The “AdventHealth’s administration team” was featured in the secular press.
The AdventHealth Administration team was depicted in a picture by The Sentinel Echo on November 19, 2022, as characters from The Wizard of Oz, one of whom was dressed as a witch. Remember, these are administrators, not just nurses or regular employees. Why should we believe that the administration team at AdventHealth will stop funding and supporting witchcraft productions [1] [2] if they themselves dress up as witches?
The bigger question is: why did members of AdventHealth’s administration dress up this way in the first place? They did this to celebrate the implementation of a new EPIC health records system. Notice what The Sentinel Echo reported:
“AdventHealth celebrated the kickoff of the implementation of their new electronic health record (EHR) system—EPIC—with team members on November 8. To kick off the EPIC journey, the hospital threw a fun celebration themed “Follow the Yellow Brick Road to EPIC.” Team members were treated to free lunch, a photo booth, and a chance to grab photos with our Administration team, who dressed as the Wizard of Oz characters.” [3]
This indicates that AdventHealth won’t undergo any change. Our healthcare systems, which are owned by the church, will continue operating as usual. Nobody, including AdventHealth, the General Conference, or the North American Division, sees a problem. Nobody will take any action to remedy the situation or bring about revival and reformation. The church lacks any form of self-reflection or self-examination that would allow leaders and members to look inward and see how far we have fallen.
A Revival and Reformation Initiative was launched by the General Conference Annual Council in 2010. This was intended to serve as a mechanism for introspection. What has become of the initiative for revival and reformation? It is described as follows:
“The Revival and Reformation initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church seeks to assist the church in removing these obstacles so that God can revive the church with His Spirit.” [4]
When will those in authority begin removing these “obstacles” that go against God’s will? Can they start by removing these witchcraft displays and partnerships within the church? If we can all agree that witchcraft should have no place in Adventism, then those who are in charge of bringing revival and reformation to the church can certainly say or do something about this travesty. Or has this department, like every other department in the church, grown weak and undecided in their resolve to effect reformation? Maybe we have a bunch of empty offices in this branch of the church today. Perhaps there is no one at the helm leading the way in revival and reformation.
When secular newspapers publish photos of the heads of our institutions dressed as clowns and witches, this shows the world that we are nothing more than a bunch of men-pleasers. When we act and dress like the world in order to gain their favor so that we can obtain success in our institutions, that is an indication that we seriously need revival and reformation. Without repentance and a change in our direction, we are not going to make it.
“In these days He has instituted no new plan to preserve the purity of His people. As of old, He entreats the erring ones who profess His name to repent and turn from their evil ways. Now, as then, by the mouth of His chosen servants He predicts the dangers before them. He sounds the note of warning and reproves sin just as faithfully as in the days of Jeremiah. But the Israel of our time have the same temptations to scorn reproof and hate counsel as had ancient Israel. They too often turn a deaf ear to the words that God has given His servants for the benefit of those who profess the truth. Though the Lord in mercy withholds for a time the retribution of their sin, as in the days of Jeremiah, He will not always stay His hand, but will visit iniquity with righteous judgment” (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 165).
We must continue to bring these issues to light for a reason. Perhaps someone will have enough courage to break free from the evil we see today. We can never close our eyes, and we will never look the other way and pretend that everything is OK. Despite the fact that the deck is stacked against us, we must continue to fight apostasy. God desires that we resist evil. That is the proper course of action.
“One thing it is certain is soon to be realized—the great apostasy, which is developing and increasing and waxing stronger, and will continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout. We are to hold fast the first principles of our denominated faith and go forward from strength to increased faith. Ever we are to keep the faith that has been substantiated by the Holy Spirit of God from the earlier events of our experience until the present time. We need now larger breadth, and deeper, more earnest, unwavering faith in the leadings of the Holy Spirit. If we needed the manifest proof of the Holy Spirit’s power to confirm truth in the beginning, after the passing of the time, we need today all the evidence in the confirmation of the truth, when souls are departing from the faith and giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. There must not be any languishing of soul now” (Manuscript 111, 1905).
We can never back down. And we won’t give up. The faith must be defended, and the developing apostasy must be called out for what it is. If the faithful don’t do it, who is going to do it?
How can they proclaim health- when they are no more than blind leading blind. Eventually they will all fall into the pit with no one to save them.
True and Honest Men
By their wisdom and justice, by the purity and benevolence of their daily life, by their devotion to the interests of the people,—and they, idolaters,—Joseph and Daniel proved themselves true to the principles of their early training, true to Him whose representatives they were. These men, both in Egypt and in Babylon, the whole nation honored; and in them a heathen people, and all the nations with which they were connected, beheld an illustration of the goodness and beneficence of God, an illustration of the love of Christ. Ed 56.2
What a lifework was that of these noble Hebrews! As they bade farewell to their childhood home, how little did they dream of their high destiny! Faithful and steadfast, they yielded themselves to the divine guiding, so that through them God could fulfill His purpose. Ed 57.1
The same mighty truths that were revealed through these men, God desires to reveal through the youth and the children of today. The history of Joseph and Daniel is an illustration of what He will do for those who yield themselves to Him and with the whole heart seek to accomplish His purpose. Ed 57.2
The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. Ed 57.3
But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature—the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man. Ed 57.4
The youth need to be impressed with the truth that their endowments are not their own. Strength, time, intellect, are but lent treasures. They belong to God, and it should be the resolve of every youth to put them to the highest use. He is a branch, from which God expects fruit; a steward, whose capital must yield increase; a light, to illuminate the world’s darkness. Ed 57.5
Every youth, every child, has a work to do for the honor of God and the uplifting of humanity. Ed 58.1
They don’t believe they are doing anything wrong, that’s why nothing will change.
There are two people dressed up as witches in that picture: the bad witch in black, and the good witch in pink
When the church and the world are indistinguishable- know that Jesus is even at the door. The preparation, Heart work must be done. God loves these poor lost souls, we must pray and move forward in faith- soon every earthly obstacle will be placed in our way- for Jesus wishes us free of the bondage of sin. These health system employees – are as much Adventists as we. Jesus says it best- he who is without sin cast the first stone. We must pray, and give our lives to Jesus- there is no limit to what God can accomplish with 1 soul who is totally on the side of Christ
Let’s cry and sigh for the abominations which are happening in our midst.