By Robert Richardson
Dearly Beloved, Even when you know it’s coming, it’s HARD when you come face to face with the truth. Over the years, Loma Linda University professor Jon Paulien shared views that put him under suspicion in my mind, wondering how long it will be before his views fully express rebellion against this message that God established to continue the Reformation in a world that was rapidly decaying in justice and truth against the ascendancy of the little horn.
In my view, Dr. Paulien’s words at the Biblical Symposium on Final Events advocated the true sentiments, not only of himself, but also of our leadership in all its forms. When a person comes face to face with open heresy and does not openly rebuke it, they fall into the same condemnation. Everyone involved in organizing, supporting or publicizing that symposium is in full agreement with what was presented. What it represented was rebellion in its highest degree against the message and mission of God. If nothing was challenged by the higher leadership, they fall under the same reproach.
It is odd that there are some similarities between Dr. Jon Paulien and King Saul of the Bible, the son of Kish. Dr. Paulien is nice-looking, has personal qualities, a way of speaking and magnetic charm. We read about Saul:
“There was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he. 1 Samuel 9:2. Of noble and dignified bearing, in the prime of life, comely and tall, he appeared like one born to command” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 608).
Yet inspiration goes on to say:
“Yet with these external attractions, Saul was destitute of those higher qualities that constitute true wisdom.” (Ibid. p. 606).
Dear brothers and sisters in faith, after Dr. Paulien made his views public, I can only conclude that this same judgment passes to Dr. Jon Paulien, sad to say. I must share another similarity; it is called TYPE and ANTITYPE. The type was when:
“God had separated the Israelites from every other people, to make them His own peculiar treasure. But they desired to imitate the heathen! As the professed people of God depart from the Lord, they become ambitious for the honors of the world. Many urge that by uniting with worldlings and conforming to their customs they might exert a stronger influence over the ungodly. But all who pursue this course separate from the Source of their strength. Becoming friends of the world, they are enemies of God. (From Eternity Past, pp. 439, 440).
We can see this same scenario being played out in the Antitype of God’s church today. Actually, I cannot get this thought out of my mind. Why is it intrinsically built into the structure of the church that our pastors, once they have been appointed to a church, can teach and preach whatever heretical views they adopt, and is that okay? They still have their jobs and receive their paycheck.
There is no place on this earth, if that were done in any other workplace, they would be fired on the spot. However, the Church of God, which has and administers the gift of salvation to the human soul, can sit back and SAY NOTHING AND PUT UP WITH IT YEAR AFTER YEAR. There is something very wrong with this picture. I read in the statement above that becoming a friend of the world you become an enemy of God.
In closing, our beloved Church was not brought into existence by man or woman, but by the omnipotent hand of God. It was He who gave this church its name, Seventh-day Adventist. It was He who designed our logo of the three angels flying around the earth. Both were to be boldly displayed and proclaimed to the world until the second coming of Jesus. It was He who gave this church its message, and it was He who gave this church its mission.
Despite the heresy we see and hear all around us, I can only say to you, beloved, the same thing I said to my wife when I became aware of this Biblical Symposium on Final Events last night, and that was this: We know that it will happen, the pen of inspiration has told us. The more our church falls into the Omega of Apostasy, the more we have to stand firm in our relationship with our Savior and the truth He has entrusted us to proclaim. “The truth must not be hid. It must not be denied or disguised, but fully avowed, and boldly proclaimed.” (2SM 369-370). The more the bright lights go out, the more ours should shine.
Love and Blessings to all,
Robert Richardson
I have tried to listen to Pauline’s message. So far however, I have only made it about 30 minutes in, and I am sick to my stomach. I will listen to it all. I want to listen (not really) to the whole symposium, to know the depths of the errors being presented, that I might speak to it for others. May the Lord help me to do it in a timely manner and with a prayer on my lips and His Spirit in my heart.
Yes. I knew this was coming. I have learned much in the past several years, and it only convinces me that we are mere seconds from the final tole of the bell for this planet.
This person and his ilk are why I stand by my statement concerning who “THE CHURCH” is. People like to use the statement given in Spirit of Prophecy concerning the appearance of the church falling and yet not…
[I believe] the church that does not fall is NOT the ORGANIZATION\STRUCTURE but THE PEOPLE, that the organization is already in a free-fall. It is the ORGANIZATION that is joining with the beast power. STAY IN THE CHURCH means stay in the truth, not the ORGANIZATION. I am not advocation leaving it (yet), but I am pointing out that there will be a time when we will need to because it will be they, THE ORGANIZATION, that will be our Judas.
