Dr. Jon Paulien is a professor at the Loma Linda University School of Religion. At a recent church-sponsored symposium about the end time prophetic events, Dr. Paulien said that Sunday Laws are not coming, the Great Controversy is outdated, there are other options for the mark of the beast and Ellen White was not an end-time prophet. Eight months ago, the Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists hosted a “Biblical Symposium on Final Events.”
Above is the video of the final presentation for the symposium. The presentation was entitled “The Coming Sunday Law Dilemma” featuring Dr. Jon Paulien, a leading scholar and professor at Loma Linda University. However, the “coming Sunday law dilemma” was not about the crisis our world would soon face; no, the “dilemma” that Dr. Paulien was inferring was that there was no Sunday law forthcoming.
The President of the Central California Conference, Pastor Ramiro Cano, welcomed the spectators and gave an explanation for the purpose of hosting this event. Pastor Ramiro expressed that unfortunately there was too much “sensationalism” and “fanaticism” and that it was necessary to protect the church by presenting the “plain, unadulterated and clear truth.” Pastor Ramiro stated:
Minute 8:48 – “We are keenly aware of the many voices rallying the people to excitement and sensationalism creating fear, anxiety and fanaticism. As sentinels on the walls of Zion, we have a divinely bestowed responsibility to present the flock of God with the plain, unaltered and clear truth to navigate safely through the perils of these last days.”
Tragically, there were only obscure, adulterated and questionable assumptions heard during the presentation. Dr. Pierre Steenberg, Ministerial Director of the Central California Conference, introduced Dr. Jon Paulien, the featured speaker, with the following accolades:
Minute 13:48 – “Our speaker tonight as we come to the conclusion of this symposium is once again Dr. Jon Paulien. I got to tell you that Dr. Paulien is a legend in the AdventistChurch when it comes to the book of Revelation. He’s this big in name scholar that has been at it for a long time. He knows his stuff inside and out … All I would like to say in the introduction tonight is, ‘Thank you, sir.’ You have been a blessing to us for many, many years. You’ve presented globally, you have written books, you have published articles, you have really invested your life in these topics, and for us. Thank you.”
The New Mark of the Beast
So what did this “legend” in Adventism say? What did the “big name scholar” present? The professor who “knows his stuff inside and out” when it comes to the book of Revelation, what great insights did he reveal for these end-times? Well, the new contemporary interpretation about the “Mark of the Beast,” according to Dr. Paulien, is that the text of Revelation describes a “counterfeit” and not specifically “Sunday.” In other words, the mark of the beast is a “counterfeit” and not specifically “Sunday.” And this “counterfeit” (the new mark of the beast) can have many interpretations. Notice how Dr. Paulien is rewriting Adventism:
Minute 17:45 – “The biblical evidence does not speak of Sunday as such, but it speaks about a counterfeit of the Sabbath being critical to the mark of the beast at the end of time. And we noticed that there were four possibilities and four options for a counterfeit. One would be a different day than the Sabbath, and Sunday would be an example of that. A second option is that every day is the Sabbath, which means that no day would have any special significance. The third is that no day is the Sabbath. Sabbath was simply abolished by Jesus and therefore we can worship on any day that we choose. And finally, some sort of legislation to forbid Sabbath-keeping would be option number 4. So within exegeses of the biblical text you do have options for understanding what the mark of the beast will actually turn out to be.”
Dr. Paulien is trying to insert options for the mark of the beast. Where do these options come from? He says it comes from the texts. And the texts don’t point to Sunday, they point to a counterfeit. And those options can be “any day.” It can include “all days” or it can mean “no days.” Do you see what is happening? They are rewriting the message of the mark of the beast. The contemporary church is attempting to remake the movement founded by our pioneers. We are witnessing a scenario in which anything remotely resembling historic Adventism is being eliminated, turned upside down or corrupted.
They are trying to understand the mark without any reference to the beast. You cannot separate the mark from the beast because the mark belongs to the beast. Who is the beast? Rome. What is her mark? Any day? Monday? Tuesday? Thursday? Friday? Absolutely not. Rome became the beast of Revelation in part because she established an idol Sabbath. If the beast is Rome, then what is the Papal Sabbath? Sunday. This is what inspiration says:
“When the test comes, it will be clearly shown what the mark of the beast is. It is the keeping of Sunday” (SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 980).
Dr. Paulien is only affirming what many of our leaders already believe. His statements are a reflection of what Ted Wilson and other church leaders have already embraced. This explains why things are the way they are and why the Great Hope has replaced the Great Controversy. The modern church is now pushing the idea that the mark of the beast can be any day.
Attacking Ellen White and the Great Controversy
Now notice how Dr. Paulien attacks Ellen White and her book the Great Controversy:
Minute 27:26 – “Our careful study of fulfilled prophecy, out of careful study from the book of Revelation and reading these statements (from Ellen White), with the biblical principles in mind, we should be careful not to assume that the end-time will be identical to GC (Great Controversy) in every detail. Considering both the Bible and world history, were Ellen White alive today there is at least a chance that her depiction of the end would be different than it was in the 1880s.
This is another false assumption made by Dr. Paulien. He is suggesting that Ellen White had her own description of how the world would end. No she did not. She was not the author of her message, she was only the messenger. The vision of the Great Controversy was not her own. Notice how Sister White describes how she received the Great Controversy vision and simply wrote it down:
“It was more essential that I should devote myself to writing out the important matters for Vol. IV; (Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 was the original Great Controversy) that the warning must go where the living messenger could not go, and that it would call the attention of many to the important events to occur in the closing scenes of this world’s history. As the condition of the church and the world was open before me, and I beheld the fearful scenes that lie just before us, I was alarmed at the outlook; and night after night, while all in the house were sleeping, I wrote out the things given me of God. I was shown the heresies which are to arise, the delusions that will prevail, the miracle-working power of Satan—the false Christs that will appear—that will deceive the greater part even of the religious world, and that would, if it were possible, draw away even the elect. Is this work of the Lord? I know that it is, and our people also profess to believe it. The warning and instruction of this book are needed by all who profess to believe the present truth” (1888 Materials, p. 652).
Sister White had no personal views on the end of time. She simply wrote what God showed her in the Great Controversy book. And she saw it all. Heresies in the churches, spiritualism, ecumenism, false Christs, the beast and the image, the close of probation, the time of trouble, the second coming of Jesus, the millennium and the final home of the faithful. According to Dr. Paulien, we would have to ignore everything Ellen White wrote in the final chapters of the Great Controversy.
Rewriting Sunday Laws
Now notice what Dr. Paulien says about the Sunday law. These new views are creating a crisis of faith in Adventism and are leading us directly into the universal brotherhood of Rome.
Minute 28:12 – “The idea of a world-wide Sunday law made a lot of sense back then. The world was quite different than today. So we should not assume that after the passage of more than one hundred and fifty years that every detail would necessarily be fulfilled.”
Do we ignore the reality that Rome is pushing for Sunday sacredness and that the world is embracing Sunday rest? Do we ignore every detail in the Great Controversy that is being fulfilled today? Do we ignore the three-fold union of Romanism, apostate Protestantism and spiritualism? How about ecumenism? What about all the religions, governments, economists and politicians who are joining Rome to defend the green Sunday law? Would Dr. Paulien want us to ignore the involvement of Seventh-day Adventists in all of these events as well?
Dr. Paulien goes on to present his theory that everything Ellen White wrote in the Great Controversy was only for her time, and if God were giving us a message today, it would be completely different:
Minute 29:40 – “If the end had come in Ellen White’s lifetime, I have no doubt that it would have happened essentially the way that she said.”
