What Pope Francis has envisioned in his climate message is for the entire world to come together on a common plan. His strategy for sustainable development includes calling on the world community to unite and forge “enforceable international agreements” (Laudato Si’ #173) to support the realization of his agenda for the common good.
That is precisely what happened on November 30, 2023, when 70,000 global elites and more than 190 governments gathered in Dubai for COP28 and approved the Loss and Damage Fund, a ground-breaking agreement that was the first of its kind. Rich countries will fund this initiative, which will help poorer countries financially due to “climate-related damages.” This is the fulfillment of one of Pope Francis core beliefs, as described in Laudato Si’.
May participants in #COP28 be strategists who focus on the common good and the future of their children, rather than the vested interests of certain countries or businesses. May they demonstrate the nobility of politics and not its shame.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 30, 2023
• “The developed countries ought to help pay this debt by significantly limiting their consumption of non-renewable energy and by assisting poorer countries to support policies and programmes of sustainable development. The poorest areas and countries are less capable of adopting new models for reducing environmental impact because they lack the wherewithal to develop the necessary processes and to cover their costs. We must continue to be aware that, regarding climate change, there are differentiated responsibilities” (Laudato Si’ #52).
• “The same mindset which stands in the way of making radical decisions to reverse the trend of global warming also stands in the way of achieving the goal of eliminating poverty. A more responsible overall approach is needed to deal with both problems: the reduction of pollution and the development of poorer countries and regions” (Laudato Si’ #175).
• “Since the effects of climate change will be felt for a long time to come, even if stringent measures are taken now, some countries with scarce resources will require assistance in adapting to the effects already being produced, which affect their economies. In this context, there is a need for common and differentiated responsibilities … the countries which have benefited from a high degree of industrialization, at the cost of enormous emissions of greenhouse gases, have a greater responsibility for providing a solution to the problems they have caused” (Laudato Si’ #170).
⚡️BREAKING NEWS ⚡️: The draft decision for the #LossAndDamage Fund has been adopted by the COP and CMA at #COP28. Stay tuned as pledges are expected in this session. The #LossAndDamage Fund is now operationalised! pic.twitter.com/gCUBMGbaqL
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 30, 2023
How has the world responded to this call? They have come out in full force at COP28. Pope Francis argues in Laudato Si’ that the gap between the rich developed nations and the poorer nations is caused by climate change, and therefore there is a need to redistribute some of the world’s wealth. In order to accomplish this, there must be international cooperation. On November 30, 2023, The Wall Street Journal published an article describing that this consensus was reached at COP28:
• “Governments have reached an agreement on the architecture of a United Nations fund to pay for climate-related damage in poor countries, ending a year of contentious talks over where the fund will be located, which countries should benefit and who should finance it. Negotiators from more than 190 governments approved the deal on Thursday at the start of the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, lending momentum to U.N. talks aimed at speeding up global efforts to prevent the worst effects of global warming.” [1]
• “The fund is the first under the U.N. that will pay for loss and damage, which occurs when rising seas, drought or effects of climate change are so destructive that communities can no longer adapt. The world’s governments agreed to establish the fund at last year’s U.N. conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Since then, they have been debating the details over how to set it up.” [1]
• “The United Arab Emirates, the host of the summit, said it would contribute $100 million to the fund. Germany also pledged $100 million. The U.K. pledged 20 million pounds, equivalent to around $25 million, and the U.S. committed $17.5 million, the U.A.E. said Thursday.” [1]
As a “queen” (Revelation 18:7) and as the “mother of harlots” (Revelation 17:5), the papacy manipulates all other earthly powers. Daniel 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; Revelation 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; 2 Thessalonians 2; Matthew 24; 1 John 2; and 1 John 4 all contain important predictions concerning the papal kingdom of Bible prophecy. The entire world is being wooed to follow and join the great apostate power. At COP28, we see the combined political powers of the world wondering after the beast and following her dictates.
We know that there is much more to come with regards to the climate agenda, but even with what has just happened today, we can see the influence that the Pope has in international affairs. The climate change movement has never just been about the environment. It has a lot more to do with controlling every aspect of our lives. It has to do with bringing the world together on a common goal and setting up a worldwide system of enforcement to punish those who reject Rome’s vision of sustainability.
Under the coming reign of the Antichrist, we will only have two options: obey or suffer punishment. Nations, businesses, industries, and individuals must be transformed. If not, you will be excluded from participating in the coming economy, which includes buying and selling. We are on the brink of totalitarianism, and prophecy reveals that this kind of abuse by those in authority will exist at the end of time.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Revelation 13:11.
Prophecy describes the second beast of Revelation 13 as a lamb-like beast. It is like a lamb, but only through profession. It professes to be soft and gentle. It claims to defend civil and religious freedom. But as you look closer, the beast begins to speak and act. And instead of living up to its lamb-like profession, the Bible says that he will actually speak like a “dragon.” The nations of the world, including the United States, will be speaking like dragons. Jesus is the “lamb” of God (John 1:29), and instead of acting like Christ, our political leaders will act like Antichrist, who is the “dragon” of Bible prophecy (Revelation 12:9).
[1] https://www.wsj.com/world/cop28-talks-reach-deal-on-much-debated-climate-damage-fund-70179b65
The goal of eliminating poverty (from the above Laudato Si 175 bullet point) contradicts Matthew 26:11 KJV: For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.
The COP 28 climate summit is one of the most important summits ever to have the interests of the popery,Pope Francis has urged the world leaders to ensure the rich nations to fund climate related changes to developing nations. He said this must de done inorder to realise the common good . The common good in catholic catechism is sunday observance by law.