On Saturday, February 4, 2023, Ted Wilson joined a crowd of about 50,000 people for a “Big Sabbath” event at the Nationals Hero Stadium in Lusaka, Zambia. Ted Wilson met with the Seventh-day Adventist leadership from Zambia, the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, and other members of the Seventh-day Adventist church for a special Sabbath celebration. The “Guest of Honor” for this event was Zambia’s President Hakainde Hichilema.
President Hichilema stood up and told all the people gathered that all of the denominations are one in the body of Christ and that we must work together in unity. This is the same teaching espoused by Pope Francis, which says that regardless of our religious affiliation, we are all members of a universal fraternity and that we must promote a culture of cooperation and solidarity throughout the world. According to CIC Press Team, President Hichilema expressed the following:
“The President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Mr. Hakainde Hichilema has said the Zambian Government will continue working with the church in various areas of development. He was speaking yesterday at the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka where he guest the Big Sabbath of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Mr. Hakainde Hichilema emphasized that while we are of different denominations, we are one in the body of Christ and for that we are to work together in unity in the development of our country.” [1]
“I would say what I love to say, that unity in diversity in this our Christian nation; anchored on love, anchored on trust and hard work is the way we shall achieve,” he said. “And I want to thank our church, and other churches for evangelizing our country and the world all over. May God lead our leaders of the church in their noble duties, taking us where we ought to go,” he added. [1]
“The President was accompanied to celebrate the Big Sabbath of the SDA church by the First Lady Madam Mutinta Hichilema, the General Conference President of the SDA church Pr. Ted N.C Wilson and his wife, senior Government officials and Church Leaders of the SDA.” [1]
Here, it is clear that the President of Zambia and member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hakainde Hichilema, is promoting the ecumenical movement’s message of unity and cooperation with other Christian denominations at Ted Wilson’s event. He is advancing the notion that all religions are a single entity within the body of Christ. He even praises all the churches for “evangelizing” the nation of Zambia.
The Vatican is spreading this exact same message. This is what is causing our distinctive testing truths to be lost. This is causing all of the churches to come together to find points of common ground in order to create interfaith unity. Instead of concentrating on preaching the everlasting gospel, calling people to come out of Babylon, and warning people about the mark of the beast, President Hakainde Hichilema is essentially advocating for the idea that we should downplay our distinctive truths and become overly focused on political agendas, such as social justice. This is the same President of Zambia who traveled to the Vatican and bowed before the Pope. [2]
Ted Wilson then stood and delivered a 40-minute sermon. Surely, Ted Wilson would address these errors. Ted Wilson would certainly point out these false theological assertions. Wilson would at the very least talk about the dangers associated with the ecumenical movement. No. He didn’t do any of this. President Ted Wilson simply went on to keep praising Hakainde Hichilema.
Ted Wilson, President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, gave a 40-minute talk in which he expressed the following:
Minute 1:05 – “It was a great privilege to meet with his Excellency President Hichilema on Monday. In fact, we had a wonderful meeting. It was a time that I understood that people in the country are looking to understanding how to be unified to life upon the wonderful word of God, penetrating into every community around this vast country in Zambia. I understood also that the president has a vision. He has an objective. He has a goal … I came away from that meeting, in state house with members of parliament, cabinet members; what a privilege it was to meet with them, with a feeling that Zambia is on the right road.”
Minute 2:21 – “I want to tell you something; I believe God is working through President Hichilema and his dear wife and cabinet ministers just as God worked through Joseph. You see Joseph went through many challenging difficulties, but Joseph rose to prominence not to bring glory to himself but to help people … It was a privilege to be hosted by your president and his wife. What a privilege to be hosted in their home, to converse together, and to pray together. I am very happy that God is guiding in the country of Zambia.”
Minute 5:09 – “I am very grateful that our President is not only His Excellency, the President, Mr. Hichilema, but that he is the President ‘brother’ Hichilema. And we are grateful that he and his wife are with us.”
