The Santa Clauses, a brand-new Disney comedy miniseries, is currently streaming on Disney+, the streaming service owned by the Walt Disney Corporation. The new miniseries premiered on November 16, 2022. In Season 1, Episode 3, Minute 25:28, you will see children laughing and dressed up like elves holding up letters that spell out the message, “We Love You, Satan.” Santa had just retired when the elves attempted to send him a farewell message, but they “mistakenly,” according to the miniseries, spelled out Satan’s name instead.
No, this wasn’t a mistake. If you’ve been following Disney, you won’t think that this was a mistake. The occult has long been a part of Disney’s culture. These days, Disney openly professes its love for Satan. No, there is no subliminal message here. They are not attempting to conceal it; it is out in the open. Worst of all, they are placing this kind of message in the faces of children, brainwashing them once again.
Why would the Seventh-day Adventist Church keep working with an entertainment business that encourages children to love Satan? First came the grooming of children into the occult and witchcraft. Then they were groomed for the transgender movement, complete with body mutilation. Now Disney is grooming them to love Satan.
Some people might argue that this was meant to be a joke and part of Disney’s comedic entertainment. However, God is not laughing, because if you are blind enough to think that this was just a harmless joke, then you have not been paying attention to what Disney has been doing with its entertainment for years. The company’s children’s books about communicating with the dead, musical plays about witchcraft, and films about demonic activities are proof that they worship and glorify Satan. This entire entertainment lineup is geared toward kids.
Even though Disney entertainment is aimed at children, it is not suitable for them. Their programming is anything but healthy. This is a brand that is beyond redemption. They are all in with the devil. Disney is determined to eradicate the spirituality that ought to exist in our families and homes. At some point, Seventh-day Adventists have to evaluate their business relationships with companies that have no biblical moral values. We are in partnership with a company that has sold its soul to Satan.
“And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” 2 Corinthians 6:15-17.
Christ has no partnership with Satan, and it is wrong on every level for any church to join up with the wicked and profane who are determined to destroy everything sacred from God’s holy word. Our Disney partnership is a snare that will only end in eternal ruin. Even though it is true that we will constantly encounter evil in this world, God’s people should never willfully choose to enter into business partnerships with the workers of iniquity:
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.” Ephesians 5:11, 12.
Sad !!!
As a former cast member I can attest to the verity of this article. I also belong to an organization called A MINOR CONSIDERATION started by former child performers to provide support and resources to other former and current child performers who have been damaged by the studios that exploit them. Disney is at the top of the list for all kinds of abuses towards children. Even the Muslims put out information showing how they “groom” children through their children’s programs for pedophilia. It’s disgusting!
For years and years disney has been spreading satans message ever since it first came out and it’s been shown to be harmless and innocent , but they are very much preaching the occult and the homosexual agenda which is not for GOD BUT AGAINST HIM…they’re only one right way and that’s GODS WAY not disney…YOU ARE EITHER FOR GOD OR AGAINST HIM THERES NO MIDDLE GROUND 🙏✝️😊GOD BLESS US ALL MAY HE PREPARE US ALL FOR HIS SOON COMING…pRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW✝️AMEN
Some will think that the misspelled Santa was innocent and funny, but this is not the case, this is “seed planting”. and a very effective subliminal way to get your message out to young people.
The Adventist Church has no business associating with secular industries, especially the world of entertainment such as theme parks and Auto Racing. Who is responsible for these misleadings, and why is it being tolerated?
Fortunately, “The Church” consists of those people that truly Name the Name of Christ in their lives, NOT THE ORGANIZATION.
Remember, if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. This is one of those satanic efforts.
We must take our eyes off the world and keep them and our hearts firmly planted on Jesus Christ….. He is our Lord and Savior.
It would have been helpful to state in the article how the SDA Church is partnering with Disney or the other organizations mentioned.
I agree…I would like to know that too.
Disney claims that in the scene, the children do this by “mistake” and it was supposed to say “santa” and not “satan”.
Pro 26:18-19 As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, (19) So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport? (Was I not joking?)
