Seventh-day Adventists have become part of the globalist propaganda and are asking 80% of the world to receive the “wonderful” Covid-19 vaccine. 80% percent of the world? We have completely rejected the health message that God gave us. We no longer believe that a healthy lifestyle and preventive medicine can help people against the flu (Covid-19). We have discarded the eight laws of health and the prophet of health, Ellen G. White. We no longer believe that nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and trust in God work anymore. We have completely rejected the books Ministry of Healing, Temperance, Healthful Living and Counsels on Diets and Food.
So why does the church keep selling Ellen White’s books – books that warn against toxic chemicals and call for a healthy lifestyle to fight disease and promote health? Maybe because selling her books is a profitable business, even though we no longer believe in our own health message. What hypocrisy. What unfaithful deceivers. Indeed, we have “whited sepulchers” today, as there were in the days of Jesus (Matthew 23:27).
In the video above, Dr. John Bohlman, Medical Officer for Adventist Health, tells us that we need 70 to 80 percent of the population to get vaccinated with this “miracle” vaccine. Then he presents the same talking points that are being promoted by the CDC, the United Nations and the Vatican. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is presenting only one side on the issue of Covid-19 and is shutting down discourse to the other side. Church members are being subjected to a one-sided narrative from church pulpits, church media and church publications.
One of the hallmarks of an oppressive regime is when those in control have to combat misinformation about Covid-19 by having to shut down public discourse on these important issues. Under the guise of “keeping people safe,” any voice that does not embrace the “official” Covid-19 narrative must be silenced. Is this how you avoid misinformation? By eliminating the opposition? That is what they do in communist countries. Today’s globalists want to make sure that people get their “truth” and not the opinions of the other side. So to do this they have to close the public discourse on Covid-19 entirely, one of the most debated topics world-wide over the past year. This is what has been on people’s minds, and they want to close the public discourse on this?
When we seek the truth on any subject, there is a method that will allow us to get to the facts to form our conclusions. Usually that means giving people the opportunity to at least have a chance to hear both sides of the debate. But as long as you have a one-sided narrative that a bureaucratic government imposes on the people, those acts are considered authoritarian. Because we have a First Amendment in the United States, politically motivated bureaucrats and their supporters cannot directly pass any laws that prohibit free speech. No. Instead, what the global left is doing is monopolizing public discourse by allowing people on the other side of the debate to be unfairly silenced and canceled so that they have no voice.
Those in power do not want to give us the freedom to think for ourselves. We are not allowed to express anything outside of what the government, the media, and the globalists tell us. When it comes to Covid-19, freedom of speech is being suppressed. Why is that? Why don’t you allow these issues to be publicly debated? Why has freedom of speech become such a threat? There is a movement to shut down all public discourse. Silencing the opposition has become the status quo as many people are being canceled for discussing Covid-19. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google and many companies and communication platforms have been notorious for shutting down content that challenges the status quo. We are living through this today. This has only created more interest from people to want to understand why.
People say that the big tech companies are private entities, and they can do whatever they want because that is capitalism. Not at all. Capitalism is the idea of having competition. Competition is good for consumers. This behavior by the big tech companies is not allowing the expression of free and competitive ideas. It is anti-competition and anti-capitalist. We also see government actors colluding with the large corporations to close the possibility of having competition in the free market of ideas. That is tyranny. That is authoritative. That is not capitalism, but communism.
There is a tremendous danger to our freedoms and we have to defend the right to have free public discourses. One side is being silenced. We have people who have spent years developing a following on social media, and they are being deleted along with their followers as if they never existed. This is what the Nazis did. They eliminated people to such an extent that it seemed that they never existed. The truth does not need force. The truth need not destroy the opposition. The truth speaks for itself and stands up for itself when given the opportunity to speak. It is error that requires force. Error must be imposed on the people through tricks, bribes and threats. It is error that cannot stand alone. Tragically, this is happening in Adventism.
Previously to the Nebuchadnezzar gold image worship requirement, wich the three hebrews passed on victory, they were tested on a health issue, which they also were victorious.
The gold image is a type, we are said, of the sunday law. Are we being tested about health, previously to the sunday law? Appear most modern captives by Babylon are submitting to the king table…pray for the little rest trying to be faithful
Yes. I was on a panel discussion of a group of independent SdA ministries last weekend in an advisory capacity and I made this exact point! I am glad others are seeing it. Note that while so many are steering people away from the idea that this is the mark of the beast, they have little knowledge of how to approach the Bible typologically. Indeed, this is “Part A” of the mark of the beast crisis. They are whistling past the graveyard.
