As everyone knows, the US Supreme Court has struck down Joe Biden’s vaccine requirement for private employers, thus eliminating it and leaving it with no way forward. The mandate imposed by federal law will not be implemented in the workplace. Why did the court decide to overturn the mandate? This is a crucial question to ask oneself. Here is what the court ruled, 6-3:
“Although Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers, it has not given that agency the power to regulate public health more broadly. Requiring the vaccination of 84 million Americans, selected simply because they work for employers with more than 100 employees, certainly falls in the latter category” (US Supreme Court Opinion, page 9). [1]
In other words, the federal government of the United States does not have the right to impose such a rule on American workers. One man does not have the ability to unilaterally decide that having a vaccine is a condition for working in the United States. For the court, Joe Biden’s mandate was unconstitutional. For many citizens, it was illegal and immoral. He was attempting to force a needle into people’s arms. The requirement set forth by Joe Biden was similarly unreasonable. Where is the public’s health interest if these vaccines aren’t keeping COVID from spreading?
As a result, the vaccine mandate was struck down by the US Supreme Court. This is a significant victory for religious and civil liberties. The majority of people were willing to accept the requirements and not resist them. Our society has been groomed and conditioned to just follow orders. We were told to put our faith in the health officials and submit to their authority. They are the ones who know what is best for us. They were, in fact, mistaken. That is something we expect from the rest of the world, but what about our own people?
Regrettably, Seventh-day Adventists got this wrong too. On October 25, 2021, the best and brightest minds in Adventism gathered to write an official paper outlining the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s position on the Joe Biden vaccine mandate. The following statements were issued by the General Conference Administration, the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, the General Conference Office of General Counsel, Loma Linda University Health, Biblical Research Institute, and the General Conference Health Ministries in support of Joe Biden’s illegal and immoral vaccine mandates:
- Countries and societies around the world have previously faced public health mandates in various forms.
- Numerous other infectious diseases have been brought under control by vaccinations and have also been subject to mandates.
- Ellen White did not comment on the issue of religious liberty in connection with vaccination mandates in her lifetime.
- The Seventh-day Adventist Church is not opposed to public safety and government health mandates.
- In many cases the Seventh-day Adventist Church has supported government mandates.
- Mandates usually allow exemptions for individual religious convictions or health conditions.
- Therefore, claims of religious liberty are not used appropriately in objecting to government mandates or employer programs designed to protect the health and safety of their communities. [2]
The church has released this to the world, and it is wrong. They backed Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine requirement, which the US Supreme Court found unlawful. Will the church apologize, acknowledge, or make a public expression of regret for supporting Joe Biden’s health directives? What about all the Adventists who have been fired because of this issue? There is a sense of guilt that hangs over the church that must be addressed. These men have misled the people and caused them to err (Isaiah 9:16).
Some leaders are unable or unwilling to acknowledge or accept that they have erred. Some people have adopted a “never apologize” mindset, believing that saying sorry is a show of weakness. However, by refusing to acknowledge that supporting Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate was WRONG, the church promotes a culture in which no one is ever held accountable and everyone is free to do what they believe is right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25).
The General Conference had three choices it could have made. They could have asked the federal government if its actions were legitimate. They could have sided with the victims being targeted and aided them by standing with them shoulder to shoulder. They could have denounced these mandates as being oppressive and unconstitutional. But they did none of these things. Instead, the General Conference pledged loyalty and obedience to tyranny and discrimination and let these mandates take effect, with devastating consequences and hardships for citizens and fellow members. What a shame!
As lovers of freedom, we look to those in the church who claim to be defenders of religious liberty. What happened to them? They told us that the mandates did not infringe on religious liberty. We look to the great Adventist publications and editors who claim to cherish freedom. But what did they say? They said that the mandates are in place to protect us. We looked to Adventist media ministries, health ministries, universities, and any other church organization, knowing that we had always prided ourselves on our love and devotion to truth and freedom, but all we found was silence.
In spite of this, God did not forsake us. We praise God for the scathing rebuke that the US Supreme Court issued regarding these mandates. And, while the majority of Seventh-day Adventists were wrong on this issue, not all of us were. Only a few “troublemakers” and “dissenters,” as well as one union, a few conferences, and a few people here and there, got it right. Only a small percentage of faithful Seventh-day Adventists resisted tyranny and their campaign to restrict religious and civil liberties. I’ve never had to deal with a crisis that necessitated a huge intervention in the name of religious liberty. And I give thanks for all those who prayed to God, spoke out and had the courage to defend truth and moral liberty.
God was merciful, but we know that tyranny is not going away. There are an infinite number of issues that the globalists will try to exploit to impose their agendas and gain more and more control over our lives. For now, we thank God for intervening, answering prayers, and alleviating the suffering. Praise God. He is our Health Director, not the puppet from Wuhan, Dr. Fauci.
Excellent points. We have even more stringent regulations heading our way wrt the sunday laws and this was a good practice run. We now know that we can’t depend on the support of our church leadership.
