One by one they are dropping like flies, joining the same fashionable climate change movement with the likes of Pope Francis, Greta Thunberg and other globalists. We have literally exchanged the message of the sanctuary, the Three Angels’ Message, the investigative judgment and other unique features of our faith for a new mission and calling. Many Seventh-day Adventists are now dedicating their efforts to saving the earth, restoring the ecology, preserving the environment and combating climate change. Surely we are losing our vision and identity by embracing the world’s message.
On November 26, 2021, the Inter-European Division, the governing body of Seventh-day Adventists living in Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland, released the following official statement in response to the climate change movement:
“ADRA in the United Kingdom and ADRA’s Africa Regional Office joined forces with the Scottish Adventist Mission to initiate a year-long environmental stewardship initiative pilot known as ASAP to tackle the effects of climate change strategically and practically while raising awareness of its effects and the responsibility among individuals. ASAP is a platform for international and cross-cultural collaboration where global actors, local communities, and young people can contribute to a faith-based response to the climate change agenda … the partnership aims to reduce the carbon footprint of a national faith-based organization, connect communities in the global north with communities in the global south to promote environmental stewardship, and create awareness and engagement around faith-based responsibility to the environment. Climate change concerns all of us, not just the most vulnerable people on this planet. It is one of the biggest threats humanity faces in modern times. It is important to mitigate the negative effects, adapt to changes quickly and assertively, so we can guarantee the wellbeing of humanity within the planetary boundaries.” [1]
Ensuring the well-being of the “planetary boundaries” and saving the Earth is not our job. This mission is not found in the Scriptures. You can find this moral duty in Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ climate encyclical, but it is not contained in the gospel commission given to the church. Preserving the planet is God’s responsibility, not ours. God’s word clearly tells us that the earth will be guarded and reserved by God’s own power:
“For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” 2 Peter 3:5-7.
When we examine the Holy Scriptures we come to the conclusion that our world was created by God. This means we must reject the theory of evolution and the climate dooms-day hysteria:
“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.” Psalm 33:6-9.
Peter tells us that men are “willingly ignorant” about how our world came into existence. Our culture rejects God as Creator who spoke from heaven and by His word created all things. And the Holy Scriptures also tell us that “the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word,” are being preserved for the “day of judgment” (2 Peter 3: 7). What does this tell us? It tells us that this generation is also completely ignorant of the fact that God is the one who will preserve this world and prevent it from being destroyed until the Second Coming of Christ:
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10.
The divine mission given to Seventh-day Adventists is not to try to preserve the cosmos, but to prepare people for the judgment. This world is judgment-bound and we have a message that says, “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” (Revelation 14:7).
We have no moral obligation to preserve the “planetary boundaries.” God does. Our moral obligation is to preserve the gospel of Christ by proclaiming His divine mandate given to us in Revelation 14:6-12. It was Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ who created a new “moral” obligation for the environment and the world is responding to this call:
“Hence, in addition to a fairer sense of intergenerational solidarity there is also an urgent moral need for a renewed sense of intragenerational solidarity.” (Laudato Si’ #125).
“Human ecology also implies another profound reality: the relationship between human life and the moral law, which is inscribed in our nature and is necessary for the creation of a more dignified environment.” (Laudato Si’ #155).
However, despite the universal call for church and state to unite on the Pope’s eco-theology to save the planet, God’s word NEVER supports a moral obligation regarding the environment. This new, great, universal, religious concern for the environment has only become mainstream during this generation and is a huge moral distraction that ignores sin, rebellion and apostasy – the true causes for the deplorable conditions on the earth.
Popular opinion says that consumerism, CO2, and a free market economy are responsible for all floods, fires, earthquakes and disasters. So, there is no need to repent of our sins and rebellion because the biggest problems today are the socio-economic ones. That’s the world’s version of why our world is riddled with chaos. Tragically, many Seventh-day Adventists are accepting the same secular views on climate change that was proposed at COP26. The secular humanist view is one that completely ignores the Holy Scriptures and promotes the radical hysteria that our human civilization will come to an end within the next 10 years or less unless immediate and bold action is taken to reduce CO2, not sin.
Our interpretation of what is happening on earth and in our environment must be filtered through the word of God. Instead of accepting what God says about the environment, we have embraced the popular, ecumenical and morally bankrupt message that is absent from biblical truth. We are reinterpreting the biblical signs of the times (natural and man-made disasters) that declare that Jesus is coming soon. Instead, we attribute the signs of the times of Christ’s coming as the new reason for embarking on a global mission of saving the environment. This new emphasis is called the greatest threat to humanity. It is an illusion and a distraction created by the great deceiver to keep us away from our true calling:
“More clearly than we do we need to understand the issues at stake in the great conflict in which we are engaged. We need to understand more fully the value of the truths of the word of God and the danger of allowing our minds to be diverted from them by the great deceiver” (Ministry of Healing, p. 451).
The modern climate movement is a distraction created by the “great deceiver” to divert our minds from the real moral issues of our time. Natural ecology has become more important than human ecology. We want to preserve the natural habitats of the animal species instead of preserving the souls of men and women who are being threatened with extinction because of sin, apostasy and rebellion against God’s law. Where is the burden for saving souls in this great period of lawlessness? Sadly, we are being diverted from this sacred calling through “false educators” and a “false science.”
