“In the warfare to be waged in the last days there will be united, in opposition to God’s people, all the corrupt powers that have apostatized from allegiance to the law of Jehovah. In this warfare the Sabbath of the fourth commandment will be the great point at issue, for in the Sabbath commandment the great Lawgiver identifies Himself as the Creator of the heavens and the earth” (Selected Messages, Book 3, p. 392).
There will come a time when embracing a viewpoint that differs from the majority will land us on the wrong side of the law. The freedom to disagree and believe what we want is dwindling. Part of what it means to be an American is having the freedom to believe what we want. We live in a Constitutional Republic, and this form of government allows people to follow their conscience. A constitution safeguards the individual.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “When you are not with where the majority of Americans are, then that is extreme. pic.twitter.com/yGtNh0vzLp
— Breaking Digest (@breaking_digest) September 1, 2022
Tragically, as we saw during the pandemic, whenever we substitute individual liberty for the “common good,” tyranny and oppression will always reign. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has just labeled those who disagree with the majority as “extreme.” No. Following our conscience is not extreme, but not adhering to the US Constitution is. Politicians want to reshape the definition of language and words once more. They’ve redefined “men,” “women,” and “families,” and now they’d like to redefine “extreme.”
In communist and totalitarian societies, everyone must follow the majority. These oppressive regimes want 100% commitment from the populace. When politicians force us to embrace a radical ideology despite the fact that the majority of Americans believe in only two genders, male and female, that is an example of an extreme dictatorship. Pushing the transgender agenda on society when the majority of Americans do not believe men can become pregnant is extreme.
Today, we see radical politicians claiming that if you don’t agree with them, you’re an extremist. Their definition of unity is that you agree with them. For generations, we have been told that we must not overlook “minorities.” Not anymore. We are entering a period in which freedoms are being sacrificed, and we must either accept the status quo or face persecution.
We are no longer a free society when the government decides what its citizens must do and think. This is the scenario that will play out in the last days. These are the very reasons that will be used in the near future to oppress God’s commandment-keeping people. Soon, the “majority” will try to force the “small minority” to obey the Sunday Law under the mark of the beast. May God, through His grace, open our eyes to see the signs of the times in the light of current events:
“As the Sabbath has become the special point of controversy throughout Christendom, and religious and secular authorities have combined to enforce the observance of the Sunday, the persistent refusal of a small minority to yield to the popular demand will make them objects of universal execration. It will be urged that the few who stand in opposition to an institution of the church and a law of the state ought not to be tolerated; that it is better for them to suffer than for whole nations to be thrown into confusion and lawlessness. The same argument many centuries ago was brought against Christ by the “rulers of the people.” “It is expedient for us,” said the wily Caiaphas, “that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” John 11:50. This argument will appear conclusive; and a decree will finally be issued against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, denouncing them as deserving of the severest punishment and giving the people liberty, after a certain time, to put them to death. Romanism in the Old World and apostate Protestantism in the New will pursue a similar course toward those who honor all the divine precepts” (Great Controversy, p. 615).
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev. 12:17
“Pushing the transgender agenda on society when most Americans believe men can get pregnant is true extremism.”
Most Americans [DO NOT] believe men can get pregnant.
Yes, thank you.
Unless there is some misunderstanding on my part, I believe you mistakenly misquoted that line from the article.
The sentence in the article actually reads:
“Pushing the transgender agenda on society when the majority of Americans do not believe men can become pregnant is extreme.”
Look at the polls, Biden is not with the majority.
God is the majority, so we stand with him.
Thanks for this posting. We know that the final events are shaping up.
In matters of conscience the majority has no place.
If you look at Biden’s approval numbers, he is actually in the minority
When has the majority ever been right?
When you stand with God then you are in the majority !!!
If numbers were evidence of success, Satan might claim the pre-eminence; for, in this world, his followers are largely in the majority. It is the degree of moral power pervading the College, that is a test of its prosperity. It is the virtue, intelligence, and piety of the people composing our churches, not their numbers, that should be a source of joy and thankfulness. {CE 42.1}
God is always a majority. When the sound of the last trump shall penetrate the prison house of the dead, and the righteous shall come forth with triumph, exclaiming, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55)–standing then with God, with Christ, with the angels, and with the loyal and true of all ages, the children of God will be far in the majority. {AA 590.1}
This is political intimidation to serve political purposes. This is soft totalitarian.