At this very moment, when God is trying to save the souls of men and women with the final warning message from Heaven, there is an aggressive effort to push spiritualism in our generation. On December 15, 2023, Time Magazine published a special edition called “Heaven and the Afterlife,” in which it asserted that there is scientific evidence to support the idea of a “continuing consciousness” beyond death. [1] This view is identical to the doctrine of the immortal soul, which holds that the soul lives on eternally even after death.
This philosophy is the same lie that Satan spoke in the Garden of Eden when he said, “Ye shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). Time magazine is helping prepare people to welcome the spirits of the dead by promoting the idea that the dead don’t really die. Once again, the great deceiver seeks to take control of our minds, and it is unfortunate that this generation listens to everything else except God and His truths.
In order to enhance his deceptions, Satan’s fallen angels will pose as our deceased friends wearing “robes of light” and mimic the robes that the faithful will receive in the life to come (Revelation 6:11; 7:9, 17; 19:8).
“But in their gatherings, the angels of darkness assume the forms of dead friends, and communicate with them as angels of light. Their loved ones will appear in robes of light, as familiar to the sight as when they were upon the earth. They will teach them, and converse with them. And many will be deceived by this wonderful display of Satan’s power. The only safety for the people of God is to be thoroughly conversant with their Bibles, and be intelligent upon the reasons of our faith in regard to the sleep of the dead. Satan is a cunning foe. And it is not difficult for the evil angels to represent both saints and sinners who have died, and make these representations visible to human eyes. These manifestations will be more frequent, and developments of a more startling character will appear as we near the close of time” (Review and Herald, April 1, 1875).
We can only be protected from the deceptions that are coming to our world if we verify everything with the word of God. Sadly, people would much rather talk to spirits than to God. Many Christians will converse with these demonic spirits, believing that they are deceased friends or family members, without realizing that they are actually going “over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism” (Last Day Event, p. 131).
Posted about this when My wife sent me a picture of this after seeing this in walmart. The Movement is coming
This is ingrained & almost universally accepted in the Christian & pagan world. When Christian topics arise on the forum I snoop on, most Christians talk about an eternal soul & a fiery hell that is ongoing & has no end (comments could be AI, for all I know). This morning on the radio they interviewed a clairvoyant, who “puts people in touch with relatives who have ‘crossed over'”; I turned the radio off. Obituaries say “passed”, “passed away”, “transitioned”, “reunited with [so&so]” – anything but DIED. Even SDAs (& pastors!) say “passed away” – wrong! SDAs need to stop using that expression. And Jesus never said we’ll live in Heaven. Thank God we know the truth about death, even though some SDAs convey the entire opposite by using the wrong terminology. Thank you.
“Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul, and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions” GC 588
I can imagine they will use app on the phone to “connect” you with the dead. Fueled by AI that is controlled by the Jesuits.
This goes hand in hand with the rise of TECHNO-SPIRITUALISM through chatbots to talk to the dead.