The Seventh-day Adventist faith has been in Puerto Rico since 1898, and for the first time in its 123-year history, they have appointed a female pastor. The South Puerto Rico Conference of Seventh-day Adventists announced and marked this historic event on June 8, 2021:
Abigail Babilonia (Babylon) has become the new Youth Director, ADRA Director and pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ponce, Puerto Rico. She was also welcomed to the pastoral team as the “first female pastor in Puerto Rico” by the Seventh-day Adventist University in Puerto Rico:
The local Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ponce, where Abigail Babilonia serves as pastor, also gave “many” thanks and “congratulations” to Abigail for accepting the call to pastoral ministry:
Abigail Babilonia, the conference’s new Youth Director, ADRA Director and pastor, has actually lived up to her name, “Babylon.” She is a graduate of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. [1] This situation is truly historical, but not in the sense that the church is celebrating. After 123 years, the church in Puerto Rico has decided to start appointing women pastors? Why? Because until recently, they used to follow the Bible on pastoral ministry and education.
Today we have leaders in the highest positions of the church who have obtained their degrees from Roman Catholic institutions. Catholic education comes directly from the Vatican, not from the Bible. Rome teaches that we must obey tradition. To be in a “Pontifical” (papal) university you must accept Catholic dogma. You must acknowledge Rome’s claim to authority in spiritual matters. You must be humble and obedient to your Catholic fathers and educators. You must accept both the judgment and guidance of Rome.
Look at what Seventh-day Adventists used to believe about Catholic education. The following was published in 1944 by Ministry Magazine, an official church publication:
“How dare a man contemplate, or have the temerity to present, the degree of doctor of divinity, gained in the universities of Babylon, as a credential for teaching or preaching this threefold message, the second stipulation of which is, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen…. Come out of her, My people.’ How dare we accept such a Babylonian credential in lieu of mastery of the truth? Shall a man go into Babylon to gain strength and wisdom to call men out of Babylon? To ask the question is but to disclose how far some have compromised with Babylon, as they have gone back to Babylon to drink from her wells of wisdom. Oh, for the living waters of truth fresh from the Word!” [2]
Babylon prepares you for this world by teaching the philosophies of ecumenism, liberation theology (social justice), socialism, the radical gender theory, the LGBT+ agenda, environmentalism, feminism and other left-wing ideologies. This is what many of our pastors are echoing. These are the new teachings, discourses and dissertations that modern thinkers are flooding the church with. We are beating a hasty retreat from the church’s original mission while new appalling liberal ideas are replacing our historic faith. This is not Adventism; this is Romanism.
Now consider the basic question underlying the controversy over a female pastoral ministry. First of all, this is not biblical. There is no biblical support for including women into pastoral ministry. The Seventh-day Adventist institutions in Puerto Rico that are celebrating this “historic” event are actually promoting a policy that is completely opposed to our Christian faith and church history. Second, feminism is the new way to radically liberalize the church in this generation. It has only been during the past 30 years that liberal Seventh-day Adventists have begun the pioneering work of appointing women to serve as pastors and ministers. After 123 years, the church in Puerto Rico has finally embraced feminism.
Obedience to the Bible is the issue. Those who embark on a path that has no biblical support are rejecting the authority of the Bible over their lives. We do this when we say that certain passages no longer apply to us today or that Paul’s teaching on biblical order was incorrect, or the more recent excuse that we can ignore what the Bible says if our leaders tell us we can.
What is at stake here is the authority of the Bible. If Seventh-day Adventists continue down this path, then we are taking a position that the Bible is not that important, and soon we will remove more biblical restrictions in other areas of the church. Soon, no moral commandment will be safe. And ultimately, the church will simply become a reflection of today’s corrupt culture on the topics of education, sexual morality, biblical roles, church order, gender theory, family life, feminism and other areas of life. This is the direction that many are trying to take us.
“I was told that men will employ every policy to make less prominent the difference between the faith of Seventh-day Adventists and those who observe the first day of the week. In this controversy the whole world will be engaged” (Selected Message, Book 2, p. 385).
How can we stand out and be a peculiar people if we embrace the world’s views and agendas!? What happened to “come out of her my people?”
I am new to the Adventist movement and was baptized in a Conference Church but have left there to not support the garbage. I love Adventism but now only follow STS INTERNATIONAL, AMAZING WORD MINISTRIES, ADVENT MESSENGER, AND WALTER VEITH as well as support their work. I need to find a place in the Vancouver Washington/Portland Oregon Metropolitan area to gather with my brothers and sisters. Please help if possible.
