We have Seventh-day Adventist leaders casually promoting government mandates. Let’s be very clear, government mandates are coercive measures designed to force the conscience. The kingdom of God does not operate through threats or acts of hostility. We have forgotten what inspiration clearly says about this subject:
“Abel did not try to force Cain to obey God’s command. It was Cain, inspired by Satan and filled with wrath, who used force. Furious because he could not compel Abel to disobey God, and because God had accepted Abel’s offering and refused his, which did not recognize the Saviour, Cain killed his brother” (Signs of the Times, March 21, 1900).
“The law of love is the foundation of God’s government, and the service of love the only service acceptable to Heaven” (That I May Know Him, p. 366).
“Force is the last resort of every false religion. At first it tries attraction, as the king of Babylon tried the power of music and outward show. If these attractions, invented by men inspired by Satan, failed to make men worship the image, the hungry flames of the furnace were ready to consume them. So it will be now. The papacy has exercised her power to compel men to obey her, and she will continue to do so. We need the same spirit that was manifested by God’s servants in the conflict with paganism” (Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 976).
Tragically, Mark Finley does not understand the coercive nature of government mandates. [1] But it’s not just Mark Finley. Nicholas Miller, Lake Union Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director and a Professor at the Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, recently made the following statements about work, travel community involvement, and vaccinations:
“I’m not arguing for mandatory vaccination. But I am saying that your choice not to be vaccinated will appropriately come with limitations on community participation, work and travel.” [2]
“Appropriately come?” Seriously? In other words, get used to it. No vaccine means no job, work or community participation. Are we now OK with these coercive measures? Then we have a series of articles published by Andrew Henriques from Saved to Serve during his Sabbath Sermon in which he highlights that Seventh-day Adventists leaders will not be offering Covid-19 exemption letters to their members.
Why this unwillingness to help our members who have supported and paid the salaries of our pastors and leaders? How difficult is it to issue a simple exemption letter to those who want it and possibly help some members keep their jobs? Well, the question is not that it is impossible because the Roman Catholic Bishops are actually giving Covid-19 exemption letters to their members. Notice the following taken from Catholic News Agency, August 18, 2021:
“The Bishop of Arecibo (Puerto Rico) has recognized the right to conscientious objection to vaccines against COVID-19, and announced that clerics will be able to sign exemptions for those who request them. Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres said Aug. 17 that ‘it is possible for a faithful Catholic to have conscientious objection to the supposed obligatory nature of the vaccine against Covid-19.’ ” [3]
The willingness on the part of Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres to help his members is open and generous. He has instructed his priests and deacons to freely and voluntarily sign the exemptions for Catholic parishioners. The Bishop of Arecibo said in his statement that “it is legitimate for a faithful Catholic to have doubts about the safety and efficacy of a vaccine given that what the pharmaceutical companies or drug regulatory agencies say is in no way a dogma of faith.” [3]
Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres was the first to make it clear that there would be no division of the faithful in his diocese, no segregation, discrimination or vaccination apartheid. This clarification was posted in a 3-page letter on the Diocese of Arecibo’s Facebook page. On page 3, paragraph 2, we read the following words from a true patriot and American:
“In no case will the Diocese of Arecibo require vaccination or proof of vaccination in order to be able to use or exercise a pastoral service. We are not going to create two classes of parishioners: vaccinated and unvaccinated” (Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres, August 17, 2021).
And it is not only the Bishop of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, who has taken this position for religious liberty on Covid-19. The Catholic Bishops of Colorado, South Dakota and the Bishop of Gallup have defended the rights of liberty of conscience as well. [3]
As Seventh-day Adventist leaders allow their members to find themselves in desperate situations, the Catholic Bishops are feeding and comforting their flocks. What excuse can our religious liberty leaders give? There is nothing that can justify this travesty of justice. Instead of protecting God’s heritage and comforting them, we have leaders today who betray the faithful and spit in the face of religious and civil liberties.
