Glendale Adventist Health, formerly Glendale Adventist Medical Center, is a hospital owned by Seventh-day Adventists. Back in October 8, 2019 they shared a strange musical dance video with the public to showcase just how much fun it is to work for Adventist Health, their parent organization. [1]
Glendale Adventist Health explained why they created this music video:
“Some jobs may be boring, but not in our Emergency Department at Adventist Health! They even have some amazing dance skills. Check it out!” [2]
Amazing dance skills? It is saddening to see the fruits of the Omega of Apostasy. There is no excuse for this in any church institution. Some of the dancing performed in this video reminds me of the leg-spreading, seductive dancing that shocked the conscience of Americans during the 2020 Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show. [3]

Sensual leg-spreading during the 2020 Pepsi Super Bowl half time show. [3]
Here are the facts: AdventHealth is owned by Seventh-day Adventists and they just entered into a contract to sell one of their medical centers to Christus Santa Rosa – a Catholic faith-based, non-profit health care system in San Antonio. [6] So, some of our medical institutions are becoming Roman Catholic through health-care mergers [7], some are being sold out completely to Rome and others (Glendale Adventist Health) are being sold over to the world through “amazing dance skill” videos.
This certainly is not the health-care or the true medical missionary work which God envisioned for His people. Amazing dance skills, uniting with Rome, giving a million dollars to the LGBT+ movement [8] and giving millions more to Sabbath-breaking, professional sports teams [9] was never God’s design for us. God’s plan for us was to unite health-care with the gospel:
“In all His labors He (Christ) united the medical missionary work with the ministry of the word … Satan will invent every possible scheme to separate those whom God is seeking to make one. But we must not be misled by his devices. If the medical missionary work is carried on as a part of the gospel, worldlings will see the good that is being done; they will be convicted of its genuineness and will give it their support” (Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 292).

The same sensual leg-spreading seen in the Vatican. [10]
“The medical missionary work is to be to the work of the church as the right arm to the body. The third angel goes forth proclaiming the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. The medical missionary work is the gospel in practice. All lines of work are to be harmoniously blended” (Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 77).
The true medical missionary work will point people to Christ and to the necessity of obedience to God’s law. The true medical missionary work is about preventative care and treatment through simple, natural remedies – rest, exercise, proper diet, sunlight, water, fresh air and a continued trust in Divine power. The true medical missionary work is about living right and restoring God’s image in our lives and not about drugs, radiation and surgeries, supporting the unhealthy LGBT+ lifestyle and supporting the anxiety and violence of competitive sports.
This is not health. We seriously need to drop the word “health” from the corporate names of our health institutions and replace it with “amazing dance skills.”