Zambia’s President Hakainde Hichilema has posted a video of his triumphant entry to the Sabbath morning worship service at the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka, the capital city. On Saturday, February 4, 2023, as Hichilema rode into the stadium to join Ted Wilson for a special Sabbath celebration, someone from the President’s team who was running ahead of Hichilema’s motorcade recorded the video. At the 25-second point in the video above, Seventh-day Adventist women start to scream uncontrollably, acting as though they are seeing a divine being.
On Saturday, Ted Wilson posted a number of updates on his Facebook page while he waited for President Hichilema to show up and start the worship service. In both of these posts, Ted Wilson referred to Hichilema as a “dedicated” member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Why does Ted Wilson continue to publicly praise President Hichilema as a devoted and faithful Seventh-day Adventist who is being led by God despite the fact that Hichilema visited the Vatican, wondered after the beast, publicly bowed to Pope Francis [1], addressed the Pope as “Holy Father” [2], described the Roman Catholic Church as a “beacon of hope” [3], asserted that all denominations are part of the same body of Christ [4], and showed up to Sabbath morning worship while standing through the sunroof of his vehicle while thousands of Seventh-day Adventists were screaming hysterically and treating him like the Pope?
Red Circle: Pathfinder
Are there any plans for President Hichimela to become the next Pope and succeed Pope Francis? Or is he attempting to bring the power of the papacy into Adventism? Who drives to a Sabbath morning worship service in a popemobile surrounded by screaming admirers? This is the praise and adoration that you see Roman Catholics giving the Pope as they show respect to the man of sin. This is the kind of zeal and enthusiasm that is usually reserved for those who practice human idolatry. How are Seventh-day Adventists in Zambia able to venerate a man and the Creator on the same day?
Red Circle: Pathfinder
Although it is regrettable that Adventists would behave in this way, Hichilema’s decision to record himself in this manner while driving to Sabbath morning worship and accept the public’s adulation and exuberance for himself is even more reprehensible and degrading. He could have sat down in his vehicle and closed the sunroof. But he didn’t. He kept standing and filming, and he later posted the video footage of this public act of veneration for all to see on his Facebook page. [5]
Red Circle: Pathfinders
What happened to the First Angel’s Message that says, “Fear God and give glory to Him?” What happened to reverencing and adoring God alone? This is how pagans worship their human gods. And those who allow this do so because they love power and prestige. In some cultures, there are spiritual leaders who claim to be divine. Others are venerated as deities. However, it is important to note that true Seventh-day Adventists do not support or encourage this type of display or behavior. All praise and attention are reserved for our Creator, who made heaven and earth, and we meet on Sabbath to worship Him as commanded in the First Angels’ Message. But given that the Second and Third Angel’s Messages are being sacrificed on the altar of ecumenical unity, it should come as no surprise that the First Angel is also being dismissed for political and worldly expediency.
Red Circle: Dorcas Mother, part of Adventist Community Services. [6]
Red Circle: Dorcas Mother, part of Adventist Community Services. [6]
You overreach with your statement that “thousands of Seventh-day Adventists were screaming hysterically”…. This is a public arena open to the public with countless thousands present to see and wave to their country’s leader. Without you physically counting all the “thousands of Adventists”, it’s poor reporting on your part to write your article in this fashion and with that kind of reference point. No doubt, there were SDA’s there but, to write that there were thousands is more than a bit of a stretch.
Keep to and report the correct facts. Don’t allow yourself to go into hyper-critical mode for in so doing, you discredit your ministry and add more negative fodder to the name of SDA.
The arena was full. Reports say 50 to 60 thousand people were in attendance. This was a meeting for Seventh-day Adventists. So yes, there were literally thousands watching him approach.
I don’t think elder Andy is wrong, but l assume the truth the straight testimony is too hard for you to bear
Let us keep on praying for ourselves, our leaders and for the faith-ful brother updating us on the current events
I also created a WhatsApp platform which l share brother Andy stuff and l always make sure l copy and paste his link on every message
Many brothers are being blessed as well many known elders have being trying to sweet tongue me saying l should stop doing so
I would love to see the day when we realize that all praise belongs to God and no man sin lieth at the door Ichabod! Ichabod!Ichabod! May God help us wake up outa this dream we in in this world 🌎🙏🙏
For a public figure to ride in to an arena has more to do with logistics and security than with anything else. Would you have the president of this nation walk in or arrive on horseback? With all the multitude, that would certainly create a huge delay in his arrival time.