Perhaps our Seventh-day Adventist leaders could learn more than ecumenism from these Roman Catholic Bishops. Perhaps they can sit at the feet of these patriotic Americans and learn how to generously grant Covid-19 exemptions to our members who, for reasons of conscience, seek religious exemption from the Covid-19 vaccination.
While I agree with what is being said, I also read an article that stated that there is no exemption that will work in keeping the government from making everyone take the vaccine. Even in our constitution, it does not protect us (the un-vaccinated) from having to get vaccinated. The government has total authority and control, whether we like it or not.
I do wish our leaders would stand up and fight it, regardless of the outcome. It saddens me that the beast power cares more about their people than our SDA leaders do. EGW warned us that we would have more to fear from within than without. It looks like she was right!
The Nuremberg Code protects us & so does the constitution. There is no law that protects those who practice genocide
I also agree with you sis Linda Taylor. What we can do is to pray for our leaders and focus our eyes on Jesus.
A very good practical comment. We are baptized into Christ, not the church or clergy and Christ should be our focus.
All the laws that are currently in support of human rights will soon be dealt with, “In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break His law in obedience to earthly powers, they will be forbidden to buy or sell…” —The Desire of Ages pp 121. 3
As U.S. citizens with inalienable rights, that means, partly, we have the right to choose what medical care we receive, if any. The U.S. government does not have the right to impose ANY treatment on anyone. Not the least of which, a treatment that has and IS killing thousands of people.
I am appalled that the SDA church doesn’t have the guts to stand up and defend its members against these illegal AND immoral shots. I have started to rethink my support of the church. Is the reason for the church’s silence because they don’t want to lose revenue? Certainly appears that way.
SDA corporate beast leaders are leaders of a very powerful and evil corporation. Presidents are presidents of corporations not churches. Follow the money trail. As long as the SDA Corporate Beast seeks to benefit in some way financially either by kick backs front he jab (definitely our hospitals) or receive tax exemptions for income, why would such traitors support liberty of conscience? Also such leaders will find an easy path without persecution from the governments of the world as they “cooperate” with the globalists.
In a corporation $ is the bottom line. The RC catholic beast has many leaders and members that will join God’s people and many SDA members and leaders will soon join Rome. Titles and names mean nothing to Yah. It is what people do that will show whose side they are on in the end. Religious liberty is for those outside the SDA corporation, not inside. Such leaders are a bunch of traitors. The corporate model in the SDA Beast system makes good man bad and bad men worse.
I agree 100%
Help, my mom has a hard time accepting that the church would do this. She said she was sent a article that said Adventist lawyers would defend us but can’t find it.
Anyone know where I can find that article ?
This is why more and more Adventist are not giving their money to their conferences any longer. They are losing faith and confidence in the conference leaders to steer their churches in the right direction. Far to many are allowing churches to become more and more worldly. They’re letting members fall by the wayside in order to appease government over reaching mandates.
Very true! I also have known someone who no longer sending their tithes and offerings to the local church because they have noticed that some of our leaders are more extravagant in terms of their lifestyle. Let’s encourage one another to look to Jesus and surely these unfaithful leaders will be held accountable of what they have done. We will also include them in our prayers.
Yes! Absolutely true! We are seeing this first hand. Never thought I would see the day when SDA church leaders would abandon its people.
There are disturbing trends in the church. When do we pronounce it to be Babylon and sever connections?
I am saddened to see much of the leadership of the denominated SDA in such a debased and evil spiritual condition. But even worse than that, for me, is to see people that I personally know and love sit willfully ignorant in the pews of this abominable organization and dutifully pay their tithes to it. That is beyond tragic.
It saddens me to see principles promoted which are not scriptural.
Lets reflect on Mark 12 the story of the widow giving her last two mites to the church coffers. Jesus was surrounded by corrupt priests who were plotting his death. Yet he commended the woman. He didn’t condemn her, didn’t tell her to save her money and not give it to the corrupt system, didn’t tell her to give it to someone else more needy or of her own choosing. She was faithful in the little she had and was blessed for it.