God could have destroyed Satan and his sympathizers as easily as one can cast a pebble to the earth; but He did not do this. Rebellion was not to be overcome by force. Compelling power is found only under Satan’s government. The Lord’s principles are not of this order. His authority rests upon goodness, mercy, and love; and the presentation of these principles is the means to be used. God’s government is moral, and truth and love are to be the prevailing power. – DA 759.1
Force is the last resort of every false religion. – 7BC 976.9
And this is why you should leave the SDA main body and join the Reform movement.The SDA have long fallen, since the conference at Minnesota in 1888 where they rejected the 4th Angel message delivered by Elder Jones, Waggoner and Ellen G.White.Since then it has lost God protection and has been infiltrated by Jesuits/Freemasons/Satanists and is under Catholic control.Several Adventist magazines display One Eye symbolism.They are now heavily involved with the Image of the Beast itself, the World Council of Churches! Come out of her my Children is the cry of our Father!Be ye separate, for what fellowship has light with darkness?
Agree. You understand.
Kevin Straub, 4th Angel Publications
Thank you Paul. We are in agreement.
And SDA’s are supposed to come into another harlot of Seventh Day Advent ISM , the SDA reform movement? How reformed are they when the SDA reform movement received govt. subsidies and cooperated with he communist measure of cancelling services and the lockdowns? The SDA reform movement is still a woman riding the state as a 501c3 harlot.
The SDA reform church is still in Babylon and still believes many Babylonians doctrines and practices. When will folks make a clear cut with all the daughters of the Whore and join biblical Israel? I keep looking for an Adventist gate into the New Jerusalem and still can’t find one. Can’t find any harlot church system gate. ONLY the TWELVE TRIBES of Israel. Angels are guarding those gates and no one who is part of the sectarianism of the modern harlot church system will get through as a Baptist, SDA, Mormon, Catholic, Pentecostal………………..
Do you have any proof of all your accusations?As far as I know, the Church I visit hasn’t shut it’s doors for very long at all.Isn’t that doubting the power of God to keep a pure Church alive for his Children to join in?After the SDA’s movement comes the 144000, so what other movements do you suggest joining, for no other movement is biblical and prophecied.Which Babylonian doctrines and practices exactly are they practicing?
la iglesia de la Reforma es también trinitaria una doctrina babilonia y romana q no creyeron los pioneros y egw. Allí está su caída. La.reforma misma en sus inicios en 1920 NO era trinitaria, creía como los pioneros. Y luego cambio su doctrina como lo advertía la apostasia omega.
En realidad, la RSDA no cree en la Trinidad, sino en la Trinidad, una comprensión bíblica del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo como 3 personalidades separadas unidas bajo la Trinidad, a diferencia de la Trinidad Pagana que dice que hay un Solo Dios con 3 aspectos o personalidades diferentes … un insulto que implica que Dios es algún tipo de ser con múltiples personalidades.
Not Trinity…GodHead.Sorry the translator did a poor Job.
You talk about something you don’t relay know.
Sunday is coming my friends. Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready. We have much worse coming then Covid 19. Jesus is our only Hope. Let’s focus on Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Remember, “He was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserved.” Claim Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, obediently serve Him and He will see us through till the end. Look up, look up, our redemption draweth nigh. My favorite acronym: FOJ=Focus On Jesus
We must stand together in unity of the faith, Jesus’ faith.
Jesus will have a pure church he will do the separating of the wheat from tares try to stay in the boat of truth satan would love nothing more than to conquer and divide try to help each other and pray for one another we can clearly see satan wants to divide but we also must be mindful can two walk together unless they are agreed we certainly do not want to support error
Jerry, merci beaucoup pour votre message qui me touche énormément !
J’aime votre acronyme FOJ !
Que Dieu nous garde !
Is this man employed by the S.D.A. Church or by Big Pharma. If the efficacy of these “so called” vaccines was at the level espoused by the manufacturers, why then have they sort, from governments around the world, & been granted, Total Immunity from any form of litigation, if anyone experienced any adverse effects from being innoculated. Secondly, can the good doctor give an Unequivocal Gaurantee, that no one will experience any serious adverse reactions to these inoculations at any time in the future. No he cannot, nor can anyone else, whether they be from governments, or from the manufacturers. It saddens me to see and hear this man, a professed S.D.A, espousing such misinformation, promoting the very organizations, who ultimately, wish to destroy GOD’S REMNANT PEOPLE. Let Us Never Forget, that all the draconian measures, & machinations taking place around the globe are being forced on a predominantly ignorant world, with the aim of reinstating the papacy as, once again, ruler of this world.
If you want to find a source of honest information about vaccines, including covid 19, check out the web site: the Hotwire .com. They expose the corruption of the government and big pharma that has been happening for years. We can only be a long way along the end time.
