Here’s the announcement for the interfaith event in Rome attended by Seventh-day Adventists, Roman Catholics and others.
The first week of February 2020 will be a date for the record books. It will be remembered as a week in which some Seventh-day Adventists publicly committed themselves to do one thing, while others did the very opposite. This sums up the new trends happening within the church today. On the one hand, there are those who promote one thing, while others promote a completely different agenda.

In the same week that Ted Wilson was promoting the Three Angels’ Message in Africa, Adventists were in Rome for interfaith cooperation with Catholics.
President Ted Wilson just ended a visit to the African nation of Malawi. He was there on February 8-10, 2020. Ted Wilson preached in a stadium to a crowd of 40,000 people and emphasized Total Member Involvement (TMI), which is a “full-scale, world-church evangelistic thrust that involves every member, every church, every administrative entity and every type of public outreach ministry.” [1]
President Ted Wilson also stressed the importance of sharing the Three Angels’ Message during TMI evangelistic programs:
“In all his meetings, Wilson reminded church members that TMI (Total Member Involvement) means proclaiming the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 that Jesus is coming soon.” [2]

Welcome to the Interfaith Table of Rome.
In the same week that Ted Wilson was focusing on engaging every church member to preach the Three Angels’ Message, other Seventh-day Adventists engaged with Roman Catholics and other churches to promote World Interfaith Harmony Week in Rome on February 3, 2020. Here we see two distinct efforts operating at cross purposes within Adventism. How does this even happen?

From top to bottom: Gabriel Ionita, Orthodox Church; Pawel Gajewski, Evangelical Federation of Churches; Abdellah Redouane, Muslim; Saverio Scuccimarri, Seventh-day Adventist; Marta Bonomo, Buddisht.
The preaching of the Three Angels’ Message is a mandate given by God. The annual World Interfaith Harmony Week is an event established by the United Nations and endorsed by Rome. These are two opposite worldviews that are out of harmony with each other. One side affirms the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus while the other exalts the commandments of men and embraces every god known to man. God is working to call people out of the world while the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week is building bridges to connect the different faiths into one body. [3]

From top to bottom: Shivaraja Legnaioli, Hindu; Uriel Perugia, Jew; Elena Viviani, Buddhist; Barbara Ghiringhelli is from the National Office for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialogue for the Italian Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Three Angels’ Message rejects the core beliefs of the United Nations. The UN is promoting a godless, secular agenda – feminism, the LGBT+ movement, abortion on demand, Rome’s ecumenical movement, Rome’s radical climate change agenda and many other liberal ideas that undermine the truth in God’s word. So any supposed synthesis of mission between the Three Angel’s Message and the United Nations is misleading, unsound and completely misguided.
The Interfaith Table of Rome