Totally agree. It is to God that we give our tithes, not to an organization. I give my tithe to God out of love for Him and because I am thankful for all His blessings that He bestows upon me day after day. Giving back to God a tenth of what He gives me is an act of worship, love, and respect to God, not the church. In the end God will hold the church accountable for how it used that tithe, which is His and not mine. On the other hand, I can choose to withhold my freewill offerings to my local church if I think it will not be used appropriately, and give it to any other ministry or cause of my choice instead. By not giving our tithes to the church, regardless of how it is being used, is an act of robbing God.
As a health care provider I am shocked at the level of ignorance being offered. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned! You don’t address a biological problem at the spiritual level. You don’t address a mechanical problem at the spiritual level. Imagine if those engineers who design your bridges said “the government requires this many inches of steal in a beam, but this is an a front to my belief and faith that God holds me up, so I will not comply. People, your decisions are truly yours to make and you are therefore free to make them. You are not however free of the consequences. Government involvement, and believe me, I am about less Government, should only be involved when one persons decisions effect others negatively! Your freedoms ends where my nose begins. Although I hope your spiritual walk has you “putting others before yourself”…..if not, then for once I welcome the Government doing its Job! God bless each of you as we navigate these challenging times.
Mr Greenberg, in case you are not aware these vaccines 1) do cause harm (reference c19vaxreactions.com, vaxlonghaulers.com, 1000covidstories.com) and 2) neither will they protect you from being infected. In other words, me being vaccinated will not protect you from getting COVID, even if you are also vaccinated. You can listen to the public statements of the CDC director which verifies my second point. In other words these vaccines are neither safe nor effective. As a healthcare provider, you should know these things. You cannot afford to be ignorant of these risks as one who gives others medical advice. You need to be up to date on all the latest medical information regarding these vaccines. As a health care provider, you should understand that where there is risk there must be freedom of choice. Here’s another source for you villagesda.org/covid19.
I can offer you evidence in the literature on deaths caused by almost every medication on the market. Each year people die from the flu shot. I can also demonstrate evidence that shows pathological effects from those who use alternative medicines. Look at the literature on the number of Covid deaths of those who have the vaccine and those who don’t.
MM above makes good points, but Byron Greenberg is not interested in truth, as is apparent by his comments, and you know he’s not going to check out those links, same reason.
I am a health care provider as well, and I can say, Byron, man, I am shocked at the level of your own ignorance, especially considering the “Ph.D.” and “MPH” titles after your name, all of which mean nothing at all if you don’t care about truth.
Your ignorant comment about how “almost every medication on the market” can kill people, as well as your body slam of “alternative medicines” are total straw man arguments. Not helpful to this conversation at all. And I’ll tell you what disgusts me the most: Doctors, PAs, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and all the rest of the medical pros, all over the world, the vast majority of you know full well we had (and still have!) safe and effective early treatments for covid-19, or at least you *should* know it. Not until after the Lord returns can we know the number of people who needlessly died (and still do so to this day) because of the cowardice of people like you who withhold early treatment.
Never before in the history of medicine have physicians been ordered to “stand down” and not treat an illness early on. How can you not see this, even if you are not an MD? NAME ONE acute disease, condition, or illness where the public was told (and still is being told, according to NIH protocols to this day) to stay home and basically do nothing until you get to the point where you can’t breathe, or need supplemental oxygen, THEN go to the hospital, when your O2 sats drop to dangerous levels, so they can talk you into being put on a ventilator, which itself greatly increases morbidity and mortality. Name ONE illness (that is not covid-related) where you yourself would tell a patient NOT to seek early treatment nor give them truthful, informed consent for any treatment, diagnostic, test, or procedure you would recommend.
But then again, I know why early treatments had to be stifled, since the FDA’s EUA approval of big pharma’s gene therapy cocktail sludge injection could be granted ONLY IF there were no other effective, safe, and available treatments. The VERY FACT that there were (and are) multiple drug therapies with proven effectiveness against covid-related respiratory viral syndromes, and that these therapies are suppressed, along with the “cancel culture” coming after those of us who simply want to tell people the truth, to give them informed consent, is unconscionable and those who went along with it will be called to account for it some day.