What about the cover-up of the SDA General Conference concerning abortions performed in their hospitals for 50 years for profit? Did you know that Catholic hospitals will not perform abortions in their hospitals but SDAs will? The count now is over 15,000 according to Prolife Andrew, an SDA on Youtube. He has really
tried to have abortions stopped in SDA hospitals, but it is an uphill battle with no cooperation from SDA leaders. With the SDA GC, it is “remember the Sabbath”
but murder unborn babies. And yet they claim to be God’s remnant, commandment-keeping church! Can self-deception be greater? Does the SDA GC really want
Jesus to return with all this drama, along with the lawsuit nonsense? Are they glorifying God in all this evil? I don’t think they want to answer any of these questions-
but they will have to undoubtedly answer to God! Enough said. Take care.
Santa rearranged is Satan. Claus is Lucas, which is related to Lucifer. So he is “Satan Lucifer”. Santa is feminine, so he’s a trannie. Occultists don’t care how letters are arranged, as long as the right ones are there in the word.
1. Jesus has white hair like wool in Rev 1:14. Santa has white hair like wool.
2. Jesus has a beard (Is 50:6). Santa has a beard.
3. Jesus comes in red apparel (Is 63:1-2). Santa comes in red apparel.
4. Jesus’ hour of His coming is a mystery (Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33). Santa’s hour of his coming is a mystery.
5 Jesus comes from the North where He lives (Ez 1:4; Ps 48:2). Santa comes from the North where he lives: North Pole.
6. Jesus is a carpenter (Mark 6:3). Santa is a toy carpenter.
7. Jesus comes as a thief in the night (Matt 24:43-44). Santa comes like a thief in the night & even gains entrance to homes down a chimney like thieves have done.
8. Jesus is omnipotent – all powerful (Rev 19:6). Santa is omnipotent – he delivers all the toys of the world in one night.
9. Jesus is omniscient – knows all (Heb 4:13; 1John 3:20). Santa is omniscient – knows if every single child has been good or bad for the entire year.
10. Jesus is omnipresent (Ps 139:7-10; Eph 4:6; John 3:13). Santa is omnipresent – sees when you are awake or asleep. Has to be everywhere at once.
11. Jesus is ageless & eternal (Rev 1:8; 21:6). Santa lives forever
12. Jesus lives in men (1Cor 3:16; 2Cor 6:16-17). Santa lives in the hearts of children.
13. Jesus is a giver of Gifts (Eph 4:8). Santa is a giver of Gifts.
14. We are told to boldly go to the throne of Jesus’ Grace for our needs (Heb 4:16). Children are asked to approach Santa’s throne to ask for anything they want.
15. Jesus commands children to obey parents (Col 3:20). Santa tells children to obey parents.
16. Jesus wants little children to come to Him (Mark 10:14). Santa bids children to come to him.
17. Jesus judges (Rom 14:10; Rev 20:2). Santa judges whether we are naughty or nice.
18. Jesus is called the Everlasting Father (Is 9:6). Santa is called Father Christmas.
19. Jesus is the Christ Child (Matt 1:23; Luke 2:11-12). Santa is also called “Kris Kringle” which means the Christ Child in Austrian and German lore.
20. Jesus is worthy of Prayers & Worship (Rev 5:14; Heb 1:6). Children make wishes to “St. Nick” & have deep love for him.
21. God says, “Ho, ho… (Zec 2:6). Santa says, “Ho, ho, ho…”.
22. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace, the Image of God (Is 9:6; Heb 1:3). Santa is the symbol of World Peace, an image of the Christmas Season.
23. Jesus knows all of our sins (Heb 4:13). Santa knows who is naughty or nice.
Thanks you Anna for posting the similarities that have been brought in by the world to have children’s minds thinking on Santa instead of Jesus Christ.
I’m unsure how the SDA church is partnership with Disney?
The Bible teaches in
Jeremiah 17:9 KJV
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
But just about every Disney movie pushes this:
“Follow your own hearts promptings”