As the world seeks to impose tyranny on the people, the Church is surrendering to a deeply secularized and anti-Christian culture. The Covid-19 vaccine mandates are just the tip of the iceberg. According to the news video below, major protests are taking place across Europe in opposition to the implementation of new vaccine mandates. People are concerned that constitutional rights will be violated by the establishment of oppressive policies that will enforce new health laws across the country. However, the problems are not limited to simply taking a vaccine. Massive surveillance and control are part of the enforcement mechanism, and a new digital Covid passport is being developed; and only those who possess one will be allowed to survive.
Without the Covid passport, you won’t be able to shop, buy food, work, or do business. The creation of the new digital identity will not only contain your vaccine status but also medical records, bank information, and your new social credit system. This is not about a vaccine that doesn’t stop the spread of Covid. This is about implementing the Great Reset and the rebuilding of the world’s economies and societies. This is about controlling the minds, bodies, and souls of the people.
The Covid crisis is being used to eliminate the protections that defend the rights of churches. This pandemic has been manipulated to secularize society and put pressure on the churches to conform to the new globalist version of morality, which is no longer about God’s law or sin; it’s about climate change, wealth redistribution, the radical gender theory, feminism, and immigration. Christianity will be forced to accept the new morality and the new definitions of equality. This is just the beginning. We will see more and more collisions between the church and state as secular, godless forces seek to change the nature and mission of the church.
How has Adventism reacted to this crisis? How has the leadership reacted? The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a long and distinguished history of defending religious liberty and opposing tyranny. But today’s hierarchy has shown no interest in upholding freedom and liberty of conscience in the age of Covid. From the very beginning of the pandemic, the Seventh-day Adventist hierarchy has submitted and bowed to tyranny and oppression. Seventh-day Adventist churches were immediately closed and kept closed when governors and local health officials declared churches “non-essential,” even as these same political leaders allowed abortion clinics, liquor stores, and marijuana dispensaries to remain open.
Why does the Seventh-day Adventist hierarchy take orders on “health” from those who consider the killing of unborn children an essential part of “healthcare”? Why did Adventists, in defiance of the Bible and the First Amendment, accept the characterization of their churches as “non essential”? It is difficult to imagine any other generation of Seventh-day Adventists submitting to an increasingly hostile and godless society in such a passive manner. During a crisis, the church’s natural response is to increase the public worship of God, not eliminate it.
A new John Hopkins report that just came out completely destroys the false narrative that lockdowns had any impact on reducing Covid deaths. [1] This means we didn’t have to close our churches, and most importantly, we would never have lost those members who never came back after the churches reopened. If you agree that church is not essential, then how do you expect people to react when our spiritual leaders treat our churches like a local Burger King and close them down? We have Adventists who act more like department store managers than the spiritual leaders they are supposed to be. Church leaders should have shown more backbone in standing up to the state, instead of offering the same debunked arguments that the world gives for shutting down.
Seventh-day Adventists made the first critical error by going along with governors and local health officials when they determined that churches were not essential. That was their first mistake. They should have rejected this notion and said that church worship is essential and we are not going to shut down our churches, especially when politicians are keeping abortion clinics and liquor stores open. There was no major church leader or church publication that made this defense. They all went along with the inaccurate assessment that churches were not essential and needed to close. They didn’t take a stand, and church attendance has suffered as a result of this.
Now we are making the second critical error by accepting the inaccurate assessment that the vaccine can prevent you from getting Covid. On February 1, 2022, church leaders from around the world gathered for a “Covid-19 Vaccine: Where is My Freedom?” conference. The Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department (PARL) was in attendance and made the following statement about how government actions are not violating individual freedoms with their oppressive mandates. The following was stated during the conference by religious liberty leaders from the PARL:
“Where Is My Freedom Of Conscience? … In the case of the COVID-19 vaccination and other accompanying protocols, the state is acting not only to protect the individual, but also others who may come into contact with the individual. The individual’s freedom of conscience is in this case a threat and ultimately an infringement of the fundamental rights of others. The state has a duty to intervene.” [2]
Did you get that? Individual freedom of conscience is a threat during the Covid-19 pandemic? What is this, Romanism? This is not about a vaccine; it’s about the Great Reset. Adventist leaders are defending the arrest, the imprisonment, the loss of jobs, the cancellation, the fines, and the demonization of people who refuse to take a vaccine that does not stop the spread of Covid. It is hard to imagine our pioneers bowing to such arbitrary mandates.
The Religious Liberty Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists NOT to serve dictators and their overreaching government requirements, but to offer us a safe haven from their oppression. Where is the Church’s defense of liberty of conscience while repressive vaccine requirements increase more and more? It is non-existent. The church is putting pressure on its members to follow those mandates. There has never been a generation of Adventists who have been more committed to a secularized and anti-Christian culture than the one we see today.