Minute 30:00 – Great Controversy fits perfectly with exactly what was happening in the world in the 1880s… I think we make the mistake in putting lines in the sand and saying it must happen exactly this way when in fact we see God being creative, not always predictable … things have changed in the world. If God was giving a prophecy today it wouldn’t sound like what was given back then because we are in a different world, different language, different circumstances, different time and place.
A different world? A different language? A different time and place? No, not really. We see the same power today that was in her day. We see the same Sunday being celebrated world-wide. We see the same actors that were in her days. We see the same rhetoric and the same goals. Remember, Rome is a Chameleon and she can change her colors or tactics, but the ending will be the same:
“Popery is just what prophecy declared that she would be, the apostasy of the latter times. [2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.] It is a part of her policy to assume the character which will best accomplish her purpose; but beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon, she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent” (Great Controversy, p. 571).
Ellen White is not an End-time Prophet
Dr. Paulien introduces a new description of Ellen White’s prophetic role. He called her work and writings “classical” and not “apocalyptic,” which means that she wrote for her time, not for the end of time. The idea is that some prophets only had a role for their specific time such as Jeremiah, Amos, Micah and others. Then there were other prophets who were “apocalyptic,” that is, they had a message for the end of time, such as Daniel and John, Paul and Jesus. Notice what Dr. Paulien says:
Minute 17:30 – Ellen White’s style of prophecy is classical rather than apocalyptic.
Minute 30:46 – And finally, as a classical prophet, Ellen White’s predictions should be understood as conditional. As circumstances change the fulfillment of Revelation 13 could take other forms than the ones that seemed so clear in 1888.
What would those “other forms” for the fulfillment of Revelation 13 be? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, no day, any day or all days?
Minute 41:48 – She (Sister White) is talking about the near future. She’s talking about a world that was very real in the 1880s, but no longer exists today. It’s no longer a Protestant government. It’s no longer a world in which spiritualism is at the top of the radar and the agenda … What she was describing in Great Controversy was about her present and her near future.
In what world does Dr. Paulien live? He’s closing his eyes to Rome’s pantheistic encyclicals and the nature worship found in today’s climate agenda. He is ignoring how churches, including many Seventh-day Adventists, have embraced the spirituality of Mother Earth. This is the new world religion that everyone is adopting. Dr. Paulien is disconnected from reality. He’s on another planet or in some parallel universe. Sunday sacredness is being accelerated by Rome today on a global scale faster than Protestants in 1888 could have ever imagined.
Minute 42:45 – She does not address the world that we live in today, directly. Her predictions are natural extensions of the world of her day. You will look in vain for a nuclear war or a nuclear power. You will look in vain for computers, internet, cell phones, space travel, world wars, Islamic terrorism, rise of secularism, rise of post modernism and so on. She does not address our world. That is typical of the Bible prophets. They spoke to their world.
Throw out the book Great Controversy and Ellen White because she never talked about computers and the internet. She didn’t mention cell phones so she was in a different world than ours. Really? Well, if that’s the case, we must get rid of Daniel, John, Jesus, Moses, Paul, Isaiah and all the writers of the Holy Bible. They did not talk about computers, the internet or cell phones either.
We have a serious problem that is more than simply revising our Adventist message. If Ellen White is not an end-time “apocalyptic” prophet, then Seventh-day Adventists are not the Remnant Church of Bible prophecy. If Ellen White is not the prophet of the last days, for our time and our day, then we do not have the Spirit of Prophecy. We simply become a people without vision and we will soon perish: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18.
Simply put, if Ellen White is not our “apocalyptic” prophet, then the gift of prophecy has not reached us, there is no Remnant church and what we once thought was the Spirit of Prophecy has just been completely removed from the Seventh-day Adventist movement. Of course, this is according to the “legendary” and highly esteemed “scholars” of our day.
Dr. Paulien’s view about classical and apocalyptic prophets is just another false assumption made to separate
us from what inspiration actually says about the prophets of God:
“Each of the ancient prophets spoke less for their own time than for ours, so that their prophesying is in force for us. ‘Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come’ 1 Corinthians 10:11″ (Selected Messages, Book 3, p. 338).
“The prophets spoke less for their own time than for the ages which have followed, and for our own day” (Signs of the Times, April 2, 1896).
All of God’s holy prophets, including Sister White, spoke less for their own time and MORE for our day, today, right now. And their prophecies are in full force for us right now, today. Praise the Lord!
Speculations, Conspiracies, Undermining Prophecy and Unsafe Assumptions
Finally, Dr. Paulien cautions us about taking Ellen White’s views from her book the Great Controversy and trying to apply what she wrote to our day. This is incredible.
Minute 49:48 – There is another way to undermine prophecy and that is to over specify the prophecy. To be too confident that we understand every detail in advance, and out of that confidence putting charts together signifying the events of the end in such a way that when the real thing comes you miss it. You don’t see it because it doesn’t fit the expectations you put together.
We didn’t put anything together. We are simply obeying the command that says we must read the prophetic word, understand it, keep it and proclaim it.
“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3.
“Whoso readeth, let him understand.” Matthew 24:15
“Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” Revelation 10:11.
Important prophetic messages, such as the message of the first, second, and third angels, must be understood to be proclaimed. How can you tell people to avoid the mark of the beast, if you don’t know what it is? And Dr. Paulien said we don’t know exactly what the mark of the beast will actually be; therefore, it is better that we do not preach it. If we think we know what it is, we may be “overemphasizing” the prophecy and therefore undermining it.
The Adventist message is being replaced by a newer version of the faith that preaches nothing because it knows nothing. We no longer have a clear message and therefore cannot really warn anyone. Therefore, we must embrace the popular ecumenical message to avoid controversy. The message is that we cannot have too much “confidence” in the third angel’s warning about the mark of the beast. This new position is actually denying people the final invitation of mercy that God wants the world to hear.
Minute 54:54 – “I believe it is unwise to use this particular idea (Sunday laws) as the sign of the end. As the one thing that we are all looking for to say, ‘Yea I think we’re in the final crisis.’ In the end it may happen in surprising ways. You see, after all, Ellen White spoke about Sunday legislation throughout her life. It was there, over 100 statements. There was legislation all through those decades that she served in her ministry. So the idea of Sunday being particularly significant to the mark of the beast certainly was a common theme in her writings. But the idea of a specific legislation in Congress, that’s the key idea that gets people excited. And that occurs only in statements around 1888 through 1890 … There was a specific context that called for that specificity. But to assume that this exact context will repeat itself at the end, it’s not a safe assumption.”
Assuming that the Sunday laws of Ellen White’s day will be repeated in our day is not a safe assumption? That’s what Dr. Paulien believes. However, the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Ellen G. White Estates destroy Dr. Paulien’s erroneous assumption.
Bible: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9.
Spirit of Prophecy: “History will repeat itself. In this age the great test will be upon the point of Sabbath observance. The heavenly universe beholds men trampling upon the law of Jehovah, making the memorial of God—the sign between Him and His commandment-keeping people—a thing of naught, something to be despised … Apostate Protestantism has accepted the false sabbath instituted by the Roman Catholic Church. They have cradled this child of the papacy. Very soon all who refuse to worship this idol will be forbidden to buy or sell” (Manuscript 110, 1904).