Adventists on the list of participants.
The 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week was celebrated at over 1,000 events worldwide. [4] Rome was no exception. There is an ecumenical organization in Rome called “Tavolo Interreligioso Di Roma” or the “Interfaith Table of Rome.” [5] The Interfaith Table of Rome sponsored the United Nations’ 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week and held their event on Monday, February 3, 2020 in the Ara Pacis Conference Room in Rome, Italy.
Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Evangelicals, Roman Catholics and Seventh-day Adventists participated in the 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week sponsored by the Interfaith Table of Rome. [6] Not only are Seventh-day Adventists listed as participants in the Interfaith Table of Rome’s website, but even the official Adventist website in Italy was promoting this event. [7]
United Arab Emirates – Pope Francis has also paid tribute to the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week back in 2019. Pope Francis signed a historic document promoting ecumenical dialog and cooperation with Muslims during the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week. [8] Here we see Rome and the UN coordinating their efforts to advance the papacy as the legitimate, unifying authority in the world.
Africa – Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and other faiths get together to advocate interfaith unity during the UN’s 2018 World Interfaith Harmony Week. [9]
Philippines – Roman Catholics, Latter-Day Saints, Muslim, and Indigenous people prayed in their respective faith tradition during the 2020 UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week. The celebrations highlighted “dialog towards harmony.” [10]
Australia – In Australia the UN’s 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week was celebrated through a series of lectures on Pope Francis’ views on the environment and ecumenism. [10] Again, we see an intimate relationship between the UN and Rome. Their agenda is one and the same.
#InterreligiousDialogue #WCC Round table discussion on “Re-thinking interreligious engagement in a wounded world” @wihw World #Interfaith Harmony Week pic.twitter.com/GYaC3JPEJv
— World Council of Churches (WCC) (@Oikoumene) February 7, 2020
The World Council of Churches also celebrates the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week.
Interfaith Tree Planting on World Interfaith Harmony Week celebrations under the PM Imran Khan's initiative #Plant4Pakistan at #JawanMarkazPeshawar.#InterfaithHarmony#WIHW#UNDPinPakistan#LiaisonCorporation#CleanGreenPakistan pic.twitter.com/LBMV88O7cr
— Dr. Nadia Mubarik (@NadiaMubarakPTI) February 8, 2020
Earth worship and tree planting ceremonies during the UN’s 2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week.
Mutual understanding and inter-religious dialogue is key to living in harmony and peace and achieving a sustainable world. Join us in celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week 👇
More info: https://t.co/p0XXHNr7ec #GlobalGoals pic.twitter.com/MIaFQmdv05— Global Goals (@GlobalGoalsUN) February 5, 2019
The “global goals” of the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week.
UN World #Interfaith Harmony Week: #Pagans in Interfaith podcast tonight: Tuesday Feb 7, 8pm eastern/7pm central https://t.co/Aa63xcaQSZ pic.twitter.com/JuEXIpmoOH
— Selena Fox (@Selena_Fox) February 7, 2017
All are accepted. All have equal value. All are one.
#Belief @Oprah World Interfaith Harmony Week – First week of Februaryhttps://t.co/LzOydwapu1 @OWNTV @DeepakChopra pic.twitter.com/Nup7Qi4Lj5
— Ravi Karkara (@ravikarkara) February 1, 2016
Universalism. All will be saved.
Are we going to obey the dictates of the radical, secular, globalist organizations like the UN and Rome? Or are we going to obey God? The UN and Rome are building an ecumenical theme park where all the religious faiths are seen as equal and on the same footing. They are pushing a social re-engineering agenda that will reduce the God of heaven into a modern multicultural, new age, all-inclusive, spiritualistic guru who doesn’t judge people, who doesn’t punish sin, who doesn’t believe in hell and who will eventually save all people whether they choose Him or not.
Too many of our people are keeping the Three Angels’ Message to themselves. We should be telling the world about what Christ has done for us and about His soon and glorious return. God did not give us the most solemn warning message (Revelation 14:6-12) to be buried. No, He has ordered us to declare them to the world. The early church was so faithful to this missionary commitment that in one generation they were able to turn “the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).
“For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20.
“Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” Acts 20:31.
“We are not to cringe and beg pardon of the world for telling them the truth: we should scorn concealment. Unfurl your colors to meet the cause of men and angels. Let it be understood that Seventh-day Adventists can make no compromise. In your opinions and faith there must not be the least appearance of waverings: the world has a right to know what to expect of us” (Evangelism, p. 179).
We as Seventh-day Adventists are failing in this responsibility before Almighty God, and our institutions are paying a dire price. Make no mistake about this, we are responsible. Pastors, leaders and preaches will be held to account. We cannot blame the fallen churches or the corrupt world for what has overtaken Adventism. This is our fault because we are the ones who God has placed here in this time of earth’s history to be the Remnant people in this momentous hour. Where are the courageous men and women who will do exactly what God says to do?
“The sins of Babylon will be laid open. The fearful results of enforcing the observances of the church by civil authority, the inroads of spiritualism, the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power—all will be unmasked. By these solemn warnings the people will be stirred. Thousands upon thousands will listen who have never heard words like these. In amazement they hear the testimony that Babylon is the church, fallen because of her errors and sins, because of her rejection of the truth sent to her from heaven” (Great Controversy, p. 606).
We must confess that we have not proclaimed with sufficient clarity and frequency the Three Angels’ Message that reveals the true living God to the entire world. We must confess our timidity and our cowardice for not letting everyone know what the Creator demands of us in this hour of judgment.
We will continue with a Part 2. It will be very sobering because God’s people are making dangerous concessions while being dragged into Rome’s interfaith sinkhole.
[1] https://tmi.adventist.org/
[3] https://www.un.org/en/observances/interfaith-harmony-week
[4] https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/how-to-participate/