According to a shocking new survey on church attendance only 20% of millennials (those under 30 years old) give any value to church attendance. And 35% of young adults are anti-church and antagonistic towards religion. The numbers in this survey is truly sobering and prophetic. This is telling us that an entire generation of young people is […]
How Can God Bless the Unblessable?
“God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her, Through the night with a light from above.” These are the famous lyrics from the well-known patriotic song that is played at American sporting events, political rallies and during national holidays and celebrations. But the real question is, ‘Should God bless America?’ […]
Mass Shootings: A new culture of violence
“Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none. Ezekiel 7:23, 25. Why are we seeing so much violence and mass shootings in America? Something has seriously gone wrong. Just this week inside a […]
The Papacy in Politics, EU leaders look to Rome
The European Union heads of state and government will be traveling to Rome to meet with Pope Francis ahead of their annual summit. They are going to hear the Pope share his “wisdom” and “vision” for the future of the European Union. Some of the EU leaders have expressed that “Pope Francis is the ultimate […]
50 Shades of Decay
“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Romans 1:21. The Fifty Shades franchise is attempting again to elevate sexual savagery and perversion into the families of mainstream America. Hundreds of thousands of young boys and […]
The Super Bowl’s political and social agenda
A political and social agenda was on full display at Super Bowl 51 which took place in Houston, TX. Lady Gaga, a well-known member and advocate of the LGBT community, performed during the Super Bowl’s halftime show. She began by singing “God bless America.” This historic song, sung by an avowed lesbian who has been […]
Should Christians Watch the Super Bowl?
Super Bowl Sunday is one of the most watched television programs world-wide. More than 170 counties and territories will be tuning in. So how should Christians relate to this event, if at all? There’s no question that football is one of the most physically violent games around. There are injuries at every level of the […]
The Power of Executive Orders
We are witnessing the power of the presidential executive orders. With one signature the entire world goes into chaos because of Trump’s recent immigration ban to the United States. You never saw this many people protest over the previous President who issued several executive orders, but now that we have a new President that most […]
Pope Francis compares Donald Trump to Hitler
At the same time during Donald Trump’s inauguration, Pope Francis was being interview by a Spanish newspaper. Antonio Caño asked the Pope about Trump’s ascendancy to power in the United States. The Pope said that we are living under very “tense” moments and then gave comparisons of Trump to the rise of Hitler. During the […]
Mass school shooting averted in Florida
Our children are under attack. They suffer from attention spans, learning deficiencies, anxiety, stress, temper tantrums, lack of interactive communication skills, cyber-bullying, false sense of reality, privacy issues, decreased- productivity, epidemic obesity, aggression, insomnia, family neglect and boredom. A mass-shooting was averted this week at a Florida middle-school by a 13-year-old child who was suffering […]