On April 8, 2022, the Catholic Italian online newspaper ‘La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana’ published a report about a baptism that was performed by the local parish priest, Antonio Borio, at the Church of the Stigmata of Saint Francis of Assisi, located in Turin, Italy. A request for “confirmation”, which includes dedication, anointing, the laying of hands and baptism, was made by “a woman, who, after sex reassignment surgery, now calls herself a male.” [1] [2]
The priest, unsure of what to do or how to proceed, sought advice from the curia (archdiocese). According to the newspaper, the local archdiocese gave the priest the following instructions:
“Confirm the person with their new name but record the natural baptismal name in the register, adding at the bottom the date and protocol number of the sentence of the civil court which certifies the occurrence of the sexual reassignment.” [1] [2]
The Catholic hierarchy advised that the transgender person be baptized under her old female name, but that the new male name be used for the remainder of the ceremony. The Catholic online newspaper made the following observations about transgender people receiving the sacrament of baptism:
“Does this imply a go ahead for trans people to receive the sacraments? The matter might be delicate, but fundamentally, once the new name is recognized, in this case masculine, the damage is done and any possible extenuating factors of a moral nature fall by the way. In fact, to receive Confirmation, or the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidate must be admonished to present themselves in a state of grace, otherwise a sacrilege is being performed. By accepting the change of name, the Church would also be accepting the person’s disordered lifestyle which contradicts creation.” [1] [2]
The Catholic newspaper contacted the priest on several occasions to confirm the story’s authenticity. The priest issued the following statement in response to the newspaper:
“Yes, it’s true, there was a request from a woman who is now male, but she is not one of my parishioners, I was introduced to the person. I asked the Curia and the Curia’s response refers to a note from the CEI (Italian Bishops Conference) presidency of 2003 which, however, dealt with the recording of the baptisms of people who subsequently underwent the so-called reassignment.” [1] [2]
It appears that these churches have stopped reading the Bible. When it comes to human sexuality, God’s word is very clear. Unfortunately, the apostates have not been deterred from pursuing their godless agendas. While supporting the radical transgender ideology, many churches and pastors are defying biblical Christianity. This generation of Christians would rather follow the world than follow God’s instructions.
God created one male and one female for the purpose of procreation and prosperity, as well as to demonstrate that only one man and one woman should marry and live as husband and wife:
“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5:1, 2.
Jesus made the following statement about God’s original plan for humanity:
“But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together (one man and one woman united in holy matrimony), let not man put asunder.” Mark 10:6-9.
How can the church oppose Christ, the true founder of His church, in his teachings? There’s no way. The fact is that Jesus’ statements will never be contradicted by His faithful followers. This will only be done by false apostles (2 Corinthians 11:13), who have converted God’s church into the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9).
There is a continuous war on the truth of God’s word. And once any church starts down the path of compromising the teachings of the faith in order to accommodate error, there will be nothing sacred left. Error is always dangerous. Error can take over an entire institution – no, the entire church. And if these churches are still determined to embrace error or celebrate it, then will the last believer of true, biblical Christianity please turn off the lights on their way out of those churches that are on the road to spiritual extinction.
[1] https://lanuovabq.it/it/ti-battezzo-femmina-e-ti-cresimo-maschio-torino-svolta-sui-trans
Sadly these “churches” never read the Bible in the first place. I hesitate to call it a “church” in the Biblical sense. It is rather the synagogue of Satan.
We must be careful in saying “these churches” as the LGBTQ agenda has infiltrated all churches…including the SDA church. We cannot point the finger at others without pointing the fingers at ourselves. That said, we need to pray for ourselves, our church family and leaders. Pray that we walk according to the “TRUTH” of God and not the ways of man. We cannot confirm to the “traditions” of man…it is better to obey God rather than man. God Bless.
Got me wondering about where the pharse “Trans” comes from it’s Latin isn’t it?
As in transubstantiation (the Latin Mass)