Just the fact that anyone who challenges the prevailing media narrative or doesn’t want to get caught up in the mass psychosis sweeping the world, is targeted for censoring, deplatformed from social media, mocked by governmental leaders, or pressured against his will to agree to an experimental treatment using humans as the phase 3 trial subjects, should tell you all you need to know.
So while you can “demonstrate evidence” about the “pathological effects” of “alternative medicines”, I can demonstrate a boat load of evidence showing how meds already FDA approved, as well as several OTC meds have been shown conclusively from a multitude of studies, including meta analyses, that the risk of death from covid-related illness would drop off a cliff like a rock if doctors weren’t hamstrung against practicing actual medicine, and if those treatments would be initiated early in the symptomatic process. But then again, all you sorry people wouldn’t be able to push your damnable vaccines, now would you?
PS. YOUR freedom ends where MY nose begins. Cuts both ways, that dagger of Damocles. My mother-in-law died last summer because of lockdown restrictions, and millions of others have died from government and corporate overreach. I will fight you and anyone else who tries to bully me or any in my family to take a so-called “vaccine” we don’t need and will not get, all for a virus with better than a 99.74% chance of recovery (with no treatment) for most age groups who become infected. Your type wants to punish people like me over this? People like you are pushing this country towards a civil war. But y’all keep taking those vaccines, and when your auto immune diseases kick in, or when you have a hyperimmune response to exposure to any corona virus in the future, we’ll see if you change your tune then.
Ron, I’m not sure if your argument is against the science of immunology, or just paranoid ranting about a government conspiracy to kill or maim it’s citizens. That our government is in any way efficient, will never be an argument that I would make. That the decisions or lack of decisions of this or the previous administration were responsible for deaths, will get no argument from me. I also will not argue against checking behind research… that’s why we have replication studies. Statistics don’t lie, but Liars use statistics. The government has required vaccines for many years in America. I have a scar on my shoulder to commemorate the requirement to be vaccinated before attending elementary school. Your pugilistic response to me demonstrates the fear and frustration you are feeling.
Your arguments are irrefutable. Keep up the good work. Such doctors as Byron Greenberg have received already the “strong delusion” of the last days mentioned in 2Thess. 2 and can not be reasoned with. They are nothing but deluded quacks. We can not reach such reprobates. We must look for those honest souls that are on the fence and share with them. Yeshua told us to leave such blind guides alone:
“Then the disciples *came and *said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?” But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.””
Matthew 15:12-14 NASB1995
Notes From The President — August 26, 2021
The degree of polarization around the COVID-19 vaccine today is not surprising. One perspective comes from those who are champions of individual rights, bolstered by what they read and hear about the dangers of the vaccine. On the other side are those who accept the reported science and believe vaccinations are the only solution to the pandemic.
Those of us who have had the privilege of watching human nature for many years remember similar battles around compulsory use of seat belts, motorcycle helmets, fluoridation of water supplies, and various other public health mandates. Perhaps the most pertinent example is smoking. As long as your smoking was just a danger to you, we were willing to let you pursue your habit. But when research showed that second-hand smoke from you is damaging my health, the tide turned, and smoking bans were instituted in public places.
That seems to be the crux of the controversy today. If someone wants to risk their health, and even life, by not being vaccinated, that is their right. But when their decision puts others at risk, it assumes a broader public health impact for all of us. That is what so many of our health professionals feel today, as we are now faced with caring for many unvaccinated patients who neglected or refused to be vaccinated. More than 90% of admitted patients and deaths at hospitals and throughout the country today are among this group. And their decision enables the virus to continue to spread, placing children and others at risk of the infection. The frustration and even anger from many of these working health professionals caring for ill and dying patients is increasingly being expressed.
