Marvel Entertainment is owned by Walt Disney and produces blockbuster movies, comics, TV shows and games. Some of their characters include Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine, and many others. Marvel’s characters are considered “mutants,” which, according to the creators, “are a race of evolved humans who possess a genetic trait called the ‘X-Gene’ that allows them to naturally develop superhuman powers and sometimes affecting their appearance.” [1]
According to Marvel Entertainment, Jesus Christ was one of these “mutants.” The “miracles performed by the Christian Saviour Jesus Christ were not the product of his holy life,” but rather came through a dormant “X-gene,” according to the “Immortal X-Men” series, Vol. 1 No. 1, released March 30, 2022. [2] [3] According to Disney and Marvel Entertainment, Jesus was not God’s son, He did not come to save our planet, and His claim that He was the only one who could reconcile us to God were simply false. In the Marvel Comic series, Jesus was simply one of many “mutants.”
This is a page from the “Immortal X-Men” series that describes Jesus Christ as a mutant. [3] His ability to resurrect the dead was not unique; other “mutants” have the same, if not superior, abilities. The “Nazarene Mutant” who inspired a church among humans by resurrecting people from the dead is referred to as Jesus. According to the comic series, other mutants could accomplish the same thing, therefore Jesus was nothing special. This is what the Marvel X-Men series is trying to instill in our children through its entertainment.
The X-Men franchise is the highest-grossing movie franchise in cinematic history. [4] It’s also worth noting that the X-Men franchise features more than 50 LGBT+ superheroes [5]. It’s too bad they’re so determined on going to war with the God of the Bible and Judeo-Christian beliefs. Disney and Marvel Entertainment are targeting our children by focusing their entertainment programming on them. They want to turn the gospel of Jesus Christ into a distorted version of one of their favorite movie dramas.
The creators of popular culture are determined to destroy everything sacred. Sin, spiritualism, alternative views of sexuality, and contempt for Jesus are all promoted by the movie industry. Why do Christians keep endorsing these films? Why do we spend our money and bring these items into our homes? Unfortunately, everything anti-family and anti-faith is celebrated by the movie industry.
Despite Marvel X-Men’s portrayal of the Son of God, Jesus loves us with a love that is greater than love. On the cross, Christ defeated Satan, and through His death, resurrection, and mediation, He offers each of us eternal life. This is the real story that needs to be told. What we are witnessing today through Disney and the entire Hollywood culture is a hostility to everything biblical. As the world openly rejects God and His love in sending His Son, let us boldly proclaim Christ and His imminent return.
Any one, especially Christians, should never take their children to any Disney parks again!!! They are totally corrupt!
If Christians would stop supporting these types of entertainment programs, they would go bankrupt!
I used to watch some of these characters growing up. How far they have fallen. I wouldn’t let my grandkids do it today.
Stan Lee named Marvel Comics after Jack Marvel Parsons, an occultist rocket scientist,
He was the inspiration for Dr Strange, Reed Richards and Ironman,
Marvel comics has Catholic Hell, Ghosts/ immortality of the soul, people who are like deity’s, lust/adultery, murder, homosexuality is normalised (as is violence),
Many Catholic themes and demonology
Stan Lee seems like he was a very nice man and everyone likes him I suspect he may have been a Satanist, I read many marvel comics as a teenager,
Stan Lee made Comics about Francis Assissi, Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul the 2nd,
But none about Martin Luther or any Protestant Reformers or Bible Hero’s of the Old or New Testament none about Christ and His Apostles…
Many Marvel comic characters present as Roman Catholic even Captain America, Dare-Devil, Howard The Duck, Venom, The Punisher etc etc etc:
Making marvel a kind of Babylonian wine,
Remember reading a Thor comic wherein One of the Asgardians mocked a Pastor saying it’s been around 2 thousand years where is He?
They also uplift the Jesuit doctrine of Big bang theory and Evolution….
Bonjour,tout les moyens sont bon pour corrompe petits et grands,mais de là à défigurer le sauveur du monde,en le mettant au même niveau a ces personnages,tout droit sortie de l’imagination fertile et corrompu d’êtres humains,qui pour se remplir les poches,et faire du profit,là c’est trop fort.La terre soupire après une délivrance,la coupe du péché a presque atteint son niveau.
Thank you very much for this info!