This is a Sabbath sermon that shows that only those who hold on to their faith, who have a strong prayer life and who are connected to the word of God will be ready for the coming of Jesus. “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” Hebrews 10:38.
Finally someone is speaking up. Catholic Jesuits have joined the SDA church long ago.
They have become the head of the church which I grew up in. Sister White would be upset to all that is happening.
I will never subject myself or family to a trinity. Co eternal co equal gods where the devil has inserted himself so he maybe worshiped. The remnant will be saved.
Desconhecer sua própria história e receber a mentira como se fosse verdade é uma tragédia. Os antitrinitarianos seguem uma doutrina pagã e creem serem os adventistas ortodoxos. Que pena.
Ellen White called Jesus the “eternal Son,” and the Bible calls the Spirit the “eternal Spirit.”
If the Father, Son, and Spirit are each eternal, what might be wrong with calling them co-eternal?