But what about all the dangers of the vaccine that are reported in our information-saturated society? I could try to chase down all the stories, from embedded microchips, to fertility threats, to long-term genetic alterations, to its experimental status (although Pfizer’s vaccine is now approved by the FDA for general use). But I am afraid that suspicions are hard to change, as we all tend to look for evidence that bolsters our beliefs. In these situations, one needs to balance the data from all sides when seeking to make a wise decision. It is also important to check credentials and find trusted sources of information.
As an old public health doctor who has worked in vaccination programs for 50 years, I have seen the incredible benefit of vaccines. We have eliminated smallpox, largely stamped out polio, and controlled measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis A and B, and many other infectious diseases. Many of these are what we call live-attenuated vaccines, meaning the virus has been modified in the lab to largely eliminate its infectivity and danger but still retain enough characteristics of the virus to stimulate the production of antibodies. While there has been controversy around each of these in years past, they are all accepted now by the vast majority of people and have become required in this country for our children to attend school and health professionals to work in health care settings. Everyone has benefited from these vaccines.
But this one is different, they say. Yes, it is born out of the urgency of a rapidly spreading pandemic. We have benefited from an advanced understanding of how our immune system works and ways to use it more effectively against infections. We are also blessed with a delivery mechanism, mRNA, that was developed in 2005 and can now be used to stimulate antibody production and inhibit viral growth. These new vaccines use our own God-given defense mechanisms to target the spikes on the COVID-19 virus and inactivate it. The mRNA vaccines never enter the cell nucleus and cannot change our DNA. Like most vaccines, they are not 100% effective and do have minimal side effects. But the risk from the actual disease is many times greater than any risk from the vaccine, as shown in many studies and the 170 million Americans who have now received them.
So how will this end? It is hard to say, though some believe this virus will continue to circulate through our society until everyone has either received the vaccine or had the infection. That would be a tragedy when we have such an effective tool and can avoid many needless deaths.
It is unfortunate that many organizations, including hospitals, are having to resort to mandates to push up their vaccination coverage of employees. It seems that these mandates, especially from the government, only accelerate the suspicion about the vaccines. Some feel outside forces are seeking to control us. Others believe this is a fulfillment of prophecy or evidence of evil forces. But most of us accept that these mandates are apparently necessary to protect us from ourselves in these situations. This is very similar to what we have gone through with other public health measures when society determines the greater good requires the subjugation of individual rights, as sincerely held as they may be.
We have been here before, and it usually takes a decade for any new measure to be fully accepted. My hope and prayer is that logic and understanding will prevail, and our class warfare can end as we seek to protect each other. Until we do, COVID-19 infections and deaths will continue to ravage the world.
Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health
That is why i do not take any medications. I am 66 yrs old and in very good health. I keep the 8 laws of health and avoid doctors and hospitals as i would the plaque and the so called vaccine.
Only 1% of deaths or injuries are reported to vaers.
More have died than were killed by the Hiroshima bomb.
You don’t think they would really report all the deaths ? It is estimated that 50 million will die in the U.S. alone from the bio weapon called a vaccine. If you can locate him watch Stew Peters show.. I know he is on Telegram
Stew Peters is great and he is on Rumble and Bitchute 😊
Well put Richard. A considered response
Sir, is there only one way to treat this virus? There are many alternate treatments for SARS CoV that are very effective. I recommend preventative measures such as the vitamin cocktail (D,C, & Zinc), plus an anti-viral of your choice such as Quercetin. I believe in following health principles…nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, fresh air, rest and trust in divine power (8 laws). This builds natural immunity.
Now about treating CoV…..early prevention is the key. There are many ways to do this both holistic and pharmaceutical. How about monoclonal antibodies which are being offered for FREE in the state of FL? This is what led to Trump’s quick recovery. One infusion or four shots and you are 70-80% certain to stay out of the hospital. How about Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine? There are also numerous remedies that are completely drug free that people can do in their own home that have brought healing to multitudes.
I think it is irresponsible and reckless to insist people treat a virus ONE way only, and also with medicine that has already proven to be highly dangerous, even deadly.
