“For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.” Exodus 12:12. This Bible verse demonstrates a real showdown and confrontation between the one, […]
While Pope Francis Venerates Mother Earth, Adventist Health wants You to Connect with Nature
Pope Francis is attributing the current global crisis to man’s damage to the environment. On Sunday, March 22, 2020, Pope Francis did an online interview with the journalist Jordi Evolve. The Pope was asked about the condition of our planet and if the current global crisis was nature’s judgment upon humanity. In the above video […]
Adventist Health Glendale has been Hosting an Annual Feast Called the “Blessings of Grapes” that Commemorates the Virgin Mary’s Ascension into Heaven
In the above video you will see part of the “Blessings of Grapes” ceremony at Adventist Health Glendale. Armenian Orthodox bishops and priests gathered together with hospital administrators and staff to bless the grapes and to call upon the Virgin Mary. Ecumenism has become the new golden calf (Exodus 32:8) that all the churches of […]
A Drifter Walks Into Church and Steals the Show
This video taken at a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil was recently posted on Facebook by Alcyon Dalle Carbonare. The video shows what appears to be a homeless man in church showing off his skills in front of the people. The visitor was having a great time. Modern and cool music created a fun atmosphere. The musical […]
A Seventh-day Adventist University and two Academies presented a Fully-staged Theatrical Performance Complete with Roman Catholic Nuns
https://www.facebook.com/lasierrauniversitymusic/posts/3005642009467058?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDzN_aqWfaNPyau5jI-nYVh6dZL3V82QWyeAqqQFdCJUAUEJ6PLp-qNMiZWhqGUrarxLEm0rUQk0pdzZkH2lSZNudRlyI-pyhF61PIxcfDVZ-FI52VpiOwuyOXaUeEOnhJtwzuIUk6gEwnmI6cErd_6wcDhZdlu-bKkU3SyvgHa4EaQP2GP_qzwVWIT8uGxfER96R5QxHoC31sumFYOsOi3SFXxbj7j5846uSFj5QZ9KHd3uNismCG1hTpKayeju4ZRC_wPxFaotXCUH7KeBvkoIkL34LaUu94QkJx_ThVmIAfKEdwEd2UBLqie_5OHRMjR69pnYJaLnnE7348nTYa52crhzo47A5aC_17O4yF0UI5v65JFHS_Pn-SGpHzr22tnA5j76F1g0VMi4OlJEKPSLrdXE0ut-4wviLHe3doPsYQvf1nrCEYaRwxD6AvvZp2X_GQTuIqJkNy_rSpz&__tn__=-R Romanism, feminism and theatrical entertainment were all on full display during a 4 night event from February 29, 2020 to March 8, 2020 at the Hole Memorial Auditorium located on the campus of La Sierra University. [1] [2] [3] The entire production cast was composed of students from the La Sierra University’s Music Department […]
Several Seventh-day Adventist Churches will be Celebrating Lent and Ecumenism
As Seventh-day Adventists, we pride ourselves in placing the Scriptures above tradition. We reject the idea of exalting fallible man to the same level of God’s word. We disagree with other Protestant and Catholic churches for adding things to the Bible, for misapplying God’s word and for allowing man-made traditions to be celebrated in the […]
Feminism is a Rebellion Designed to Destroy the Church
This is Part 2 of a two-part study. If you have not read Part 1, you can do so by clicking here. “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31. After God made male and female He tells us how everything turned out in the above […]
Feminism is being Spearheaded by Wimpy Men Who Reject the Clear Teachings of Scripture
The ongoing women’s ordination debate taking place in the church today is only the tip of the feminist iceberg. If we don’t fight feminism on every front, the annihilation of every institution that God gave us at Creation will also be at risk. Below is a video published by “Whole Life Church” a Seventh-day Adventist […]
Adventist News Network Addresses the Interfaith Charter Signed in Bologna, Italy
Adventist News Network (ANN) is the official news agency for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. ANN’s offices are located at the General Conference Headquarters in Silver Springs, Maryland. On February 24, 2020 they made a statement on the signing of the Ecumenical Charter we wrote about last week. ANN writes in part: “On Saturday, 25 January […]
We Need the Spirit and Power of Elijah in an Unprecedented Way
There is a terrible void in our world today. At this present time there is a prophetic vacancy in the church. The missing person whose whereabouts is unknown is the Prophet Elijah. Someone needs to file a missing person’s report because Elijah hasn’t been around. While the prophets of Baal abound, Elijah is nowhere to […]
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