On June 6-11, 2022, the Seventh-day Adventist Church will hold its General Conference Session. This will be a global gathering to elect a new General Conference President and to conduct church business. The 61st General Conference Session will be held at the America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, with the theme “Jesus is Coming, Get Involved.” This global gathering is meant to be a spiritual blessing to our people, a time for personal soul examination, and a time to draw closer to God and to one another.
This gathering takes place at a time when our world is witnessing a number of significant events. Without a doubt, we are living in a solemn period in earth’s history, as we see so many conflicts today. These events give us a new and deeper meaning to the biblical prophecies about the coming of Jesus, as the word of God says: “For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” (Hebrews 10:37).
However, the current problems in our world should not be a source of despair or discouragement. Instead, this should strengthen our faith in God’s word, which foretold all of the events that have occurred. We’ve been told:
“Brethren, it is no time now for mourning and despair, no time to yield to doubt and unbelief. Christ is not now a Saviour in Joseph’s new tomb, closed with a great stone and sealed with the Roman seal; we have a risen Saviour. He is the King, the Lord of hosts; He sitteth between the cherubim; and amid the strife and tumult of nations He guards His people still. He who ruleth in the heavens is our Saviour. He measures every trial. He watches the furnace fire that must test every soul. When the strongholds of kings shall be overthrown, when the arrows of God’s wrath shall strike through the hearts of His enemies, His people will be safe in His hands” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 754).
The real danger comes from within, not from the outside. God’s people are under immediate danger from within. Unbelief, a love for the world, the cares of this life, and a variety of other factors all suggest that we should heed the warning below:
“We have far more to fear from within than from without. The hindrances to strength and success are far greater from the church itself than from the world. Unbelievers have a right to expect that those who profess to be keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, will do more than any other class to promote and honor, by their consistent lives, by their godly example and their active influence, the cause which they represent. But how often have the professed advocates of the truth proved the greatest obstacle to its advancement! The unbelief indulged, the doubts expressed, the darkness cherished, encourage the presence of evil angels, and open the way for the accomplishment of Satan’s devices” (Selected Messages, Vol. 1, p. 122).
I realize that there will be church matters discussed at this world gathering, but will there be time to discuss how entire church entities are backsliding? There are entire unions and conferences, backed by their divisions, that are in rebellion and out of step with the world church on women’s ordination? Can we ignore this behavior and just continue business as usual when delegates from these rebellious entities participate in the General Conference World Session, a process and effort that they have no respect for?
It is also my understanding that a special prayer room will be located inside the convention center and will be open during the entire time of the 61st General Conference Session, from June 6 – 11, 2022, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. This prayer room, among other prayer needs, is dedicated to praying for the Holy Spirit. [1] In fact, the theme for the first morning worship service during the 61st General Conference Session will also be about “Seeking the Holy Spirit Together in Prayer.” [2] President Ted Wilson then makes the following statement about the Holy Spirit in his welcoming invitation to this event:
“As we look forward to the 61st General Conference Session, let’s pray together for God’s leading in a marvelous way as we plead for the outpouring of the latter rain of the Holy Spirit in anticipation of the soon second coming of Jesus Christ.” [3]
How can we be asking for the Holy Spirit for this world gathering when AdventHealth, an unrepentant, pro-LGBT+, pro-Hip Hop music, pro-yoga, and pro-Disney partner, is a “Platinum Plus Exhibitor/Sponsor” for the entire 61st General Conference Session? How does AdventHealth get this special status and privilege at our world session when they are in an alliance with Disney, the most destructive, anti-family LGBT+ indoctrination group seeking to destroy our children? [4] [5] Disney is also the biggest marketer of spiritualism and is targeting our youth. [6] [7]
Why would a 20-million-strong church community that claims to believe in biblical morals and family values choose AdventHealth as a “Platinum Plus Exhibitor/Sponsor” for our most important event, the General Conference Session? This is the same AdventHealth that contributed $1 million to the LGBT+ community. [8] Then, on top of the original $1 million pledge, they increased their financial commitment to LGBT+ causes. [9] On the official website for the 61st General Conference Session, AdventHealth is listed as a “Platinum Plus” partner, with the following statement:
“Today, AdventHealth is one of the largest health care providers in the United States, with thousands of compassionate professionals working to Extend the Healing Ministry of Christ around the country.” [10]
A healing ministry of Christ? This is coming from the General Conference World Session website, the highest authority in the church, and as some say, “the voice of God.” You can’t just blame AdventHealth anymore. Why does the General Conference allow this? How much money did AdventHealth have to pay to be a “Platinum Plus” sponsor of the 61st General Conference Session? So, does this mean that money will cover a multitude of iniquities? We shouldn’t be praying for the Latter Rain, but rather for God to restore a sense of dignity, values, and morality in our church. If we want to be taken seriously, we need to take apostasy seriously, because God does.