“ And ultimately, the church will simply become a reflection of today’s corrupt culture on the topics of education, sexual morality, biblical roles, church order, gender theory, family life, feminism and other areas of life. This is the direction that many are trying to take us.”
“Will become a reflection of today’s corrupt culture”? The corporate SDA beast already is a reflection of the CULT ure of the world. The Bible is no longer its authority and has not been for some 100 years.
Give me a call and I can give you some connections of folks that are not compromising with Rome in Vancouver/Portland area. 720 899 1112
“ And ultimately, the church will simply become a reflection of today’s corrupt culture on the topics of education, sexual morality, biblical roles, church order, gender theory, family life, feminism and other areas of life. This is the direction that many are trying to take us.”
“Will become a reflection of today’s corrupt culture”? The corporate SDA beast already is a reflection of the CULT ure of the world. The Bible is no longer its authority and has not been for some 100 years.
This Is Proof That Satan have truly infiltrated the SDA church, verifying what is written: And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 2 Corinthians 11: 14 15
This is what Compromising the word of “GOD” and Apostasy Looks Like! Help Us LORD; Come Lord “JESUS”.
Satan is using his science in playing the game of life for human souls. His angels are mingling with men, and instructing them in the mysteries of evil. These fallen angels will draw away disciples after them, will talk with men, and will set forth principles that are as false as can be, leading souls into paths of deception. These angels are to be found all over the world, presenting the wonderful things that will soon appear in a more decided light. Manuscript 145, October 31, 1905.
One error after another pressed in upon us, ministers and doctors brought in new doctrines. We would search the scriptures with much prayer, and the Holy Spirit would bring the truth to our minds….The power of God would come upon me, and I was enabled clearly to define what is truth and what is error….
All these truths are immortalized in my writings. The Lord never denies His word. Men may get up scheme after scheme, and the enemy will seek to seduce souls from the truth, but all who believe that the Lord has spoken through Sister White, and has given her a message, will be safe from the many delusions that will come in the last days.
We are in no case to swerve from our allegiance [to God]. No duties that God presents before us will cause us to work at cross purposes with Him. The word of God is to be our counselor. The word of finite man is fallible….
Henceforth in our day, the nations are to be in a very uncertain state. Kings and rulers will be involved in greater perplexities than they ever thought possible, and this is because they are disobedient to the word of the Lord and work entirely contrary to His principles. The question now comes home to all who have their Bible: “Are we prepared to follow the Word of God?” “Whosoever will come after Me,” said Christ, “Let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” [Mark 8:34].
You cannot depend upon priest, rulers, human lawmakers, for, as in Christ’s day they teach for doctrines the commandments of men. They know not the Scriptures nor the power of God. Man-made theories are placed a bove a plain “Thus saith the Lord.” But the searching of the soul has come: Are we obedient to the law of God? Will every soul look up in faith and answer to God, as did Elisha, “As the Lord liveth…I will not leave thee” [2 Kings 2:2].–Whatever may come–persecution, reproach, falsehood, or anything that shall arise,–we will not leave the source of our strength. We are to be proved and tried as in a furnace. Those who endure to the end will be saved. If our religious faith is spurious, it is of no manner of value. Letter 12, January 23, 1897. (see also UL 37)
Divisions will constantly arise. Unholy principles will be brought to the front. All classes will be called to take their stand on one side or the other. Christ says of one class, “Let them alone.” Men who have so long trampled upon the rights of God, who have accepted the idol sabbath, will accept very strong and unreasonable beliefs.
The Lord is not in the alliances that are being formed with political movements. They are bound to bring confusion and great entanglement….The loyal and disloyal have no equal ground on which to meet. Letter 4, February 20, 1898. (see also 7ABC 27; 2SM 336-37)
At the eleventh hour the Lord will gather a company out of the world to serve Him. There will be a converted ministry. Those who have had privileges and opportunities to become intelligent in regard to the truth, and yet who continue to
counterwork the work, God would have accomplished, will be purged out, for God accepts the service of no man whose interest is divided. He accepts the whole heart, or none…The world and unconverted church members are in sympathy. Manuscript 64, May 19, 1898. (see also 3SM 302-03)
The things that had been spoken by priests and rulers had become leavened with erroneous theories. The gospel of the Old Testament had been misinterpreted by the teachers who had desired to fit the presentation with their condition spiritually in the place of exacting truth and laboring to bring the people who claimed to be the chosen of God, up to the holy principles given by Him. Christ came to give the gospel in its purity and its true bearing, and all are to show their esteem of His teaching.
he Lord was leading His people back to the real truth. The scriptures show the loss they had sustained and would continue to sustain unless they went back to the word, refusing to let anything they had heard slip from their memory.