Security? He was hanging out of a window?
When Paul spoke in Iconium in Acts 14, the people tried to revere him as if he were the god Jupiter. Paul immediately stopped them and directed their attention to the true God. This is apostolic Christianity.
What is this SDA you all gone mad Ted Wilson should speak on this issue it is a disgrace
How many of these same Seventh-day Adventists would follow Hichilema if he begins saying during the Sunday Law crisis that there is nothing wrong with worshiping God every day?
Not even God’s angels receive praise:
“Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” Revelation 22:8, 9.
Given the fact that he IS the President of that country, is it any wonder that people were hollering and shouting? I have known Adventists that were gushing about meeting Arnold Scwartznegger when he was governor of Kalifornia. Should he have done it? No. Certainly not on the Sabbath to bring attention to himself but like every “good” politician…don’t let an opportunity go to waste if you can get good PR from it.
The angels weep.
I saw videos – on another ministry web – where this Hichilema dude was on visit to Vatican, and called Pope Francis “holly father”, and kept praising Jesuit organization for all the “awesome” good it has done for people of his country Zambia. Can anyone and in any circumstances, justify an SDA elder calling Pope ”holy father”?..In clear violation of Jesus` words: “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Mat. 23:9.
What concerns me is the blatant disregard for the sanctity of the Sabbath day. The Zambian president is more interested in receiving the praise of men, than respecting and honouring of the Holy 7th Day Sabbath.
If he does honour the Sabbath, he could have driven to the venue for the Sabbath Celebrations without making of himself a spectacle.
It’s obvious the praise of mere mortals is of greater regard than what God requires.
Andy Roman is speaking the truth. He is not being too harsh in anything he is saying. It is accurate as it matches God’s word which includes words through a recent prophet. Previous and current words of God must all harmonize, as humanly, politically incorrect as it may be.
That quote from 1 Selected Messages is entirely accurate! Take one week and digest that statement among all the evidence! It is being fulfilled now in our very generation! The Seventh-Day Adventist(r) corporation is fallen, is fallen while it does not repent. Come out of her my people will have to be the call soon if not now. The corporation is well underway in becoming a daughter of the harlot by choice.
“Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error.” Mrs. White is entirely a true prophet with a true message from a true God!! Listen to God working through that writer!
Study and compare these:
Fundamental Principles of 1872 (very slightly revised in 1889)-
with our new
“Fundamental Beliefs”
Do you notice anything different? Even our songs in the hymnal had to change in 1944, Uriah Smith’s page 401 had to be hacked, and a pioneer leadership had to die out and books (and seminaries) of a new order had to be written. It causes the “voice of God” in GC session to be a new voice and a new vote because a new spirit permeates and is slowly boiling the frog.
All 10 commandments are in the process of being dismantled and broken in the Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation since 1980. Look up the trademarked names on the USPTO website for yourself (I have) and see what year we began to do this. 1980! We took on the arm of flesh in 1980! Do not support this with God’s precious resources and energies. Speak out by voice, prayer and pocketbook and bring a true Seventh-day Adventist message to the world that deserves to know the truth! Imprisonment and death will be the sure results!
When Mrs. White wrote 1SM 204 we had the “Fundamental Principles” and not “Fundamental Beliefs”. Creeds and the Holy Spirit are always at odds one with another. If we want creeds we grieve the Holy Spirit of God. If we want the Holy Spirit of God we have no need of a creed for the Bible is our only rule of faith and practice and we judge everything by the word of God, not the statements of men of unsound judgment.
It is my (and many other’s) unlawfully disfellowshipped position that by changing God into a plurality in a “Godhead” (“godhead” simply means divinity) we are dismantling all 10 commandments. See here:
Commandment 1 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation has turned a “Me” into a “we”. Seems like basic English to me. When a business owner works through various agencies such as a son (like a literal SON in God’s case) or workers (like angels and humans) all the growth of that organization is attributed back to the owner building the business. It is his spirit (mind) that permeates the entity. Same with the church. God through Christ (who had the mind/Spirit of God) is (and then through the ministry of angels and the ministry of willing humans) is reconciling (“Loud Cry”) the world to Himself. It is the Father’s law we break when we start down the creed-bound path and we crucify the Son of God afresh. It will “crucify” Christ’s church soon!