“God held Eli, as a priest and judge of Israel, accountable for the moral and religious standing of his people, and in a special sense for the character of his sons. He should first have attempted to restrain evil by mild measures; but if these did not avail, he should have subdued the wrong by the severest means. He incurred the Lord’s displeasure by not reproving sin and executing justice upon the sinner. He could not be depended upon to keep Israel pure. Those who have too little courage to reprove wrong, or who through indolence or lack of interest make no earnest effort to purify the family or the church of God, are held accountable for the evil that may result from their neglect of duty. We are just as responsible for evils that we might have checked in others by exercise of parental or pastoral authority as if the acts had been our own” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 578).
“The searching testimony of the Spirit of God will separate those from Israel who have ever been at war with the means that God has ordained to keep corruptions out of the church. Wrongs must be called wrongs. Grievous sins must be called by their right name. All of God’s people should come nearer to Him … Then will they see sin in the true light and will realize how offensive it is in the sight of God. The plain, straight testimony must live in the church, or the curse of God will rest upon His people as surely as it did upon ancient Israel because of their sins.” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 676).
“The church as a whole is in a degree responsible for the wrongs of its individual members because they countenance the evil in not lifting up their voice against it. The favor of God is not enjoyed for several reasons. His Spirit is grieved by the pride, extravagance, dishonesty, and overreaching which are indulged by some professing godliness. All these things bring the frown of God upon His people” (Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 490).
If this 61st General Conference Session is to be a success, we cannot grieve the Holy Spirit and pray for the Latter Rain at the same time. We cannot ask the entire church to pray for the Holy Spirit while major church bodies, universities, conferences, unions, divisions, and general conference leaders defy God’s will by financing sodomy, playing demonic rock music in our schools, promoting flesh foods, bowing to golden images during interfaith worship, promoting feminism (women’s ordination), singing Latin mass songs in Rome’s universal fraternity, and other grievous wrongs, and we do nothing.
The world field is represented by this group of voting delegates gathered in St. Louis, Missouri. You have the opportunity to demand that the leaders you elect are trustworthy, God-fearing, and willing to act rather than just talk. The other option is to do nothing. Choosing to ignore this is a choice. If you don’t demand that our leaders act, you’ll end up sweeping things under the rug and hoping these major problems will go away on their own. Ignoring apostasy does not make it go away; it only makes it worse.
“Up, sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the LORD God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you.” Joshua 7:13.
In times of spiritual crisis, God told Joshua that a thorough reformation was required to ensure the success of His people. All would be well once the wrongs were addressed and put away. It’s not enough to talk about the Latter Rain and finishing the work while ignoring apostasy; God doesn’t overlook wrongdoing and expects more than just platitudes. It is my sincere prayer that this 61st General Conference Session may be the occasion of a great spiritual revival throughout the ranks. Let there be a putting away of sin and a turning of hearts to God in preparation for His imminent return, remembering the promise:
“For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth … I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” Isaiah 62:1, 6, 7.
[1] https://www.gcsession.org/prayer-room/
[2] https://www.gcsession.org/session-schedule/
[3] https://www.gcsession.org/home/welcome/
[5] http://adventmessenger.org/a-transgender-marriage-made-in-hell-adventhealth-and-disney/
[8] http://adventmessenger.org/seventh-day-adventists-give-1-million-dollars-to-fund-lgbt-programs/
Since we organized ourselves as church at Battle creek michigan in 1863 and organized the first general conference . The name Seventh Day Adventist was divinely inspired with heaven approval and our foundation of our faith was based on biblical truths contained in the scriptures . Our pillars are like those of apostles and the prophets (acts 2:20).However our pioneers studied diligently with a lot of zeal and prayed overnight for the truth that God had revealed to them. The work of pioneers was destroyed after their death and the last pioneer to die was John Loughborogh in 1924. From that moment the apostacy began creeping slowly into our church. Man made doctrines like the trinity were introduced into the church which is a pagan concept in nature finally it was adopted and put into the church in 1931 which was rejected by pioneers in 1883. The jesuits began to infiltrate into the church in large droves and they were baptized and became pastors and prominent people in the general conference. Of all presidents of the general conference with the exception of John Byington; James White;J.N.Andrews who were the pioneers they were only true SDA’S.The rest are jesuits who were working as subsidiaries of Rome.Ellen White had predicted the coming of alpha and omega was coming into the church and great changes would take place after her death. Le Roy Froom in his book of movement of destiny narrates how our founation of faith was changed by some prominent people in the general conference like F.T wilcox; M.E Carn and others.Ellen G. White was prompted to say the general conference is no longer the voice of God due to her apostacy.Most of organized departments we have in the church used not to be there women ministries; chaplaincy; pathfinders; Family life;induction ceremonies;e.t.c are creation of the jesuits. Seventh day adventists we need to wake up from slumber?
Amen brother Samuel, amen.