Unless we give the most earnest heed to the Word of God, human minds will work up theories according to their own deficient practices, which we met in 1842, 1843, and especially after the passing of the time [October 22, 1844], and will misrepresent and misapply a “Thus saith the Lord.” A departure from the great principles Christ has laid down in His teachings, a working out of human projects, using the Scriptures to justify a wrong course of action under the perverse working of Lucifer, will confirm men in misunderstanding, and the truth that they need to keep them from wrong practices will leak out of the soul like water from a leaky vessel.
Thus it is in our time. A departure from right principles will blind the understanding as to what is truth….Those who refuse the testimonies God has sent them are not eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of God. The character
developed tells its history to the end. Through the refusal to receive correct principles, and the corruption of human nature, Satan works by his sophistry to deceive if possible the very elect. Manuscript 5, January 20, 1904.
Dear Brethren who occupy Responsible Positions in the Work:
The Lord has a controversy with you…Religious principles have been corrupted. We will either make more pure, noble, and holy the principles held by God’s heritage, or else we will mislead by false proposition, unholy schemes, saying, “The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are we” [Jeremiah 7:4]. The work and cause of the Lord is sacred. There is to be no mingling of human, common, unholy fire with God’s offering. This has been and is still being done. But men are blind, and see not the result of their zealous efforts. The question is, Shall those who are called from place to place act a part
in the sacred work of God, use the fire of God’s own kindling, or shall they use the common fire, of which not one spark should be used, to kindle the incense upon the censors which are offered to God…. Letter 6, January 16, 1896.
Unless we give the most earnest heed to the Word of God, human minds will work up theories according to their own deficient practices, and will misrepresent and misapply a “Thus saith the Lord.” A departure from the great principles Christ has laid down in His teachings, a working out [of] human projects, using the Scriptures to justify a wrong course of action, will confirm men in misunderstanding, and the truth that they need, to keep them from wrong practices, will leak out of the soul like water from a leaky vessel. Thus it is in our time. A departure from right principles will blind the
understanding as to what is truth.Manuscript 5, January 20, 1904.
Those who refuse the testimonies God has sent them are not eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of God. The character developed tells its history to the end. Through the refusal to receive correct principles, and the corruption of human nature, Satan works by his sophistry to deceive if possible the very elect….
Unless man is given the converting grace of heaven, he will have no disposition to oppose Satan’s counsels, and will become the enemy’s willing dupe. Manuscript 5, January 20, 1904
Apostasy has come in to our ranks as it came into heaven, and all who unite with Satan in this kind of work will act on the same principles Satan worked. Not open, not frank, but in secrecy. Satan must deceive in order to succeed. In vain the net is set in the sight of any bird…. Is not Satan the life and soul of every species of rebellion which he himself has instigated? By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned….Thou hast defiled thy sanctuary by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick.” In this place ‘traffick’ is the emblem of corrupt administration…. Christ came to our world not to aid Satan in working in rebellion, but to put down rebellion. Letter 156, April 8, 1897. (see also 7ABC 47, 173-74)
At times I have had to face nearly the whole church in defense and vindication of the heaven-sent light….With every departure of our institutions from straight lines, with every new departure from right principles, strange methods and principles are brought in….
God is calling for volunteers, for men who will not turn away from the truth they have strenuously advocated for years to advocate erroneous doctrines….At the eleventh hour, when the work grows harder and the people are more hardened, there will be a variety of talent brought in. These workers will prove faithful and receive their penny. Sacrificing men will step into the places made vacant by those who would not be fitted for a place in the heavenly temple….He [God] will call upon the youth to fill up the places made vacant by deaths and apostasies. He will give young men and women, as well as those who are older, the cooperation of the heavenly intelligences. They will have converted characters, converted minds, converted hands, converted feet, and converted tongues. Their lips will be touched with a living coal from the divine altar….