Ellen G. White Estates: “As Sunday law issues intensified in the late 1800’s and agitation for a national Sunday law in the United States increased, Ellen White wrote perceptively of “The Impending Conflict” … Agitation for Sunday legislation gradually waned, but in succeeding years Ellen White kept the issues of the final conflict before church leaders. Times might have changed, so far as actual persecution for Sabbath observance was concerned, but the issues and the principles involved remained the same. Since Ellen White’s death further changes have taken place, but we believe that the same principles and the same issues will be revived in the coming conflict, present appearances to the contrary notwithstanding” (Selected Messages, Vol. 3, p. 380, 381).
Minute 58:34 – “As we look to the future, I encourage you to weigh Bible prophecy and particularly unfulfilled Bible prophecy. Speculations about unfulfilled prophecies have gotten us nowhere. It’s been a failure pretty much every time it’s tried.”
Minute 59:26 – “It’s easy for people to speculate and create conspiracy theories.”
The only “unfulfilled prophecy” that Dr. Paulien refers to is the mark of the beast. And he calls it speculation and a conspiracy theory to continue embracing the “more sure word of prophecy” that has served Seventh-day Adventists for so long. Dr. Paulien says that embracing Ellen White’s position on the mark of the beast is pure speculation today. Believing in God’s prophets has now become spiritually dangerous.
This is not the first time we have heard from theologians and scholars trying to diminish the writings of inspiration. Tragically, today’s theologians have become more authoritative than the prophets of God who had a higher source of inspiration. They are revising our historical beliefs about the mark of the beast in the same way that they have with women’s ordination and the LGBT+ agenda.
They declare that what Moses wrote in Leviticus about marriage was good for his day, but not for us. Those instructions do not apply to this age. They say that Paul’s writing and what he wrote on biblical headship was simply a cultural expression that ended during the rise of the feminist movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Ellen White’s Own Defense of the Book Great Controversy
In 1888 Materials, pages 657-690, Ellen White presents her defense against church leaders who became antagonistic toward her book that she refers to as “Vol. IV.” This is a reference to the book “Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4,” which is the 1884 version of the Great Controversy. Notice her indictment against those who attacked the book the Great Controversy. And just as the Great Controversy book is the present truth for our day, the following admonitions are applicable to the false prophets and false scholars who would cause us to lose confidence in the testimonies of God’s prophet:
“The course pursued toward Vol. IV. (Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 which is the Great Controversy) has confirmed the word of the Lord which has been given me, that men were occupying responsible positions who were not working where God was working; that the testimony of the spirit of God had no special sacredness to them unless it sanctioned their ideas and actions. Anything not in harmony with their ideas, they did not receive. Had they realized the importance of the light given me of God, would they have let the message of appeal and warning lie buried in the office of publication while they only expressed regret, and did nothing to change the order of things? Brethren, you may think that your course in this matter does not justify me in speaking plainly as I do, but the time has come for me to speak, and I refuse to keep silent longer. I cannot but feel that the enemy has warped your conscience and beclouded your minds. My oral testimony will do you no good while you stand where you now are” (1888 Materials, p. 660.1).
“But their course in regard to the circulation of my books has made it a necessity for me to speak. I cannot be clear and keep silent. I cannot have confidence to leave these matters, which to me involves so much, to their discretionary power, when I am brought into constant embarrassment. I have less confidence in their management than I have had, for I cannot believe that the Lord leads them to pursue the course they have taken.” (1888 Materials, p. 657.1)
Seventh-day Adventists have reached a watershed moment at this point in history. We must choose between the paths before us. God through inspiration has told us which way to go to cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land. Fallen, sinful human nature is telling us that we have to go down a different path, a path that leads not only to Egypt, but into the arms of Rome. Will the Spirit of Prophecy be believed and obeyed, as revealed in the Great Controversy book? Or will we believe these “legendary” scholars who tell us that they know more than the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord?
Join the conversation and share your thoughts with us below at the bottom of this page. We have opened the comments for you to tell us what you think.
Wangkhor Matai Liah Deng says
Let’s just praise God Almighty because we have reach the edge of the prophecies.
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and stand before the son of man.
Let’s just pray for him so the God Almighty may delivery him from that bondage slavery.
Vivian says
Can you elaborate on our leaders already embrace these ideas including president Ted Wilson?
Debora says
Vivian, I too would like to see documentation that supports that statement on Elder Ted Wilson.
Holly Olberg says
Pastor Bill Hughes is on YouTube- He has a small book out called “Remember My Name” and he talks about Ted Wilson- says he leaves out 2&3 angels message-says he later apologized- check him out in line!
Peter says
I would like to disagree with you on some Statements that you say Ellen white contradict herself the answer is no she never contradicted herself. We need to just understand the context of her statements correctly. She always said that her writings are a lesser light and the bible is the greater light. Fi ye were familiar with the scriptures and followed it there would not have been need for the testimonies
Sharon L. Dollosa says
I can’t comment? God bless.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
How can I comment?
Sharon L. Dollosa says
God’s people has one mind and one spirit and so also the enemy of God.
Prepare for the Tempest
God has revealed what is to take place in the last days, that His people may be prepared to stand against the tempest of opposition and wrath. Those who have been warned of the events before them are not to sit in calm expectation of the coming storm, comforting themselves that the Lord will shelter His faithful ones in the day of trouble. We are to be as men waiting for their Lord, not in idle expectancy, but in earnest work, with unwavering faith. It is no time now to allow our minds to be engrossed with things of minor importance. While men are sleeping, Satan is actively arranging matters so that the Lord’s people may not have mercy or justice. The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending. Its professions are mild and apparently Christian, but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon. – {CCh 335.2}
God has written a blueprint for His people. Sister EW thought she was giving the message of guidance to the people of her time, and the
Law could have happened in her time, because of the circumstances mentioned in her vision that were already happening right before her eyes; but she also thought she might not see these days in her lifetime but will be sooner within the parameter of the age and time she has seen and witnessed, that was so different from our days of advanced technology, and yet, the message from God is unchangeable in its warnings and bearing and applicable in our time. The message of God, prophetic message, given to sister White, transcends the boundaries of time in its advancement in science and art as well as culture. She had not an opinion of her own but wrote as dictated by the Holy Spirt. Therefore, I would say that she is not a classical prophet, a prophet with a message only for her time, but an apocalyptic prophet. Her writings are so applicable in our time that I could say that it was written truly for our time. Therefore, it is not true that God is not predictive in this case for it is clear from the pen of inspiration that God made a blueprint for His people to know the signs of the times before His coming so when these things happen, they could look up and say our “redemptions draweth night”. God would never leave His people groping into darkness as to what will happen in the final hours of earth history, and thus God has been leading His people through the sure words of prophecy. The Sunday Law will be enacted in the Congress and Sunday is the mark of the beast in surety, without any doubt, and not just any other day, no day, or could be Sunday according to Dr. Jon Paulien. Remember, a counterfeit is something that resembles the original but it’s not it. The Sabbath is being kept by God’s people while Sunday is being kept by the Catholic Church and her offspring, the various protestant denomination that keeps Sunday. It is very clear that the beast day of worship is Sunday, and therefore that is her mark, and history tells how it changed the sacredness of the Sabbath, Saturday, to Sunday.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
When EGW said that the time was past of the dominion of the beast, she was referring to protestant America that will be the one to enact the Sunday Law in Congress. This is historically right. Since the mortal wound, the beast has been using camouflaging to hide her true identity because as EGW said, her power was already in the past. In secrecy, she moves with great subtlety to be in control by putting her agents from the lowest occupation of society, servants, to the highest, as in the presidency. The Catholics were among the minority in EGW’s time, the reason why she said that Protestantism will be the one to enact the Sunday Law and she mentioned the reasons in GC and my understanding above is from my studies of what is written in the GC. EGW knew the chameleon that is why she believed that Sunday Law could be legislated in Congress. Now, in our time, the reason why protestantism will usher the Sunday Law is not only because they have been nourishing this child of apostasy, the Sunday keeping but because religion became so secularized that the basic principle of protestantism not only that it has been lost but it died in materialism and the beast has plenty of materials, money, to offer. Today, who has the money and authority has the protestant Sunday-keeping churches with a few exceptions. At the 500th year anniversary of Protestantism, Protestantism died. It was in October 22, 2017 that Evangelicals in the United States joined hands with the beast, with Tony Palmer as the ambassador of Ecumenism. It can never be denied that the overwhelming evidence of a Sunday Law to be proclaimed is a reality. The rise of Spiritualism is also in an all time high more than any age in history that it has gotten platforms even to children movies, children books and children educational tools. So, it is not true that Spiritualism went to the mountains and in hiding or became insignificant.