So who is thinking about the well being of their neighbor here? You are insisting I can only treat the virus ONE way, because you have been mesmerized by mainstream media who are suppressing ALL opposing views. Everything is considered false science if it isn’t vaccine related.
I have a right to treat this in my own way with my natural immune system and other holistic measures or medications if I so choose. No one has the right to force me. Coercion is of the devil.
God gives us the right to choose what we put into our own bodies.
“The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state,
but rather the conscience of the state.
It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool.
If the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.”
Martin Luther King Jr
“It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.
Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will,
so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.
In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.
Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
Bertrand Russell 1953
{And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12.
Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads—it is not any seal or mark that can be seen,
but a settling into the truth,
both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved—just as soon as God’s people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has begun already; the judgments of God are now upon the land, to give us warning, that we may know what is coming.37SDA Bible Commentary 4:1161.
The days are fast approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion. Satan, clothed in angel robes, will deceive, if possible, the very elect.
There will be gods many and lords many. Every wind of doctrine will be blowing….
The mark of the beast will be urged upon us.
Those who have step by step yielded to worldly demands and conformed to worldly customs will not find it a hard matter to yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death.
The contest is between the commandments of God and the commandments of men.
In this time the gold will be separated from the dross in the church. True godliness will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it.
Many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy will then go out in darkness. Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the wind, even from places where we see only floors of rich wheat.
All who assume the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ’s righteousness, will appear in the shame of their own nakedness.38Testimonies for the Church 5:80, 81.
But there are men who will receive the truth, and these will take the places made vacant by those who become offended and leave the truth….
Men of true Christian principle will take their place, and will become faithful, trustworthy householders, to advocate the word of God in its true bearings, and in its simplicity.
The Lord will work so that the disaffected ones will be separated from the true and loyal ones…. The ranks will not be diminished. Those who are firm and true will close up the vacancies that are made by those who become offended and apostatize.39Manuscript 97, 1898.}
From Maranatha – Page 200
It is truly evident that we as a church are in a decisive moment, either we will serve the true and living God, or we will serve the dragon( Satan), state power with the beast( Roman Catholicism and apostate Protestantism (those who depart from the true faith. I do hope and trust that the test we face will make us stronger.
Masks and vaccines are not a religious liberty issue. People need to get over it. If you don’t have a legitimate medical exemption, just accept it. How do you think you will cope with real persecution when that time comes, when you think requiring masks is persecution. Just think what the Christians in communist eastern Europe or in China had to put up with. Don’t bring on persecution for yourselves by fighting battles that don’t have to be fought.
“Masks and vaccines are not a religious liberty issue.” Just a dumb lie. How can you believe your own load of garbage? And no, I will not “just accept it” and I can’t be forced to accept it. What about “real persecution”? When national governments are threatening a person’s very freedoms or livelihoods, that’s not persecution bad enough for you? Do we need to be thrown in prison or have our heads chopped off in order to qualify for your idea of “real persecution”? Your whole line of reasoning is not well-reasoned at all. Tell you what… You do you, I’ll do me. Otherwise, we’ll have a problem.
Lord help us to defend our people.
Just wondering – Does anyone else see a similarity in the current COVID-19 “vaccine” push, and the stories in Daniel chapters 1-6?
In Daniel chapter 1, Daniel and his 3 friends were faced with a situation where they were being asked, or really expected, to put something into their bodies that they knew was not good for them. They knew that in doing this they would not be glorifying God and so, at the risk of their freedoms and very life they chose to make a stand. I would say that this was a temperance issue.
We know then that in Daniel chapter 3 Daniel’s 3 friends faced a terrible decision when they were expected to bow now to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image. Once again they chose to disobey the “government mandate” and instead glorify God. We all know the outcome – they were put in the fiery furnace as a result. This was an issue of worship.
Then, in Daniel chapter 6 Daniel faced his own worship challenge when he was commanded to worship no-one but the king for 30 days. Did he comply with this “government mandate”? No, he did not. He chose to worship the true God, just as he had always done, and as a result he was put into the lion’s den.