President Ted Wilson continued by encouraging those present to advance and spread the gospel throughout the nation. Wilson discussed the importance of studying the Bible and praying to God for assistance in serving others. He talked about lifting up Jesus and doing good deeds wherever we go. Ted Wilson did mention the “Three Angels’ Messages,” but he didn’t go into any details about them.
Finally, President Wilson spoke about the privilege of being part of the worldwide movement that is waiting for the second coming of Jesus. He gave an invitation to the people to become part of the Seventh-day Adventist movement. He closed with prayer and thanked God for the nation of Zambia and for its president.
This situation is distressing for various reasons. We have long been subjected to the heretical proposals made by the ecumenical movement, which asserts that because we are all one, we must work together. Throughout Adventism, this message has been rapidly spreading. Every day, more and more religious leaders are expressing these exceedingly dangerous viewpoints, just like President Hichilema of Zambia did at Ted Wilson’s Big Sabbath event.
But the seriousness of this situation is further highlighted by the fact that these sentiments were expressed to Seventh-day Adventists, the media, representatives of the government, members of other churches, and in the presence of Ted Wilson. Wilson was sitting a few feet away when these gross biblical errors were being espoused to the people in his presence. Tragically, Ted Wilson didn’t say or do anything to clear up the apostasy. He let it slide, even though he claims to believe that the ecumenical movement is dangerous and we should have no part in it.
We have always known that many in the laity, in general, are used to uncritically accepting what comes “from above.” But here we have Ted Wilson, who does nothing to clarify or, at the very least, qualify these errors. Instead, he praises Zambia’s President Hichilema. How can people sit and listen to error without taking action, especially if you are the President of the General Conference? How do you let that pass? In Ted Wilson’s remarks, there was no warning against the dangers of ecumenism. He left the people in error.
We can only draw the conclusion that Ted Wilson is in complete agreement with the ecumenical movement’s assertion that all churches ought to unite and cooperate to advance a common witness. Otherwise, why wouldn’t Ted Wilson speak up? Was Ted Wilson in the dark about what was said? No, he heard everything. Was it the fear of the consequences or the pushback that comes for refuting these errors? Could it be that Ted Wilson might simply not be aware of the best course of action to take? Or does he just feel helpless, knowing that nothing will really change, which leads people to adopt an attitude of hopelessness and inaction? Whatever the reason, God can never condone inaction.
“Would that every minister might realize the sacredness of his office and the holiness of his work, and show the courage that Elijah showed! As divinely appointed messengers, ministers are in a position of awful responsibility. They are to ‘reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering.’ 2 Timothy 4:2. In Christ’s stead they are to labor as stewards of the mysteries of heaven, encouraging the obedient and warning the disobedient. With them worldly policy is to have no weight. Never are they to swerve from the path in which Jesus has bidden them walk. They are to go forward in faith, remembering that they are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. They are not to speak their own words, but words which One greater than the potentates of earth has bidden them speak. Their message is to be, ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ God calls for men like Elijah, Nathan, and John the Baptist—men who will bear His message with faithfulness, regardless of the consequences; men who will speak the truth bravely, though it call for the sacrifice of all they have. God cannot use men who, in time of peril, when the strength, courage, and influence of all are needed, are afraid to take a firm stand for the right. He calls for men who will do faithful battle against wrong, warring against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. It is to such as these that He will speak the words: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; … enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.’ Matthew 25:23.” (Prophets and Kings, p. 142).
We should only support men who support God’s word. If they do not, we must pray for them and admonish them.
Ellen White the prophet of God and the Pioneers of our faith were nontrinitarian and knew that pagan doctrine was incorporated long ago into the church of Rome. In 1981 The Seventh Day Adventist Church made that a part of their statement of beliefs and made it a test of membership….something that the Pioneers taught against doing. The ecumenical movement along with abortions and other heretical things have now been in the church for decades. The omega of apostasy has brought about what Sister White said would wash away the foundation of our faith.