To say that the study of prophecy that involved calculation and predictability is pharisaic in its bearing and the results are always bad is to demean the efforts and inspiration of the people that God used at the beginning of the advent movement, like William Miller. We know that God’s hands were with William Miller but the truth was covered because of God’s purpose. We are counseled to do away with calculations because “time is no longer”, and the longest prophetic time was already fulfilled. But some parallels have to be studied to know the will of God. This is how God is guiding us in our present time. Although God is not always predictive, it is clear that in our days, God has given the predictability to guide us to know where we are in prophetic time. The evidence has been overwhelming of God’s guiding hands to His people being watchmen of the walls of Zion. He has given intellect and various talents to His people to know and understand the relevant issues of the present, like climate Change, LGBTQ movement, Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture, the Covet-19 lockdowns and vaccination, the great reset, the movie “Tomorrow War” and many more that all are precursors of control, of One World Government. Even the orphanages, the various charities, the various organizations, and more, are precursors of the agenda of control.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
Again, God’s people have one mind and one spirit and so also the people of the enemy of God. God bless my brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus’ coming is imminent and almost at the door,🔥
Brian Schnackenberg says
Amen Sister!
Leslie C Babatuan says
The bible is clear since the time of Daniel and his friends;
The issue that will lead to persecution s not Sunday law.
The three angels message as stated in Revelation is to Fear God and WORSHIP HIM.
WORSHIP is the issue in this last days.
As regard to Ellen White as the last day prophet, Revelation reminds us that the Testimony of Jesus was revealed to John the revelator and not to Ellen White.
Revelation 1:1-2 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
According to the messenger,
blessed is he man who read the prophecy of this book (The book of Revelation).
Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Admira Navarro Rosalita says
No wonder Mrs White said that only 1 in 20 SDA’s will be saved . I pray that I cant be counted among the 19 but 1.
Sometimes , if you are so intelligent that your I Q. Reaches to 170 ( genius ) you seemed to go against God’s prophets thinking that Mrs. White was just grade 3 . But you forgot that its God who talked to him in vision and no one can qyestion his supreme power to dictate everything to his servant , the prophet and messenger of what will happen in the end times.
I pray Dr. Paulien would recant to what he said against the prophet of God for he is misleading people especially the SDA’s who are deeply rooted with the writings of EGW as the author of the Spirit of Prophecy books. God endowed her with spiritual mind to see visions directly coming from God.
Amos 3:7
To all my SDA brethren , let us hold on to our faith in God. Let not these fallacies spoken by this professor bother you . Lets continue believing what God said to EGW in her prophecies of the end times that it is not conditional rather it will be fulfilled soon!
Let us encourage each other to hold on to our faith and never to listen these fallacies that might lead us to perdition.
Thank you and good day to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Eldjr says
I believe it was ‘NOT one in twenty”…
Mervet says
Hello dear brothers and sisters. Please don’t let one persons opinion dismay you. You know right from wrong and are capable of studying Gods word. This is a narrow take on something and the videos may yet prove that the matter was not spoken as is recapped here. Please / I am going to look for the videos and search it for myself. I believe in the spirit of prophecy – but in Gods word above all. Bless you all.
Barry says
“I believe in the spirit of prophecy – but in Gods word above all. Bless you all”
Your statement is confusing, the spirit prophesy is verily God’s words. It comes from the same source, as that of the Bible
Jo says
So sad the person who post this never share his idea from the book of revelation and what his understanding from the bible about the mark of the beast, all he’s talking about it Ellen White and himself never ever talk about subject matter. I’m reminded you Jesus word “ If you abide in me,and abide in my word , you will remain forever”
Bennet Vandeman says
I have just read the free document , Four Adventist Dilemmas, from radiogoodhope@aol.com, and I can predict a SDA Revolution like never before! This is the second
sDesmond Ford wave, but much more BIBLICAL and very clear. THIS id iindeed PRESENT TRUTH! ..we have been waiting for. Seems like many pastors and leaders are in full agreement.
Al Ferry says
Sister White makes it very clear, that in the last days many leaders will walk away from the SDA Church never to be heard from again. I for one will hold onto God’s Holy Word and The Spirit of Prophecy.
Lisa Potter says
Amen!! Mrs. White won’t be wrong in her writings as God gave them to her for our time. She wrote that the Great Controversy should be the main book to give out out of all her books. So sad to see this happening. False prophets to deceive if possible even the very elect.
Lisa Potter says
The church leaders need our prayers!
Gladys chinyere Nwokochah says
Let no one deceive you, many more scholars and pastors will soon show on whose side they have been all along. The enemy will not use just anybody but the prominent ones in the church to deceive if possible, the very elect.
Margie says
I truly agree with you.
Rebecca Chan says
Wow what solemn times we are living in.
How eloquent, charming and subtly deceiving his explanation is.
Ryan says
It is a sad day when soldiers not only loose there purpose/ reason to fight but to march into the enemies camp and lay they weapons down
Phil Walker says
Absolutely correct, the Jesuit order never sleeps, they have been infiltrating every entity on earth since the reformation. World leaders are meeting in Scotland 23rd of November 2022 and will have pope Francis there by invitation and will be discussing climate change and rest for the environment the green Sabbath that will include a family rest for all on earth
SUNDAY, I’m so sorry for these men who hold office on our behalf, they will stand condemned before God, will they walk the streets of gold???
Sharon L. Dollosa says
So subtle and full of hypocrisy.
Solomon mongaya says
I hope our biblical scholars must refute his theological concepts/ideas recently presented by dr. Paulien which is detrimental to our church unity. personally i believed his mind is confused and this is the working of the archenemy.
now it sense more to me than before when the first answer of jesus to disciples query about the signs of time and the end, matt. 24:3,4 jesus said,”take hèed that no man decieves you …
prior to jesus second coming massive deception occurs even among gods flock. the enemy will deceive even the bright stars in our church and use them to deceive much more because of thier influence. its now fulfilling, lets be vigilant, study the scriptures faithfully and the spirit of prophecy with the guidance of the holy spirit 6because satan will deceive even the very elect.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
marie Louisy says
Bonjour,c’est pour cela qu’il est écrit que beaucoup d’église et leur pasteur se perdrons,a force de prêcher des mensonges.
