On June 5, 2022, terrorists entered a church and began shooting men, women, and children indiscriminately during a worship service in Ondo, Nigeria. According to reports, 40 people were massacred and scores more were injured at St. Francis Catholic Church. This attack occurred in what was previously regarded as one of “Nigeria’s most peaceful states.” [1]
This was only the latest incident in Nigeria. “At least 4,650 Nigerian Christians were killed for their faith in 2021, and nearly 900 in the first three months of 2022.” [2] These shocking statistics indicate an increase in terrorist attacks on Christians throughout the region. To make matters worse, globalists and climate change advocates have decided to blame climate change for everything that goes wrong in our world. There is no shortage of radical environmentalists willing to exploit any tragedy to advance a political agenda, including the slaughter of innocent worshippers.
The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, released a statement condemning the violence and then went on to blame the massacre on climate change. Michael Higgins issued the following statement on his official presidential website on June 7, 2022, blaming the climate crisis for this tragedy:
As President of Ireland, and on behalf of the people of Ireland, may I express my deepest condolences to the families of all those killed and injured in Owo District of Nigeria in the attack on St Francis Catholic Church, as they marked Pentecost Sunday.
That such an attack was made in a place of worship is a source of particular condemnation, as is any attempt to scapegoat pastoral peoples who are among the foremost victims of the consequences of climate change.
The neglect of food security issues in Africa, for so long has brought us to a point of crisis that is now having internal and regional effects based on struggles, ways of life themselves.
The solidarity of us all, as peoples of the world, is owed to all those impacted not only by this horrible event but in the struggle by the most vulnerable on whom the consequences of climate change have been inflicted. [3]
World leaders should and must denounce the terrible killings of the innocent, but interpreting these acts of violence as a warning from nature to reduce our use of fossil fuels is absurd. We cannot blame terrorist attacks on climate change. Acts of violence are not a signal from Mother Nature to rethink our energy choices.
Unfortunately, the desire to blame human calamities, big or small, on the weather has become far too widespread. There is a reason why politicians blame climate change for violence, war, and terrorism. So, what’s the point of making this connection? Notice what Pope Francis says in his encyclical on climate change:
“It is foreseeable that, once certain resources have been depleted, the scene will be set for new wars, albeit under the guise of noble claims … Politics must pay greater attention to foreseeing new conflicts and addressing the causes which can lead to them” (Laudato Si’ #57).
According to Pope Francis’ climate change encyclical, Laudato Si’, climate change impacts natural resources, which encourages people to go to war. The Pope connects warfare to the fight over scarce natural resources caused by climate change. This relationship between war and climate is also being ascribed to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. [4]
Climate change is rapidly becoming the new explanation for all of our world’s problems, from the most severe to the most ridiculous. We cannot allow these climate change alarmists to get away with making their outrageous claims. Blaming climate change for everything that goes wrong has serious ramifications. It allows those planning war and tyranny to escape accountability by attributing their actions to weather patterns. It allows for oppressive government mandates to be imposed on society. And it accuses individuals who do not support the radical climate agenda of promoting violence and war.
One thing is certain: those who oppose Sunday as a day of universal rest that will be imposed to save the planet will be blamed for the continued natural and man-made disasters:
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
Corona Virus and Climate change are the catalysts of desired goal of the papacy to make a comeback to the world supremacy as it was during the dark ages. The papacy wants the whole world to worship the first day of the week because it is through worship of nature of the mother earth instead of creator of heavens and earth that it can gain world supremacy.Pope Francis and his jesuits are working day and night to ensure that sunday observance by law is gaining ground and many nations across the world are agitating for its observance. The last three popes since the days of Pope John Paul 11 wrote encyclical letter known as Dies Domini and emphasized the observance of the day to be observed by the christian world .After the death of Karoyl Wojtyla (Pope John Paul 11) he was succeeded by Pope Benedict XVI he continued with the same agenda and emphasized the same agenda.Benedict XVI was succeded by the Jesuit cardinal Jose Mario Bergoglio who became Pope Francis 1 he has been very active to speed up the implementation of desired goal to have all the nations paying allegiance to the papacy by worshipping Laudato si encyclical sunday observance.Since 2015 we have been living under the sunday law era and God has been restraining his hand to prevent the winds of strife from taking place until his servants are sealed with the seal of the living God.The election of Donald Trump was an opportunity God gave for his people to prepare for the final crisis now that he is no longer in the scene he was defeated by Joe Biden who is the current US president now anything from now henceforth can happen.The messenge of the loud cry of third angel is to be given with a lot of power like never before; so that the world can be delighted about the true nature of the antichrist. We must stand firm and pray day and night to overcome sin and lusts of this world and become victorious.