On July 20, 2021, Catholic Bishop Douglas Crosby of Hamilton, Ontario, a Canadian province, wrote a letter to priests within his diocese telling them that “in order for all clergy to carry out their ministries effectively, including celebrating Mass and the other Sacraments, it is imperative that they get fully vaccinated.” [1] Bishop Douglas also told his priests that “Pope Francis declared that it is a moral imperative that everyone get vaccinated.” [1]
We have a new religion called Covidoanism with new standards for ministry. Being vaccinated is the new qualification to serve, rather than being filled with the Holy Spirit. They are starting to remove people from the ministry if they are not vaccinated, rather than for preaching heresies. If you get the vaccine, you keep your job, if you refuse; you are out, even if you preach the truth.
All those who do not accept the new papal degrees will be punished with excommunication. It is no longer enough to wash your hands 20 times a day. Social distancing or wearing masks is no longer sufficient. Now the abusive power of the church is being used to force clergy to get vaccinated with an experimental vaccine that does not prevent you from contracting or spreading Covid-19.
American Magazine, the leading Jesuit magazine in the United States, is asking churches to enforce vaccine mandates for all those who want to attend religious services. The Jesuits argue that “churches have an ethical obligation to protect the health of clergy, staff and worshipers” and that “the obvious way for the faithful to be able to resume full participation and unfettered access to the sacraments is to mandate that churchgoers receive an approved Covid-19 vaccine.” [2]
The Great Reboot plan is for churches around the world to have a submissive and obedient clergy who will do whatever the globalist health experts tell us, even if nothing is understood. All free and independent thinkers and those who do not submit to the forced vaccination policy will be left out of the ministry.
The plan of the Great Reset is for churches around the world to have a submissive and obedient clergy that will do everything that the globalist health experts tell us, even if nothing is understood. All free and independent thinkers and those who don’t bow to the policy of enforced vaccinations will be out of the ministry. Today vaccines are being forced on the people; next it will be Sunday worship by law.
[2] https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2021/02/19/churches-mandate-covid-vaccine-coronavirus-240024
They are only heeding Pope Francis’ call. Others states and nations will soon follow.
Only if they follow satan.
When actors prepare for a play, they naturally rehearse to assure all goes well and to work out any kinks which might occur. This use of an illness to see how the populace reacts to progressive controls by government and large organizations/businesses seems to be a rehearsal for the forced recognition of Sunday by the world. There is misinformation, people branded as extremists, blaming/shaming (unvaccinated individuals), use of fear, and use of private companies to enforce governmental mandates which are unconstitutional.
By all appearances it seems authoritarians are working out the kinks.
They’ve been preparing for the play for decades, occasionally acting out a scene or two to see what would happen. Event 201 was simply one of the latest rehearsals in fine tuning the actors and the script. They have followed it pretty much to the letter.
I told people a year ago the whole covid “pandemic” was never about our health, and it still isn’t. For all those people who folded like a pile of dirty laundry, they’ve proven they do not have what it takes to contend with chariots when the time comes.
Thank you for saying that, Ron. It’s good to know there are others who will not take the poison. With the papacy engaged, we should know for certain this is not to be taken lightly. Anything the pope says to do, we need to do the opposite! This is a guy who destroys God’s commandments, not keep them.
É verdade eu também não vou tomar o veneno da serpente,tudo está sendo encaminhado para o decreto dominical.
The signs of the times are speaking. Many thanks for sharing!
Other churches will follow suit.
The Jesuits are doing their jobs.
Kinda curious if they got a placebo or the actual one….The papacys involvement in all of this is evident.
The whole world is drunk with wine of babylin…they cannot take the real poison bt the placebo and le topeople its safe to be inoculated..the storm ahead is enormous but GOD IS on our side
I wonder how long it will take the Adventist Church to comply with the same mandates??? It seems with Diope at the helm, it won’t be long!
True …he has been stretching across the gulf and clasped hands with papacy…thats why in the regular line you cannot enter many chuches without mask ,temperature being measured and other so called govt mandates..what a sad state of affairs withing SDA