Quelle tristesse!.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
Didace Mudahinyuka says
Much tears! Oooh my Lord! How did all this apostasy came about within SDA Church and be widely accepted! I’m very much speechless though I’m not surprised of this great apostasy within SDA General Conference! What Ellen G. White has prophesied is really taking place about how SDA officials would attempt to change her books and many other things, just in the process of uniting with the Church of Rome, “The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would be the result?–The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church would be discarded.(1) Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error.(2) A new organization would be established.(3) Books of a new order would be written.(4) A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced.(5) The founders of this system would go into the cities and do a wonderful work.(6) The Sabbath, of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it.(7) Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement.(8) The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless.(9) Their foundation would be built on the sand,(10) and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure.”(11) Letter 242, October, 1903, Special Testimonies, Series B#7, p 39-40. Ooh! Those who can pray for this church, and her officials let us kneel down, and pray going back to its Old Paths while there’s still a time! There’s a need of a True Repentance otherwise, the Michael shall down to punish those who keep rebelling against his Words, and His prophets
Anyway, let me thank Andy Roman for such daily updates. May our God Almighty bless you abundantly! But before i move out, I would like to ask you if it may be possible to have the transcript of this video, as I’m expecting to use it in my weekly written sermon.
In Christ!
See you next!
Sharon L. Dollosa says
Thank you Andy Roman. I have one mind and heart with you. When I posted this in my FB page, prominent people in the church commented that you are an offshoot, but I told them you are telling the truth. Stay safe and may God will supply all your needs and the needs of Advent Messenger.
Andy Roman says
Thank you. Those “prominent” people are spreading misinformation. And they tell those lies to avoid having to face the truth.
Marjorie Pryor says
“Many a bright light will go out” How can you say that Ellen White was outdated when she says “I was shown” or “the angel told me”. Many times an angel would be
standing right beside her. I can’t help but think of the quote “if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived”. Stay in the Word and connected with the Holy Spirit.
Dianne Cox says
Totally agree with you Marjorie, these people are Satan’s puppets sad to say. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
KJ says
He has said nothing wrong about the Sunday law. Listen to all three presentations and see for yourself what he actually said, and don’t judge based solely upon what this author points out. The hubris of SDAs is troubling. Thinking they know just how everything is going to end. The Jews thought they knew how the Messiah would show up, but they had Him killed instead.
Lomani Uilou says
Well said.
Paulo Cordeiro says
The main weakness of this presentation is the following:
Ellen White was rather “inspired” by the events of her time (notably the events that took place in the 1880s), than she was inspired by God!
As far as the description of the events that took place in the 1880s is concerned, he was objective and correct. But should he not, equally, take into account the events happening today, namely the weight of the papal encyclical “Laudato Si” which is in favor of a Sunday rest and which manages the political and religious agenda of almost the whole world , today, including the new Biden/Harris presidency?
In His prophetic sermon, recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 17, Jesus referred to TWO predictions of events:
1) the prediction of events that would lead to the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple;
2) the SAME events that would lead the world to the last days of earthly history.
In this sense, the destruction of Jerusalem was a SAMPLE of what will happen at the end time, on a more global scale.
Is it the case that the events that took place in the 1880s were a SAMPLE of what is to happen, on a global scale, in the final days of this Earth’s History? I believe so!
Consequently, Ellen White followed the SAME pattern that Jesus followed in His prophetic sermon – of course, because she was inspired by the same One who made the double prediction of events in Matthew 24 and Luke 17.
Cherie Bolyarde says
Amen Paulo
I don’t think enough people have read the papal encyclical “Laudato Si.” It is clear that the vehicle of climate change and global warming will be used to drive the agenda of a one world order and a coming together in unity, under the guise of bringing rest to the earth and “peace and safety” (1Th 5:3). This lie will be the net to deceive those who have not prayerfully and with a repentant heart accepted Jesus as their Savior. The enemy has brought his counterfeit day of Sunday through Rome as his day to try and usurp our God’s hallowed day. Our hope lies on our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ. (NKJV) You are all sons of light and sons of the day …..Put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation…God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. (1Th 5:4-10)
Sharon L. Dollosa says
Amen Paulo.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
On Nobel Crown Of Rome
By Sharon L. Dollosa
The gentle breeze smoothly blewin
In the dawn while I am walkin,
No spoken word, yet I am hearin,
Whisperin, yet echoin-
Messages that are impressin,
Of what the world is really needin,
Unseen world itself revealin-
”Nobel Coronavirus” they are just testin’
To make the world start confusing~
Attempt replay historical settings,
Back to the middle ages where
”Black Death”claimed the bearing
Of men, women and children
Young and old, rich or poor,
Bond or free, scribes or fools~
With their bodies a’ rigid, a’ grimacing,
A painful death in bloody, hellish, feverishing,
Collapsing in motion,lost emotion!
What fear! What helplessness!
What hopelessness filled all nations!
From 1347 to 1351 medieval years
With 200 million Eurasia death,
Population decreased.
That’s half of Europes citizen,
A fourth of the world’s.
From four hundred seventy five million people,
To about three hundred fifty
To three hundred seventy five all-in-all.
Two hundred years and so it recovered,
The lost of the lives from that dark period
Of ignorance that prevailed,
Of Pneumonic and Bubonic plagues
that mapped out kings, priests and nobles alike~
So fear deadened even the most brave,
Now their souls in anguish find retreat,
In what Catholic Church has formulated
Penance, flagellation and indulgences,
To make sure the soul in heaven rest.
But woe to them who can’t afford
With money to buy that abode,
They’ll stay in bond in Purgatory to be purged
What agony, what misery to behold,
But better than to burn in hell
Forever groan in heat so real,
Prepared for those who wouldn’t heed,
The pope’s command and all his trusts,
From the saints he made to Mary’s reign,
As queen of heaven, mother of God.
The heretics’ head to flames or beheaded,
Rip up their loins, their babies head
Thrown to the beasts their eyes to feast-
And so the fate of Martyrs’ death.
Now I can see the world’s tumultous,
Never have feared like this before,
The events in such a rapid succession
Fires, flood, distress of nations,
With convulsing nature the volcanic citations,
All at once erupting, the worlds in conflageration
Of what is next then the earth in motion,
Of earthquakes in four continents
Might be humanity’s oblivion,
Of Climate Change is this the reason?
They warned to create panic and confusion,
To make the people in blind submission,
To their rule in a One World Religion.
Are we heeding backward to history
When there are men as Luther to cut their wrong story,
Nailed 95 thesis against church’s bigotry
That caused many lives to the inquisiton’s fire?
Are you ready?
Are you still there?
The sound of Black Death is coming
It will test the last vastian of faith
Amidst impending deaths
Sisera formulates the same subtle skill,
That church goers will again rest into his spill.
Helpless and hopeless people will again drill,
Believin a lie to escape the fire of hell –
For their souls to see the bliss of heaven,
To unity that’s deaf to the voice of sound reason,
With conscience stricken they will
march in unison,
To end the lives of those in opposition.
I may sound weird to those who do not pay attention
For just for a DAY there will be persecution,
Saturday is the true Lord’s day the memorial of creation,
Sunday is not mentioned once in all the holy communion-
But Sisera wants the worship for God alone,
Will force the conscience to follow his religion.
The men in black and white are now pursuing
Their planned agenda for many centenium-
Against abortion they made orphanages,
To brainwash children to them take lessons,
And when they grow they’ll write votations,
Always for Sisera’s exultation.
Have you wondered how they will make it well known?
By the media in dramas and all genre of music in exibition,
Through movies they are sending their premonitions,
To all the subjects as obligations.
How can Sisera reduce the population is through vaccination,
Responsible parenthood, homosexualism~
The poison is ready to polute the air soon in completion,
When what we have seen was only the initialization.
