Rome is actively engaged in its mission of spreading Sunday rest by trying to persuade the entire world to adopt its teachings. Catholics are not calling for a respectful dialogue to try to understand from the Bible what day is the true Sabbath; no, Rome believes that it has the responsibility to influence society as a whole to embrace Sunday sacredness. On June 18, 2023, Roman Catholic Bishop Robert J. McClory published the following in the Northwest Indiana Catholic, the official church publication for the Diocese of Gary:
• “Every Sunday is extraordinary as a solemnity, a Holy Day of Obligation, and – significantly as summer is near – intended to be a day of rest.” [1]
• “We are always bound by our Christian vocation to fulfill the precept to participate in the Sunday Eucharist.” [1]
• “Sunday is also the Day of Rest and when we embrace that aspect of Sunday, we can experience many blessings.” [1]
• “Our Creator knows us better than we know ourselves. When we align our lives with the rhythm of life He intended for us, we will more readily fulfill his plan in our lives. The Sunday ‘obligation’ is really the Sunday gift from our loving Father. Embracing this time of worship orders our lives properly and builds up the Body of Christ. When the day is focused on worship of God and as a day of rest, our spirits are renewed and we are led to be happy, healthy, and holy.” [1]
Despite all the claims made by ecumenical agents that Rome is changing, nothing could be further from the truth. This is the same system that continues to say that God’s law has been changed and that Sunday is the new day of rest that was given to us in order to help us sustain ourselves physically and spiritually. The fundamental question in this matter is this: Who has the authority to establish truth? God or man? The problem with apostate Christianity is that it believes that church councils and clerical bodies have the authority to establish doctrine on matters of faith. Like the majority of Christians today, Bishop Robert McClory believes and teaches that Sunday is the day of rest without ever once citing a Bible commandment in favor of observing the first day of the week.
The Bible is clear that God instituted the Sabbath by blessing the seventh day (Genesis 2:1–2) and commanded that all people keep this day holy (Exodus 20:8–11). Jesus didn’t change the Sabbath. He said that until heaven and earth pass away, not one dot shall pass away from the law (Matthew 5:17, 18). Neither did the apostles change the day from Sabbath to Sunday. Paul said that faith “establishes” the law (Romans 3:31), and James said that breaking even one part of the moral law leaves a person guilty of breaking it all (James 2:10–12).
Why then has the majority of Christians today adopted Sunday as the day of worship and rest? You have to look to the prophecies of Daniel 7 and 2 Thessalonians 2 to understand that God predicted the emergence of an apostate religious entity that would “think to change times and laws” (Daniel 7:25). Paul, in 2 Thessalonians, warned that even in the first century, the “mystery of iniquity” or lawlessness was already at work (2 Thessalonians 2:7).
Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). He also asked, “Why do ye … transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3). If we love Jesus and want to be Bible Christians, we must follow the teaching laid out in Scripture and keep Saturday holy rather than Sunday.
“God help us to be Bible students. Until you can see the reason for it yourself and a ‘thus saith the Lord’ in the Scriptures, don’t trust any living man to interpret the Bible for you” (Faith and Works, p. 77).
Can you point a verse in the bible which says, keep Sunday holy?
There is none.
Revelation 2: 1-3
Sunday will become the mark of the beast when backed by the law.
Sunday is a gift from the Antichrist, not from God.
Rome is fulfilling its prophetic role. We don’t have time to waste with so much foolishness. We have work to do. Satan knows this and that is why we are seeing so many distractions (apostasy) in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
People are crying out for the rest God offers. The 7th day Sabbath is a gift from Our Creator to Make Us Healthy, Happy and Holy. However by changing the day from the 7th to the 1st, the focus moves from God as Creator to man as arbiter of his own destiny. Physical rest comes without the added spiritual rest. It is possible even on the 7th day as many Jews keep it holy without any connection to Jesus. Yes it even possible for those with SDA membership. The seal of God can only be placed in the forehead while the mark of the beast can be in the forehead or the hand.