We are facing an issue of temperance at this present time. We are being asked to put into our bodies a substance that, at best, we do not know what the results of taking it will be in the future. If even a small percentage of what we are being warned about, when you do a little research yourself, is true, then there is reason for concern. Our bodies are to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are told that “the impartation of the Spirit is the impartation of the life of Christ” DA 805, so would it be bringing glory to God to introduce something into our bodies that can cause harm, when it appears that there is no real reason to do so.
Very soon we will be facing our own challenges when it comes to the subject of worship. As SDA’s we understand the prophecy of Revelation 13 and the implications that this will mean to the faithful followers of God. We know that God miraculously saved Daniel and his 3 friends when they stood for right bringing glory to His name. We know that He is able to do the same for each one of us too, if that is His will for us.
It just seems that we are following a very similar narrative at this time – any thoughts?
Très très bonne analyse, soyons béni par Jésus Christ et restons lui fidèle jusqu’à la fin. 👍🏾👍🏾
Hallelujah. A friend posted on FB, “What does the vaccine have to do with the Mark of the Beast?” and my initial reaction was “Nothing directly,” until he explained Daniel 1 preceding Daniel 3 and Daniel 6. Too many of the members and leaders in the Remnant are playing Blind-Man’s-Bluff. My semesters of Immunology/Serology and of Genetics and Molecular Biology made me wary of DNA and RNA vaccines when I heard, and further research [pathogenic priming/ ADE/ Antibody-Dependent Enhancement; Amalgamation statements by EGW, etc] made things only worse. The methods of implementation are clearly leading to the Mark — only blind guides won’t see that. I learned about garlic and turmeric and “flu bombs” and vitamins D&C & zinc and honey with lemon/ lime — praise God for His pharmacy — both for prevention and treatment. [Research them all, please.] .. But the Health Message is ignored… NEW START / CELEBRATIONS and natural remedies are pushed aside. Lord, have mercy!
The VACCINE IS the mark of the beast!!! MANY SDA are awaiting the SUNDAY law! Many protestants await the RFID ! FOOLISHNESS indeed !!!!
Is the above article inferring that Saved To Serve are refusing or that the leaders are refusing? I have been following this ministry for awhile now and I believe that he is calling out the deeds of the SDA leaders.
I have not heard every word of the Saved To Serve video mentioned above, but by what I have heard it is the leaders of the SDA church that are refusing to give religious exemptions when requested to do so by membership. Saved To Serve is simply pointing this out.
They made multiple videos showing how the official general conference letter heads would not be used for an vaccine exemption, b
(ecause without any Bible or Spirit of Prophesy quote to support it)
They decided the GCSDA church is (unfortunately) pro vaccine and (hypnotized by)
“The Science”
Revelation 17:2 KJV
“With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”
Good news! I learned at the Covid, Conscience and Coersion seminar at Village SDA, from one of their attorney speakers, that one does not need a letter of exemption from church, one can do it oneself!
They even gave a web page where one can go and their attorneys will help with the crafting of the letter! So, there is help! We have not been left alone on this.
If anyone remembers the website, can you please post it?
Your article is not correct I’m afraid. I was the primary drafter of a form religious exemption request letter request that all North American conference and Union PARL leaders will provide to our members, and assist them in shaping for their circumstances. It will come on the member’s letterhead, but the church will assist them in doing this, as I have a number of people. The law merely requires expression of personal conscience, and not the endorsement of a church organization.
Please clarify this point in your article.
Your collogue, Andre Wang, made the following statement on August 18, 2021, which we referenced in the article.
“Customarily, church members can get religious exemption letters for matters such as Sabbath accommodation in the workplace or schools. However, because the official position of the Seventh-day Adventist Church supports vaccinations, your local Adventist church, conference or union is not able to provide you an official exemption letter.”