The Dragon is coming for his last deceptions-
He studied the vast laboratory of nature with a passion-
He has been working in great convulsions-
Of natural causes to implement communion-
Of all nation for his agendum.
Marsha says
We’ll stated, thank you Paulo.
Nada says
Even if Adventist fashionable scholars like Paulien etc. do their best to accomodate their position and faith to the very events they deny by rejecting the divine inspiration of EGW writings, it is amazing how wilfully blind (or ignorant) one must be of what is happening in the world for the last 100 years, and especially for the last 20 years… As a result, what so many non Adventists recognize, this teacher of “truth” rejects and consciously prevents others to recognize. Great sin! Great delusion! And how many trendy pastors and officials follow his way! But typology is clear: what happened to Israel during the First COming, what happened to Christian theologian through the troublesome 1260 years, the same is happening with the Adventism – APOSTASY, COWARDICE, CONFORMISM, THE LOVE OF THE WORLD… While everyone foresees catastrophes, even Atheists, this gentleman denies what he is being payed to preach!!! We should no longer trust theologians, only the Word of the LOrd and His prophets… NOW WE SHALL UNDERSTAND THE POSITION OF THE CHRIST AND HIS FOLLOWERS IN ISRAEL…
Phil Walker says
Phil Walker says
Absolutely true, we have seen how the Jesuit order has infiltrate every institution on earth,and we know our church has been singled out more than any other.
23rd of November this year 2021 world leaders meet in Scotland to discuss climate change and by the way are inviting pope Francis to unfold his agenda…rest for the earth and family (the green sabbath) how much clearer can it be, how sad as these men will face God to answer for these erroneous misrepresentations of scripture and there sweeping away any relevance of the spirit of prophecy, they have been hoodwinked by the Jesuit infiltration of our God’s Remnant Church.
Milton Wainwright says
As a lifelong, third generation Adventist, I have watched our people bending over the years,under the strain of a non-appearing Saviour. I believe it is the underlying problem here. It is assumed that we are waiting for Jesus (and that His delay is a mystery to us because we can’t see what He is doing). The truth is that WE are causing the delay and it is all explained in the sanctuary service. In the daily service our sins were transferred into the first apartment when we confessed them. Then, on the Day of Atonement, all Israel gathered about the sanctuary fasting and praying, while they followed their High Priest as he went into the Most Holy Place to blot out our sins and thus to cleanse the sanctuary (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L7xaNkgNb0 Our sins “marr”, “cripple” and “wound” us and Jesus is coming for a “glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing”. He is not coming until He has been able to finish His work – the church is to sit with Him on His throne! Dr Pauline doesn’t think much of Sister White and Great Cont. but the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy are our treasure chest with the keys to the Sealing, Latter Rain and translation into immortality. Study the chapters on the sanctuary and the Judgment, etc in Great Controversy, The Shaking in Early Writings and Joshua and the Angel in 5T starting page 472.7 Dear Ones, Don’t let this new storm engross all your attention, Jesus needs your attention while He finishes His work in you. Be a “Wise Virgin” with oil and light. God Bless. Milton
Mwila Chitakwa says
The statements by Dr Paulien remind me of the time of Noah in the book of Genesis. Noah preached rain that no one, at that time, had ever seen. The whole lot of Noah’s audience did not believe him and in the end only him and his family were saved. Noah had a message for the people but they denied it. There’s a message for our time and many, just like the times of Noah, will deny it.
Renae Atkinson says
If as Seventh-Day Adventists we are the only Protestants left, then apostate Protestantism might be referring to us and image of the beast will set up in this church. We have more the fear from within than without. Let’s pray for our leaders and our church.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
The true SDA people of God are the true protestants; the Sunday churches around and their people are not protestants but only protestants in name and so the term “protestantism”.
Joseph Rhyne says
I am saddened that it has come to a point and time where we continue to see who we perceive as legendary men in the SDA Faith, to veer off so recklessly from the Biblical truths and the prophetic word. Saddened, but not surprised, as we were informed by God’s servant (EGW) that this would happen. May we all pray that Dr. Paulien and other leaders in the conference he serves who are being led down the same slippery dangerous slope of error, be led back to the truth of the prophetic Word from which they have strayed, and are leading others to this treacherous path.
James Vernon says
Good morning Solomon, hope all is well. You are mistaken in your comment that, “satan will deceive even the very elect.” Matthew 24:24 “if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Jim H says
Jon Paulien opened a new era of interest in Bible prophecy. He is the least of our problems. I truly believe that a people so confident in what they have been taught that they barely know the Bible are most ripe for delusion. See 2 Thessalonians 2:10. A hard truth to face is that the Roman church (truly filled with heresies) is far more active fighting the abomination of abortion than the SDA church. Also, far too many readily accept the silliness of teaching that Islam has so much in common with Adventists. Those on the wrong side of the debate at the end of time will be those who followed the teachings of men and did not know their own Bible. Just telling ourselves that we know the Bible better than anyone falls far short of processing the tools to deal with what is coming. (Most of it may already be in place). Please take down your Bibles and humbly pray for understanding and insight. America threw God out in the last election by voting in a government that we knew was anti-just about everything God said was an absolute. That is the premier sign of the times. God cannot/will not protect a people married to what He called abominations.
EllenMae Griffith says
The Bible says ” to the Law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Douglas K Tavenner says
Matthew 24:36-44 – English Standard Version – No One Knows That Day and Hour:
36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[a] but the Father only.
Oscar Romero says
Exactly Right! What part of that don’t people understand?
Tom Magnusson says
Better translated as “But of that day and hour maketh known no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
This was the translation favored by James White. It also fits with Ellen White’s statement that the Father will announce the day and hour of Christ’s return.
“The voice of God is heard from Heaven, declaring the day and hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant to his people.” GC
Intithar Elias says
We only get in trouble if we abandon the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
True Adventists: keep the faith. Prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.
Personal note: I’m not sure why president Ted Wilson was named. He is a believer in sister White’s inspired writings.
Pastor Rose says
All those of you who are attacking Dr. Paulien either don’t know him or you did not understand what he said. He never criticized Ellen white. He repeatedly calls her”the spirit of prophecy” it does not get more Adventists than that. Pause, think, reflect and understand. The SDA church does not control nor dominate God! Pause and give integrity a chance.
Sharon says
What are you talking about?? Pause, give reflection and understand?? I understand perfectly well what so called “scholar” Paulin is saying. Which by the way he loved throwing out that word. I got news for you, just because someone has the word scholar in his resume doesn’t mean he has any sense. It’s the most ridiculous concept I’ve ever heard anyone say about what Mrs. White wrote and about end time events. It’s not rocket science. Sunday laws will be passed and they will be passed globally and it will be led by the United States. So goes America, so goes the world. This mumbo jumbo Paulin is spewing is just what Satan wants him to do. You want to believe his conspiracy theory, go ahead, but don’t tell me to pause, reject and understand.
Brad Tager says
I’ve been an Adventist for 6 months. I pray this man repent and recant his above statements. I only wished I haven’t been in for months, that I may have permission to speak as those that are watching and barking. Please continue to speak boldly there are yet babes in this movement, who believe the Bible and every writing of the Prophet Ellen G. White. Sunday is the mark of the beast. I have an elder at the church I go to, who has told me the Bible does not say Sunday law. The mystery of the kingdom of heaven is for me, but for them he speaks in parables.