Satan is moving with intensity from beneath and is bringing all his forces to bear to unsettle those who have once been established in the truth which they have once advocated, can do the greatest harm to the cause of God. Quite a large number will enter this path because the truth they once believed has not been brought into their life-practice. But those who depart from the faith and refuse to give the last message of warning to the world will walk in paths in which the Lord does not lead. Satan goes before them as an angel of light. They will follow on in false paths until they shall discern what is comprehended in the wrath of the Lamb. Letter 98a, April 9, 1897, (see also 3SM 348-49)
Many who have had great light have not appreciated and improved it as it was their privilege to do. They have not practiced the truth. And because of this the Lord will bring in those who have lived up to all the light they have had. And those who have been privileged with opportunities to understand the truth and who have not obeyed its principles will be swayed by Satan’s temptations for self-advancement. They will deny the principles of truth in practice and bring reproach upon the cause of God. Christ declares that He will spew these out of His mouth, and leave them to follow their own course of action to distinguish themselves. This course of action does indeed make them prominent as men that are unfaithful householders….
We are now living in the last days, when the truth must be spoken…irrespective of consequences. If there are some who will become offended and turn from the truth, we must bear in mind that there were those who did the same in Christ’s day….Those who will maintain the truth, irrespective of consequences, will offend some whose hearts are not in harmony with the truth as it is in Jesus. These persons cherish theories of their own, which are not the truth. The truth does not harmonize with their sentiments, and rather than give their own ideas, they walk away from those who obey the truth. But there are men who will receive the truth, and these will take the places made vacant by those who become offended and leave the truth.
“They went out from us, but they were not of us” [1 John 2:19]. Men of true Christian principle will take their place, and will become faithful, trustworthy householders, to advance the Word of God in its true bearings and in its simplicity. The
Lord will work so that the disaffected ones will be separated from the true and loyal ones….The ranks will not be diminished. Those who are firm and true will close up the vacancies that are made by those who become offended and apostatize. Manuscript 97, August 11, 1898. (see also 7ABC 284, 404; MAR 200; 3SM 421-22; TDG 232)
God gives men the light, but many are filled with self-sufficient, masterly spirit; and they strive by carrying out their own ideas to reach a height where they will be as God. They place their mind first, as if God must serve with them. Herein lies the danger in this: Unless God shall in some way make these men understand that He is God, and that they are to serve Him, human inventions will be brought in that will lead away from Bible truth, notwithstanding all the cautions that have been given.
The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve Him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of Life, He took from them the kingdom of God and gave it to the Gentiles. God will continue to work on this principle with every branch of His work. When a church proves unfaithful to the Word of the Lord, whatever their position may be, however high and sacred their calling, the Lord can no longer work with them. Others are then chosen to bear important responsibilities. But if these in turn do not purify their lives from every wrong action; if they do not establish pure and holy
principles in all their borders, then the Lord will grievously afflict and humble them, and, unless they repent, will remove them from their place and make them a reproach. Manuscript 33, April 27, 1903. (see also 7ABC 110, 160-61; CG 275; UL 131)
We know that unconsecrated Seventh-day Adventists who have a knowledge of the truth, but who have linked themselves with worldlings will depart entirely from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits. The enemy will gladly hold out inducements to them, to lead them to carry on a warfare against the people of God. Letter 127, July 1, 1903. (see also 7ABC 330; 2MCP 492; TDG 191)
At this crisis all are called upon to take their position. We must stand apart from those who are determined to make shipwreck of faith. We must not sell our Lord at any price….
The time has come when even in the church and in our institutions, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. But God will keep that which is committed to Him. Let us draw near to Him, that He may draw near to us. Let us bear a plain, clear testimony right to the point, that hypnotism is being used by those who have departed from the faith, and that we are not to link up with them. Through those who depart from the faith, the power of the enemy will be exercised to lead others astray. Letter 237, July 14, 1904. (see also 3SM 411-12)
We ought to fear within than outside. People of high reputation willl definitely work harder in bridging the gape between the reality of the Bible and the corrupt theological concepts of the world.
I have not found any precedent in the Bible where female servant have been appointed or Ordained to Pastoral ministry despite the facts that they worked extensively in hand with their male counterparts.
We need to watch and be careful with our decision. We might be caught by Christ’s second Advent while trying to fixed what our feelings desire and the end result will be of regrets and bitterness.
Yes indeed the Omega of apostasy is here!
Through the educational institutions the Omega is finding it’s way to our Churches
Ezekiel 8 through the theological department
According to ezekiel is through the sanctuary or church schools,.
But in this case is more startling that is through a Catholic University
Wow Her surname is fascinating,
The church is really shaken by a wave of non-biblical doctrines and especially that some believers have turned away from the righteousness of the holy scriptures (Bible and Spirit of Prophecy).
