Don’t disturb the peace and unity of the family. God’s plan for humanity places a high value on the family unit. The most important aspect of family life is a family united in worship. When a family prays together, they stay together. This is because God has ordered it that way. The most important thing you can do for your family, above all else, is to keep them united and in communion with God.
That is the purpose of the Lord’s seventh-day Sabbath. God established the Sabbath as a family day. Heaven is our family, and communion with the Creator and His creation, in which all members participate, is consistent with the Sabbath. Except for the seventh day taught in the Holy Scriptures, there is no Sabbath, no day of rest, and no family day. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s word commands that the seventh day, Saturday, be observed.
Only those who adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church and submit to the power of apostasy will observe Sunday, because there is no biblical evidence for observing any other day as a Sabbath other than the seventh day, Saturday. Every Protestant who observes Sunday follows Roman Catholic tradition. Sunday observance is the elevation of human traditions above biblical precepts. This exaltation of human traditions is an act in which divine revelation is substituted for human wisdom. Keeping Sunday as the Sabbath day without any Biblical support is a clear violation of God’s commandment and a visible sign of Papal/Protestant apostasy.
Tragically, the whole world is exalting Sunday as the day for families in place of God’s seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday.
Brisbane, Australia
Reignite Democracy Australia is a pro-Fatima, pro-Virgin Mary, and pro-Sunday social group working to affect social change. Reignite Democracy Australia published images of an idol of the Virgin Mary that they claimed was crying during the passage of certain legislation in Australia. [1] This is the same social/political activist organization that promotes “Family Picnic Day” on “Sunday” in Brisbane on August 7, 2022. [2]
Canary Islands, Spain
In the Canary Islands, Spain, “Sunday” was hailed as “the Great Family Day” as the community came together to celebrate the 2022 Festival of the Virgin Mary. On Sunday, July 31, 2022, the community held a parade, performances, magic shows, games, and a public cinema. The celebration of Sunday as the Great Family Day started at the “front” of the Roman Catholic Church [3].
Wisconsin, United States
Milwaukee, Wisconsin just celebrated “Sunday Family Fun Day” on Sunday, August 7, 2022. This “Sunday Family Fun Day” consisted of family-friendly programming which included performances, balloon artists, magicians, hoop dancers, stilt dancers, face painting, and delicious foods. There are two more “Sunday Family Fun Days” scheduled for Sunday, September 18, 2022 and Sunday, October 9, 2022. [4]
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. This day is being programmed into people’s minds as a day for families for fun and for rest. These aren’t isolated incidents. Sunday is increasingly becoming a day for families to spend time together, whether at church or at another joyful event. In fact, Sunday will be at the center of the final conflict of the ages. The final battle in the great controversy between good and evil will be whether to keep Sunday or Saturday.
“As the Sabbath has become the special point of controversy throughout Christendom, and religious and secular authorities have combined to enforce the observance of the Sunday, the persistent refusal of a small minority to yield to the popular demand, will make them objects of universal execration” (Great Controversy, p. 615).
On one side are those who are true to God and His word, and they will keep God’s Sabbath (Saturday), which He created, ordained, and commanded to be observed. On the other side are those who adhere to customs and traditions. They will demand that the papal Sabbath (Sunday), which man has substituted for God’s Sabbath, be observed by all, even if it means fines, cancellations, confiscations, imprisonments, and, eventually, death. Millions upon millions will decide their eternal fate based on this question, because it will determine whether they will worship God or man.
This is not just a question of when we will worship, but also of whom we will worship. It’s an issue of whether we will worship God or the Antichrist. The lines in this conflict are being drawn. Whom will you worship and whom will you obey?
“Choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house (family), we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15.
Using all caps is considered yelling and rude. Please capitalIze appropriately.
Thank you.
To say that Mary wept about politics is sheer spiritualism. This is the magic-working ruse that will soon become more widespread.