What has the trinitarian doctrine got to do with this article? EGW said there are three beings in the God head. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We have many in our churches today that are denying this belief. They say that the Holy Spirit is the “spirit of Christ”. They are headed down a dark path, by grieving away the true Holy Spirit! Again, this subject has nothing to do with this article. We need to stay on course, and comment on the article that has been presented.
Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
I think James made his point very well on the connection between the heresy that has crept into our church (trinitarianism-tri-theism) and the subsequent heresies of ecumenism with Rome and other abominations.
We deny not the “Heavenly trio”. We do question if the modern trinitarian doctrine Biblically describes their nature and relationship to one another. There is no need to bash the free exchange of ideas here.
That is true my brother.The Father to the president said” I see the Roman Catholic organization,which is the seventh day adventist church”.That was in 1980.May our heavenly Father help us is my prayer.
Satan has really got ahold of Ted Wilson!
God is working with the faithful who love God and keep His commandments.
God help us!
I find it so sad and very troubling that Ted Wilson allowed such a display of paganism to take hold of him and this man. Ted Wilson and all our leaders need much prayer in these last days of earths history! It is so easy to get sweep up into this type of scenario. He had such a great opportunity to witness to so many people. It seems that he just goes around the world, speaking, and lets the beliefs of that country, or any country, have its own set of beliefs.
I pray that the next president of the General Conference will be stronger and tougher in these last days. I hope that he will set the record straight that Ted Wilson has seemed to bend so much. That the straight and true testimony will be preached to all the world, so that we can go home!!!
Very sad and blatant behavior against God’s principles. This is the time to fill our lamps with oil and to be ready to hear and give the midnight cry- come out of her My people and Go out to meet Him. May we be found among the faithful ones that look up recognizing when our redemption draweth nigh and that have separated from everything that is abominable to God.
Linda F. Taylor you need to study thoroughly the bible concerning the topic of Godhead and the history of this denomination of seventh day adventist church because it is one of the heresies that will usher the national sunday law.Since the inception of this denomination under the first general conference of 1863 our pioneers had 25 fundamental principals which are pillars of our faith there was no such doctrine about the the trinity. If you read the first and second principle it talks about God and Christ; this was first published in 1872 -1889 version (25 fundamental beliefs as taught and practised by the seventh day adventists).These principals were written by James White.This heresy of omega of apostacy crept slowly into the church after the GC president of that time Mr .Arthur G.Daniels instructed his fellow jesuit Le Roy Froom to wait until all the pioneers disappear out of the scene. The last SDA pioneer to die was John loughborough in 1924.We should remember Sister White predicted that great changes would take place after her death and by the year 1926 many jesuits and members of communism flocked in large numbers in the seventh day adventist church to learn theology and study and being baptised to become pastors and that was the beggining of apostacy in the SDA church.In the year 1931 the General conference voted to have a church manual and published the first statement of 22 beliefs which included the trinity doctrine .But in the year 1883 pioneers had voted no to reject the church manual why? Because they knew the church manual did not contain principals of the bible but the dictates and commandments of men.The current version of 28 fundamental beliefs was voted in the year 1981 after officially the trinity doctrine was adopted by the church. Le Roy Froom was instrumental in this apostacy and in his book( movement of destiny page 414).he says that the four members of General conference committee voted to include this heretical doctrine of trinity the members were Gc president Charles H. Watson; Francis Mclelan Wilcox; M.E Carn L.Roy froom that’s how trinity got into the seventh day adventist church. By the year 1980 the trinity doctrine was officially adopted by the dallas convention of delegates of SDA worldwide and the father of the current Gc president by then Neal C.Wilson said that we have a truly universal catholic church the seventh day adventist church.Also anther important point worthy to consider is the publication of the book the title Lest we forget authored by George R .Knight page 288 he says most of the SDA pioneers would not be able to join this church because fundamental belief number 2. the trinity.