We have become the agents of the Great Reset. The church is being used to defend things that are not good, but actually very bad. This entire crisis shows that the church is NOT changing the world; not at all. We are being changed by the world. All the secular assumptions have been adopted and imposed by our leaders. Today, we are not responding to this crisis like men of God, but rather like corporate executives who are only concerned with avoiding lawsuits and liability, not with saving souls.
Praise God that our liberties aren’t dissolved simply because our leadership is weak. We have very weak religious liberty leaders, and praise God that our liberties don’t depend on them. Regardless of what weak leaders say, we still have the right to worship and to follow our conscience. In fact, the opinions of weak religious liberty leaders are completely irrelevant as to whether or not we have the God-given right to worship or preach the gospel (First Amendment). And these rights don’t just simply disappear because weak religious liberty leaders claim that the current pandemic justifies the suppressing of our rights.
These same leaders closed down their churches and didn’t say a word when abortion clinics were allowed to remain open. Why? Why were they quiet and passive? And now they want to jeopardize the religious and civil liberties of the members? God forbid! The faithful would have liked to have seen the church take action against the bad political actors of this age. But they won’t. They are unwilling to address this scandal from a prophetic or biblical perspective.
Because they have dodged this matter, others have spoken out. Others are obliged to speak and act because of the inaction of the leadership. This hope is coming from the laity. It’s the lay people who want to see faithfulness restored. They are carrying on with this work with great enthusiasm and are speaking out on behalf of the truth and the need to stand up to tyranny and oppression. It seems that this work on the part of “others” is also a part of prophecy:
“It was not the will of God that the coming of Christ should be so long delayed, and his people should remain so many years in this world of sin and sorrow. But unbelief separated them from God. As they refused to do the work which he had appointed them, others were raised up to proclaim the message” (Great Controversy, p. 458).
We need to be part of those “others” and not a part of those who “refuse” to do the work.
I believe this statement from the Spirit of Prophecy is describing this current situation exactly.
The days are fast approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion. Satan, clothed in angel robes, will deceive, if possible, the very elect. There will be gods many and lords many. Every wind of doctrine will be blowing. Those who have rendered supreme homage to “science falsely so called” will not be the leaders then. Those who have trusted to intellect, genius, or talent will not then stand at the head of rank and file. They did not keep pace with the light. Those who have proved themselves unfaithful will not then be entrusted with the flock. In the last solemn work few great men will be engaged. They are self-sufficient, independent of God, and He cannot use them. The Lord has faithful servants, who in the shaking, testing time will be disclosed to view. There are precious ones now hidden who have not bowed the knee to Baal. They have not had the light which has been shining in a concentrated blaze upon you. But it may be under a rough and uninviting exterior the pure brightness of a genuine Christian character will be revealed. In the day time we look toward heaven but do not see the stars. They are there, fixed in the firmament, but the eye cannot distinguish them. In the night we behold their genuine luster. 5T 80.1
Dear Andy Roman, I want to bring to your attention to what is going on right now in The Court of Public Opinion and will continue into next week.
Take time to review its websight. Go to There, under the heading GRAND JURY, The Court Of Public Opinion, is Media Release Grand Jury Proceeding 02-05-2022 pdf. Review. Then back to home page to review video. Hit on Grand Jury, Day 1 English. What’s your opinion of the Grand Jury, The Court of Public Opinion.
There were some people back in 2017 and 2018 in Canada and the US that had created a Universal Supreme Court on their own. They came to a point where they began to issue arrest warrants for certain public officials. When they tried to hire a bounty hunter to make an arrest they all ended up in jail on federal charges for attempted kidnapping.
As long as this Court of Public Opinion/Grand Jury isn’t involved in these kinds of activities and/or trying to create a self-appointed court system to peruse some kind of force strategy, there is nothing wrong with networking and sharing views/ideas with likeminded peaceful people. I did look at the website and I agree with a lot of points they bring out.
Andy you say this in the article “Praise God that our liberties aren’t dissolved simply because our leadership is weak. ” I think that your leaders[they are not mine] have a new leader themselves and his name is satan. They chose him decades ago.
Brother Andy. Thanks for being a “Watchman on the Wall” for our church. This vaccine passport will be an alarm to God’s people. It should be a wakeup call to all of us:. Start emptying our bank accounts, both personal and church accounts. Put all our money into finishing the work for Jesus Coming. It won’t be long before they will stop us from buying and selling. They will take our bank accounts, church property, etc, etc.