Debora says
Brother Brad keep your courage, keep following Jesus and don’t lose faith. God will see His people through. Speak up as the Holy Spirit leads. Prayers for you.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
God be with you, brother. God said that when the time is ripe, God’s people will understand exactly what the Prophecies tell and the the needed truth for a short time. Continue on!
John Trainor says
Surprised that open apostasy is tolerated.
Sharon L. Dollosa says
Astor Dodridge Bowers says
The predicted omega of apostasy has begun! I sm not surprised. God’s truth and church will triumph!
Chrissy Collette says
Adventists had better change their tune, or they will admit defeat. Sunday law makes no sense. The US as the second beast makes no historical sense. Look around you today. The US is weakening, the catholic church is really weak. No matter how loudly you shout it, it’s just not happening.
Milton Wainwright says
The brief and simple answer is that there is more to sin than guilt and there is more to cleansing than forgiveness. Jesus went into the Most Holy Place in 1844 to begin the blotting out of sin just as Peter said, “Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and He shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you.” Acts 3:19,20. There are chapters in Great Controversy on Christ’s closing work in the Most Holy Place which was prefigured by the Day of Atonement. We have caused the delay because we must cooperate with Jesus in our cleansing and instead the virgins have been sleeping.. “The subject of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly understood by the people of God. All need a knowledge for themselves of the position and work of their great High Priest. Otherwise it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this time, or to occupy the position which God designs them to fill” Great Controversy 488
Gail Webster says
Amen to that Milton. We can choose not ot obey God if we are happy to take the consequences for disobedience, but why would you die O house of Israel?
Audrey Sandvik says
This video is so wrong Ellen white is the prophet for the end time her predictions are for us today. Just like Daniels was for the future not just for his time. The Sunday blue laws will pass. I can’t believe this man is saying these things. It goes against what Adventist’s have believed forever. But it doesn’t surprise me since he is from loma Linda and that place is so wicked. The things they teach in there schools. No one should be listening to this guy or anyone from loma Linda.
Ken Naidoo says
Finally the truth is being presented. Great enlightenment.
Many members around the world are going crazy about Sunday Law! They think that’s the gospel.
That’s all they have and now Dr Pauline has knocked the wind out of their sails. They feel empty powerless.
The Spirit of God is leading & guiding.
Well done Dr Pauline. You r a courageous scholar of God. We have drunk from the springs of heaven by your presentations.
Please stay in love with Jesus people that’s what matters most in this critical uncertain fragile time of this life. Maranatha.
It’s not what you know it’s who you know.
Ben Nyirenda says
The word of God still stands and never fails:
2 Chron. 20:20 … Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; *believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.*
*The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God.* “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God’s remnant people in the true testimony.—Selected Messages 1:48 (1890). LDE 177.5
David Pennington says
Dr Paulien has been about rewriting SDA eschatology for years. You don’t get to sell books saying something old. He is of Ford & Heppenstall’s school in several areas. He appears to completely ignore eschatological events of the last 50 years. Ellen White would not be surprised by what is happening in the church, but she would be saddened.
There may be some people in the GC who are supportive of Paulien, but I have extreme doubts that Ted Wilson would be, so far as this re-interpretation of prophecy is concerned. The Liberal arm of the church has been trying to depose Ted for years because of his conservative views. I’ve never read anything from him that wasn’t down the line on prophecy or other doctrines.
Let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater!
Ben Nyirenda says
I am shocked to read such heresy being taught in our church….It’s high time we study the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy for ourselves. We are living in the last days indeed… Blessings!
Ben Nyirenda says
The word of God still stands and never fails:
2 Chron. 20:20 … Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; *believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.*
*The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God.* “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God’s remnant people in the true testimony.—Selected Messages 1:48 (1890). LDE 177.5
Fernando says
All this discussion is great. We just need to make sure we spend our time fulfilling the great commission. At times I feel that if we spend the same amount of time reaching souls as we spend criticizing the church, We would be already on vacations in Heaven.
We need less talk and more work.
I would like to suggest to all to just think; how many bibles studies I am giving, how many people I brought to the church in the last ten years, I am I involved with my church to make an impact in my community.
That is real talk that we need to focus.
We allowing Satan to distract us with no sense talk.
Plus some of you think that our church learners are such a group of ignorants that don’t know a thing. I also will suggest that you take their places and then talk about them. Usually those that criticize never did a thing … God bless you
Rimma says
Oh my God. Help me to understand where now we are living in the stream of time.
Efren Calaguas says
this is indeed a very interesting presentation made by Dr. Jon Paulien about the “mark of the beast”. We Adventist truly believes that Sunday when promulgated by Christians authorities specially the Catholics will receive the mark of the beast when we embrace Sunday as the worship day. This was my biggest dilemma as Adventist believer. I invite you to read the article Eric Vanden Eykel Associate Professor of religion at Ferrum College about mark of the beast entitled “NO the COVID 19 VACCINE IS NOT LINKED TO THE “MARK OF THE BEAST” – BUT A FIRST CENTURY ROMAN TYRANT.
Hairstyles says
Hello! I could have sworn I’ve been to this blog before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back often!
Jason Missole says
You wrote: “Dr. Paulien is only affirming what many of our leaders already believe. His statements are a reflection of what Ted Wilson and other church leaders have already embraced. This explains why things are the way they are and why the Great Hope has replaced the Great Controversy. The modern church is now pushing the idea that the mark of the beast can be any day.”
Can you provide any evidence for this assertion. The Great Hope did. It replace the Great Controversy.
Andy Roman says
Brian Schnackenberg says
When Dr P wrote his book Present Truth, I gained a lot of respect for him.
His sermons also we’re an inspiration.
That was many years ago.
Now I would just pray that he may be given a time out by God so he can consider the simple truth rather than being caught up in our crazy world view.
Keep the Faith!
John says
Dear brothers and sisters
Reading this article is a shock to anyone who truly believe the Bible and the spirit of prophecy.
With love in my heart I can only shake my head and ask how this man can call himself a 7DA? The sad part is that he is in a position of authority and leadership. Not by his own accounts but by the Grace of God and to be a representative of fellow brothers and sisters of the 7DA church.
I am simply astonished that he remains in a leadership position. The questions begs what are the leadership of the church view on this and why is there not an outcry when Babylonian wine is displayed in such a arrogant manner.
Simply a sad day for the 7DA church and the lack of leadership. We will pray for this man and for his heart to return with unquestionable faith in the Bible and the Bible alone.
Leslie C Babatuan says
The bible is clear since the time of Daniel and his friends;
The issue that will lead to persecution s not Sunday law.
The three angels message as stated in Revelation is to Fear God and WORSHIP HIM.
WORSHIP is the issue in this last days.
As regard to Ellen White as the last day prophet, Revelation reminds us that the Testimony of Jesus was revealed to John the revelator and not to Ellen White.
Revelation 1:1-2 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
According to the messenger,
blessed is he man who read the prophecy of this book (The book of Revelation).
Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Luckson says
Please look for C.D Brooks sermon entitled “I want my check back”
You will find it online in YouTube.
It has addressed what is happening in the SDA church and encourages truth loving believers to hold on to the pillars of Adventism being broken down now!
Rachel says
It is no longer a world in which spiritualism is at the top of the radar?
There is more spiritualism today than ever before. This is the reason why God never chooses scholars as his messengers. Jon Paulien is using his own wisdom and shows lack of faith that God knows the future and can choose a humble servant to teach his people.
Where does the health message stand in our church today? Even Jon Paulien admits that the health message by EGW was inspired by God in one of his lectures on health.
