Most businesses, airlines, churches, and governments have either eliminated or significantly reduced their Covid restrictions and mask mandates. The Covid hysteria appears to have subsided, and most people have already moved on with their lives. Everyone, except AdventHealth.
With the Covid pandemic behind us, it’s a lovely feeling to be able to see friends, travel, leave our homes, and feel so free once more. It’s great not to be treated like a second-class citizen again, unless you have a health emergency and need to attend one of AdventHealth’s hospitals.
The following video features the testimony of a woman who has a rare condition as a result of being suffocated as a child and cannot wear a facemask without experiencing trauma. She was having chest pains and was rushed to one of AdventHealth’s hospitals. Despite being fully vaccinated, she was denied life-saving emergency room services because she wasn’t wearing a mask. She was fortunate that the local county hospital, a non-Christian facility, was willing to treat her.
If you’re wondering if things have returned to normal and if we’re truly free of Covid tyranny after two years, the answer is “no.” The insane health dictatorship that has ruled our lives for so long is still in power. The lockdown madness that characterized anyone who didn’t obey the Covid mandates as “irresponsible,” “murderers,” and people who shouldn’t be able to work, buy food, or receive health care still exists today, even at AdventHealth.
Covid paranoia is still going strong. Some people want us to live the rest of our lives wearing blue surgical masks. It is unfortunate that some people are prepared to give up all of their civil and religious liberties if the CDC demands it. Despite the mounting evidence, some people continue to want to be on the wrong side of history. Even if liquor stores and abortion clinics are designated “essential” during a pandemic, some Adventists will go into lockdowns and blindly accept that their faith is “nonessential” if the government tells them it is.
The conflict is far from over. When the next crisis arises, we will once again see some church leaders abandon their moral compass and blindly follow the government’s directives. These same church members will back government officials in stripping people of their most basic human rights, including imprisoning them. That’s exactly what we’ve seen happen during the past two years.
Remember where the majority of our members stood on this issue, especially our so-called religious liberty leaders. Regrettably, they supported tyranny and oppression. Without a question, they’ve reached the end of their usefulness. This is a dangerous world, and bad actors will exploit or create a crisis in order to take away our civil and religious freedoms. And it’s unfortunate that we’d side with these bad actors while depriving people of not just their rights but also life-saving emergency services.
So easy for our leaders to go along with mandates. Wondering what they will do with Sunday law mandates to close our churches? If our local church closes again, I will open our home for house church. Enough of following the world.
Shame on the Seventh-day Adventists for following the devil’s agenda. They will be punished by God Himself.
“By their fruits you shall know them” Matthew 7:20.
Laodicea is known for it’s lukewarm condition. Trying to be middle of the road is akin to trying to be the middle of temperature extremes: LUKEWARM. We are trying to serve two masters. We will either hate the one and love the other; or we will care for the one and despise the other. We CANNOT serve God and mammon (#3126 Strong’s – ‘wealth’).
I am not a bit surprised by this. The lady may have been spared a bad experience. Just a few years ago I went to an “AdventHealth” clinic that had in its paperwork that if I was admitted to their facility I could get a roommate who identified as opposite their biological gender. No thanks!
It is a real tragedy to hear that places that carry the name “Advent Health..” or Adventist continues practices like that. How dare us close houses of worship!! I am a
retired SDA Pastor and the small church that I am a part of was never closed except the first two weeks into the pandemic. We gathered to worship, we sang and we
prayed and when it was over, we break for a meal in the fellowship hall and we had evening song service and a worship of thanksgiving and we said our goodbyes and
went home in the Spirit of Christ just as the believers did at Pentecost. What is wrong with our Church Leaders? Are they afraid of mandates? It is Christ who we serve
and it is Christ who will protect us. We must not let our faith deteriorate into fear, May God have mercy on us. Pastor Johnston
Happy to hear there was a church open! Wish I was at your church! God bless you!
Jesus had mercy on the lepers, touched them and healed them… not so with the “Christian” SDA AdventHealth. They have abandoned the commission to reach the world for Christ and instead embrace worldling ways.
Our leaders are undercover jesuits. Any questions?
They would let someone potentially die over mask mandates that don’t work? Unbelievable!
Masks don’t stop the spread of covid.
Excellent display of love, you AdventHealth devils. You are the religious folks that passed by the injured while it took the uncircumcised, unwashed Samaritan to accept and treat this lady. Hey Judas, don’t your knees get sore, having to kneel and grovel before world governments all the time? Don’t you ever get tired of saying, “How high?” whenever they tell you to jump? Good little circus monkeys you are. You clap very well when the organ is grinding.
So she was double vaccinated and they still refused her. Is that an admission that the vaccines do not work?
My brother and sister, we need to join us to the Free SDA, the only and truly church, that keep the pioneer doctrines and the Spirit of prophecy, and obey the God’s Word, I’am pastor of the Free sda, we don’t encourage any of our member to vaccinated, we defend the principles of God, and the instruction of the health reform
The Spirit of Prophecy, which is the Testimony of Jesus, does not condone ANY type or kind of group who dishonors, replaces, or pulls away from God’s appointed Church: Seventh-day Adventists. Offshoots, whatever their reasons, are not Seventh-day Adventists. Offshoots may just as well be any other Church by any other name, no difference. As backward and defective as God’s one and only true Church is, it remains the apple of His eye. If you are attending some other group, you need to come home.
Whew, what fanaticism the “anti-maskers” and “anti-vaccine” crowd displays! Sister White took no position for or against vaccines. Told to wear a mask? You don’t want to? FINE!!! Go somewhere else, do not enter, problem solved. If YOU own the building, make up your own rules. If YOU don’t, quit belly aching about others.
May sound unchristian like, but I`d like to see Advent Health sued for violating federal law. Which is exactly what they`re doing. Even Jesus justifiably reacted in what seemed violence, when He overturned money changers tables in the temple. Paul refused to leave prison until jailer came in person and apologized for wrong he done him i.e. whipping him. Same here..lawsuit against AH would be justified, in order to show them error of their ways.