Let’s remain faithful to our Lord and Saviour and keep the faith. We will have God’s angels and the Holy Spirit on our side. ⛪👆🙏🙏🙏♥️
Why does the Seventh-day Adventist hierarchy take orders on “health” from those who consider the killing of unborn children an essential part of “healthcare”?
Because they believe and do the same thing. Birds of a feather.
The SDA church was infiltrated by Jesuits and Jesuit trained people long ago.
A reasonable mind can clearly see that the outlook we’re facing is very bleak but I know that God is in control. However, even though our freedoms are about to be taken away, and they will be, we as a people can and should send a loud and clear message to our cowardly and ineffective Conferences with our pocketbooks showing we will no longer support them in their choice to obey Rome rather than God. There is no pandemic! And no reason to force mandates! There is undisputed world-wide evidence of millions of life altering injuries and deaths due to this “unapproved Gene Therapy Vaccine.” This so-called pandemic was a plandemic to be used as the opening act to set the stage for the “so-called Climate Change” which will bring in the Sunday Laws. We do have a choice; as for me, my tithes and Offerings will go to the “REAL WATCHMEN, the Independent SDA Ministries that are UNASHAMED and UNAFRAID to spread the TRUTH. Even Sister White did the same…
This makes me think of what happened to us here in northern maine . We were told by our leads that it was ok to call the police on brethren who refused to wear a mask to church . They said the “world “church has decided and the government has decided and our religious liberty department has decided this isn’t a liberty of conscience issue . We need to put our individual ideas aside and do whay they have decided . Many refused to comply because everything they told us to do didn’t help cure the problem . For example: no singing , no eating together , no huging , close the church , no gatherings etc … none of these things work and now they were telling us that forced masking in church would work . It didn’t make sense . There was no meeting to discuss the issue until they saw that a problem develop from brethren refusing to comply .
So thank you for this report . Hard times are just upon us . May the Lord find us faithful in every area of life n ministry .
Amen to all the above and comments. May God strengthen us to stand firm and faithful in these last “unreasonable and unfair “ days.
Hi brother in Jesus:can you send this whole text in spanish please, thanks and God bless you!!!
I am so heartbroken on the so many ways the SDA church as a whole has taken. The old paths are being grown over- and non SDA members are watching too
This is just wrong! Our PARL employees need to remember who they work for! And it isn’t the local health department, governor, or any other entity outside of our church! They are the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department of the SDA CHURCH! If they want to side with and uphold vax mandates then they need to resign their position at PARL and go to work for them.
And now that they have made this statement, what is the outcome when laws are passed that interfere with parental rights, and someone’s child is deemed a public threat for not using contraceptives…forced sterilization? How about if your elderly parent is deemed a burden to society? Too many children in a family? A threat to community resources? Just take them out back and do as Hitler did to the infirmed, elderly, Down syndrome, insane, disabled…. In fact they can use his play book…oh! That’s right! They already are.
Sadly the article does demonstrate the frailty of our denominational “administrative staff.” This frailty is present in the “administrative staff and administrative decisions” of every denomination. This is one of the many reasons why every Christian should reject the Roman Catholic (RC) “doctrine and practices of clerical and ecclesiastical sacredotalism”. Sadly, nearly all Protestant denominations and their clergy rarely discuss the issues and practices of RC’s dangerous sacredotalism. Most cannot even define or know anything about the term. This is just one of the reasons I sometimes mention the need of continuing and advancing the historic Reformation in today’s churches and denominations.
It is a solemn statement that I make to the church, that not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history, and would be as verily without God and without hope in the world as the common sinner.—Christian Service, 41 (1893). { LDE 172.1}
A View of the Conflict
In vision I saw two armies in terrible conflict. One army was led by banners bearing the world’s insignia; the other was led by the bloodstained banner of Prince Immanuel. Standard after standard was left to trail in the dust as company after company from the Lord’s army joined the foe and tribe after tribe from the ranks of the enemy united with the commandment-keeping people of God. An angel flying in the midst of heaven put the standard of Immanuel into many hands, while a mighty general cried out with a loud voice: “Come into line. Let those who are loyal to the commandments of God and the testimony of Christ now take their position. Come out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters. Let all who will come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.” { 8T 41.1}
As I’ve studied the timeline of last day events, it does appear that the things we are seeing around the world are lining up for the implementation of the mark of the beast. But let’s first keep our focus on Jesus and our relationship with Him and then the mark of the beast is just another blip on the prophecy radar. Also remember that it will not be implemented from the “top-down”, but rather the people will demand it. We’re not there yet, these covid mandates don’t [yet] really have anything to do with worship or sunday. “The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance.” – GC 592.3, and there are other events which we are told will come first that have not come yet – like a false revival.
Was shocked at the Feb 2022 issue of the Pacific Union Recorder, proves this article 100% true.