I was a catholic for 21 years and I went to catholic schools and I can tell you that when I heard the Adventist message I became free and I was glad to hear the good news that Adventist preach because teaching the truth was more important than offending people. I was set free from the bondage of the totures of hell and the lies that the dead can come back to haunt you. I was able to truly love God as my faith has grown to trust in Him and to know that I will go through the judgement with Christ as my advocate as He stands in my place.
As a Catholic I understood that God was a tyrant and could only be appeased through pain and suffering. I never understood why Christ suffered
on the cross and that he died for me.
This is why Revelation says to come out of her… and be not partakers of her sins. You will never save a Catholic with a watered down version of what Adventist beleive. It is the Holly Spirit that convicts the person of truth so we need to tell the truth. Jesus spoke the truth and warned that many would be offended because of Him. It takes courage to speak the truth today more than ever before so let us not be discouraged by what some preachers are teaching today. Why is this man teaching his views in our schools? and to our young people? Where are the watchers of our faith? I am saddened.
Eldjr says
Just leaving this right here:
That night I dreamed that I was in Battle Creek looking out from the side glass at the door and saw a company marching up to the house, two and two. They looked stern and determined. I knew them well and turned to open the parlor door to receive them, but thought I would look again. The scene was changed. The company now presented the appearance of a Catholic procession. One bore in his hand a cross, another a reed. And as they approached, the one carrying a reed made a circle around the house, saying three times: “This house is proscribed. The goods must be confiscated. They have spoken against our holy order.” Terror seized me, and I ran through the house, out of the north door, and found myself in the midst of a company, some of whom I knew, but I dared not speak a word to them for fear of being betrayed. I tried to seek a retired spot where I might weep and pray without meeting eager, inquisitive eyes wherever I turned. I repeated frequently: “If I could only understand this! If they will tell me what I have said or what I have done!” {1T 577.2}
I wept and prayed much as I saw our goods confiscated. I tried to read sympathy or pity for me in the looks of those around me, and marked the countenances of several whom I thought would speak to me and comfort me if they did not fear that they would be observed by others. I made one attempt to escape from the crowd, but seeing that I was watched, I concealed my intentions. I commenced weeping aloud, and saying: “If they would only tell me what I have done or what I have said!” My husband, who was sleeping in a bed in the same room, heard me weeping aloud and awoke me. My pillow was wet with tears, and a sad depression of spirits was upon me. {1T 578.1}
Eldjr says
One more:
Moving a Block or Stirring a Pin.–I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body. God looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps,–the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, “Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. The true understanding of these messages is of vital importance. The destiny of souls hangs upon the manner in which they are received.” I was again brought down through these messages, and saw how dearly the people of God had purchased their experience. It had been obtained through much suffering and severe conflict. God had led them along step by step, until He had placed them upon a solid, immovable platform. –Early Writings, pp. 258, 259. (1858.) {CW 53.1}
More to be pitied than censured, “Legends” like this man are sowing to the wind, and – except they repent – they shall reap the whirlwind. God is not mocked. Arguments from ‘authority and position’ are provender for papists, not protestants.
C.W. Good says
True, there will be no worldwide Sunday laws. Muslims outnumber Catholics in the world now and believe that Christians are infidels. (You will get
arrested if you distribute Bibles in Muslim countries.) So Muslims will not accept anything Christian, including Sunday laws. We need to use common sense here instead of speculation. Besides, SDAs have been predicting Sunday laws since 1888 that have not come true. The mark of the
beast will be a physical mark, easily identified by everyone. The false christ to appear will be responsible for this. We, as Christians, just need to
constantly abide in Jesus and tell others to do the same. This is my prayer for everyone. C.W. Good
Magali Demler says
I don’t normally comment but I gotta state thankyou for the post on this special one : D.
Hannah Ezra says
I just can’t believe….. O LORD forgives us, forgive to our leaders…..Please, God has His remnant Church Rev.12:17 and there you will know who is His remnant church. The people who reject the Spirit of Prophecy is rejecting our King Christ, Rev.19:10, and Isa 8:20, Rev.1:3 Please, read and find that the sin will not be more than 6000 years, impossible, because our Almighty God says: “for 6000 years satan has struggled to maintain in possession this world, … search in EGW writings will come many…. also search about 4000 years…. but write in letters….
Adam Cirkic says
People in church, generations are changing, the prophecy remains the same. In Matthew 24 Jesus mentioned ‘abomination of desolation’ and ‘sabbath day’, all together in context of the very end times, people of the Bible should recognize the meaning in these verses.
Darwin says
How can Dr. Jon Paulien state that God is consistent if He is unpredictable. Consistency always makes things predictable. Egs.
Easter weekend is always predictable because the sun, moon, and the other heavenly bodies are consistent.
Haley’s comet is predictable because it is consistent.
So is God predictable because He is consistent?
Or is God unpredictable because He is not consistent? Or is God unpredictable because He is consistent?
You decide!
Cindy Johnson says
I am shocked about Dr. Paulien’s statements! If this is the way the Adventist church is going, I will no longer donate to any Adventist conference! What he is saying is apostacy and I’m surprised he’s allowed to teach at LLU.
I agree with the writer that to discredit Ellen White as Dr. Paulien has done is to remove the ‘Voice of Prophecy’ from the Adventist religion and therefore makes the Adventist church NOT the remnant referred to in the Bible!
Dr. Paulien is the one that needs to be discreditted!
C.W. Good says
There are many problems with Seventh-day Adventism that are now being exposed to wake SDAs up and help them be ready for heaven. Ellen White can be proven to
be a fraud. The investigative judgment teaching of SDAs is unbiblical. So is a worldwide Sunday law being the mark of the beast. John 3:16 has not changed on how
people are saved. Over 15,000 abortions (non-life threatening and for profit) have been performed for 50 years in SDA hospitals and covered up. (How is teaching lies
and murdering unborn babies commandment-keeping? It is not! And yet the SDA Church claims to be God’s remnant, law-keeping people. How blind and self-deceived is this?) The SDA Church will never confess and repent of these things. Their leaders protect Ellen White instead of the Bible, are money driven, bullies, and
like the Sanhedrin of old. Unless there is confession, repentance, and fasting in these matters, SDAs will fulfill the “Lord, Lord” group Jesus told us about, that will be
called “workers of iniquity” and in line for the lake of fire with the devil and his evil angels. Thousands of SDAs have left their church over the above stated things. It is
only common sense and the correct action in a crooked environment. Many are praying for them, including myself, and I hope the reader will too. God bless.
Rita Perry says
I am continually searching online for posts that can help me. Thank you!
Heather says
Finally, a biblical scholar takes a stand for Christ to outline fallacies central to the SDA church. EGW was a thief and stole the work for the GC from Paradise Lost which sympathized with the devil. That is not something we should be doing as followers of Christ. We should all be studying the Bible and the Bible alone, and be wary. The mark of the beast is present in those that follow false prophets, defend false prophets, and refuse to evaluate if the teachings are biblical of God. Watch and be ready. I follow the Lamb.
Former SDA
Hansen says
There is no passage in the Bible that says the Sabbath is the seal of God. Romans 4 says that circumcision was the seal of God:
Ro 4:11 And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which [he had yet] being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:
In NT times, the gift of the Holy Spirit is the seal of God:
2Co 1:22 Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.
Eph 1:13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
That’s not the end of the matter. It is something to be considered,
ディズニー裏話 says
Hearth a gun in a sport set in a unbelievable alternate dimension and there isn’t any telling.