Also referenced in the article was Leslie Louis, President of the Carolina Conference, who said the following on August 19, 2021:
“The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America is in the process of developing a statement regarding this issue with PARL. Our position in the past has been supportive of vaccination interventions and not making any statement that would use our religion as a permit for exemption.”
(https://youtu.be/ytIPk-l1twU minute 43:35)
It’s like you said, Adventist members, with assistance from the church, will have to write their own exemption letters expressing their personal conscience on their own personal letterhead. Those letters will not identify the Adventist church, faith or health principles. Unlike many of the Catholic Bishops who have instructed their priests and deacons to actually write the exemption letters, seemingly on church letterhead, for Catholic parishioners. Those letters will identity the Catholic faith.
That’s exactly what we were contrasting in the article. So the statements made by Andre Wang and Leslie Louis are 100% true. They were the sources we used. You say the article was not correct even though we said that the church isn’t going to give people any exemption letters based on what Andre Wang and Leslie Louis stated. That part is still true. That hasn’t changed.
If you actually have an official statement (like Andre Wang or Leslie Louis) that has been published in any of our major church news entities that states how the church will be assisting member write their own exemption letters expressing their personal conscience on their own letterheads, please email me any links. We would love to write about that. We would be happy to publish that breaking news.
We are facing a pandemic. A pandemic of delusion, lack of common sense, lack of scientific method and rigor, a pandemic of histeria, coercion, censorship, corruption and lies.
It’s hard to believe such a thing is taking place in the so-called “modern days”, in which, supposedly, we are the most “advanced” and “informed” society of all times in human history.
I am actually stunned that people are not able to rationally think about it, and question what they’re being told.
I am also impressed to see people in the comment section, which claim to be doctors, saying that people have not the right to reject those injections, because they are putting others at risk (aka smoking) – seriously?
Excuse me, risk of WHAT? The risk of your vaccine not working?
Or the risk to demonstrate to you that mankind has thrived throughout the centuries without the help of any man-made vaccines, due to something called NATURAL IMMUNITY?
Try to apply that same reasoning to diabetes. Let’s forbid people to eat junk food, so that they won’t become type 2 diabetics and put over the society and healthcare system the burden of taking care of their disease and saving their lives by manufacturing synthetic insulin. Let’s forbid people of becoming obese, or becoming pregnant in their teens, or having sex outside of marriage, so they won’t get a STD. Let’s forbid people to get drunk! I don’t have the statistics, but I am pretty sure that alcohol kills more than Covid.
Seriously, I expected more from people with a medical degree.
Thank God it’s not necessary a medical degree to think.
The issue of conscientious objection to the COVID vaccine has been raised by several people. This is a valid issue that deserves consideration. The first question to be considered is that of the law. In the United States, conscientious objections must be based upon the law. This includes both statute law and case law. In the U.S, there is a substantial body of case law that has developed in connection with military service.
The U.S. statute law for exemption to military service allows for religious exemption. In the development of the associated case law, the following elements have developed:
• The person who claims the exemption must be sincere.
• The official teaching of the denomination to which that person may belong is not relevant to the claim of the individual.
• The claim for a religious exemption does not require a belief in a god.
The result of this is that the position of the denomination is not important. What is important is the sincerity of the individual. From this perspective, a letter from a denominational clergyperson is of value only if it addresses the sincerity of the person requesting an exemption. It is valueless if it only speaks to the teaching of the denomination.
Personal note: As a former U. S. Army chaplain I was extensively involved in processing the requests of Army personnel for either discharge or assignment as a conscientious objector. My work in this area resulted in formal recognition by a 2-star general in the Pentagon and which at that time resulted in my involvement in the majority of such requests from people assigned to the military base where I was assigned. All (100%) of the conscientious objections classes to which I was involved were determined in a manner consistent with my determination of the person’s sincerity.
From this perspective and established case law, in the U.S. a request for a religious exemption of the COVID vaccine will be determined by the sincerity of the individual and not by the official teaching of the denomination. Therefore, a letter from a clergyperson will only be helpful as it addressed the sincerity of the person.