According to a shocking new survey on church attendance only 20% of millennials (those under 30 years old) give any value to church attendance. And 35% of young adults are anti-church and antagonistic towards religion. The numbers in this survey is truly sobering and prophetic. This is telling us that an entire generation of young people is […]
What’s Fueling Our Lawless Generation?
“In those days…every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Judges 21:25. Anarchists and protesters have taken to the streets recently here in America, in France and in other locations. They are rioting, inciting violence, attacking business, burning vehicles and attacking police with rocks and Molotov cocktails. These demonstrations are revealing the […]
Why do the Nations Rage?
“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord.” Psalm 2:1,2. Here with prophetic accuracy the Bible describes the nations of the earth during the end-times as a tumultuous assembly, raging with violent commotion and with the […]
Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses and Moves to Dissolve Their Church
Advent Messenger, April 27, 2017 – Russia has ruled that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are an extremist organization and is moving towards dissolving its church headquarters in Moscow. The Russian Supreme Court has ruled that the religious minority group is a threat to society particularly towards families. They are accused of distributing hate literature that the […]
A Society Gone Mad with Violence
“And the way of peace have they not known” Romans 3:17. We are living in what could perhaps be considered one of the most violent eras of earth’s history. The violence that we are seeing is devastating and demoralizing as innocent children, mothers, the elderly and law enforcement are being murdered. This is only an […]
A Holy War Has Already Begun
The recent massacres that took place inside of two Christian churches in Egypt by Muslim suicide bombers killed at least 49 worshipers and injured another 78. This attack in Egypt was actually an attack against all Christians. These humble Christians had peaceably gathered to pray and we’re mercilessly massacred. This was a religiously motivated attack by Muslims who […]
The Death of Truth & Free Speech
“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter” – George Washington. Truth is under attack. All across this world and here in America individuals are being subjected to increasing restrictions on freedom of speech. A radical crackdown on truth has begun by […]
The Coming Crisis between North Korea and the West
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). North Korea is one of the most oppressive totalitarian, communist governments in all the world. Its citizens do not have any freedom of expression, freedom of religion or even freedom to travel. Any Christian living in North Korea […]
Amalgamation: The New Three-person Baby
“But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation” (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, p. 64). The act of amalgamation takes place when you combine two or more parts into one. This was the sin that took place before […]
The Papacy in Politics, EU leaders look to Rome
The European Union heads of state and government will be traveling to Rome to meet with Pope Francis ahead of their annual summit. They are going to hear the Pope share his “wisdom” and “vision” for the future of the European Union. Some of the EU leaders have expressed that “Pope Francis is the ultimate […]