of human history. Indeed, when describing the mark of the beast and the seal of the living God in the book of Revelation, God is the one who depicts this struggle. Just before Jesus’ Second Coming, the debate over the true Sabbath day will come to a head.
While the beast, the image, the kings of the earth, the merchants of the earth, and the entire world unites together to exalt Sunday as the false day of worship through legal enactments, God’s faithful people will keep the true Sabbath day, Saturday, and proclaim the everlasting gospel to the entire world in the context of Revelation 14:6-12. The followers of Christ will proclaim a message to worship the Creator of heaven and earth on the seventh-day Sabbath. They will also give the final invitation to come out of Babylon and unite with those who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12).
We need to take care of the planet, but global warming is a hoax. The earth has always went through cycles and is going through one now. But the cycles are about to end because Jesus is coming soon to destroy sin, sinners and leave this earth desolate for satan and his fallen angels.
I find “Earth-Day” nothing more than a rehashed “Day of Panathenaic” to the Great god Pan of old re-made. Have we as a people now stooped so low that we are worshipping the dirt we walk upon and ‘forget’ our Sovereign Creator who made the dirt? We walk from day to day through our lives living out our fears and tears without the presence of God in our lives so we “make-up” this Pan-theistic god to fill our god-void. Just as the mid sixteen century folks did way back when. [This type of worship style is not new.] Shame, Shame, Shame on us as a people who would supplant our Creator for this homophobic replacement called “Mother-Earth”. The next step in this train of circumstances will be to force Sunday worship on everybody claiming that it is an extension of “Earth-day” into a mathematical derivative of it’s co-partner Pan-tubulous! I must say most of us will worship just about anything that comes along. I think that’ called walking down the broad road.
Had the rulers exerted their influence and exercised their authority, this state of things might have been prevented; but their desire to advance their own secular interest led them to favor the ungodly. It is mingling our interest with the interest of unbelievers that leads to apostasy and the ruin of the soul. – ST January 17, 1884