Be blseed call me please 0720362790 elder josephat
Yes Samuel!! The trinity is pagan. The God who invented mathematics is supposed to be 1+1+1=1??? Seriously? One God who is a real Father and one only begotten Son who has a Father was represented by Eve coming forth out of Adam – man was made in the image of God. God uses language we can understand – why do we make it so difficult?
The First Angel’s Message is “… give glory to HIM… worship HIM who…”. But preachers skip over that part and dive right into SabbathSabbathSabbath & nothing but. It’s a call back to all of Christianity to the One True God and His Son.
Here are the first two of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs from 1889 – there is NO trinity:
I – That there is one God, a personal, spiritual being, the creator of all things, omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal; infinite in wisdom, holiness, justice, goodness, truth, and mercy; unchangeable, and everywhere present by his representative, the Holy Spirit. OT: Exodus 20:2-3; Deuteronomy 6:4; Deuteronomy 4:35; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 42:8; Isaiah 43:10-11; Isaiah 45:5-6; Malachi 2:10; Psalm 139:7. NT: John 17:3; Acts 3:13, 26; John 4:22-23; 1 Corinthians 8:4-7; 1 Corinthians 11:3; Galatians 3:20; Ephesians 4:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; James 2:19.
II – That there is one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, the one by whom he created all things, and by whom they do consist; that he took on him the nature of the seed of Abraham for the redemption of our fallen race; that he dwelt among men, full of grace and truth, lived our example, died our sacrifice, was raised for our justification, ascended on high to be our only mediator in the sanctuary in heaven, where, through the merits of his shed blood, he secures the pardon and forgiveness of the sins of all those who penitently come to him; and as the closing portion of his work as priest, before he takes his throne as king, he will make the great atonement for the sins of all such, and their sins will then be blotted out (Acts 3:19) and borne away from the sanctuary, as shown in the service of the Levitical priesthood, which foreshadowed and prefigured the ministry of our Lord in heaven. See Leviticus 16; Hebrews 8:4, 5; 9:6, 7; 2 John 1:3.
My name is Doug Lumen. I’m wondering if you knew Patty Heinrich who worked with Jan Marcussen of National Sunday Law? I noticed the Dover, OK, I’m from Enid and went to the Guthrie church long ago.
Thanks for your work!
God bless!
Wandering pdoug7@gmail.com
Yes Doug, I know them both very well. Patti still works with Pastor Jan Marcussen, and I’m blessed to collaborate with both of them.
Good morning brethrens these are last days my mind reflected back at the general conference in 1913 when an 85 year old lady walked across the stage and she said you have my consoles and then she held up the Bible this is the greatest book. And her final week she said I know in whom I believed we have nothing to fear for the future unless we forget how the Lord has led us in our past history
Amen brother! SDA’s awake! 🙏🏻
Let’s get back to our original foundation/principles (not the revamped ‘fundamental beliefs’) that E.G.White warned us not to stray from.
The BIBLE, our ONLY creed, or is it. Truth sounds alot like hate to those who hate truth. I truly hope that some way some how, this, and other similarly sincere concerns will be heard by the leadership. Something tells me they already know, but the will to ACT?
“The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve Him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life, He took from them the kingdom of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God will continue to work on this principle with every branch of His work. When a church proves unfaithful to the work of the Lord, whatever their position may be, however high and sacred their calling, the Lord can no longer work with them. Others are then chosen to bear important responsibilities. But, if these in turn do not purify their lives from every wrong action, if they do not establish pure and holy principles in all their borders, then the Lord will grievously afflict and humble them and, unless they repent, will remove them from their place and sadly make of them all a reproach . God is not ‘worshiped with men’s hands, as though he needed anything (Acts 17:25).” E.G. White, (The Upward Look, 131).
As the light and life of men was rejected by the ecclesiastical authorities in the days of Christ, so it has been rejected in every succeeding generation. Again and again the history of Christ’s withdrawal from Judea has been repeated. When the Reformers preached the word of God, they had no thought of separating themselves from the established church; but the religious leaders would not tolerate the light, and those that bore it were forced to seek another class, who were longing for the truth. In our day few of the professed followers of the Reformers are actuated by their spirit. Few are listening for the voice of God, and ready to accept truth in whatever guise it may be presented. Often those who follow in the steps of the Reformers are forced to turn away from the churches they love, in order to declare the plain teaching of the word of God. And many times those who are seeking for light are by the same teaching obliged to leave the church of their fathers, that they may render obedience. {DA 232.2}
Doug Lumen; I read your comment but did not not follow it. Why was Jan Marcussen’s name brought to the table and is there something he is misrepresenting. This is of utmost importance to me – so please do reply and thank you.
A double amen Samuel
Truth must be told bro.
A: The Ministerial Association provides resources and training for elders. Check with your local conference Ministerial Association to see if they have additional resources for elders. © 2021 The North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists. All rights reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists.
May God bless you brother Andy for exposing this apostasy in our church, sincere seekers for the truth will find more from your articles as God keeps on revealing to you
Thank you Benjamin.
Be blseed call me please 0720362790 elder josephat