By Julio Cesar Prado
The Book of Daniel overflows with hope. History is not cyclic or circular. Daniel has a starting point and his prophecies, revealed by the angel Gabriel, start in Babylon, go to Mede-Persia, then Greece, Rome, the destruction of the Roman empire, passing through the apostate church, the judgment of God in heaven, the end of all things, culminating in the return of Christ. Every prophecy of Daniel, no matter where it starts, ends with the return of Christ, ends with the Lord. Daniel says there is hope for the oppressed in this confused and chaotic world.
In the last days of our history, dear friend, the Church will join the State. Satan will begin to perform great miracles. These false miracles will be used to heal the sick. The great battle over the day of God Almighty will take place when Satan tries to impose his mark on God’s people. The whole Earth will be struck by earthquakes. The last seven plagues will fall; the sea, rivers, and water sources will turn into blood; all industries and commerce will cease. The sun worshipers who have embraced a false ideology will then look to the fields and towns and see disasters and harvests burned by the same sun they loved and dedicated a day to.
The beast and the Antichrist, who they thought would give them enlightenment, instead will bring them thick darkness. The beast’s support system, with its millions of people, will be gone. When the final conflict is in its final moments, then Michael (Christ) stands up and says, “Enough! This is the end of the time of trouble” (Daniel 12:1). Christ then appears as the mighty Deliverer and Conqueror of this time.
At this moment, every glass of wine in the hands of the drinkers rattles. The party is over; the music has stopped; the seats at the banquets are empty. All supermarkets have ceased operations, and all businesses have been suspended. The earth is trembling, and buildings are shaking as a result of a powerful earthquake. The skies are lit with the glory of God. Men and women who do not know Christ are trembling.
The Bible describes this situation in Revelation 6, verses 14-16: “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”
He is the Lamb, Jesus Christ, the One who died, whose arms were crucified on the cross of Calvary and whose head received a crown of thorns, whose side was wounded by the Roman spear. He is the Christ who loves, who cares, the Christ who wanted to redeem them. He cared a lot, but they didn’t. He loved them, but they did not love Him. He came to them, and they spat in His face and turned their backs on Him. Now they desperately try to hide from that lovely face. Now they flee in terror away from the gentle face of Christ, in unquenchable torment and anguish. The Christ they rejected emits a glow so bright they cannot stand it. So, instead of looking at His face, instead of rejoicing in His presence, they want to hide.
Jesus, He is coming back! The Bible says: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:52). At Christ’s return, the graves will be opened, and all who have embraced and loved Him will be resurrected. Time is running out. The sand in the hourglass will soon run out. Soon we will look to the heavens and see Christ return.
In His divine providence, God has arranged for you to read this message so that you can have an encounter with Jesus Christ and become closer to Him than you have ever been. Is it worth exchanging this glorious event for the things of this world? Wouldn’t you rather be transported to meet Jesus in heaven and live with Him forever?
PRAY: Our father who art in heaven …. Jesus Christ, the King of kings, the mighty King who will come from the eastern skies, will come, and all the powers of hell will not be able to stand against Him. All the demons cannot oppose Him, and none of the false religions that tried to destroy Him and His perfect sacrifice and atonement, cannot stand against Him. In these last hours, we hear Christ’s call to love Him, serve Him, and obey Him. So we kneel down and worship the loving name of Jesus. Amen.
About: Julio Cesar Prado is a journalist.
I can’t wait for Jesus soon return. Our Savior and Lord will redeem His beloved people from this sin-sick world. Hallelujah !!!!
Thanks very much.
Always send me all contents more especially the massages concerning religion
The massage is good more especially to this end time
Hallelujah Amen. Jesus cannot come soon enough!
Amen! I want to be ready to meet Jesus in peace!
If the antitype of Babylon is Pagan Rome, then
the antitype of Medo-Persia (a 2-part power) must be the USA (Republicanism & Protestantism).
Then the antitype of pagan Greece must be the pagan U.N.,
and the antitype of Pagan Rome is Modern Papal Rome.
We are there!