Commandment 2 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation does use the Triquetra as an image to this new god.
Commandment 3 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation takes the name of God in vain as now God is three persons and not a “Me” or a “glory to Him”. We take the name of God in vain when we ecumenize with those in favor with Roman Catholicism, the ones that brought the trinity of sun worship into Christianity. Folks the Seventh-day Adventist true church is and from all appearances will be going into the wilderness to get away from the persecution from within the corporation. Don’t get off the ship. Stay in the ship (the true message). Christ is the head of the church and the head of Christ is God. Let the Father’s name be written in your forehead (Rev. 14:1).
Commandment 4 – The Sabbath is God’s holy day reminded to us by Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God on the true Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia. It is a day proving God is who He says He is … the Creator (through His Son of course) of everything. Literally everything in Heaven and in Earth is created by God through Christ. It is this headship the Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation can’t seem to understand. God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man and man is the head of woman. And it is His Spirit working through all and in all that allows us the ability that we can keep the Sabbath Holy while working in unity the other six days!
Commandment 5 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation breaks honoring our father and mothers because we don’t allow the “dead to speak” by republishing the words of our Adventist Pioneers and setting that before the people. If God laid the correct foundation, then these pioneer works should be republished. (Notice Ty Gibson’s of today are assuming in their “gobbledygook” books that we have arrived at a more correct understand. Garbage! Yes we have arrived . . . at heresy! These “books of a new order” like Heavenly Trio and The Sonship of Christ are diametrically opposed to foundational books like Christ Our Righteousness by EJ Waggoner and Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen White . The pioneer works are the solid foundation. Don’t allow one pin or pillar to be moved! I never understood them before and now I do! God used real human’s to lay a correct foundation (a platform of truth), both by a prophet and non-prophets.
Commandment 6 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation allows for the murder of the unborn in our pagan health care institutions and receives government and secular support for doing this. Friends we have a state church not a free church! At minimum we should not be a 501(c)(3)! We need to separate from AdventistHealth(r) and other non-medical missionary entities but we are tied to the money and prestige of it. We are drunk in the wine of “Baby”lon! The dead babies blood is crying from the ground!
Commandment 7 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation is clearly adulterating with Rome in a sexual sort of way. See all of Andy’s articles on Ganoune Diop and others. “Come out of her my people” is kind of an sexually explicit statement don’t you think?
Commandment 8 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation is robbing service to God in tithes and offerings. The tithe which is holy yet going for unholy purposes. Do true medical missionaries receive of the tithe since they are more efficient ministers? No. We don’t even plant gardens/farms to feed the hungry and give the start to the medical missionary work! We say we are one thing but Jesus spews us out of His mouth! The corporation is hijacked and unrepentant, wretched, miserable, blind. A blind church is demanding blind, stupid obedience from subjects that are drunk with the world’s wine. Are we to graft into our experience a corporation (an interstock) or are we to graft directly into Christ and thus to the True God (husbandman of the vineyard) of the Bible? See John 15. It is God (yes a “Him) we are to “Fear” and “give glory” to. We shall not steal away His glory and attribute it to a “we”.
Commandment 9 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation is bearing false witness against faithful and true witnesses who keep the “Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ”. This is what ecumenism does, isn’t it? In our disfellowshipping inaccurate statements and assumptions were made of us. The same type of assumptions used to be made of Adventists by other denominations. God’s people will be maligned and there is a time to keep silent but there is a time to speak so that others may be warned. I fear the corporation is run beyond the point of no return so God is telling me to speak, even if not so eloquently.
Commandment 10 – The Seventh-day Adventist(r) corporation is coveting the things of the world’s education (accreditation, testing vs character building), fake health (“whatever you say we will do” attitude), religious (ecumenical gatherings and organizations of which Trinity is the head), economic systems (401(k) and 501(c)(3) state church, etc.
“But the waymarks which have made us what we are, are to be preserved, and they will be preserved, as God has signified through His Word and the testimony of His Spirit. He calls upon us to hold firmly, with the grip of faith, to the fundamental principles that are based upon unquestionable authority.” 1SM 208.2
Don’t question God. “Seek Him while He may be found.” He has a Son that He sent as the only option for mankind. Worship and make your fellowship with the Father and the Son! Question the the new mystery called the triune god which is supposed to cause us to unify.