On August 21, 2023, Pope Francis hosted a group of attorneys from the Council of Europe, which is a 47-nation international organization tasked with maintaining the rule of law across the continent. It was during this meeting with this group of top legal experts that Pope Francis revealed he is writing the second part of Laudato Si’.
In his address to a delegation of attorneys from Council of Europe member countries, Pope Francis encourages lawyers to uphold the rule of law and to recall that every person has both rights and duties in relation to society.https://t.co/zJPPzTQpnF
— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) August 21, 2023
In his words to the delegation of attorneys, the Pope spoke of the need to provide “effective responses” in times of “crisis.” He mentioned that we must “act” when “threats to freedom,” attacks on our “democracies,” and “grave abuses” threaten the “human person.” All of these general references were made clear when he thanked them for their efforts in protecting our “common home” and for developing “frameworks” that protect the environment. It was in this context that Pope Francis revealed he is working on a “second part” for Laudato Si’ to address these very issues. The Vatican Press Office published the following:
• “These times of social and economic crisis, as well as a crisis of identity and security, challenge the democracies of the West to provide an effective response, while remaining faithful to their principles. Those principles must be constantly re-appropriated, and their defense calls for great vigilance.” [1]
• “Fear of civil unrest and acts of violence, the prospect of destabilizing change and the need to act effectively in confronting emergency situations, can result in the temptation to make exceptions or to restrict – at least provisionally – the rule of law in the effort to find easy and immediate solutions.” [1]
• “For this reason, I appreciate your insistence, in one of your proposals, that ‘the rule of law should no longer be subject to the slightest exceptions, including in times of crisis.’ For the rule of law stands at the service of the human person and aims to protect the dignity of each, which admits of no exception.” [1]
• “Crises of this sort are not the only source of threats to freedom and the rule of law within democracies. Indeed, a misguided notion of human nature and of the human person is becoming increasingly influential: a notion that weakens their protection and gradually opens the door to grave abuses under the semblance of good.” [1]
• “I am deeply appreciative of the care that you show for the earth, our common home, and for your willingness to work for the development of a normative framework aimed at protecting the environment. It must never be forgotten that future generations are entitled to receive from our hands a beautiful and habitable world, and that this entails grave responsibilities towards the natural world that we have received from the benevolent hands of God. Thank you for your contribution in this regard. I am currently writing a second part to Laudato si’ in order to address present problems.” [1]
In other words, this Jesuit Pope is essentially advocating for the various countries to adopt Laudato Si’ as the best response to climate change. Pope Francis expressed his desire for immediate action to address the climate crisis, and thanked these legal experts for promoting this effort within the framework of the rule of law. He speaks of the “rule of law,” but according to Rome, this means the Pope establishes the rules that national governments have to enact into law. He wants all the world to experience a commitment to the environment through Laudato Si’.
While the pope’s climate encyclical is not a legal document, it does provide the moral and ethical justifications for governments to take action and pass laws. That is the fundamental message contained in Laudato Si’ part one. What will part two entail? We don’t have to speculate because all of this has been prophesied. Inspiration tells us that men will try to connect the climate crisis to the future Sunday law. Everything we see happening in our world today is moving in this direction.
“In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hail-storms, in tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more frequent and disastrous” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
The current manmade and natural disasters are uniting people worldwide and helping to bring about a National Sunday Law. Sunday, the counterfeit Sabbath, the mark of apostasy, is being disguised as the only solution to save our society from destruction. These are not our words; this is what the churches, the media, the trade unions, politicians, and social activists are saying. All of this continual agitation for Laudato Si’ is the master plan of Rome to conceal her true intention and to establish its ecclesiastical supremacy worldwide by dominating both church and state.
It is during this time that the Third Angel’s Message will gain power and strength. These events will stir God’s people into action, and they will raise up the standard of truth—the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12). The final warning message will be proclaimed to the world through pen and voice and through the lives of a peculiar people.
“But as the question of enforcing Sunday observance is widely agitated, the event so long doubted and disbelieved is seen to be approaching, and the third message will produce an effect which it could not have had before” (Great Controversy, p. 605).
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2023/08/21/230821a.html
I will NOT comply to any of this nonsense. When you are in the right fear nothing.
I`m with you, John
Laudato Si’ Part 2? Was part 1 not enough to get things moving?
Part one did not have the legal framework on how to implement the document. I feel, that the next one, will suggests what laws need to be put in place
Laudato Si’ has 40,000 words. That was just the sweet introduction, the real deal is coming next.
Christ is the mystery of God revealed,either Vatican or not,either Sunday law or not,in each and every age there are over comers,are you one of them ?
He won’t stop until he gets what he wants.
When the pope changes the calendar again is when the real conflict will arise for the real truth to come forward.
“And this, knowing the season, that already it is time for you to awake out of sleep: for now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11.
Can we afford to be found sleeping at such an hour as this?
Let Francis do what he likes; however he will one time reap the fruit of it.
Truth will never be hidden in this life until Messiah Will come.
But I know; whoever that is against the law of Creator almighty King of Kings, will never go unpunished.
I pray that may God our father keeps us strong in our faith until we see him in the cloud of glory and welcome him with Joy. Amen 🙏