Vans is a popular footwear and apparel company for young people. They have just introduced a new “Vans X Horror” line that celebrates horror movies like The Exorcist, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, It, The Shining and The Lost Boys. [1] [2] In truth, we have a generation of lost boys and girls, and we are losing them to spiritualism and demon possession. Thanks to Vans, kids across America can now shop for hats, socks, shoes, shirts, and backpacks that glorify horror, murder and exorcism.
It’s no wonder why nearly half of American millennials “don’t know, believe or care if God exists.” [3] And, tragically, that number is growing. This is what happens when we remove God from our lives. We no longer have a nation, thanks to secular leftists who want to destroy our spirituality. Progressive liberals have demonized religion for more than 50 years. Since the 1960s, they have eliminated God, the Bible, and prayer from public schools, and they have ensured that the average young person learns nothing about our Judeo-Christian history and values.
There are many reasons for the lack of biblical faith among the youth today. Most of the blame can be laid at the feet of our ungodly schools, governments, parents and churches. The church in America is also in a state of crisis as we are losing our Christian religion and identity. This problem is compounded because the watchmen are asleep and continue on with a “business and usual” attitude as if nothing was wrong. Jesus predicted that a crisis of faith would occur at the end of the world. So He asked this question as a warning for our day:
“Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8.
Jesus was looking down to the final generation, the one that would see Him return in the clouds of glory, and He wondered if there would be any true and genuine faith on the earth. And just as He predicted, there’s not much. We are certainly living in the ungodly age of the Antichrist. This is a topic that is contained throughout the Bible:
“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” 2 Peter 3:3, 4.
“For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:38, 38.
This generation is like the one that lived in the days of Noah. Although Noah warned of a coming flood, they did not believe until the flood came and took them all away. However, this time it will not be a flood; it will be a destruction by fire. The human race has degenerated since we began to abandon God and His word. If we continue to ignore Him, we do so at our own risk.
I would say to every millennial: What do you have to lose by believing in Jesus? If there is no God, then it will make no difference if He does not return or if you die. You would have lived a wonderful life of love and compassion as a Christian believer. But if you are an unbeliever and you are wrong, and if there is a God, it will make a big difference when you see Him coming in the clouds of glory. So you had better make sure there is no God, because He is coming again.
Unfortunately, the Bible already records the words that every unbeliever will say when they see Jesus Christ return again:
“And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:16, 17.
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 8:20.
Notice the androgynous nature of the individual in the picture. Can anyone tell the gender of this person for sure? This is also abomination to our God, and so much part of the culture we live in.
It’s not just as you say…” …thanks to secular leftists…” or the far right, black people matters or any other political, social, human rights movement, nor is it the pop world or the music industry or the world of entertainment, these among many other ungodly worldly Christless things are all down to the evolutionary nature of the sinful nature and the lack of the gospel having the desired effect locally, nationally and globally.
The world is full of sinners and it will never change,no matter where we live in the world, be in a democratic or autocratic society, be we religious, secular, humanist or any other persuasion, the responsibility of the church of God is to…Go into all the world (in the words of Jesus)…We can highlight the different ways evil is unfolding itself all around the world, but this will not bring about the needed change which the gospel encourages all sinners to accept freely, it matters not the untold evil, known or unknown, hidden or in our face (as it were) only one thing will determine the end, Jesus said…This gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then shall the end come…(Matthew 24: 14)
We tend to forget even as SDA Christians that the three angel’s message is part and parcel of the expected spreading to the gospel world wide. According to Matthew the last words of Jesus to His disciples were…Go make disciples of ever nation…(Matthew 28: 19) Jesus did not say…Set up church and bring others to me…but go! go! go! go!
We do not realise that the command of Jesus would have a mirror effect on others if we just simply go in the strength, power, with the invisible presence of The Spirit of The Lord, yes, if we go to the people, more will come to Christ through his church and if we tend to keep ourselves to ourselves, which the vast majority of us to anyway, (those potential Christians Christ longs to bring into His church, who He knows would gladly become part of His fold, would flood the entrance of the church, bring others with them, but He would not bring them in because the majority of the laity as well as the clergy, we do most of our ministry where we are the overwhelming majority) Yes, when Christ said…Go! as going disciples we would always be the minority among those we share the gospel with and seek to find disciples where there is no disciples and we seek to turn as many as possible over to Jesus.)
Finally, be this as it may we have a beautify vision of the work of the church before the gospel work is completed world wide, in Revelation 18: 1 we see an angel coming down from heaven surrounding the globe and the whole world is lighted up with his glory, while the 3 angels of Revelation 14 are seen in the sky flying high with the 2nd angel being the softer of the 3 angels having a loud voice while the 1st & 3rd angels voices are louder, the angel repeats the message of the second angel and the 1st & 3rd angel cannot be heard and Christ joins the angel who encircles the globe with his message…Come out of her my people..(verse 4) These are but symbolic of the effect of the church of Christ at last fulfilling the expected task in all areas, countries, town and cities in the world and many converts being won over to Christ from all sides, Yes…There will be no place where people can be found where the gospel of Christ is not heard, proclaimed, seen and felt…such will be the spirit that moves such a missionary movement that…there will be no soul that we will not see as a candidate for the kingdom of Christ and do all in our God given power to turn every man, woman, boy and girl over to Jesus and if we could we would…yet no matter how effective the work be among the world, no matter how all are drawn to the lifted saviour as no one shall escape such a witness, yes, we can bring the horse to the water, but cannot make the horse drink…we will never know if this work is complete, no matter how successful we become with all the sheep of other folds being drawn into the one fold of Christ, unless it is made known by unfolding divine revelation, our responsibility is to go, it is the responsibility of Christ to bring and increase the numbers of new converts into His fold which encamps the whole world field.
May we not only point out the sins of the world, but provide the only solution through inviting potential repentant sinners to the lifted Christ and when Christ is satisfied, the end will come, because the gospel witness is seen to be done. May such a time come much sooner than a little later, according to the divine purpose of the church on our earth, to the glory of God and His Christ, with an heavenly atmosphere everywhere we choose to be or go, for the strengthening and growth of the church into the fulness of Christ and the unity he prayed for in John 17and outlined in Ephesians 4 and for the betterment of all humanity, may we occupy until Christ chooses to Come together with all heaven with Him, Amen & Amen.