The recent massacres that took place inside of two Christian churches in Egypt by Muslim suicide bombers killed at least 49 worshipers and injured another 78. This attack in Egypt was actually an attack against all Christians. These humble Christians had peaceably gathered to pray and we’re mercilessly massacred. This was a religiously motivated attack by Muslims who […]
The Death of Truth & Free Speech
“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter” – George Washington. Truth is under attack. All across this world and here in America individuals are being subjected to increasing restrictions on freedom of speech. A radical crackdown on truth has begun by […]
The Coming Crisis between North Korea and the West
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). North Korea is one of the most oppressive totalitarian, communist governments in all the world. Its citizens do not have any freedom of expression, freedom of religion or even freedom to travel. Any Christian living in North Korea […]
Amalgamation: The New Three-person Baby
“But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation” (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, p. 64). The act of amalgamation takes place when you combine two or more parts into one. This was the sin that took place before […]
The Papacy in Politics, EU leaders look to Rome
The European Union heads of state and government will be traveling to Rome to meet with Pope Francis ahead of their annual summit. They are going to hear the Pope share his “wisdom” and “vision” for the future of the European Union. Some of the EU leaders have expressed that “Pope Francis is the ultimate […]
American Preacher arrested and fined $2,500 for offending Muslims and LGBT community
Two street preachers, one American and the other English, were arrested and fined $2,500 each for “causing a disturbance” and engaging in “anti-social behavior” after engaging in a public open-air, street preaching ministry. The message, which they claimed was based on the Bible, caused many of their hearers to become offended as the tone of their […]
Politics: Hollywood needs to stick with making great films
It is no mystery that the movie industry and the Academy Awards are part of our American culture. The film industry has the ability to create motion pictures that can inspire people in powerful ways. It is also true that the Oscars have become dominated by left-leaning politics and anti-Christian ideology. During the Academy Awards, […]
New World Order: Blasphemy Laws are Coming Back
The battle between the secular state and the religious world has taken on a new twist as a European nation has charged its first citizen with blasphemy. The nation of Denmark, a western-civilized nation and a member of the European Union, has charged a man with blasphemy for burning the Koran, Islam’s holy book, and […]
Pope Francis hosts paganism at the Vatican and defends their tradition
Pope Francis received representatives from different pagan, indigenous traditions at the Vatican and defended their rights to their identity and connection to the earth. The meetings were coordinated by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) a specialized agency of the United Nations. Instead of teaching these precious souls for whom Christ died for that […]
World’s Most dangerous Nuclear Arms Race Escalates Worldwide
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” Matthew 24:7. Global tensions are rising and creating a nuclear arms race the likes we have never seen before. America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East are all in a race to build up their military powers amid perceived threats and provocations of war. War […]