Not surprising this henchman for the sorcery companies is promoting a fund raiser for the Adventist Health harlots. FOLLOW the MONEY TRAIL. The SDA CORPORATION and the Adventist Health system are harlots to the core. They are CORPORATIONS. Does anyone ever get this? The bottom line in any corporation is money. When will SDA’s wake up and realize they are NOT part of a biblical church, but a corrupt CORPORATION that sues and jails dissenters, invests in the stock markets, defunds missions and evangelism, creates more beaurocratic offices, follows the world and the broad path to destruction, and cooperates with Rome, the WHO, the CDC, and Communism.
Nothing the SDA Corporate beast does today should surprise any SDA. Corporations do what corporations do: focus on making maximum profit. Money is their real God. Most will sell their soul for a bowl of lentils. What shall it profit a man or Corporation that gains the world and millions of $’s and loses its soul in the fires of the Day of YHWH? Corporations make good men BAD and BAD men WORSE. Corporations are helping to bring on Communism just as they did in Hitler’s 3rd Reich. The only thing we learn from history is most don’t learn from history, but are bound to repeat it.
Please do a series of articles about the official PRO CHOICE stance on abortion and the fact that most of the members think that it is pro life…
How come the church says that a mother can KILL her baby if the the little one is conceived in rape, incest or has malformations????
Is the mother excepted from obeying the 6th commandment????
I’m also very sad that our Adventist colleges (SAU in particular) are giving incentives and lotteries to win $500 for getting the vaccine. These kids don’t need it!! The vaccine only protects yourself from having a worse case apparently, – you still can get it AND transmit to others- so why be a policeman of others to try and cajole them into getting it?! If you have one, you’re safe, so don’t look over and worry about what your neighbor is doing! So frustrating!
I would encourage Dr. Bohlman as well as ALL Seventh Day Adventists to view the recently released documentary titled…Following the Science? by Mark Mallett. it can be found on as well as It reveals every aspect of the Covid Scamdemic. Sadly SDAs are relegated to a site affiliated with Babylon for true investigation on this crime against humanity as opposed to God’s Remnant Church leadership that has taken the definition of Apostasy to new found heights. Can it be much longer till we hear our own Pastors calling for Sunday Sacredness from the pulpit? Long past due for the wheat in Christ to stand up firmly and give the Trumpet a VERY DISTINCT sound on numerous issues. Maranatha !!!!!
I’m in Australia.
I know 4 people dead after taking vaccine
That’s enough evidence for me
Seems to me like “Adventist health” takes the wrong side on every issue,
Always siding with the Papal view over the Bible,
Imagine if people can trace the deaths of loved ones directly to the advice of people in the GC or AH,
Imagine that would sour people to our messages and not endear them to it,
Event 201 part 4 communication
The pharmaceutical representatives there stated they “would tapp into the religious leaders”
May I ask that you watch these videos and I would like Andy Roman’s thought on these go to brighteon conversations and type in Dr Stella Immanuel warns about the covid vaccine: a luciferian agenda targeting humanity she directs us to what technology is being used, also you must watch Charles Morgan’s westpoint lecture and Dr James Giordano:the brain is the battlefield of the future.This is what is being put into the covid shots to change the way you think and act by someone in power they will use electromagnetic fields and radio frequency to program your thoughts and actions someone elses mind will have the ability to control yours do you know what you can accomplish in warfare of this type you can destroy a country from within and take over there land equipment and bases. We are seeing it in Biden and his people, who is behind this you guessed it satan himself, anyone that gets innoculated has now the nano particles floating in there brain to be reprogrammed by the luciferians to do and act as they want you to this is sick stuff. God destroyed the antideluvian world because they had this same technology there is nothing new under the sun. They are fooling with things they have no business to be fooling with! They want to destroy our God given immune systems that are sufficient to fight coronavirus Satan wants to destroy what God has given us wake up people this battle is for keeps if we succumb to the vaccine pressure it will be in the bag for the Sunday law.They will program you to worship on Sunday, a day our Savior has not blessed and hollowed You will be open game. Please let me know your thoughts after watching the material. I know our God is in control and he will only allow what he allows to wake us out of our death sleep laodicea. God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for there greed of moneyand power and the perverted ways of men. The end is soon on the horizon hold fast to your crown.
I no longer have any respect for anything Adventist Health has to say about any subject, just as I no longer have any respect for the CDC, the WHO, Johns Hopkins, or any number of renowned medical journals, all of which I used to admire in my work as an RN. The world is being held hostage by medical and political tyranny. I can easily name 40+ legit reasons why I will NEVER take any covid vaccine (and I am not anti-vaccine in general), and I dare any of them to try to force me to do so.
Wonderful miracle vaccine? Rev 16:13-14 says a lot..
Rev 3:14-18 describes us but may we heed as vs 19 says.
Step by step conformity will end in 666 but praise there are still some Enochs who are faithfully walking with God…
I truly treasure your piece of work, Great post.
Hello! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after browsing through some of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Regardless, I’m definitely pleased I stumbled upon it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back regularly!