The quote below shows us how many times prophecy is fully fulfilled: “As I prayed in family worship, the Holy Ghost rested upon me, and it seemed to me to rise more and more above this world of darkness. I turned away to see my Adventist brothers who remained in this world, but I could not discover them. A voice then said to me, “Look again, but a little higher.” I looked up, and saw a steep and narrow path, well above this world. It was there that adventists advanced towards the holy city. Behind them, at the trailhead, there was a bright light, which the angel tells me to be the midnight cry. This light illuminated the trail in its entire length so that their feet did not stumble. Jesus walked at their heads to guide them; and as long as they stared at him, they were safe. But soon some of them got weed and said that the city was still very far away and that they had thought they would get there earlier. Then Jesus encouraged them by raising his glorious right arm from which emanated a light that spread over the Adventists. They exclaimed: “Hallelujah!” But some of them brazenly repelled this light, saying that it was not God who had led them. The light that was behind them eventually went out, and they then found themselves in deep darkness. They stumbled and lost sight of and purpose and Jesus, then fell off the path and sank into the wicked world that was below. »
Ordination of women as pastors is an abomination in the eyes of the LORD, but that does not mean that women do not have the role of paramount importance in proclaiming the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. Not everyone has been called to be Pastor.
Let the reader of this message read this passage found in Ephesians 4:11-20 and that he can pray for the church of God in general and “the members of the church” of PUERTO RICO in particular.
L’église est vraiment secouée par une vague des doctrines non bibliques et surtout que certains croyants se sont détournés de la droiture des saintes écritures (Bible et Esprit de Prophétie).
La citation ci-dessous nous montre combien de fois la prophétie s’accomplit pleinement:
« Alors que je priais au culte de famille, le Saint-Esprit reposa sur moi, et il me semblait m’élever de plus en plus au-dessus de ce monde de ténèbres. Je me détournais pour voir mes frères adventistes restés en ce bas monde, mais je ne pus les découvrir. Une voix me dit alors : “Regarde encore, mais un peu plus haut.” Je levai les yeux, et je vis un sentier abrupt et étroit, bien au-dessus de ce monde. C’est là que les adventistes s’avançaient vers la sainte cité. Derrière eux, au début du sentier, il y avait une brillante lumière, que l’ange me dit être le cri de minuit. Cette lumière éclairait le sentier dans toute sa longueur pour que leurs pieds ne s’achoppent pas. Jésus marchait à leur tête pour les guider; et tant qu’ils fixaient les regards sur lui, ils étaient en sécurité. Mais bientôt quelques-uns se lassèrent et dirent que la cité était encore fort éloignée et qu’ils avaient pensé y arriver plus tôt. Alors Jésus les encouragea en élevant son bras droit glorieux d’où émanait une lumière qui se répandit sur les adventistes. Ceux-ci s’écrièrent : “Alléluia !” Mais certains d’entre eux repoussèrent effrontément cette lumière, en disant que ce n’était pas Dieu qui les avait conduits. La lumière qui était derrière eux finit par s’éteindre, et ils se trouvèrent alors dans de profondes ténèbres. Ils trébuchèrent et perdirent de vue et le but et Jésus, puis tombèrent du sentier et sombrèrent dans le monde méchant qui était au-dessous. »Conseils à l’église, page 47
Ordination des femmes comme pasteurs est une abomination aux yeux de l’Eternel, mais cela ne signifie pas que les femmes n’ont pas le rôle d’une importance capitale dans la proclamation de l’Evangile de notre Sauveur Jésus Christ. Tout le monde n’a pas été appelé à être Pasteur.
Que le lecteur de ce message lise ce passage se trouvant en Ephésiens 4 :11-20 et qu’il puisse prier pour l’église de Dieu en général et « les membres de l’église » de « PORTO RICO » en particulier.
It does not please Jesus to use the rhetoric of someone’s last name to defame their character. I know Abigail Babilonia quite well and am offended to hear these comments,: How would you feel if she was your own daughter? Wouldn’t you congratulate someone you love for consecrating their life to the ministry? The church in Puerto Rico has not ordained her, they are not in defiance to the General Conference nor have they done anything wrong in appointing leadership positions to a woman who has demonstrated spiritual maturity, biblical faith and leadership qualities. You have the right and responsibility to discuss your views, but if you bear the name “Advent Messenger” and claim to be biblical, do live up to it, speaking privately to the individual with the spirit of meekness (Mat 18:15; Gal 6:1), not spreading gossip and slander (Rom 1:29, 30; 2 Cor 12:20) dishonoring the very name you bear. Even if my comments go unheeded and silence would have been more adequate, I prefer to speak to deaf ears on behalf of the defenseless as a testimony to what is right.
Una gran verguenza para mi isla.