“These false educators exalt nature above nature’s God and above the Author of all true science. At the very time when teachers should have been firm and unwavering in their testimony, at the very time when it should have been made manifest that their souls were riveted to the eternal Rock, when they should have been able to inspire faith in those who were doubting, they made admission of their own uncertainty as to whether the word of God or the discoveries of science falsely so-called were true” (Medical Ministry, p. 90).
There are false educators and false scientists who are exalting nature and creating a pseudo-religion that embraces spiritualism. Our culture presents the earth and the cosmos as the center of all that we are and all that we must do. Nature is being presented as the object of our reverence and adoration. Animals, trees, water and the material world are placed on the same level as God. This rejects the core teachings of Scripture, and when Seventh-day Adventists join this movement, we blur the line between truth and modern paganism and join the work of fallen angels:
“We shall have to meet fallen angels and the prince of the powers of darkness. Satan is by no means asleep; he is wide-awake, and is playing the game of life for the souls of the people of God. He will come to them with flattery of all kinds, in the hope of leading them to swerve from their allegiance. He desires to call their attention from the real issues to false theories” (Medical Ministry, p. 93).
There is a demonic effort to try to make us forget our identity and ignore God’s testing truths during this solemn moment of earth’s history. We are allowing the fallen angels and the prince of darkness to prescribe a new understanding and a new responsibility for the environment. It is a new morality and a new mission that is based on Catholic social doctrine. The heretical teachings of Rome are causing us to bury the teachings of Christ that God wants us to boldly proclaim today.
We cannot allow misguided men who do not have our best interest at heart to deceive us. We must resist this effort and not allow the powers that be to intimidate us into submitting to the dangerous theories of Rome’s new world order. This climate agenda is nothing more than a propaganda campaign spreading misinformation and fear and designed to distract us from our work of being the depository of God’s moral law during this time.
Thank you for faithfully revealing the deception creeping into the SDA church. Leaders are clearly not investigating enough to know they are falling into a trap. I’ve been involved with research since 2015 and found a network of organizations working in concert toward a global religion. Here are a few to add to the list.
* Religions for Peace
* URI (United Religions Initiative) one of the most scurrulous.
* Sunday Alliance (Huge in Europe where Ladato Si is heavily promoted)
* Climate Sunday: largest (at 9,248 churches in GB), an ecumenical christian movement for climate justice
Add to over 75 faith based organizations who’s mission statement is Ecumenism and this tsunami will not stop. You just need to know how to get out of the way!
This is not in the distant future! Prophecy is unfolding with the tares and wheat growing together until the harvest…. educate -, learn – inquire and go to the source to know what’s actually going on… Better still read your bible to see what we are being warned about is significant. Where will you be found?
It is unbelievable to see the decline, even more rapidly over the last few years – why are those that should know better, asleep, or are fast falling asleep, not studying for themselves, but just relying on the so-called ministers to keep them informed. And we are told that we have to stay with the ship.
Very well said. Many are being deceived because they haven’t read the Bible and SOP.
Bonjour,mais où était l’homme quand Dieu créa les cieux et la terre,Dieu est maître du temps,et tout ce qui à été fait,vient de lui,et lui seul,maintenant l’homme veut s’approprier et gérer ce qui appartient a Dieu,quand DIEU plaça Adam,et Eve dans le jardin d’éden,c’était pour qu’il le cultive,et en prendre soins,et non être le propriétaire puisque tout ce que contient la terre appartient a Dieu,une fois de pus l’ennemi de nos âmes est à l’oeuvre,en séduisant ceux à qui Dieu à mis à la tête du troupeau,et qui devrait en rendre compte de la gérance de celui-ci.Il est écrit que des églises entière se perdrons avec leurs pasteurs,et leurs membres,car ils se sont détournés des commandements divin,et de la paroles de DIEU.Il y a tant d’exemples dans la bible,pour nous rappelés,toutes ses choses.Que Dieu ai pitié de nous.
Take heart brothers and sisters, we have been muchly warned that this would exactly occur. ‘At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason’. Numbers mean nothing in this final engagement. Christ our fearless commander has never lost a battle! His victory is certain- our concern right now is to be cooperating with our Great High Priest in preparation for receiving the latter rain. God bless everyone of you as you continue to serve our Lord.
Amen J3 !!! Our only hope of eternal life is being cleansed from all unrighteousness and the way is with Jesus in the Sanctuary, even in the most Holy place !!!
Comment des responsables de la dernière église, le reste du peuple de Dieu qui a l’Esprit de prophétie pourraient participer au projet de l’impie et prétendre s’impliquer pour sauver la planète ? Je ne comprends pas. Messieurs, je ne vous comprends pas. Faites la lumière et pisitionnez-vous clairement. Moi, je veux comprendre et l’église du se débarrasser des pailles
Comment des responsables de la dernière église, le reste du peuple de Dieu qui a l’Esprit de prophétie pourraient participer au projet de l’impie et prétendre s’impliquer pour sauver la planète ? Je ne comprends pas. Messieurs, je ne vous comprends pas. Faites la lumière et pisitionnez-vous clairement. Moi, je veux comprendre et l’église doit se débarrasser des pailles