We have abandoned our divine commission to “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Bringing our kids to Christ is the most important responsibility we have as a church and as parents. That was the purpose for which God ordained our educational systems. Our church schools’ main goal is to give children a religious education that instills biblical principles, morals, and beliefs into their young lives.
Golden Boulevard Adventist Elementary School in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, is teaching our youth to do group dancing to rap music. This dance took place on August 30, 2023, during the national celebration called “Buwan ng Wika.” This is a cultural event that takes place annually in the Philippines. In the video above, we see a school-sponsored, coordinated dance routine that involved the entire class.
Seventh-day Adventist church entities are being used to teach children how to develop complex dance routines. Adventist youth are being taught modern dance styles and choreography to prepare them for the world, not for heaven. Where have our priorities gone? What happened to the sanctity of our mission? What happened to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Three Angels’ Message? What is more important than the mission God has given us—worldly dancing?
When children gyrate to rap music in our academies, they do so to the detriment of themselves and our institutions. Our sense of loyalty and commitment to God is being replaced with worldly conformity. These new school administrators believe that following the inspired counsel of God’s prophet is not the path to success. The way for our mission to succeed is by acting in a manner that is consistent with the rest of the world.
The work would have been completed a long time ago if we, as a people, had carried out our responsibility toward our children. However, the work is years behind, and if some had their way, our God-ordained mission would be replaced with dance shows to engage with the community as the new mode of evangelism.
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world! How soon might the end come—the end of suffering and sorrow and sin! How soon, in place of a possession here, with its blight of sin and pain, our children might receive their inheritance where ‘the righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever;’ where ‘the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick,’ and ‘the voice of weeping shall be no more heard.’ Psalm 37:29; Isaiah 33:24; 65:19” (Education, p. 271).
I don’t understand how they can do this and record it.
This is not Adventism, not by a long shot, despite the fact that it is happening more and more frequently.
This is what the next generation of church leaders will be doing soon enough.
These schools have become one big giants dance production.
Nowadays, dance seems to be the most popular activity at school events. It must be related to the increase in television dance competitions.
I think everybody deserves an opinion from someone living near this area.
In this part of the world, Spirit of Prophecy (SoP) is “least heeded” in churches. The church school teachers who were educated probably at an adventist college do not even value the teachings and practices of the SoP, for themselves don’t even practise them by themselves. For example, vegetarianism, dress reform, Sabbath reform, how to train the youth to follow the admonitions of the SoP (like no competitions, etc.), these things even the most enthusiastic of the so-called missionary-minded and probably are “since-birth” adventist young adults don’t even totally know about and how much more to practice them in their lives. The shepherds (pastors) taught in our churches that these teachings are from the off-shoots, so we should not listen to them. See, how these shepherds are themselves do not practice these reforms within the church! and even worse, preventing church members to learn about them because these teachings are from the off-shoots, and are optional because these are but counsels, which are “obsolete” with so many excuses imposed. If I can only give experience myself about these things in the churches in this part of the world, you would be shocked to know that most adventists here and church schools are so worldly. No longer conservative. What the unbelievers do on stage are tolerated even in the church schools themselves. That’s why some faithful Adventist parents rather choose other schools to send their children to.
Well, we should not be surprised about this anymore, cause the SoP has told us that the one of the last deceptions of Satan to the professed people of God is to no longer believe in the Testimonies, the Spirit of Prophecy.