The World Economic Forum (WEF) conducted its annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, from May 22 to 26, 2022. Every year, the WEF brings together heads of state and other influential political, corporate, and media personalities to help create global policy on climate change, economics, pandemics, technology, immigration, and other global concerns.
“Equitable Responses to Ending the Pandemic” was the topic of one of the roundtable talks at the World Economic Forum on Monday, May 23, 2022. Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna Pharmaceutical; Matthew K. Kaminski, Editor-in-Chief of; Gabriela Bucher, Executive Director of Oxfam International; and others were among those who spoke during the conversation.
In the presence of the global pharmaceutical industry and other billionaire elitists, Gabriela Bucher stated openly that “Covid has been one of the most profitable products ever.” Oxfam International released a report on Covid called “Profiteering in Pain” and presented its findings to the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Oxfam International released a report titled 'profiting from pain' at the #WorldEconomicForum in Davos.
The group said the pandemic saw one new billionaire emerging every 30 hours! @lobosharlene EXPLAINS @Oxfam @wef
— Mirror Now (@MirrorNow) May 24, 2022
According to Oxfam International, the Covid pandemic resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The following is taken from the report:
- The Covid pandemic saw 1 new billionaire every 30 hours
- 1 million people pushed to poverty every 33 hours
- The cost of essential goods increased faster
- Food and energy sectors billionaires earned $1 billion every two days
- Millions of people are facing rising costs just to survive
- Billionaires’ wealth increased faster during the pandemic than in the previous 23 years
- Super rich have rigged the system with impunity
- Across Africa hunger claims a life every minute
Covid created hundreds, if not thousands, of new billionaires, while the rest of the population continued to sink further into poverty. Make no mistake: the Covid crisis, the food crisis, the fertilizer crisis, the gas crisis, the energy crisis, the climate crisis, the Russia-Ukraine crisis, and every other crisis are all just excuses for globalist elites to transfer the world’s wealth and line their pockets. This is what happened during the Covid pandemic, according to Gabriela Bucher, a World Economic Forum panelist.
The World Economic Forum is either condemning this or rubbing it in our faces that the largest transfer of wealth in human history has taken place. Many people profited from the pandemic, while the vast majority of people suffered unnecessarily. Fear and hysteria around Covid were created in order to generate business for the pharmaceutical companies and other businesses.
The majority of businesses were forced to close, while only a few were permitted to make billions. The lockdowns did not protect us; instead, they made a lot of individuals extremely wealthy. The globalist ruling class did not go into lockdown. They were exempt from all rules. They continued traveling around the globe in private yachts and jets.
They conspired with governments to keep us locked up; to force small businesses to close; and to transfer the wealth to major corporations and conglomerates. All of this hardship was inflicted on the poor and middle classes in the name of safeguarding us. And it was all staged in Davos, with the general public falling for it. Davos is now bragging about what they were able to accomplish.
At this point, how can anyone support globalism? With each new crisis, the gap between the now super rich and the now super poor widens even more. Politicians are unconcerned because they cater to billionaires and corporations and are paid by them.
The end-game here is greed, power, control, and tyranny. It’s all about having everything and being able to force everyone else to submit. This is part of the Great Reset, in which you will own nothing and be happy. If anyone still believes that the Covid pandemic was about health, they need to do some major soul searching and open their eyes because the next crisis will only destroy the few remaining civil and religious liberties we have left. Inspiration reveals to us the following:
“Already preparations are advancing, and movements are in progress, which will result in making an image to the beast. Events will be brought about in the earth’s history that will fulfill the predictions of prophecy for these last days” (Review and Herald, April 23, 1889).
And yet the Adventist church was/is complicit in the aiding and abetting the billionaire class as it sold its soul in support of the “product” including the related vaccines which have killed or permanently maimed millions around the world.
That’s exactly what I was thinking, and I’m curious if our church, the world’s largest not-for-profit Protestant health provider, would be willing to reveal how much money they made during the pandemic (millions? billions?) because they were operating in full agreement and following all government directives.
“Covid” was the health test & the GC leaders did not preach the health message or do their job. They went along with Babylon. I wonder how many times they’ve stood & sung “Dare to be a Daniel” & then didn’t know when their own test came.
Will you be covering the GC session this coming week, Andy?
You better believe it. Lord-willing, we will be there.
Using same financial model as google, aren’t members the product in a sense? Conferences sell a strictly controlled product. The restrictions are becoming more narrow all the time. Criticize NAD? No voice for you.