Amen! Sad to realize that our public affairs and religious liberty department (PARL) is complicit and no where to be seen for members of the church they receive funding from…
Praise the Lord truth will always triumph let’s hold fast on Jesus our only source of defence
Recipient always submits to the giver… note governments are not charities, they will always expect servitude in return
Hello Andy. Hope to see you and “mom” at ASI again this year.
I tried to post this on the Adventist News website but alas, it’s not “approved”.
Didn’t Ganoune Diop recently say we need to follow Caesar, er… World Health Organization in a presentation to the world? You can watch the Zoom meeting from January 19th. Starting around 8:25 into the Zoom through 34:54 Diop says this is a public health issue and we must follow the rule of Caesar’s law because the WHO said so. So we need to follow Caesar. Wait… wut? I thought we are to follow GOD not caesar!
Don’t take my word on this… listen for yourself, unless of course the video is rescinded soon!
Once again you nailed it! Thanks for keeping us informed! There will be no apology ever coming from the General conference or any department thereof. Just like there will never be an apology for aborting babies for profit at our many “healthcare institutions ” that use the name Seventh Day Adventist or variation of the same without threat of lawsuit but don’t be an independent ministry or non recognized church and want to use the name Seventh Day Adventist or any variation of the same without our general counsel coming after you with a lawsuit…
The entire GC organization and office is a mockery and needs to be torched to the ground. The complicit liar GC leaders that are in plush offices that are deceived by the serpent speaking and working through the CDC, the Jesuit Fauci, Kill Gates, and the WHO need to be driven out of office and LOOSE their jobs and lives. These corrupt leaders have a specter of guilt resting over them for the needless damage done from lost jobs to lost lives of the sheeple members of the SDCCC (Seventh Day Corporate Catholic Communists). A bunch of 10 spy leaders that will perish in the wilderness. Where were they when religious liberties and the US Constitution was trashed by the rogue Biden Administration? Going right along with the Communist religion and practices of the dragon.
The whole system of the GC is a tottering mass and will face a stiffer judgment than what came upon the Jewish apostate leaders in 70AD. If this rebuke from the US Catholic Supreme Court does not bring about repentance and reformation from the top down, the General Conference is Ichabod and a reprobate lost cause.
We need to STOP calling it the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists. It has now become the General Conference of Seventh Day (soon to be 1st Day) Corporate Catholic Communists. The SDCCC.
Can anyone tell me if there are any place(s) in the Spirit Of Prophesy that talks about Mandates? Secondly, what does the Bible, the word of God has to say about mandates? Please help!!!
Start with GC chapters 3, 7, 8, 35 for examples; PK chapters 41-42; also examine words Coercion & Conscience:
“Whereunto,” asked Christ, “shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it?” Mark 4:30. He could not employ the kingdoms of the world as a similitude. In society He found nothing with which to compare it. Earthly kingdoms rule by the ascendancy of physical power; but from Christ’s kingdom every carnal weapon, every instrument of coercion, is banished. This kingdom is to uplift and ennoble humanity. God’s church is the court of holy life, filled with varied gifts and endowed with the Holy Spirit. The members are to find their happiness in the happiness of those whom they help and bless. { AA 12.2}
God Does Not Force the Conscience—God never forces the will or the conscience, but Satan’s constant resort—to gain control of those whom he cannot otherwise seduce—is compulsion by cruelty. Through fear or force he endeavors to rule the conscience and to secure homage to himself.—The Great Controversy, 591 (1888). {1MCP 325.1}
Good answer Vaughn.
EGW talks about Mind controlling mind is the Religion of Satan,
That Satan controls the Hypnotized and the Hypnotist,
God never Forces people to compliance,
During various ages, People inspired by God willingly died for the Freedom’s we previously enjoyed in the west….
I Agree taking the jab is not compliant with original Historical Sda Standards.
The General Conference, for some strange reason, can’t figure out why people quit giving money to them and instead keep it in their local churches. Well, this is why. Faith in the conference has wavered. I’ve never expected the conference to help me with anything and I never will.
1 Corinthians 11:1 KJV
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
When they stop following Christ, don’t follow them. Reach out in love, but two cannot walk together lest they be agreed.
Tout simplement HONTEUX,ceux que Dieu à mis à la tête de son troupeau,ils pactisent avec l’ennemi de nos âmes,et ne font aucun cas des brebis,mais il est écrit,c’est Dieu qui parle,(arrêtez,et sachez que je suis Dieu)mais quelle excuse que les dirigeants auront a dire a Dieu,pour leurs incompétences à gérer les affaires de Dieu,et la tâche,pour laquelle ils ont accepter de paître ses brebis.Et quand je pense qu’ils sont rémunérer pour garder le silence.HONTEUX.
Amen Brother! I cannot say this any better. I cannot describe the sweet peace and joy I experienced when I came out of this so-called church. This is NOT the ship that goes through. If you cut off their tithe, you cut off their power and evil deeds. Come out and support worthy ministries, and stick close to the Truth as it is in Jesus.
Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
The Seventh Day Adventist Church religious system is NOT the Lord’s Remnant Ecclesia of Living Stones! In the Word of God I find references to the body of Christ as the Lord’s – “Remnant,” – the Lord’s – “Ecclesia,” ( NOT CHURCH, there is no mention of a “Church” anywhere in the New Testament!) – the Lord’s “Living Stones.” Jesus made it quite clear that, “…upon this Rock I will build My Ecclesia!, and the gates of hell will NEVER prevail against it!”
The term “Church,” and “Ecclesia” are NOT synonymous. Remember: Matthew 4:4!
Speaking the Truth in Aloha, your brother in Christ,
Maka’ala Stone
His law is linked with His throne, and no power of evil can destroy it. Truth is inspired and guarded by God; and it will triumph over all opposition. – AA 11.3
During ages of spiritual darkness the church of God has been as a city set on a hill. From age to age, through successive generations, the pure doctrines of heaven have been unfolding within its borders. Enfeebled and defective as it may appear, the church is the one object upon which God bestows in a special sense His supreme regard. It is the theater of His grace, in which He delights to reveal His power to transform hearts. AA12.1
The church not the general conference
Aloha, again!
What I find most wonderful about the dialogue between The Lord and Satan,is that – in the Lord’s own time and way He did have “these stones be made bread!” Hale-lujah! All Glory to our God!
Yes Sir….I’m leaving the SDA church this year and no more tithe to the corporate church.
I’m not funding their retirement system or the grossly heavy administration system anymore.
If you need a template for a letter of resignation, let me know and I will send you mine. The SDA pastor had nothing to say as he could not refute it. I did not speak of the over 40 false doctrines in the SDA corporation, but rather the fact it is a corporation and a harlot daughter of the Great Whore Rome and NOT a Biblical Church.
You are free to call if you like. 720 899 1112 MST. I help others transition out of the brainwashing and into the fullness of the Olive Tree Israel. My 2 part message on the Mystery of Israel is transformational.
Torah Tom
Is there a way people can hear your 2 part message?
Yes LK. Give me a call and would be happy to share it with your. I have shared it around the world and am happy to come preach the Mystery of Israel in person if you can get a group together. If not, I can share it over the phone. Feel free to call 720 899 1112. MST
Paul preached it and turned the world upside down in the 1st century. Because of the falling away in the 2nd and 3rd centuries it was not preached again until 1996.
Thank you TT. I will consider it and please have a blessed Sabbath.
My brother you are welcome to the Free SDA if you want, is a church that preach the three angel message, for this last time that we”re living, we are the International Association of Free Seventh-day Adventists, you can contact to us any time
The SDAs were renowned for their unique commitment to good health. It seems, no longer.
The enemy is buying souls today very cheap. “Ye have sold yourselves for nought,” is the language of Scripture. One is selling his soul for the world’s applause, another for money; one to gratify base passions, another for worldly amusement. Such bargains are made daily. Satan is bidding for the purchase of Christ’s blood and buying them cheap, notwithstanding the infinite price which has been paid to ransom them. {5T 133.4}
Great blessings and privileges are ours. We may secure the most valuable heavenly treasures. Let ministers and people remember that gospel truth ruins if it does not save. The soul that refuses to listen to the invitations of mercy from day to day can soon listen to the most urgent appeals without an emotion stirring his soul. {5T 134.1}
As laborers with God we need more fervent piety and less self-exaltation. The more self is exalted, the more will faith in the testimonies of the Spirit of God be lessened. Those who are the most closely connected with God are the ones who know His voice when He speaks to them. Those who are spiritual discern spiritual things. Such will feel grateful that the Lord has pointed out their errors, while those who trust wholly in themselves will see less and less of God in the testimonies of His Spirit. 5T134.2
…for them that honor me i will honor and them that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. 1 sam 2;30
The word is integrity. Courage, is what it would have taken to resist the tyranny when first confronted with it. Preach on brothers/sisters.
The church leadership was infiltrated by Jesuits long ago. Keep your eyes off the church, be loyal to his Commandments, and have the faith of Jesus!
Saw a Kluass Schwabb video where he’s boasting about all the people who are onboard with his great reset (garbage), amongst those many professions (mostly government jobs) he mentioned Religious leaders…
Could be why The GC hasn’t been apologetic for the part they have played in the destruction of freedom in the Western countries.
What about the many decent school teachers in the sda systems, that were stood down without any reason, only because their hearts were for the students, who were struggling to keep up their studies during lock down .
Many teachers got caught out cos of students on Facebook panacing and in fear of failing their examines,due to missing out on class work and teacher to student learning.
Many teachers got sacked ,many teachers got reported to state education authorities, to cause their teaching degrees be made useless.
Is that what the sda school systems are all about.
Where’s the brother hood of support gone to.
Where’s the christian faith and the help for church members gone to.
Why is there so much personalty conflict going on within our church and school systems.
In the old days members stuck with members though thick and thin times.
The old leaders served us well, they were men of faith.
We were brought up on well gounded sermons and were told all about the last day events and the conditions of God church would be in.
If sister white was alive today, she’d be totally shocked, seeing her church that God helped her to get established going the way of roam.
Well who else would like to add to my comments,,go a head, cos we need to wake up those who didn’t carry enough oil to keep their lamps burning so to speak, as is spoken about in the bible.