When we are asked what we believe, and it does not match what the ORGANIZATION says is “our” beliefs, we will then be “proven” wrong and thus worthy of death.
Harry Wilson. I want to converse with you over your opinion here with which I agree wholeheartedly
Contact Andy Roman at and ask him to give you my phone number
… Frank M.
I agree with your comment also. Thank you. It’s comforting to know there are others who are faithful to the SDA message even when it seems as if the organization is crumbling from within.
We are ‘sighing and crying’ in spirit.
Thank you again for your thoughtful comment.
The Wheat will grow with the Tares. God will do the separating! 1 King 19:18 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal.
I Samuel 4:21 “The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken” .
The remnant of the Lord need to stand firm together more than an ever before, as leaders who had great light begin to depart from the FAITH, the TRUTH, & the MESSAGE that God had entrusted to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Maranatha!
We are living in a world full of corruption- in politics, in principles, and in religion; where politicians can legislate laws that steal voting rights from people of color; that calls right wrong, good evil, and justifies sin, and permit teachers in our schools to get paid to train our precious young people to deny the faith they were raised in. These are the days Sr. White talked about when, “even the brightest lights will go out in darkness.”
No Sunday Law? Really? What about Ezekiel 9:16. The sanctuary depicts Jesus, His law (which includes the Sabbath), and His plan of salvation. When the elders turn their backs on the sanctuary and the Sabbath, and face east toward the rising sun, what exactly does Dr. Paulien think that points to? That is the mark of the beast. That is what Sr. White speaks of in her writings that will lead to a massive public outcry demanding Sunday legislation. Spiritualism is very much alive and well, as is apostate Protestantism that, rather than protesting like they used to, is joining in with the worldly behaviors that they once hated. And the Great Controversy? How about Revelation 12:7-17? Dr. Paulien is altogether wrong. Who cares if there was no internet, no cellphones, no smart tvs, no computers? God created everything on Earth in seven days, the universe, the angels, and the plan of salvation, and all the languages of the Earth, on their own timetable, and so much more in a fraction of eternity. I will continue to make my prophetic charts because I don’t feed on doubts about what I believe.
Ellen G. WHITE schreibt dass es am Ende den Anschein hat, dass die Gemeinde abfällt. Aber sie würde nicht fallen.
Diese falschen Propheten sollten aus der Gemeinde entfernt werden und Redeverbot ethalten sobald sich ihre Aussagen gegen Gottes Wort richten. Der Nordkönig wird es sich laut Daniel 11 auch innerhalb Gottes Volk gemütlich machen. Es gilt sehr wachsam zu sein!!!
Which Ship? The SDA Dilemma!
20 min vid: eyeopening:
the true Israel of God….the true followers of Christ….
Get ready people of God. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more below the surface that we can’t see yet. This challenge from Pauline, is not to the authenticity of Ellen White, it is a challenge to God and his word. Remember in 1st Samuel 8, Israel asks for a king, and Samuel was displeased with this request. Samuel prayed to God regarding Israel’s request, and God said……”Hearken unto the voice f the people…..for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not rein over them.”
Pauline seems to suggest that the day here in question which precipitates the Mark of the Beast could be “any day” of the week, “all days”, or “no days”. But the beast power only claims one day, Sunday. This is the image that the beast has set up, and the bible says that “all the world will wonder after the beast”.
Remember, the image of the beast bears likeness unto the beast itself. The image looks like the original. Man was made in the image of God, after God’s likeness. I think it’s fair to say that Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image looked like him. So does Rome’s image. This image is Sunday sacredness, which originated with Rome. Worshipping this image brings upon man, the mark of the beast.
Hold on church family, things will get worse before they get better, but the rider on the White horse is coming. “He is faithful and true, and in righteousness doth he judge and make war”
you have brought up a very fantastic points, appreciate it for the post.
I want to to thank you for this very good read!! I definitely loved every bit of it. I have got you saved as a favorite to check out new stuff you post…
Hey, thanks for the blog article.Much thanks again. Want more.
Thank you for making this Symposium available to all who want to hear the fulfillment of prophecy from the inspired pen of Sis. Ellen:
“We must individually know for ourselves what is truth, and be prepared to “give a reason of the hope that we have with meekness and fear, not in a proud, boasting, self-sufficiency, but with the spirit of Christ. We are nearing the time when we shall stand individually alone to answer for our belief.” Evangelism p. 69